Looking at his angry son, Lee Kun-hee sighed deeply.

"Jae-young, I know you can't understand it, but the situation is stronger than people.

The Wang family is powerful. Even if we don't give it to him, he will come to get it himself."

These words from Lee Kun-hee's mouth made Lee Jae-young very puzzled.

The Wang family is powerful, but this is Han Country, their base camp. What can make their Samsung Lee family make such a big compromise?

"Father, I'm very disappointed in you!"

Lee Jae-young, who has admired his father since he was a child, has a collapse in his inner world.

He pushed the bodyguard away regardless of his identity and rushed out of the door.

Looking at the back of Lee Jae-young leaving, Lee Kun-hee sighed:

"Jae-young, you don't understand me now, but sooner or later you will understand."

Lee Kun-hee no longer cares about his son who has a bad temper. He personally supervises the delivery of the industry and opens his core technology patents to Peninsula Technology.

On the other hand, Daewoo Group also transferred all the shares of Daewoo Motor to Bailong Consortium.

Everything was done in private, and the employees of Daewoo Motor did not even know that their boss had changed.

Until, Daewoo Group and Samsung Group simultaneously issued corporate announcements.

This kind of thing cannot be concealed, and being exposed to sell the company at a low price will also become a scandal.

So the two chaebols simply took the initiative to announce the transaction to the public.

The tone of the two announcements was surprisingly consistent.

In order to make Daewoo/Samsung's development more diversified and to cooperate more closely with Wang Group/Bailong Consortium, the two groups decided to sell some of their industries to it in order to obtain more development funds.

Of course, the transaction figures and the transfer of shares are confidential. Daewoo also announced some external development strategies. A series of amazing figures have dispelled the doubts of the public in Han Country.

However, many people still maintain a skeptical attitude, because Daewoo Motor is now a business card of Han Country to the outside world. Now that the business card has changed hands, they are still a little uncomfortable.

Fortunately, President Kim has done enough work and made a very positive evaluation of the White Dragon Group.

With the government's endorsement, the White Dragon Group has planted a big flag in Han Country.

This big move made other big chaebols shudder.

Originally, several big chaebols competed with each other, restrained each other, and had wins and losses.

Everyone was busy borrowing money and expanding wildly while Sakura Island was sanctioned.

Now Daewoo and Samsung took advantage of their unpreparedness and actually introduced Wang's evil wolf.

They still remember the scene of the Lotte family being uprooted.

Now from the announcements of the two companies, it is undoubtedly that the three companies exchanged interests and reached a more firm alliance.

It's fake that they are not afraid. Hyundai, LG, SK, Ssangyong Group, Hanjin Group...

The top ten big chaebols have found suitable allies and formed new alliances through marriage to restrain the aggressive Wang Yuxing Alliance.

Daewoo Motors, in particular, immediately became the target of public criticism and was besieged.

At this time, Hyundai Motors, Kia Motors, Ssangyong Motors, and Daewoo Motors were collectively known as the four major automakers in Han Country.

The three major groups behind them, together, planned to crush Daewoo in terms of price and output.

In order to compete for Daewoo Motors' overseas market.

Hyundai Motors, which started with Mitsubishi technology, even launched a 10-year/100,000-mile ultra-long powertrain warranty plan for North American consumers!

Seeing the various actions of the chaebols deliberately targeting him, Wang Lei's face was full of coldness.

Originally, he wanted to integrate into this new family with a good identity, but it seemed that everyone did not welcome him very much.

The newly appointed Dragon President Han Nanxiu asked excitedly:

"Mr. Wang, are you ready to take action?"

Han Nanxiu is a Chinese immigrant. After his own efforts, he was admitted to Seoul University, and became a senior executive of Daewoo Motors by marrying Jin Yuzhong's sister-in-law.

As soon as Wang Lei took over Daewoo, he quickly promoted him. There was no other reason, he just liked him.

But he obviously didn't guess Wang Lei's thoughts.

As a veteran of Daewoo Motor, he thought that since the other party had come to his doorstep, he had to teach them a lesson.

Daewoo Motor is the business card of Han Country to the outside world!

Facing the expectations of the new lackey, Wang Lei shook his head:

"Daewoo Motor's expansion speed is already fast enough, Nanxiu, we have to be more pragmatic.

So I decided to swallow up Samsung Motors first. The first thing to expand is the R&D team. What you have to do is to cut off all unnecessary production lines!"


Han Nanxiu showed an incredible expression, because at this time the entire Han Country believed that the bigger the better, the more the better, and Wang Lei's pragmatism had a huge impact on the concept in his heart.

He couldn't come to his senses for a while.

Swallowing Samsung Motors isHe could still understand this move. Daewoo Group unanimously believed in small-scale win-big-scale, and the concept of mergers and acquisitions has always run through the soul of Daewoo people.

What he couldn't understand was that Boss Wang asked him to cut unnecessary production lines.

Wang Lei sighed. If it weren't for eliminating the xenophobia within Daewoo Motors, he really wanted to parachute in one of his own people. Han Nanxiu's thoughts had been completely assimilated.

He had to explain in detail:

"Production line expansion and continuous mergers and acquisitions cost money, but the world market is so big, who will we sell so many cars to?

We must not only pragmatically cut unnecessary production lines, but also further put more energy into research and development, pursue quality and practical experience, and give our users a better experience.

If users are satisfied, our net income will naturally rise sharply."

Han Nanxiu can understand this point. Giving up quantity to pursue quality, Samsung Electronics President Lee Kun-hee also said something similar.

But doing so will undoubtedly be overtaken by other car companies and lose more market share.

"You should still publicize that we have added so many production lines and are preparing to enter the Indian car market in a big way. It is estimated that the production volume will reach so much in 2000. Anyway, everything should be said in a big way."

Han Nanxiu seemed to understand Wang Lei's bad intentions:

"In fact, we are reducing production and focusing on quality.

At that time, the enemy companies will feel pressure and choose a more radical expansion model, until one day..."

Wang Lei nodded with satisfaction. Han Nanxiu is indeed a smart person. He immediately understood his thoughts. Such people are what he wants.

He also doesn't mind giving this new lackey some big cakes:

"When their capital chain has problems, it will be our time for mergers and acquisitions. At that time, Kia and Ssangyong will become our merger targets. At that time, our Daewoo, or it should be said that Bailong-Daewoo will become the first car company in Han Country!"

Han Nanxiu is an ambitious person, otherwise he would not marry Jin Yuzhong's sister-in-law, the president of the first car company. This title has a fatal attraction to him.

"Mr. Wang, I will implement your will to everyone...

You will become the greatest tycoon in Han Country."

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