In a large manor that was just bought not long ago.

Wang Xiaotian was studying his electronic anklet, and he was amazed:

"This thing can really monitor my whereabouts at any time."

"Don't look at it as small, it not only has the function of positioning and alarm, but it is also a small monitoring device."

Wang Xiaotian was immediately furious:

"It can be used to monitor me!"

"Hehe, brother, have you seen the small truck at the door? It has been parked here for a while. If you don't believe it, you can go inside the car and take a look. There must be a complete set of monitoring equipment."

The prosecutor wearing headphones in the small truck was stunned. How could Wang Lei know everything?

His monitoring plan had just begun, but it was stillborn.

Monitoring the eldest son of the Wang family would make them fall into the whirlpool of public opinion, and he hurriedly ordered:

"Why don't you drive quickly? Are you really waiting for people to come and see our equipment?"

Watching the small truck go away with a guilty conscience, Wang Xiaotian wanted to kill someone, but fortunately Wang Lei reminded him in time.

"Okay, they've gone far away, we can talk about business now."

Seeing Wang Lei so cautious, Wang Xiaotian asked:

"Third brother, how is my child?"

When he thought that he might not see his child for three years, he couldn't help but want to cry.

"Wang Xiaotian is fine, Dad has taken him home to take care of him personally, as for the child's mother, you'd better not ask."

Wang Xiaotian's heart jumped when he heard this:

"Dad knows about my affairs?"

"Haha, big brother, this matter can't be concealed. Our lawsuit with the Xin family has become international news. The paparazzi have already taken photos of you in full force back to Gangcheng."

"You don't know how the paparazzi praised you."

History is written by the victors. Of course, the paparazzi will not grow others' ambitions and destroy their own prestige. They have given very positive comments.

The elders of Gangcheng Township also look at Wang Dashao differently. They think that this young master is not as useless as they think, and he did not lose face for the people of Gangcheng in this lawsuit.

Wang Xiaotian didn't care what the paparazzi and other people thought of him. He was more concerned about Wang Zhengyi's attitude.

He had caused such a big mess and had an illegitimate child outside. He had made all the mistakes that could be made and the mistakes that couldn't be made. Wouldn't his father be furious if he knew about it?

"Third brother, you have to help me say something good."

"Brother, don't be afraid. This time, dad doesn't mean to blame you. Instead, he is helping you to travel around and wants to extradite you back to China."

It's pitiful that parents all over the world are kind-hearted. Wang Xiaotian just made a mistake that all men in the world would make. After Wang Zhengyi knew that Wang Xiaotian was fine, he breathed a sigh of relief and began to actively travel around for public relations.

He hoped to use the power of all parties to put pressure on the Han country officials to extradite Wang Xiaotian back to China.

The Han country officials also had their own ideas. They thought that imprisoning Wang Xiaotian was a good bargaining chip.

Wang Xiaotian undoubtedly became their hostage, and they wanted to blackmail the Wang family from time to time.

At this time, not only the chaebols in Han Country were short of money, but the government was no exception.

Their banks owed a large amount of foreign debts, and they were just short of cash flow.

The wealth of the Wang family was already known to the world, and they had a lot of investments in the mainland of Longguo and Sakura Island.

What made them most jealous was the achievements of Peninsula Technology in semiconductors and many high-tech industries.

It can be said that Wang Zhengyi, who was far away in Hong Kong Island, could hear the little calculations of the Han country officials.

How could Wang Dafu do what it wanted?

While he was pleased that the boss finally had some backbone, he found the bigwigs of the Hong Kong government, the Macau government, the mainland, and Sakura Island, hoping to use their power to make the Han country officials afraid to act rashly.

"Brother, Dad is already on his way to Han Country. You will understand his good intentions when the time comes."

Hearing this, Wang Xiaotian was furious:

"Dad is coming to Han Country!"

The suppression from blood made his body tremble slightly.

"You did something wrong, so you don't dare to see me?"

A familiar voice sounded at the door, and the two brothers were stunned.

"Dad, didn't you say that the plane will be delayed for an hour?"

"You found a retired fighter pilot to be the pilot. He knew I was in a hurry, but he didn't get late even though he left an hour later."

Wang Zhengyi told the current progress. The diplomats of the Hong Kong government and the mainland were the most active and had lodged a serious diplomatic protest to Han.

Knowing that he was in the wrong, Wang Xiaotian asked worriedly:

"Dad, if it's just a protest, will Han let me go?"

"It depends on people. Representative Xiao has promised me that he will lodge a serious protest at the United Nations Parliament and do his best to rescue you back to China."

When Wang Zhengyi said this,100 million is not very confident.

Wang Lei thought about it and felt that it would be more appropriate for the United States to come forward on this matter.

Hanguo is actually a country with incomplete sovereignty and has been stationed by the United States for a long time.

The soldiers can do whatever they want, and many Hanguo girls have been pregnant.

They have done a lot of things that are harmful to the world, and the public opinion in Hanguo is one-sided to severely punish these soldiers, but in fact, the soldiers were only sent back to their country and have never been in prison for a day.

Similarly, in this matter, it is most appropriate for the United States to come forward.

"But we just offended the Federal Reserve, are they willing to speak for us?"

"Dad, what's impossible? All institutions in the United States are independently operated and have their own interests. I'll say hello to Jocelyn and ask her to go to the public relations department of the United States. Maybe it will work wonders."

It is well known that American officials can be lobbied. As long as there is money to be made, they will work harder than anyone else.

"Okay, in that case, why don't you lobby more countries, Alei? Don't you know princesses and princes from many countries? Let them all go around and put pressure on Han Fang together!"

"Okay, it just so happens that the eldest son of the Xin family gave me a lot of money, I will use part of it to lobby the countries."

At the United Nations meeting.

The representative of Longguo lodged a serious protest to Han Fang, demanding that Han Fang immediately release Mr. Wang Xiaotian, who is a citizen of Longguo and should be tried by Longguo's laws.

Han Fang immediately retorted that Wang Xiaotian had committed a crime in Han Guo and should be imprisoned by Han Guo.

What shocked the representative of Han Fang was that several major countries, led by the United States, began to accuse Han Fang of disregarding the overall situation of international finance, among which the representative of Sakura Island jumped the most fiercely.

Even the big goose, which had always been at odds with the United States, put aside its prejudice and began to accuse the representative of Han Guo of disregarding the overall situation.

The attitude of the five permanent members of the United Nations on this matter was surprisingly consistent. They all hoped that Han Fang would take into account the overall situation of international finance and not hold Wang Xiaotian hostage for their own selfish interests.

The Han country officials realized that they had made a big mistake this time. If they didn't release Wang Xiaotian, they would be sanctioned by the world.

The key point is that they couldn't figure out why releasing Wang Xiaotian became an international top priority. If they didn't release Wang Xiaotian, would the Wang family still disrupt the international financial order?

The Han people were so humble in front of the father of the beautiful country that they were not even as good as a dog. Now that the master had spoken, how could he not obey?

The prosecutor in charge of the smuggling case was called in overnight.

Facing the pressure from Qingwatou, the prosecutor would definitely not agree. He even arrested Xin Dongpin, so why would he be afraid of the Wang family who had no roots in Han country?

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