Rebirth of Hong Kong 1981

Chapter 283: Win face, lose money

   Chapter 283 Winning Face, Losing Money

   To say that before eating, Yang Chen may not have been clear about the purpose of the charter king, so now he can somewhat guess.

  The world only knows that the charter king abandoned his ship and docked, but as a world ship king, it is easier said than done to really dock.

   The reason why later generations of charter kings did not follow in the footsteps of the Dong and Zhao families was only because he had made sufficient preparations in advance to dispose of some old ships at a low price in advance, and what remained were large and relatively new ships.

  According to the general situation, there is absolutely nothing to say about the hand of the charter king, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a full body retreat.

   It’s just that this time the depression of the world’s shipping has lasted for a long time, beyond everyone’s imagination.

   In the last few years of the shipping crisis, as the real estate in Heung Kong continued to be popular, the charter king sold his ships and docked and invested most of the funds in real estate, thus achieving the title of the second son-in-law charterer.

   Now the meaning of the charter king looking for him is very clear. Since Yang Chen is interested in getting involved in the shipping business, he has a boat in his hand. Whether it is selling or renting, he can satisfy Yang Chen.

  Compared to the Zhao family, he Bao Yugang has a much closer relationship with Yang Chen. As the so-called 'fertile water does not flow into the field of outsiders', the courtesy is respectful, he has helped Yang Chen, and now it is only natural for Yang Chen to help him.

   However, when Yang Chen revealed the fact that Father Xue owed Zhao Chuanwang's favor, Chuanwang couldn't help sighing in his heart.

  According to the slump in the shipping industry, Zhao Chuanwang finally met Yang Chen, the man who took over. Bao Yugang believed that even if Zhao Chuanwang was cutting meat, he would not miss this opportunity.

   Didn't say anything, the charter king laughed twice, and then greeted Yang Chen to continue eating. Obviously, this matter did not affect the charter king's mood.

  Global shipping, as long as there is a day when Bao Yu is here, there will be no problem. This is the confidence of a world ship king and the confidence of his charter king.

Seeing the charter king didn't have any displeasure, Yang Chen breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn't because he was afraid of the charter king, but because the other party had supported him before. Although he didn't expressly reject it, it was almost the same. .

   This made him somewhat embarrassed.

   However, this is really no wonder Yang Chen, the four major ship kings of Xiangjiang, each of them has a different direction of attack. Most of the ships in the charter king's hands are oil tankers, and each of them is a huge ship with a weight of up to 100,000 tons.

   He entered the shipping industry simply to open up transportation channels for his own retail industry, but fortunately he will not be bound by others.

   The giant ship in the hands of the charter king is not suitable for him at all.

   Asia is such a big place, and the bigger the boat, the more things you can carry. In a place like Xiangjiang, it is inconvenient to use large boats for transportation, and it is a waste of time.

  Compared to it, the bulk carrier in the Zhao family's hands is very suitable for Yang Chen's current needs.

  In the business, buying a boat is not the same price as buying clothes. If you buy clothes that are not suitable, you can return them. If you find it troublesome, you can just throw them in the corner and don’t have a problem.

   But for things like ships, each one is tens of millions or even hundreds of millions, and you have to lose money if you don’t use it.

   Dig a hole and bury himself. Unless he is stupid, he will never do it.

   After eating, the charter king did not let Yang Chen leave, but left him to drink tea.

   Bao Surong was not interested in this, so he took Chen Yulian upstairs.

  The charter king did not like his daughters to engage in business, and after his death, he also handed over all the family business to his four sons-in-law to inherit.

   Seriously, the other party's arrogance is really not something that ordinary people can learn.

   Of course, the charter king himself was probably most helpless.

  In Chinese thought, the inheritance of the father's business has long been ingrained.

   Several daughters do not like business, and he is not willing to let several daughters contact business, and finally handing over the family business to several sons-in-law who value it is also an inevitable choice.

   "A-Chen, your recent actions are getting bigger and bigger. You even took down the Kowloon Bus."

   "Great." Bao Yugang gave a thumbs up while making tea.

  Yang Chen waved his hand and said modestly: "Uncle Bao, don't make fun of me, I'm just making small troubles. Compared with you, Uncle Bao, this little nephew is not worth mentioning."

Regarding the previous battle of Wharf, Yang Chen did not mention it, because although the charter king won the battle, but because the Yihe side reluctantly cut the meat, a big pit was laid, so that the charter king finally won the face, but lost money.

   In the Hong Kong stock market, tender offer is an important means to compete for the control of listed companies.

   However, there are many opportunities and pitfalls in the tender offer. Sometimes control is obtained by virtue of wealth and wealth, and most of them win face and lose money.

   The Wharf War is one of the most classic cases.

  Because the charter king was eager to go ashore, facing the world's rich and powerful ship king, Yihe did not want to confront him even though he had deep roots.

  In the case that Jardine felt that Wharf could not be protected sooner or later, for the long-term interests of Jardine Group, Jardine Chairman Niu Bijian and Landmark Executive Director Bao Fu came to the rescue, forcing the charter king to buy Wharf at a high price.

  The price of Wharf stock held by Landmark was around HK$10 at first. As the two parties continued to buy more, the price of Wharf immediately reached HK$40 to HK$50.

  Last Landmark raised the repurchase price to HK$100, and the stock price doubled. In order to force the charter king to follow the price increase, Landmark deliberately chose the time when the charter king went abroad.

   attacked him unprepared, and it seemed that he was caught off guard by killing the charter king, but in fact there was a hidden scheming to induce the charter king to speed up the acquisition of Wharf stocks.

Sure enough, when Bao Yugang, the charter king who was eager to go ashore, received the news of the additional purchase of Landmark, he immediately returned to Hong Kong and purchased 20 million shares of Wharf at the price of HK$105 per share in cash, so as to allow himself to hold the shares. Some Wharf shares reached 49%.

  As an old river and lake, the charter king still has one mind in mind, that is, the acquired stocks will all exclude Jardine Land.

  Unfortunately, Landmark had already made all the preparations and deposited its Wharf shares in a large brokerage house and agency company in advance.

   No matter how talented the charter king was, he never imagined that these Wharf stocks held in the name of brokerage houses and agents were actually owned by the arch-rival Landmark.

  According to the data, Landmark held a total of more than 23 million shares in the Wharf, and finally successfully sold 10 million shares, cashing out about one billion Hong Kong dollars.

   The average purchase price of this batch of shares was about HK$37, and the sale was made at HK$105, that is, a profit of nearly HK$700 million.

  When the charter king held 49% of the shares of Wharf, and after the resumption of trading in Wharf, the stock price once fell to around HK$70.

   In other words, although the charter king won the acquisition battle, the book price lost several hundred million.


   (end of this chapter)

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