Rebirth of Journey to the West

Volume 1 The Wind Rises and Journeys to the West Chapter 9 The Ancestor holds a banquet to show off

Zhang Cizheng led all the Taoists to leave in embarrassment, and they were not allowed to come for revenge for at least fifty years. Zhu Ganglie didn't care about this - who would care about these small characters fifty years later. After he and Sha Wujing formally became friends, he ordered the demons to speed up the construction of the Shuifu Palace. Within a month, the Shuifu Palace was finally completed. Zhu Ganglie named it Shuiyue Dongtian and officially called himself Patriarch Zhu Ba, while Sha Wujing called him Patriarch Jinwu.

In the past month, the heavenly court has not sent any more heavenly soldiers to look for bad luck in Sha Wujing, so this incident must have been forgotten long ago. Even if the heavenly soldiers are sent down, with the cultivation level of those heavenly soldiers, if they enter the death aura range of the Tribulation Zone, their souls will fly away. Even if Heaven wants to blame them, they can't blame them.

Shuiyue Cave covers an area of ​​​​100 acres, with a main hall and two auxiliary halls, both of which are magnificent and three points more expensive than the palace on earth.

The demon clan in the water collected various treasures from the bottom of the Liusha River to inlay decorations. Three thousand water-proof beads were inlaid around the palace to drain away the weak water and breathe freely.

The palace is decorated with rockeries and strange rocks to open up the earth's veins, leading to a clear water fountain, and then transplanting the exotic flowers and plants from the Liusha River, which makes it look like a fairy. However, the people who live here are all fairies, and within a few days it became a smoky place with a cloud of evil spirits filling the air.

Zhu Ganglie didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He took off the double-ringed golden leaves on the Shangbaoqin gold palladium and turned them into two six-star and five-star formations. He continuously extracted spiritual energy from the rivers and earth veins to dispel the evil atmosphere, which not only facilitated cultivation, but also cultivated people. sentiment'.

Ancestor Zhu Ba divided the goblins who came to seek refuge into three, six or nine grades. The first three grades could practice next to the Six-Yao Five-Star Formation and advance very quickly. The others could only practice in the periphery, and their advancement was a little slower, but still It is several times faster than practicing outside, so I am grateful to the two ancestors.

Zhu Ganglie selected a few with good qualifications from the group of demons as registered disciples to teach them spells and some immortal arts, and classified them according to their scores. The water scorpion spirit Xie Wei is responsible for guarding the palace, the carp spirit Li Yu is responsible for patrolling, and the leech spirit Yuanhua is responsible for inquiring about information. Each is responsible for hundreds of little demons. They practice formations in their spare time to prepare for foreign invasion.

The Liusha River stretches thousands of miles across, and there are six or seven demon kings controlling it near Shuiyue Cave. The closest one is the weak water dragon clan led by the Red Horn Demon King. The Red Horned Demon King is a seven-clawed red-horned dragon. He claims to be a descendant of the Liusha River Dragon God and has great magical powers. The three-clawed dragon caused trouble last time because of his instructions, but he didn't expect it to be destroyed directly by Zhu Ganglie with a thunderbolt.

How could the Red-horned Demon King watch helplessly as another force appeared around him? However, he did not take action because he was not in a good position, so he sent several dragons under his men to cause trouble within Zhu Ganglie's sphere of influence from time to time, with the intention of provoking a war between the two families and killing Zhu Ganglie. The power of the Eight Ancestors was wiped out in the bud.

Zhu Ganglie ordered his demons to ignore it and tolerate everything. After the Shuifu Palace was completed, he sent invitations to all the demon kings of the Shui tribe within three thousand miles to come to celebrate. The Red Horn Demon King was also invited.

There are 18 village owners and 16 demon kings in the Liusha River of 3,000 miles. After receiving the invitation, they came to congratulate one after another. However, they saw that the water was filled with demon clouds, and 34 demons came, including frogs, turtles, snakes, Snakes, clams, water corpses, fish, dragons, eels, etc. are all giants.

