Lindgren was unhappy when he heard this:

"Mr. David, this is your fault. Our general consultant is always thinking about you. If he hadn't asked me to come and take a look, I, as the president of Husky, would have no interest in dealing with you!"

David's face was flushed. He was just used to being rude and thought he was a landowner who enslaved hundreds of black slaves.

The reason why he was not afraid of Wang Lei's revenge was that the United States was a country established by landowners.

Many laws in California are to protect their rights and interests.

That's why he was so fearless.

"Lindgren, I am very pleased to hear you say that. Let's go and help me take a look. If there is really oil, I will give you a big business as compensation for your selfless work for me for so long."

"Big business!"

Lindgren immediately entered the working state. In Wang Lei's eyes, a big business must be at least hundreds of millions.

After completing such a business, his commission will not be small, and he immediately felt like he had been injected with chicken blood.

Everyone drove to the slightly barren woodland.

As soon as he got out of the car, Lindgren became interested. He found that this piece of land had a big color difference from the land next to it, and it looked dead.

"Come with me, here, here, and there, dig a ten-meter-deep hole each."

David and Hoff were a little dissatisfied with Lindgren's concentration and seriousness.

"It's just a piece of rotten land, is there any need to make such a fuss?"

Lindgren did not respond, but grabbed a handful of soil brought out by the drill and sniffed it hard.

The onlookers couldn't help but whisper in disgust.

The geologist who came with him whispered to Wang Lei:

"Boss, your friend is really a tough guy. He has rich experience in field investigations. You can't tell that he is the president of a Fortune 500 company."

What Wang Lei recognized was Lindgren's down-to-earth ability. Husky did not lack a public relations team. Compared with those managers who were good at playing with people's hearts, he preferred people like Lindgren who liked to be on the front line.

His stubborn and rigid style was exactly why Wang Lei was confident in handing over the oil industry to him.

"Hmph, pretending!"

Hearing David's sarcastic words, Lindgren still did not respond, but measured a position with his feet and told the master who was drilling:

"Drill about 20 meters down from this position!"

Wang Lei couldn't help asking:

"Can you get oil?"

"Not sure, there is a unique smell of sulfide in the soil, which means that there is probably something underground."

Everyone held their breath and concentrated when they heard this. David and his son were also a little panicked. Could the rotten land in their eyes really have liquid gold?

Wouldn't that be a big loss?

"Puff~" The drilling machine spurted out a stream of hot air and slowly stopped.

No miracle happened, Lindgren couldn't help but frowned.

"Haha, there's nothing, I said, how could there be oil under the rotten land."

The farmers who heard the news also laughed.

Lindgren was upset by the weird locals.

But once he got stubborn, he would not give up easily:

"Keep drilling, drill another ten meters!"

The machine roared again, the land shook slightly, and people stared at the wellhead.

No miracle happened.

Looking at the deep hole drilled, David laughed wantonly:

"Let's all go, I said there's no oil."

But when the drilling pipe was pulled out, a stream of black liquid spurted out the next second, and David was drenched all over.


There was a trace of black on his teeth, and the whole person was black.


"Oh my God, there is oil!"

David looked like he had seen a ghost, and vaguely guessed why this piece of land could not be planted.

Unlike the excited Lindgren and others.

Hof's eyes were full of jealousy.

He regretted it to death, and he should never have let the wolf into the house and sold the forest land to Wang Lei.

Lindgren even gave a conclusion:

"Although it is not a big oil field, it is entirely possible to drill five oil wells. According to the previous experience of profit sharing, boss, you will have at least an extra three million US dollars in net income every month."

It is not a big oil field, and the net income of three million US dollars per month is heartbreaking to David and his son.

David regretted it to death at this time. Why did he insist on selling the forest land to Wang Lei?

If he had not sold it to Wang Lei, all these profits would belong to his family.

He shamelessly went to Wang Lei to argue:

"Lee, congratulations on finding oil, but I just sold the forest land to you. I didn't even know there was oil underground. The price of 600,000 US dollars is obviously a bargain. Your oil income must beGive me half!"

Is this what a human being would say?

You didn't know there was oil underground, and you thought you sold it at a low price, so you want half of my profit.

This is just like not knowing that the house was going to be demolished, but you came to my house and asked for half of the demolition money.

"David, you can't say that. You insisted on selling the forest land to me. Everyone in this area knows that it is a piece of rotten land that no one wants. You just wanted to cheat me, and now you've made a mistake, and you still want to split the money with me 50-50? ”

Many local farmers who wanted to help were speechless after hearing this.

David was notoriously bad, a local bully. David wanted to cheat people first, and now he wanted to be a rogue, so naturally no one helped him.

No one helped to speak, which made David look particularly embarrassed.

His son Hof pulled his sleeve:

"Dad, don't argue with him. Let's go to court and sue him for defrauding our forest land. 600,000 is obviously not in line with the value of this land. We signed the sales contract without knowing it, and this agreement is definitely invalid."

David thought it was right, and immediately became confident. He pointed at Wang Lei with a dark face and said:

"See you in court!"

When it comes to lawsuits, Wang Lei is naturally not afraid:

"Okay, my legal team and agents will accompany you to the end. "

David mistakenly thought that this was a personal contest between him and Wang Lei.

Behind Wang Lei stood a multinational group, the company was registered in the United States, and the lawyers were the top lawyers in the field of commercial disputes in the United States.

What's more, the additional clauses in the contract were very unfavorable to David and his son.

From the beginning, David had no chance of winning this lawsuit.

Because he was reluctant to spend money, he even found a lawyer who specialized in handling divorce cases, and the result was predictable.

Lost once, lost twice...

David fell into a demon, watching the money from the sale of the forest land all go in.

What made Hof even more angry was that their story became a local joke, and everyone knew that their family wanted to cheat people, but they were tricked instead.

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