Rebirth of Extreme Evolution

Chapter 66. Big promotion

As Mu Xiao talked, he guided them on how to absorb energy sources to match their own innate abilities. Among them, the physical system can be absorbed by anyone. Of course, new humans like Ying Caimei and Jian Hanyao, who are close combat types, can absorb the physical system. The source of his abilities and the combat effect he exerts are much greater than those of new humans who are not melee stars.

In a short while, a group of people absorbed the source of ability that matched their own. As long as they integrated their own power, their combat effectiveness would be several times stronger than before.

An Rongru absorbed the ability of the "mental barrier". She has "life detection" and now, if used together with the "mental barrier", she will be even more unpredictable in hiding her aura. Mu Xiao asked her to absorb this ability because she and Jian Hanyao were the best combination, because if the two of them fight at the same time, they will have the role of master and slave, especially since they are a mother and daughter. , have enough foundation to trust each other and not worry about betrayal and abandonment in battle.

Jian Hanyao absorbed a "Fighting Mastery" spiritual intelligence ability. She already had a "Fighting Mastery" ability, but it was only at the second or third level level, but now she has absorbed an additional "Fighting Mastery" and this ability also has The second and third levels.

Abilities are divided into mastery (first to third levels), specialization (fourth to sixth levels), and control (seventh to ninth levels).

After absorbing the fighting ability of a person with the same second and third level, her "fighting" skills immediately rose to the mid-term fifth and sixth level, entering the level of "fighting specialization". Even if she does not enter the state of "getting stronger when encountering a strong one", she is completely Can display superb fighting skills.

If you enter the state, you can reach one or two more realms, but if you want to enter the "fighting control" at the peak of the final ninth realm, you still need a lot of experience, understanding, and physical fitness.

Any ability can only reach the peak of the ninth level. If you want to break through, you have to understand it yourself. Therefore, "Original Martial Arts" and "Soul Secret Technique" were born in the future.

However, Jian Hanyao acquired the ability of "power concentration" after killing a security guard. This ability can instantly condense the whole body's strength and stimulate multiple powers. She absorbed it without hesitation.

With these three melee abilities, Jian Hanyao's combat power has become very terrifying. Except for Mu Xiao, probably no one here can beat her in a one-on-one fight.

In fact, those new humans who die still have many good abilities, but because they cannot predict much in battle, many abilities will disappear with the dead. For example, if the first person kills the enemy and absorbs a good ability from the enemy, but he is killed again before he has time to digest and use it, causing the absorbed ability to disappear.

However, there are still many good abilities left, such as "brain wave induction", which can sense the brain waves emitted by the human brain, which can also be said to be mental power.

This ability was absorbed by Ding Qilue. He has the innate ability of "environmental analysis" and a "brain wave induction" that can make an accurate target location.

"Skin Hardening" is a good defensive ability. It is the source of the ability that Jian Hanyao dropped when he killed Wu Gaofeng. However, she disliked her white and tender skin and changed it into an ugly color without absorbing it. But Pang Xuejun chose to absorb this ability, because he has "durable antibodies" that are already very resistant to fighting. Now with the addition of "skin hardening", the defense will be greatly improved.

There is also the ability of "mental freezing". Mu Xiao originally wanted to give it to An Rongru, but the shrewd Yun Shuxue listened to Mu Xiao's explanation of the ability's characteristics and quickly acquired this ability.

It can be imagined that she attacks with a "Freezing Eye" and a "Spiritual Freeze", and the enemy's body and mind completely lose movement and counterattack. It is truly a comprehensive internal and external rigidity. This is a very good ability and a limited combination.

Ying Caimei has two abilities, "Wild Instinct" and "Life Activation" that complement each other. Mu Xiao suggested that she add a "Vitality Strengthening" supplement, which will help both abilities. After all, blood is the source of life, and it is also an indispensable body energy.

Mu Xiao didn't mind choosing the source of abilities for them first, and now the remaining twenty-one sources of abilities were all his.

Everyone already knows that the body will be unable to withstand absorbing too much ability, especially abilities that are not in line with one's own bloodline genes and will be even more difficult to digest. No matter how many sources of ability you have, it may not be a good thing. Therefore, they are all jealous that Mu Xiao has so many sources of abilities, and they also want to laugh at his jokes and want to know how he uses these sources of abilities.

Mu Xiao found two third-level "weapon mastery" abilities from his own ability source, and then asked An Rongru to come over and absorb them.

She understood that Mu Xiao cared about her and was moved. She did not refuse and quickly absorbed the abilities of these two weapons.

An Rongru went from being unfamiliar with weapons to the mid-level level of the sixth level of "Weapon Specialization". Her mind increased her understanding, understanding and touch of weapons... In an instant, she had excellent shooting ability, eliminating the pain. Time to practice marksmanship.

This is the benefit brought by the ability of the spiritual intelligence system. You are just a rookie at the beginning, but as long as you absorb the ability of the spiritual intelligence system, you can become a master in a field in an instant.

Jian Hanyao turned left and right beside Mu Xiao, her delicate face full of youthful innocence, like a very well-behaved little girl, her watery eyes were as clear as two fairy springs, flowing clear and clear, and everyone present could see Find out her little thoughts.