These thirty-four monsters had to come because of their reputation. They each brought weapons and magic weapons, secretly being on guard, and indispensably prepared some gifts, which were all rare treasures in the water. After seeing the scale of Shuiyue Cave and the two spirit-gathering formations, I couldn't help but admire the handiwork of Patriarch Zhu Ba.

Zhu Ganglie held a banquet in the main hall, with himself as the host, accompanied by Sha Wujing, and the other demon kings took their seats. The little demons served wine and food, chicken, duck, cattle and sheep like water, and the fragrance was overflowing. One of the demon kings shouted: "Why is there no pork?"

The expressions of the little demon attendants in Shuiyue Cave changed greatly. They already knew that the original form of Zhu Ba was a pig demon, so they did not prepare pork. When they heard the demon king yelling, they couldn't help but break into a cold sweat and secretly asked him. Zhu Ganglie looked over and saw that the ancestor's face did not change and he said with a smile: "Pork is a bit more expensive now, so I didn't ask the kids to buy it. Forgive me, Ancestor Yuntian!"...

Ancestor Eel Tian snorted, tore off a cow leg and stuffed it into his mouth, and said displeasedly: "Why are you not treating guests well? After all, we have given gifts!"

Zhu Ganglie apologized profusely, waved his hand to summon Xie Wei, and said in a low voice: "Write down this guy's bastard words, so that I, ancestor, will not forget them afterwards, and I can deal with him again when I have time! Grandma, you dare to eat pork!"

Xie Wei broke into a cold sweat, quickly found pen and paper, and wrote it down.

The sound of singing and bamboo music began in the palace, and a group of beautiful women walked into the palace and danced slowly to the music.

These women were beautiful girls that Zhu Ganglie had snatched from the Qingping Palace. Although Fatty Zhu had some thoughts about these girls, he did not force them. He gave each of the beautiful girls a hundred taels of silver. After the song and dance, they were sent back individually. Home. These beautiful girls faced the strange monsters. Although they were a little panicked, they were not afraid. Their long sleeves were flowing like clouds, their mouths were smiling, and they were dancing, which made the old monsters overjoyed and made their mouths water.

Some were coveting the beauty, some were coveting the delicious food, and so on, but only a few of them looked calm. Zhu Ganglie saw it and kept it in his heart.

After finishing the dance, the beautiful ladies bowed their hands and slowly retreated to the back hall to collect their money. When passing by these old demons, they inevitably use their hands and feet, which scares the girls so much that they run away in panic, and the demons burst into laughter.

Among the thirty-four demons, there is a sea snake spirit with red threads and golden scales. He was originally a monster from the South China Sea. Because he molested the third princess of the dragon clan in the East China Sea, he couldn't survive, so he came here along the Liusha River and built a cave. The red-scaled snake spirit was the most lewd by nature. It laughed strangely, got up and chased after the women. The other demon kings were also ready to make a move, but the master didn't say anything and couldn't take action.

Zhu Ganglie chuckled and said: "King Red Scale, wait a moment, I will benefit you later."

The red-scaled snake spirit had no choice but to sit down, feeling unbearably itchy and looking back to the back hall frequently. Zhu Ganglie smiled and said: "Today's banquet for all the kings is to celebrate the opening of my little brother's cave and to say hello to you so that we can take care of each other in the future. Secondly..."

All the demon kings were trembling in their hearts, and said to themselves: "The business is about to begin!" They quickly made preparations secretly, just in case Ancestor Zhu Ba did something secretly. They saw the scale of Shuiyue Cave and knew that Patriarch Zhu Ba was a man with deep feelings. How could they not be on guard?

