Rebirth of Hong Kong 1981

Chapter 174: Generous Yang Chen

   Chapter 174 Generous Yang Chen

   Among them, Mi Wei and Guan Zhilin, who had been in contact with Yang Chen and had some understanding of Yang Chen, also rolled their eyes subconsciously.

   After everyone had laughed enough, Yang Chen squeezed his hands and continued: "Starting today, Li's TV station will be officially renamed Asia TV.

   I hope that in the future, Asia TV will be able to live up to its name in Asia and serve all Asians. "

  The reason why Yang Chen didn't change his name and continued to use the name of Li's TV station was mainly because Yang Chen felt that the name of Asia TV was very good.

The meaning of    is very clear, Asian TV, a TV station for Asians.

   TV is different from movies. No matter how long a movie is, usually only one or two hours, its influence is limited.

   And TV stations are broadcast day after day, year after year, and the influence it produces is far beyond the movies.

   Later generations, whether it is Japan, South Korea, Wanwan, and even the inland after the rise and the current Xiangjiang.

   No matter how prosperous Asian culture is, only Asian countries can fully accept it. Other Western countries, even if they enter for a while, will be lonely later because of the great cultural differences.

  Cultural differences, just like human skin color, are difficult to blend together, and even if the surface melts, it will not last long.

   Therefore, for the development of TV stations, Yang Chen set its main base on the basic plate of Asia.

   The TV station changed its name. It was no surprise to everyone. The new boss had a new look, and it was just a name change. Everyone didn't care about it.

   On the contrary, for Yang Chen's proposal for Asian TV, and the implication, the employees below couldn't help but feel happy.

   Yang Chen's ambition, from the name of the TV station, has undoubtedly been revealed.

   For employees, they are not afraid of the boss's ambition, but they are afraid that the boss has no ambition.

   Ambitious bosses will seriously develop the company, and capable employees will also be moderately promoted.

   If you change to a boss who has no ambition and has no ambition, most of the employees will not have much enthusiasm, holding the attitude of being a monk for a day and hitting the clock for a day.

   "The second thing is that I have discussed with Manager Huang and the others that from today onwards, Asia TV will completely abolish Cantonese and use Mandarin instead.

  Since the name of our TV station is Asia, and the target audience in the future is not limited to Hong Kong, we must make changes in language.

   After all, we can’t always report a news story or shoot a TV series, but let the Chinese in Wanwan, Southeast Asia and other places learn Cantonese! "

   "So, from today onwards, all employees of Asia TV are only allowed to speak Mandarin in the company, and those who don't know how to learn it for me.

  Especially for the artists, I don't want your lines to match your mouth in your scenes. "

   "If that's the case, I advise you to leave Asian TV as soon as possible."

   Looking at the people below whispering and discussing in a low voice, Yang Chen patted the table and swept his eyes sharply towards everyone.

   In a tone of command, he shouted: "I am not discussing with everyone, but an order. If anyone can't accept it, they can go to Manager Huang to submit a letter of resignation after the meeting.

   Anyone who has handed in a letter of resignation will be paid half a year's salary, and I will give him a gift from the TV station. "

   As soon as Yang Chen got angry, the people below immediately shut up, not daring to speak any more.

   After a while, seeing that no one was talking, Yang Chen grinned and asked everyone, "How is it? Is there anyone who can't accept it and is going to resign? Stand up now, I can give you a one-year resignation salary."

   "It's very rich," Yang Chen said in a tempting tone.


  Everyone still didn't speak, and rolled their eyes one by one, but they didn't even dare to move their bodies.

   For a long time, Yang Chen shook his head regretfully, quite a bit like you missed something good, so many people below couldn't help but roll their eyes.

   "Since no one has come forward, let me tell you good news now, that is, from today onwards, I will invest 100 million Hong Kong dollars in Asia TV every year, which will remain unchanged for ten consecutive years."

  'Huh...' As soon as these words came out, the reaction of hundreds of employees of Li's TV station was more than that of Huang Xizhao and others when they were in the office.

   100 million Hong Kong dollars a year, 100 million Hong Kong dollars in ten years, hundreds of employees below are staring at the eyes, and they are all calculating how much a billion yuan will be.

   Yang Chen didn't explain whether the employees believed in their commitments, but continued: "I don't have any requirements for investing so much money, after all, no one's money comes from the wind.

  I can give money, and I can also guarantee that the TV station will never lack liquidity in the future, but only if you meet my requirements.

   From now on, we Asian TV, any TV series produced, must ensure that it is the best of the best.

   Anything that is shoddy, should not be used. If someone dares to photograph a pile of garbage for me, I hope you don't want me to invite you, and leave me with a blanket and leave. "

   "Next, there is no capital limit for the filming of each TV series on Asian TV. The primary goal is to shoot TV series well."

   "So, whether it's the director, the artist, or the staff behind the scenes, I hope you can pay more attention and don't let me spend this money in vain."

   Having said this, Yang Chen paused, looked at Huang Xizhao and said, "Manager Huang, from today onwards, all employees who work for the TV station must sign an employment contract with the TV station.

   In addition to extras, even if it is to deliver lunch, dragon and tiger martial arts, and do errands, they must sign a contract with the TV station.

After the contract is signed, each employee must have a guaranteed minimum salary, and work seriously, even if it is to deliver the lunch box, insist on delivering it on time and on time every day, so that everyone is satisfied with the food, and bonuses will be paid every month. You can find this standard. People negotiate for themselves.

   In addition, in the future, the TV station must be covered with food and lodging, and three meals a day cannot be missed. Employees who have worked for the TV station for more than five years, regardless of their position, as long as they are employees of our TV station.

  From the day the TV station opened, and still in the TV station to this day, those who work for the TV station and employees with wives and children will be provided with a minimum of two rooms and one hall for staff dormitories for free. "


  Although Yang Chen said this to Huang Xizhao, the people below are not deaf, not to mention Yang Chen did not shy away from it, he said it frankly in front of everyone.

   This kind of treatment simply blinded everyone in the titanium alloy dog's eyes. They never thought that their young and somewhat excessive new boss would be so generous.

   It is understandable that the TV station prepares residences for senior managers and popular artists. After all, TVB and Li have done this before.

   However, three meals a day are provided for the bottom-level employees, who have worked for more than five years, and those who have families are also provided with a two-bedroom and one-hall dormitory.

   This is simply destroying their three views, no, or it is subverting their cognition.


   (end of this chapter)

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