Mu Xiao also generously gave her an additional flexibility enhancement. After all, she doesn’t have many innate abilities. She is a melee type and may not be suitable for other types of abilities. However, the physical enhancement is suitable for anyone. For her explosive melee type The new humanity is even more powerful.

The remaining eighteen sources of abilities include "Mechanical", "Weapon", "Fighting", "Muscle", "Tenacity", "Vitality"... and other basic abilities. Valuable abilities have been taken away, but Mu Xiao doesn't mind the ability characteristics very much. , and most of these abilities are at the "third level" or above. Just a "mechanical" ability is one level higher than Mu Xiao's own "mechanical" ability.

This is an excellent ability developed by more than thirty new humans who kill each other like worms.

If the world is a giant fighting arena, and everything is about selecting the strongest, best, and most potential new humans, then this is a microcosm.

As soon as Mu Xiao came into contact with the source of ability, it quickly transformed into his body, and all eighteen sources of ability immediately disappeared.

His sea of ​​consciousness can transform any source of ability at will, and then refine it into the most primitive and pure source, improving the "soul" or "physique" from the most fundamental level, so he can digest any source of ability, just like the devouring ability of his bloodline genes.

It can be said that Mu Xiao has extremely powerful abilities both inside and outside his body.

After absorbing and refining the original source, Mu Xiao did not experience the violent and intense pain of devouring blood energy. Instead, these eighteen sources of ability were transformed into a stream of clear spring water, with a refreshing and cool meaning, rushing away from consciousness. The sea, my thoughts are washed away in an instant, I feel clear and refreshing, as clean as crystal.

Mu Xiao retained three types of ability sources: "Mechanical", "Fighting" and "Weapon", and then all the sources were transformed into the most primitive source, half of which was used to comprehensively strengthen physical fitness, and the other half was used to enhance "Mechanical", "Fighting" and "Weapon" Three abilities.

A pure source of gentle water flows through the meridians, cells, and bone marrow of the whole body... The source nourishes the body like nectar and penetrates into the internal organs. Gradually, the lungs become powerful and strong, the meridians become more flexible, and the antibody tolerance increases. The blood cells are becoming more and more tenacious, and the blood is as strong as fire. The bones are like fine steel with impurities removed, as if they have extremely strong strength and hardness... Every inch of muscle in the body seems to contain high explosives, as if it was struck at will. They are all full of huge explosive power and destructive power.

The endless strength in Mu Xiao's body was like a surging tide, and his aura became more majestic and powerful, as if an invisible wind was stirring around him.

Ding Qilue and others looked deeply fearful.

When Mu Xiao withdrew all his strength, his body became as solid as a mountain, and his physique instantly transformed and improved.

The "top" physique has broken through the first level.

Now, with the second-level "top" physique, Mu Xiao's overall body's comprehensive value has actually improved by one level, and the disguised "mental power" also has the power of physical power to hit hard.

After the physical upgrade, Mu Xiao's consciousness of "mechanical", "combat" and "weapons" were three kinds of spiritual knowledge, which were constantly running in his mind, and insights were conveyed all the time, combining the rich knowledge and understanding before his rebirth. , merged with each other, and achieved a fit for the soul to receive all kinds of knowledge and understanding. The spiritual power that originally belonged to Mu Xiao gradually returned to his instincts, and the three abilities soared rapidly.

Mu Xiao once raised his spiritual intelligence ability to the peak ninth level, and even had the experience of comprehending the origin of martial arts or the secret method of the soul. His brain is like a huge database, all-encompassing, but he cannot use it unless he is in the corresponding realm. , and now the understanding knowledge of the three abilities has already existed in his sea of ​​consciousness, and only needs the source to guide him. Now that he has enough source help, the improvement of the three abilities can be found in Shuyuan It will naturally come naturally, and they will be promoted together. .

"Machines", "Fighting" and "Weapons" have reached the pinnacle of the eighth level of control, and are only one step away from breaking through to the ultimate ninth level. However, Mu Xiao's current gene resonance number is only fifty-five, which limits the improvement of the final ninth level.

However, as long as the number of times his genes resonate reaches eighty or ninety times, his ability will naturally rise to the final ninth level.

Now, Mu Xiao has the data power of "mechanical control" and has enough ability to repair the small mecha in the basement of the lawyer's building, and even the large system in this villa area. He can also successfully repair it and even activate the machine. The overclocking power of components enhances various functions of large systems, but it just takes a very long time.

But time does not allow him to stay longer to do these things, because there is a little sister at home that he cannot let go of.

With the beginning period of "Fighting Control", the strongest melee skills, and the top physique of the second level, Mu Xiao has almost recovered those previous physical skills. Even if everyone comes together now, he does not need the power of his mind, everyone None of them are his opponents.

Among them, there is also the ability of "weapon control" that was promoted, and Mu Xiao also received a lot of help. Because in battle, you can instantly overclock the weapon to exert several times more lethality, and even limit the weapons in other people's hands, making it impossible to shoot effectively. You can also instantly understand the function of any weapon, and have a weapon feel like an arm and a finger.

The power of control means that everything is within your own will, there are no secrets, and it becomes completely your own.

"We have taken a big step forward from the realm of evolution. As expected, killing fellow species is the fastest way to advance. No wonder I embarked on an extreme path of evolution before. This rapid advancement is really a devilish temptation and makes people sink... "Mu Xiao slowly opened his eyes and shot out a ray of golden light, which disappeared in a flash.

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