Qi Xiaona watched with interest as a group of experts were busy in the forest.

They built a small laboratory not far away, sampling, testing...

Just when the drilling and soil extraction equipment was about to be in place, David and Hof came with a group of cowboys to stop them.

They almost had a conflict with the staff, and the scene was tense.

Wang Lei hurried to stop them:

"Uncle David, is there anything wrong? Why are you blocking our survey?"

"No, the instrument you brought is obviously for drilling the ground, which will destroy the original geology of my forest. If the fir trees wither, will you be responsible?"

The geologist waved his hands helplessly. He had repeatedly emphasized that it was just a small hole and would not affect the geology, but this group of people just didn't listen to any of his explanations.

Wang Lei pulled the leading expert aside:

"Hey, man, can the current sampling tell whether this land is fertile?"

"Boss, of course it can. After the preliminary investigation by our plant experts, there is a big problem with this forest. These fir trees should be a bit old, but they are a little short, and the fir fruit is also a little small. The yield and quality of fir pollen will be greatly reduced..."

"We are still testing the soil, and the results should be available soon."

Hearing this, Wang Lei nodded. The plant expert was the first to see the problem. This land is very barren and not suitable for planting fir trees, or even other fruit trees.

The geological expert wanted to further analyze whether this place is suitable for planting other crops through the soil.

At this time, an assistant trotted to the expert and whispered something.

"Boss, a great discovery!"

"Why is it suitable for growing other crops?"

"No, we found a lot of carbon and hydrogen in the soil, accompanied by a small amount of sulfur, nitrogen and oxygen!"

Wang Lei was a little confused when he heard the professional terms:

"Is there anything wrong with this?"

"Normal soil should contain organic carbon, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, total potassium, alkaline nitrogen, fast-acting phosphorus, and effective potassium.

But now the sulfur, nitrogen and oxygen content in this soil is highly exceeded. We estimate that there is crude oil hidden under this forest!"

When Wang Lei heard about crude oil, his heart skipped a beat. It couldn't be such a coincidence. He just wanted to buy a few plots of land.

Wang Lei's voice couldn't help but weaken a little: "Is this possibility high?"

The leader of the team also whispered:

"It is possible. This is California. The oil reserves are estimated to account for 1/5 of the entire United States. It is not unprecedented to find oil in farmland. Many people have become rich overnight because of this."

Wang Lei suddenly thought of the oil boom that broke out in North Dakota in the early 21st century. If oil companies want to exploit the discovered oil, they must give the landowner 1/8~1/6 of the net profit of the oil, so that North Dakota has a saying that a millionaire is created every day.

The discovery of oil in this forest was just a small surprise for Wang Lei. He was more concerned about the oil layout in North Dakota.

In a few years, he plans to list Husky in the US. If he first buys the land with a private foundation and then sells the mining rights to Husky...

Thinking of this, he told the leader of the team:

"Don't spread the news yet. When the cowboy competition starts, the guards here will definitely be lax. Then you can bring people to take further samples. If oil is really found, I am willing to give your team a bonus of $100,000."

Seeing the leader's surprise, Wang Lei continued:

"I will give corresponding rewards for every oil mine you find in the future."

The person in charge nodded. They had signed a highly confidentiality agreement and betrayed the interests of their employer. Not only would they face high liquidated damages, but their reputation in the industry would also be ruined.


Seeing that the survey team had no movement, David breathed a sigh of relief and found Wang Lei:

"Lee, your people messed up my forest. Whether to buy or not, I hope you can give me an answer as soon as possible."

David looked unhappy, but he was uneasy in his heart. His urging was more of a test.

Wang Lei tapped the table with his fingers and asked:

"Uncle David, tell me your price. If it's appropriate, I can make the decision immediately."

Hearing this, David was extremely surprised. It seemed that Wang Lei didn't find out the trick of the forest land after all the trouble?

He suddenly became bold and stretched out his palm to compare:

"US$5,000 per acre!"

"Uncle David, as far as I know, the current market price per acre is only US$4,000. Do you think I have a lot of money, so you want to take a big bite?"

David hurriedly denied:

"How could it be? This is what my father's father left us. In order to occupy this land, many people in our family died.Our family is of great significance. "

Wang Lei sneered in his heart and directly revealed the secret in David's heart:

"But as far as I know, your land is not suitable for growing any crops, and it is not a fertile land!"

"Lee, our family treats you as a friend and treats you with the best beef and food. How can you slander us?"

Wang Lei did not listen to his sophistry and directly stretched out three fingers:

"3,000 US dollars per acre is my final offer, you should think about it carefully."

"Okay, deal! "

David responded immediately.

In his opinion, even if the land was used to grow hardy pine trees, the pine pollen yield was frighteningly low. If someone was willing to pay for it, he would get a great deal.

200 acres was sold for $600,000, and he could easily buy another 150 acres of fertile land.

David seemed to have been prepared. He took out a written contract and motioned Wang Lei to sign it.

The accompanying lawyer saw the trick in the contract at a glance and whispered in Wang Lei's ear:

"Boss, there is a big problem with this contract. He repeatedly emphasized that no matter what problems the land has after the transaction is completed, they cannot hold each other responsible, no refunds will be made, and no contract will be breached."

"Can I understand that no matter what happens, the contract cannot be terminated?"

"You can understand it this way."

"Okay, help me add a clause to the contract. No matter what the land will bring in the future, it will have nothing to do with Stephen's family. ”

When Wang Lei proposed this, David became alert. Could it be that other crops could be grown on this land? Otherwise, why would Wang Lei be willing to take over even though he had discovered the problem?

"Lee, what are you going to do with this land?"

"Haha, I plan to build a horse farm on it and grow some crops at the same time to get tax breaks on the horse farm."

David nodded. He had considered opening a horse farm before, but this was a toy for billionaires, and the money was obviously not something he could make.

He couldn't help but start to envy Wang Lei's wealth again. How could this kid be so good at reincarnation?

In order to complete the transaction, David signed his name on the newly revised contract without hesitation.

After signing the contract, both of them smiled knowingly.

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