"Mr. Wang, thank you very much for your hospitality, but there are many things in the country that I need to deal with..."

"Mr. Brown, five-star general MacArthur once said that people who do not keep their promises will feel good for a while, but will suffer incomparable pain later. You know what I mean."

Wang Zhixin's threat frightened Gordon Brown, and he had to say pitifully:

"Mr. Wang, I hope you can let me go. I still want to continue to work as prime minister..."

"Brown, there are your signature and handprints on the contract, as well as the recording of our negotiation, which includes your disgusting words of surrender to me.

You know that my patience is very limited, and I didn't ask you to resign now.

We need a prime minister in office more than a resigned prime minister. You know what I mean."

What else can Gordon Brown say? If he doesn't cooperate, this recording will definitely appear on the desk of the media.

He will be sentenced to death by hanging by the angry people!

But when he thought that he could get double salary, his heart began to be active again.

"Five-star General MacArthur also said that since we can't resist, then enjoy it."

Gordon Brown expressed his sincerity again and put himself in the right position.

"Mr. Wang, what should I do next?"

"Severely punish the commander of the 27th Mixed Brigade. He is your best scapegoat. Put all the responsibility on the headquarters. You should be good at this kind of thing."

Gordon Brown nodded. He knew what to do without Boss Wang's reminder.

Wang Zhixin thought of his uncle's reminder and continued:

"Next, it is to comply with the request of the Scots and launch a referendum on Scottish independence!"

Hearing this, Gordon Brown's heart trembled slightly. Everything that happened in the Eagle Country was indeed related to the Wang family.

"The referendum must be open and transparent and follow public opinion!"

Listening to Wang Zhixin's righteous words, Gordon Brown felt that the other party was a complete devil.

The sentiment of Scotland's withdrawal from the Eagle is very strong. If it is really fair and open and follows public opinion, nine out of ten... the referendum will succeed!

The British Isles will become history!

Thinking of this, Gordon Brown was a little excited.

After getting his position right, his three views have changed subtly. He has no burden at all. Instead, he feels that if this thing is done, the Wang family will definitely gain huge benefits from it, and naturally will not treat him, a white glove, unfairly.

"Please rest assured, Mr. Wang, please rest assured, the board of directors, I will definitely complete the task assigned to me by the group!"

"Very good, Brown, you will not regret your decision today."

The next day, Gordon Brown returned to the Eagle Country, which he had left for a long time.

When he was interviewed by the media at the airport, he made a shocking statement.

"I will open a referendum on the Scottish Island. This is public opinion. Its stay or departure should be decided by the people themselves!"

The media of the entire Eagle Country was in an uproar.

This economist changed his attitude in the past, as if his meridians were opened.

His attitude made the Scots cheer and say that Mr. Brown did a good job and should continue to lead the Eagle Country.

Gordon Brown was surprised to find that in the new round of polls, his approval rating remained high, and almost over 80% of people thought he should continue to work.

He was a little dumbfounded. What he did was enough to be shot seven or eight times, so why was his approval rating still increasing?

Not long after, Wang Lei conveyed his latest ideas to Wang Zhixin.

"Let Brown start peace talks with the Patriots!"

Wang Zhixin was a little confused. The situation was very good now. If the Patriots were really recruited, wouldn't all the previous efforts be in vain?

"Haha, I did this for two purposes. The Patriots needed to use the negotiation time to digest the results of the war. On the other hand, I also wanted to use Brown's hand to knock the peace faction within the Patriots and let them know that they have only one way to go, that is, to gain independence through arms!"

The longer the war lasts, the more prosperous Wang Lei and Yalande's business can continue to be.

What peace talks, the initiative is completely in the hands of the Wang family.

Wang Zhixin understood instantly. He found that his uncle was really treacherous and insidious. No wonder his father didn't even dare to fight for him. His second uncle even took his family to another country for development.

After receiving the latest instructions, Gordon Brown immediately realized that this was another good opportunity to gain public approval. He could even use this to shout to patriots in front of the global media:

"The public needs peace. If you have any needs, we can sit down and talk to avoid bloodshed again!"

His speech once again received unprecedented support from the public. No one is willing to pay for war. AllPeople were applauding Gordon Brown's righteousness.

His approval rating even reached 90% at one point!

With the two axes of referendum and peace talks, the Eagle Country seemed to have restored its former order.

Even Gordon Brown himself was surprised that this almost chaotic situation was temporarily settled, which gave him an unreal illusion.

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