"Secondly, my little brother was traveling recently, passing by Nanfanbuzhou, and got a treasure at the foot of the Five Elements Mountain. This treasure glowed with golden light by day, auspicious energy by night, and devoured the aura of heaven and earth. It turned out to have magical powers of its own, and the size was as desired! "

The demons listened thoughtfully. Isn't Nanfanbuzhou, at the foot of Five Elements Mountain, the place where the Great Sage Qitian who made trouble in the Heavenly Palace was imprisoned in the past? What kind of treasure can Patriarch Zhu Ba get at the foot of Five Elements Mountain? Could it be...

The fat man continued: "This treasure has two golden hoops at both ends, and a piece of black iron in the middle. There is also a line of words written on it: Ruyi golden hoop, weighing 13,500 kilograms." Zhu Ganglie said this and stopped talking. Don't talk, just sip the wine carefully and peek at everyone's faces.

Sure enough, the thirty-four demon kings all changed their expressions and whispered, some were suspicious, and some wanted to rob it. The red-horned demon king said loudly: "I wonder how ancestor Zhu Ba got this wishful golden cudgel? Can you tell me so that my brothers can learn more about it!"

Zhu Ganglie chuckled and said: "It's a coincidence. That day, my little brother was traveling around and passing by the foot of Five Elements Mountain. He saw a skinny monkey being crushed at the foot of the mountain. He couldn't help but feel pity for him. The monkey was furious and said how great he was. , once wreaked havoc in the Heavenly Palace, even millions of heavenly soldiers and generals could not stop it. Of course I didn’t believe it.

Seeing that I didn't believe it, the monkey took out a golden needle from his ear. When it faced the wind, it grew into an eight-foot golden cudgel. He said proudly: "This rod weighs 13,500 kilograms. If you can twist it, This stick is given to you! ’”

Zhu Ganglie took a sip of his wine and said with a smile: "I'm ashamed to say it, brother really can't lift this stick. But I saw that this treasure of his was extraordinary, so I used a photography method, riding the demon wind, to drag the Ruyi Golden Cudgel. After dragging and dragging for three thousand miles, the monkey yelled and screamed, but unfortunately he was pinned down at the foot of the mountain. I just ignored him and got this treasure. "...

After hearing this, the thirty-fourth Demon King believed that it was consistent with Sun Dasheng's character. Even Sha Wujing, who had met Sun Wukong before, also believed it a little. They all clapped their hands and laughed and said: "Ancestor, good tricks. , good means!”

The red-horned demon king's eyes rolled around and he shouted: "Ancestor, can you open your eyes to the brothers and see the Ruyi Golden Cudgel?"

Zhu Ganglie seemed to be six or seven points drunk, and he laughed and said: "Why not? This treasure is standing outside the palace, making a beautiful watch. I can't lift it or dance. I originally planned to let you brothers see it. Who can If you can twist it, I'll exchange it with someone for a magic weapon that I can hold!" He then stood up and staggered out of the hall. Xie Wei was holding a drink and followed closely behind.

Sha Wujing was a little hesitant when he heard this. The beautiful watch outside the palace was planted by Zhu Ganglie this morning. It was actually the vicious chrysanthemum-exploding magic needle. The Explosive Chrysanthemum Divine Needle has been refined by the true fire of Zhu Ganglie's Samadhi. It is neither gold nor iron, and it can be big or small. Sha Wujing saw this brother playing with the Explosive Chrysanthemum Divine Needle early in the morning, and now he somewhat understands, I just don't know what he wants to do yet.

"My cheap brother, could it be that he wants to use this vicious needle to deceive a magic weapon user?"

All the demons were overjoyed and said to themselves: "This ancestor Zhu Ba has no eyesight to recognize the magic weapon, and he is also a good guy. He actually wants to replace the Ruyi Golden Cudgel. I have some treasures here. I will exchange it for him later and cheat the Ruyi Golden Cudgel." come over!"

When they arrived outside the hall, they saw Patriarch Zhu Ba standing in front of an inconspicuous Huabiao Pillar and said drunkenly: "Brothers, this wishful golden cudgel shines with thousands of rays. I used a blinding method to cover it up so that no one would see it." If you want, take it away from me, brother, remove the blindness!"



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