The news of author Huang Xiaoyi's appearance at the University of California, Berkeley's speech quickly spread, and the next day, the California Business Daily, San Francisco Morning Post, Los Angeles Times and other media reported on the incident.

Subsequently, authoritative newspapers and periodicals such as the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal also followed up and reported the details of Chen Zhixue's speech.

"The future of science and technology in the next few decades, the big conjecture of science fiction writers!" "

The youngest professor emeritus at the University of California!"


Fortunately, this era is not the era when everyone can take pictures at any time with a mobile phone, so Chen Zhixue's photos have not been circulated.

The newspapers and magazines only reported in text, and at most only posted a picture of the University of California, Berkeley, otherwise it is estimated that Chen Zhixue will not be able to move an inch in San Francisco, and the fans are too enthusiastic.

Today is Simon's day to go to Hong Kong Island, and Chen Zhixue, who originally planned to fly to Texas, also postponed his trip and planned to send them off.

In the morning, Chen Zhixue went to the University of California, Berkeley again, this time to receive an honorary certificate, named Professor Emeritus of the Faculty of Arts at the University of California, Berkeley.

Originally, this was supposed to hold a more grand award ceremony, but Chen Zhixue kept everything simple for the school, took the honorary certificate, and asked the school to take a photo, and it was over.

In the afternoon, Chen Zhixue and Zhu Qianwei arrived at San Francisco International Airport, where the members of HCG had almost filled most of the seats on a plane due to the large number of people.

"Everything went well. Chen Zhixue followed Simon and said.

"Okay, boss, I'll be waiting for you on Hong Kong Island. Simon said with a smile.

Waving goodbye to them, Chen Zhixue watched them board the plane before leaving the airport.

Things are basically done here in San Francisco, and the next thing is to go to Texas.

I hope the trip to Texas was not in vain.

Chen Zhixue had already booked the air ticket, and on the morning of the next day, in addition to Chen Zhixue's air tickets for the six of them, there was also Mr. Li Chi, who was about to take the position of CEO of the Genesis Group.

Returning from the airport, Chen Zhixue, who had no work baggage, took Zhu Qianwei and them to visit San Francisco easily.

It's like when we first arrived in San Francisco, we can play wherever we go, and eat delicious food when we see it, and we have money.

In the evening, Chen Zhixue inevitably had a fierce battle with Zhu Qianwei, which did not come for two days, and the war was very protracted, until Zhu Qianwei was completely satisfied, the war ended, and finally returned to peace.

The next morning, Chen Zhixue and Zhu Qianwei vacated their rooms at the HSBC Hotel and then took a taxi straight to San Francisco International Airport, where Chen Zhixue and Li Chi would meet.

"Mr. Li Chi, early, let's meet again. In the airport hall, Chen Zhixue met Li Chi, who arrived at the airport one step earlier.

"Boss, early morning, I have already called Mr. Zhang Zhongmou in the past two days and made an appointment to visit him, you can rest assured. Li Chi said with a smile.


10 o'clock in the morning, Chen Zhixue and his entourage successfully registered, and their destination this time was Dallas, Texas, where the headquarters of Texas Instruments was located.

The distance from San Francisco to Dallas is very long, almost 2,800 kilometers, so the whole flight time is about four hours.

"Mr. Li Chi, how long do you think it will take for the overall level of semiconductors on Hong Kong Island to catch up with the technology of the United States and Europe? On the plane, Chen Zhixue asked Li Chi.

"Boss, Hong Kong Island's development in semiconductors is almost blank, so I can't say, if you dig up enough talents, I believe it won't take long to catch up, after all, semiconductor technology is not very esoteric at present. Li Chi thought for a while and said.

"I heard that Dongying is now vigorously introducing semiconductor R&D and manufacturing technology from the United States and Europe, and it can be said that there are more and more competitors now, I hope our Huaxia technology will not lag too far behind!" Chen Zhixue sighed.

Dongying's side began to vigorously develop semiconductor technology in the 70s, and by the 80s, its strength could even be compared with that of the United States, which Chen Zhixue knew in his previous life.

Since Dongying can reach the level of the United States in a short period of time, Chen Zhixue believes that Huaxia can also develop from Hong Kong Island first, and then drive the development of Huaxia's semiconductor technology in the future.

"Don't worry, if you can invite Mr. Zhang Zhongmou, I believe that it will be able to drive the rapid development of the company, and I understand his strength. Li Chi received it with a smile.

"It's easier said than done to invite him. Chen Zhixue said with a wry smile.

Compared with Texas Instruments, what advantages can it have as a start-up? It seems that the only way to give a high salary may be some opportunities.

"Zhang Zhongmou, what do you say? I have known him for several years, he was born in China, when he was a child, he has been moving to various cities because of the war, he studied in China before middle school, until he was 18 years old to study in the United States, and then he has been staying in the United States, from my chat with him, I feel that he is actually proud of his belonging to the Chinese nation, the reason why he has been staying in the United States, is also because of the situation, he occasionally talked to me about the days when his parents took him around when he was a child, from his tone, I saw his love for the motherland。 Li Chi recalled the things he had in contact with Zhang Zhongmou and said slowly.

"Let's hope everything goes well. "Chen Zhixue's mood has improved, he can be invited, that's the best, if he can't be invited, there's no way, he can only slow down on the road of development.

After a four-hour flight, the plane finally landed slowly at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, and from the plane, you can see that the city is not much smaller than San Francisco.

As a Chinese-American who has lived in the United States for many years, Li Chi has been here many times on business, so he is very familiar with this place, so he will take everyone, which is a lot more convenient, and he is no longer worried about being confused about this strange city.

Soon, everyone moved into a local five-star hotel, which is the tallest building in Dallas, and from the hotel rooms, through the floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see the whole building, and the view is very wide.

Since it is not in HSBC's territory, Zhu Qianwei naturally lives in the same room with Chen Zhixue openly, unlike when she was in the HSBC hotel, she had to open a room each.

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