Rebirth of Hong Kong 1981

Chapter 636: Don't panic with a gun in your hand

   Chapter 636 Don't panic if you have a gun in your hand

   Yang Chen didn't think about these things at first, but as he got to know Australia better, he thought of this.

   kills two birds with one stone. Northern Australia needs to develop, and blue-collar basic industries also need to enter. Only then can Chinese people truly gain a foothold there.

   You must know that Australia once had a record of slaughtering and killing donkeys. Once the politicians think that you are a threat and your influence is not enough, maybe you will repeat the same mistakes.

   Taking advantage of the fact that the Australian government is eager to develop the economy now, this population can migrate as much as possible, and it will migrate as much as possible, otherwise, there will be no such opportunity in the future.

   The population is so large that it involves all aspects. Who would dare to stand in line?

   The whole body is affected by one hair. No matter where it is, the population is the basis for everything.

   Asian developing countries only have a development period of 20 years. After the two financial crises in 1997 and 2008, the economic development speed will plummet.

   At that time, the Australian government will not be in a hurry to develop, and immigration restrictions will be tightened accordingly.

   Now the Australian government is desperate to seek medical treatment. Seeing the rapid development of Asian countries, it is impatient to improve its own economy.

   However, as soon as the economies of Asian countries slow down and the mind clears, everything will return to its original state.

  In later generations, Australia would sometimes find trouble for the inland, and brush its presence.

   Investing in Northern Australia, Yang Chen didn't make up his mind at the moment, this was his decision after careful consideration.

  Australia is adjacent to Asia and occupies a great advantage in terms of geographical location. In the 21st century, everyone pays attention to a speed.

   In simple terms, what everyone wins is the word "fast".

  Logistics is the most important part of it. Australia is close to Asia, and no one can compare with it in terms of speed.

The closer the distance is, the lower the cost, which is of great benefit to product competition. As long as he can take root in North Australia, with the basic raw materials such as agriculture, animal husbandry, energy and minerals in North Australia, and further gain a foothold in Asia, no one can stop him. live.

   In contrast, America, Europe, South America, Latin America, these regions, no matter how rich their resources are, can’t compete with him, who is squatting at the door.

  The relationship between Australia and Asia is a bit like the current inland and Xiangjiang. Most of what the inland needs can be obtained from Xiangjiang. Similarly, most of what Asia needs can be obtained from Australia.

   The distance is close, and there are advantages to being close.

The advantage of   Australia, in addition to its rich resources, is that it is a country of immigrants, a country that can accommodate a large number of immigrants from the bottom.

  The immigration policies of many countries only accept rich people. Those who have no money want to immigrate, which is extremely difficult.

   In Asia, there is no country that allows foreigners from the bottom to enter in large numbers.

  Only Australia, it supports a large number of immigrants from the bottom skilled people, especially in the 1980s, Australia was eager to develop the economy by population, and the bottom skilled immigrants were the most popular.

   It's just that the Australian government did so much to expel the Chinese at the time, and it was considered to have offended the entire Asian country.

   Therefore, when people in many Asian countries choose to immigrate, their first choice will not be Australia. On the contrary, the United States, Europe, and Canada are everyone's first choice.

   After the first choice is over, most of the remaining people do not meet Australia's immigration requirements, so that the last immigration in the twentieth century, Australia did not accept too many Chinese.

   In the 21st century, the main body of Australia is still dominated by white Europeans, and the proportion of Asians is not large.

  North Australia has a large area, and the investment in infrastructure is bound to be large. Small-scale investment, poor returns are certain.

   But if large-scale investment is made to build infrastructure, then all problems will be solved.

  The typical tropical rainforest climate in the north and the vast plains make it not difficult to develop agriculture and animal husbandry.

  The Australian government is not short of money. What they mainly lack is labor. Yang Chen is also not short of money. It is very simple to organize labor. He can handle as many people as he wants.

  In this way, one up and one down, the two are combined, and it is actually very simple to develop North Australia.

  The most important point is that in the eyes of the Australian government, Yang Chen is a pure businessman. The development of North Australia will not involve too many political relations, so they are also happy to accept it.

  In addition to agriculture and animal husbandry, North Australia is also very rich in energy and minerals, such as gold, uranium, zinc lead, bauxite, manganese, oil, natural gas, shale gas, etc.

  North Australia has very rich reserves of the main mineral energy needed for the development of these industries. As long as he can catch the fast train of the inland, just selling the minerals will be enough for him to develop the entire North Australia in an all-round way.

  Australian white men are afraid of heat and can't stand the northern climate, but we Chinese people are not afraid. The severe cold in Dadongbei, the dryness in the northwest, and the sweltering heat in the southwest, Chinese people can live well in any harsh environment.

Bringing all the immigrants together to form a powerful force, especially the people he asked Chen Aiguo to recruit, most of them are retired soldiers, and they are very obedient. Such a group of people, whether it is work or cohesion, are not comparable to ordinary people. of.

  Cough, it is worth mentioning that before 1996, Australia allowed citizens to legally possess guns.

  As the sixth largest country in the world by land area, the national population is only 20 million, and the national defense force of the navy, land and air forces plus the reserve force is less than 100,000 people.

  They want to defend the country, they can only hide their soldiers in the people. Like the old America, the whole people have guns and weapons.

  I have food in my hand, and I don’t panic.

   Similarly, with a gun in his hand, he was not panicking.

  Development of North Australia, facing a group of kangaroos, if there is nothing in this hand, it will definitely not work.

   With money, guns and people, and horses selling batches, Yang Chen couldn't help but feel up in his heart, can he bring a group of big-headed soldiers and directly take down the entire continent and occupy the country as king?

  Cough, just kidding, it’s definitely not possible to fight, let’s not say that it is impossible for the inland to support him. After the end of World War II, it is not as difficult to overthrow a sovereign country as a grandma climbing the Himalayas.

   It is inappropriate to leave a good billionaire and go to school to become a terrorist, it is absolutely no different from courting death.

  Let's not say anything else, the United States and Britain will be the first to spare him. Don't talk about happy days, it's good to be able to nest in a cave and eat tree bark.

   It was even more tragic. He was caught alive and cut into eight pieces.

  Er, dare not think further.

   However, this is indeed an opportunity. After this village, there is no such shop.

   Peaceful occupation of North Australia, there is only one chance, if you miss it, you can only wait until the third world war.

   It's just that when the third world war will come, he doesn't know, and even if it does come, no one can say whether he will be safe in the ground or his soul will return to the sea at that time.


   (end of this chapter)

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