Rebirth of Fortune Soars

Chapter five hundred and eighty eighth loyalty

At this moment, Zhang Wei and his group arrived at the hospital. They were aggressive, like wolves and tigers, and no one dared to provoke them.

A group of people rushed directly to the nurse's station, and after asking about the wards, Zhang Wei went in directly.

Seven people, lying in a large eight-person room. He was cursing endlessly there, angrily swearing that when they recovered, he would go out to take revenge.

As a result, the door was opened, and then a group of people rushed in.

"Brothers, who are you looking for?" The gangsters were a little flustered.

"You guys went to the factory to cause trouble yesterday?" Zhang Wei asked.

"Brothers, is there some misunderstanding! If the flood floods the Dragon King Temple, I apologize!" One of them, seeing that the situation was wrong, quickly gave in.

"Looks like it's you guys!" Zhang Wei chuckled and pulled out a nunchaku from his body.

"Brothers, practice!" Zhang Wei yelled.

Afterwards, a group of people took out their nunchakus one after another and practiced in the ward.

Of course, during this practice period, the nunchakus always hit the wrong ones and hit a few punks lying on the hospital bed.

Suddenly, there was a howling sound from the ward.

The wailing sounds of extermination, one after another.

The hospital called the police early. But when the police came to take a look, their scalps were numb. A group of people blocked here, and a few of them came over and dared not go up at all.

But everyone is here, so we can't just leave like this. I had no choice but to come forward and ask.

"What are you doing? Do you know this is a hospital!" a policeman asked.

"Uncle policeman, we are just curious, we heard the sound and came to see the excitement!" One of Zhang Wei's subordinates replied very obediently.

In Yingcheng, they have been trained long ago, how to cooperate with the police and the people.

"Look at the excitement, what are you watching? Get out of the way!" The policeman opened the way.

Everyone gave way.

Waiting to go in and take a look, the seven people on the hospital bed were beaten to death. His face was swollen, like a pig's head.

Quickly called the doctor to come and check.

"Say, who did it?"

"I don't know! We are all here to see the fun! We came over when we heard the sound, but there were too many people and we couldn't see clearly!" Everyone shook their heads.

Obviously, this is bullshit. But without witnesses, it's hard to say anything. This matter can only be reported upwards.

But for this matter, Yingcheng itself came forward, plus the reason for the money Qin Feng gave before, plus these few are not good people.

In the end, it was nothing.

As for these gangsters, after repeated confirmation by the doctor, at least 103 bones were broken in the whole body. If this is good, it will take at least several years before they can get out of bed. Of course, it can be cured. However, don't even think about fighting in this life.

Of course, Qin Feng also paid the hospital 100,000 yuan after the incident, as the medical expenses of several people, plus the food expenses during the hospitalization.

Otherwise, no one will pay, and the hospital will be very upset. Therefore, Qin Feng gave the money directly. If I beat you, I will give you money to see a doctor and let you take care of it.

When you're better, come back for another fight.

However, that night, an unknown missing person case occurred in Changcheng.

Zhang Wei inquired directly, and after learning about the big brother behind these people, he saw that he was not a good person. He had several murder cases in his hands, so Zhang Wei directly made him disappear from the earth and became a missing person.

In this way, there will be no one behind these people. In the future, there will be no threat to Qin Feng at all.

"Instructor, everything is settled. I'm going to go back now. Yingcheng, it's really different now, and our Yingcheng Life Plaza is about to open soon. Wherever I go now, I feel as if I have gone to the countryside Same! By the way, I will keep a group of people here as security guards. Otherwise, some people may come to make trouble! Ordinary security guards can’t do it!” Zhang Wei said.

"Well, thank you very much. This is my little thought, it's a drink money for the brothers!" Qin Feng took out a stack of banknotes.

"Instructor, if you want to pay more, I'm in a hurry with you! Do we need money for the instructor's work?" Zhang Wei asked loudly.

"The instructor's business is our business! No need!" Everyone shouted.

"Look, if you want to give money, it's a birth share. Besides, without you, Yingcheng would not be prosperous. Now everyone has money. Especially when the Yingcheng Life Plaza opens, there will be no shortage of money! This How can we repay this kindness?" Zhang Wei smiled, "Okay, let's go!"

A group of people hurried into the car and left.

"This prestige is a sense of loyalty!" Lin Xiaoxiao sighed.

Qin Feng chuckled.

"Of course, it doesn't matter who is the instructor!" Qin Feng froze.

"Fuck you! You're panting because you're fat!" Lin Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes.

Qin Feng chuckled.

"Okay, I've finished dealing with the troubles these days. I'll accompany you to see Mount Lu and relax!" Lin Xiaoxiao was a little sorry.

"Hee hee! Forget all the unpleasant things and welcome a better tomorrow!" Shen Manli cheered.

"That's right! Don't they say that the rainbow always comes after the storm!" Yi Hannuo also shouted for a better tomorrow.

"You two girls, why are you still caring about me!" Lin Xiaoxiao smiled and shook her head, but a warm current flowed through her.

However, the plan of a few people to play Lushan Mountain is destined to fail.

This side is about to leave, and people are coming from the city.

The relevant leaders of the Changcheng City Government came over, and when they saw Lin Xiaoxiao, they apologized repeatedly.

"Miss Lin, it's our government's dereliction of duty. For you investors from Xiangjiang, we really didn't treat you well. We didn't treat you well enough to let this happen. Therefore, we hosted a banquet and invited Miss Lin to the banquet as a We apologize for our poor hospitality!" The second-in-command of the Changcheng government came over and apologized in person.

Qin Feng and others were slightly taken aback.

"I didn't reveal my identity at the beginning, they didn't know!" Lin Xiaoxiao said.

The reason for this is also because Lin Xiaoxiao had had enough of the anger of these officials before, and didn't want to cause any trouble.

It is undoubtedly very difficult for a woman, especially a beautiful woman, to start a business, and often encounter many unexpected troubles.

Men, men are all the same in the world. It doesn't matter whether the status is high or low, rich or not, powerful or not, it's the same for women. Always eating in the bowl, thinking about the pot, and teasing what's on other people's dinner tables.

No matter how good this woman is, even if she is such a beautiful woman like Tong Liya, whether it is in appearance, figure, or character, she is betrayed.

There is only one reason, not that she is not good enough, but that she is just a woman.

No matter how good a woman is, if she spends time with her for a long time, she will always be tired of that person. This person is a cheap creature. No matter what good things you have, no matter how precious it is, after a long time, you will get tired of it, and you will not care so much, and you will be careless.

So, sometimes it's not that you're not good enough, it's that you're just human.

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