Speaking of which, Barron somewhat admires the efficiency of those entertainment tabloids...

When he got up the next morning, he had already seen an article about him in the newspaper - and there was a huge photo of him and Bonnie hugging and kissing yesterday.

Well, it's still the "Sun", and its own "London Evening News" seems to really have to learn this from the other party.

But in addition to the news about Barron, he also saw a news in this issue of "The Sun" that interested him even more.

It’s also tidbits, but it’s about Prince William.

A reporter from "The Sun" photographed that after returning to school, William quickly came out of his previous relationship and had a new girlfriend.

Looking at the photo that was obviously taken from a candid angle, the girl next to William showed a meaningful smile on Barron's lips.

He had a chance encounter with this girl before - the same Kaiser who woke up next to him when she first came to this world.

It seems that the gears of fate have finally begun to turn...these two are finally together.

Barron is looking forward to it. What will it be like when he meets the other party again?

According to the agreement between Summit Media and ITV, before September 15, the other party has begun to play the edited trailer of the reality show "The Traitors" during the breaks of other programs to prepare for this reality show similar to Werewolf. The program is warming up.

Not only that, Summit Media has also placed advertisements in many newspapers, including The Independent——

Who is the traitor? ITV1 channel will announce it to you on September 15th...

The effect of these early publicity depends on today's results.

Yes, today is September 15th. At 22:00 that night, "The Traitors" will premiere on the ITV channel.

One thing that needs to be mentioned is that when the ITV channel was first formed, it was composed of 15 operators, distributed in 15 regions in the UK, and they all had independent logos and identities.

Their operating model is that they are the same ITV channel, and the programs will be different in different regions - some programs are national in nature, so at that time, the ITV channel will broadcast these with the ITV channel logo. The program, at this time, is synchronized on ITV channels across the UK.

But there are also some programs that are broadcast independently by operators in each region - such as certain local news or programs. At these times, the same ITV channel broadcasts different programs in different regions of the UK, which will bring There are channel logos of respective regional operators.

But now, of the remaining 15 operators, only a few still have their own independently produced program times and their own independent channel logos. Most of the operators are affiliated with ITV plc. ) merged to become ITV1.

"The Traitors" is broadcast on the ITV1 channel, covering all areas of the UK.

Barron will be concerned about the effect of the premiere of "The Traitors", but he is not too concerned.

After all, "The Traitors" is just a "test of the waters" in the final analysis. It needs to be seen whether it can be loved by the audience in the current British environment.

Even if the blocking program is unsuccessful, it's best to try other programs. He still has many popular variety shows in the future that he can try one by one.

But Bonnie is different. After all, this is her first variety show produced by Summit Media after leaving Sky TV. Not only does she play the role of host, but she also personally completes the production of this reality show. Naturally I am very concerned about the effect of its broadcast.

So when it was less than ten o'clock that night, she had already turned on the TV, tuned to the ITV1 channel, and took Barron to sit on the sofa to wait for the show to be broadcast.

"It's still early, honey, it won't start until ten minutes..."

After hearing Barron's words, Bonnie couldn't help but said:

"Aren't you curious about what will happen if you appear in it?"

"It's not like I haven't seen the finished film..."

As Barron said, in fact, after the editing is completed, not only Bonnie has already watched various versions of the first episode of the "The Traitors" reality show - after all, they will continue to be adjusted to the optimal one, but even Barron, I also watched the final film of the first episode and compared it with the version I had seen in my previous life. I felt that it was already very good, so I allowed it to be played.

"That's different. After all, it's being broadcast to the whole country."

While they were discussing this, the time came to ten o'clock in the evening, and the screen on the TV finally started to play the opening credits of "The Traitors".

At this time, Bonnie stopped talking. She was leaning in Barron's arms, but she immediately sat up straight and concentrated on watching TV.

The beginning of "The Traitors" is a relatively high-cost overhead shot. In the picturesque pastoral scenery, on the road in the middle, a row of cars is driving forward...

The camera zooms in, giving a close-up view of these cars, and a special shot of these new Infiniti SUVs, with their obvious logos.

A total of 22 contestants will arrive at Chatsworth Manor in batches.

As a "promotional variety show" for the manor, it is natural that some close-ups of Chatsworth Manor are indispensable to show the magnificence and beauty of this manor.

When the contestants stepped out of the SUVs one after another and gathered in front of the manor, everyone began to introduce themselves or talk in twos and threes, and began to socialize.

Just when the camera shows them chatting, there will be interspersed scenes of some of the players introducing themselves.

Among these people, there are retired police officers, lawyers, actors, graduate students in psychology, and even people who have worked for the intelligence service, chess players, etc. Anyway, there are all professions that involve disguise and seeing through people's hearts. involved.

Of course, there are also some essential roles for guests in reality shows - some are good-looking, some are social gangsters, some are humorous, some are introverted, and some are gay...

When the players had arrived, they began to enter the hall of the manor house together.

At this time, Barron appeared.

In such a grand manor with a long history, in a hall surrounded by gorgeous murals that existed hundreds of years ago, when a real, young and handsome Duke appears in his attire, it can be said that for these players who were born as civilians, , the impact is huge.

Not only the players, but also the audience in front of the TV could feel the atmosphere, as if they were suddenly transported back to the Victorian era and were received by a distinguished Duke.

It can be said that this kind of scene inevitably stirs the DNA deep in the bodies of all British people.

Judging from the TV, Barron's performance is also very outstanding, especially when he plays the role of Duke. His handsome and elegant appearance and behavior will probably make countless women's hearts flutter.

After giving the opening speech, Barron left directly and handed the remaining work to Bonnie.

At this time, Bonnie was also wearing a complicated and beautiful aristocratic dress - her dress was originally one of the exquisite aristocratic dresses collected by the Devonshire family. The purple dress was very It suits her, and at this moment she is like a princess coming out of a movie.

After introducing some of the rules of "The Traitors", Bonnie said:

"Welcome to Chatsworth Manor, this majestic manor that has been inherited for 400 years. We will spend a wonderful time together. Of course, the most important thing is who can get 250,000 when we leave here. Pound bonus..."

Seeing the excitement on the faces of the contestants after hearing the amount of prize money, Bonnie smiled gracefully and continued:

"I just want you to know that the game begins - when you step into Chatsworth House. Now, what I want you to think about is, how far can you go in this game? In the chat just now , you may have figured out the details of some people, but have you ever thought, 'Am I the smartest person here?' I hope you can line up now and let me see what you can do. How nice, over there..."

She pointed to the left side of the crowd and said:

"The one who is most likely to win, and the other side, is the least likely to win. I hope you will choose your position based on your inner confidence in this game at this time."

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