Rebirth of England

Chapter 94 Counterattack

"It won't be that bad, Barron, I will help you, but first you need to meet the other person's requirements, do you understand?"

"Of course, Your Highness, all I need is a chance to compete fairly."

Seeing the smile on Barron's face, the Prince of Wales nodded.

Next, the two people chatted casually about other things, including the ecological farm. Barron also had a lot to ask the crown prince for advice.

This aspect is the crown prince's hobby, and he is very happy to share it.

Basically, this meeting met Barron's expectations. No matter what, he understood that "to make iron, you need to be tough yourself."

With his current status, he can get some conveniences that ordinary people do not have, but at the same time, he will also be scrupulous by some people in some aspects. In the final analysis, it is nothing more than a dispute of interests.

The cake is so big. If you take one more bite, others will take one less bite. Whatever you get, someone will lose it. Competition is naturally everywhere.

"Your Highness the Duke..."

On the way back, Barron, who felt a little tired, leaned on the back seat of the Rolls-Royce and took a nap.

When he heard the personal assistant in the front seat calling him, Barron opened his eyes and realized that the car had stopped at some point.

"Already arrived at the hotel."

After listening to Wang Wanting's words, Barron nodded. Through the car window, the historic door of the Devonshire Hotel had lights on.

When he opened the car door, Barron felt a gust of cold wind. At this time, the temperature in London was already much cooler at night.

"Do you have anything else to do later? Laura."

Upon hearing Barron's question, Wang Wanting was stunned for a moment:


"You haven't eaten yet, so just eat with me."

Wang Wanting is already single in London. Previously, she rented a place a little further away. However, as a personal assistant, there are always many times when she needs to be at Barron's call. Therefore, she lives in Barron in Germany. After entering the Wenxier Hotel, after consulting her opinion, a guest room was prepared for her here. She usually stayed in the hotel.

Similarly, the Chinese chef that Barron hired before also came to the hotel and would prepare meals for Barron in the hotel kitchen when he needed it.

During this period, Bonnie spent most of the time filming the show at Chatsworth Manor, so when Barron usually returned here, he was alone, which is why today, he stayed Wang Wanting had dinner together because he thought that the other party had been his personal assistant for some time, but he didn't really have much time to chat in private.

"Does the food here taste good to you? Laura."

Because it was a private chat, Barron spoke directly in Chinese.

"It's very good. Your chef cooks very authentic Chinese food, Your Highness the Duke."

"I remember you told me that you are from Hangzhou, right?"

"Well, I grew up in Hangzhou, and then came to London to study abroad after college."

"The West Lake in Hangzhou is very famous. I would really like to see it if I have the chance."

"Do you still know about West Lake?"

Although Barron spoke Chinese very fluently, in front of Wang Wanting, she could see the typical British face of Wang Wanting when she raised her head, so she asked with a little surprise.

"Of course, I also know about White Snake and Xu Xian. Well, there is a company in Hangzhou called Alibaba, which is similar to Amazon in the United States."

"You know a lot about Chinese culture, Your Highness the Duke, but I only learned about the Ali Company in Hangzhou when I returned to China. This company had not yet appeared when I was in school."

Alibaba Company was founded by Boss Ma in 1999. However, although by this time, it had gone through two rounds of financing, including the initial US$20 million invested by Sun Zhengyi's SoftBank, it was still well-known throughout China at this time. It’s not high, let alone abroad.

Even though Wang Wanting was from Hangzhou, she had heard of Alibaba Company at this time, which surprised Barron a little.

It can be said that as a venture capital investment at this time, the two most worthy investments among Chinese Internet companies are Alibaba and Penguin, the two future giants.

However, Boss Ma had accepted a US$20 million Series B investment from SoftBank in 2000; and the 20% stake in Penguin held by Superboy, the son of Hong Kong's Li Chaorou, was also sold to South Africa's MIH last year. Holding Group…

Even Baidu, after receiving two rounds of financing, will not raise funds again in the short term.

In Barron's future investments, the Internet will definitely be an important direction - after all, at this time, this field is also the industry that creates wealth the fastest.

As for Internet investment, it is naturally impossible to miss these high-quality companies in China.

However, it is not without opportunities. These companies have not grown into giants yet, so Barron also went to China to get to know Boss Ma and others who will become regulars on the rich list in the future.

So he smiled and said to Wang Wanting:

"Perhaps I will take time to go to China some time later, and you can go with me then."

"Are you planning to go to China?"

"Yes, I have always been interested in Chinese culture, but I have never been there. Isn't there a Chinese saying that says, 'It is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books'? So I hope to have the opportunity to go there in person." trip."

"That's great. You will definitely like it there. When are you going to go?"

"When I finish this busy period and don't have much to do, I plan to go to China as a vacation."

"Exclusive Interview with Labor MP Glenda: We should not be waging an illegal war!" 》

Two days later, the front page of The Independent published an exclusive interview with Glenda Johnson, clearly pointing the finger at the Prime Minister who has been advocating that he wants to join the United States in using force against the "axis of evil country" Iraq.

What is very interesting is that the subjects of their exclusive interview this time are also current members of Congress from the Labor Party.

Speaking of Glenda Johnson, it is not simple. She was an actress before entering politics, and can be said to be one of the most famous actresses in Britain.

She won the Oscar for Best Actress twice, in 1970 and 1973!

After retiring from acting, Granda chose to enter politics and joined the Labor Party. She once served as Minister of Transport and was a strong contender for the Mayor of London. It can be said that her prospects within the Labor Party are very promising.

But maybe from now on, she can only serve as a member of Congress - because ever since the Prime Minister began to be inclined to accompany the United States to attack Iraq, and this behavior became more and more intense, Granda has been with The Labor leader was divided.

She strongly opposes the use of force against Iraq, and has repeatedly stated in public that it is absolutely unwise to directly wage war against a country with a legitimate government.

It was also because of this that The Independent chose to conduct an exclusive interview with her this time, making it the front page headline of the day.

This is also a small counterattack by Barron against the government.

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