Rebirth of Journey to the West

Volume 2: Reenactment of the Great Desolation Chapter 220: The Great Desolation is Broken and the St

Before Gang Lie went into seclusion, he gave the demon-killing whip and the demon-sealing list to the spirit beads with sinister motives, thus stirring up a hornet's nest. Many capable people have settled on the Demon Sealing List, such as the Eighteen Arhats and Rahula, as well as thousands of people above the True Immortal level. They were all released from the list by the evil young master and dragged to the Hundred Thousand Mountains. Play a kid's game of house. The demon kings in the mountain had no choice but to accompany him in his mischief. The third mistress of the Niu family and the Holy Infant King stood on the top of the mountain respectively. They attacked me and I attacked you all day long, killing each other until blood flowed like a river.

The Eighteen Arhats originally planned to rather die than surrender, and the soldiers could be killed rather than humiliated, but if they would rather die than surrender in front of the naughty boy and cause the true soul to perish, they would really surrender. These guys also have to play around with the little ones. What shocked the immortals on Fulong Island was that Sha Wujing actually sent Xie Wei, an expert in conquering cities and territories, to personally guide them. After a year or two, these little devils learned the art of war very well, and even in the midst of conquering each other, they also Can use tactics.

Floating Dragon Island is still calm as before, but there is a huge commotion in the outside world. Four thirty-three-day towers stand at the four poles of the mainland, the Dao Gate in the East Pole, the Buddhist Gate in the West Pole, Nuwa in the North Pole, the Styx in the South Pole, and the Kunpeng Demon. The master is ready to make a move, and there is Daojun Lu Ya who is fanning the flames. The war between Taoism and Beiji Nuwa finally began. Although it was a sporadic mortal battle, as the number of deaths in various countries increased, the battle began to gradually escalate, and monks who specialized in Taoism also gradually participated in the war. middle.

Different from the Battle of the Gods during the Shang Dynasty, in the Battle of the Gods, the mortal state power was dominant. In this ancient game, the monks were the dominant force, and the country was just a auxiliary. There was plenty of power in the world. There are spiritual energy resources for them to consume, and almost every battle is covered by sea, land and air. Countless new weapons and magic weapons have also been developed. It's like hollowing out a large mountain and refining it into a magic weapon with great power and small power. An army of monks hides in it and releases the magic weapon and flying swords from the holes to kill the enemy. When the two armies are facing each other, if this magic weapon is sacrificed to the enemy, the lethality will be huge.

However, the shortcomings of this multi-person magic weapon were quickly exposed. All it took was a powerful innate magic weapon to shatter the mountain into pieces in one fell swoop. None of the monks among them could escape, and they all died. The hell that has always been deserted has finally ushered in a busy period. The ghosts, soldiers, ghosts, kings and judges, Yama, are so busy that the hell is so full of ghosts that they can't find a place to reincarnate.

——This will prepare a large number of souls for the creation of humans from clay and the rise of the human race after the establishment of Heaven.

This kind of aerial fortress was not conducive to evacuation, and soon the monks in the wilderness improved it. It is also easy to develop prototype warships and exert huge advantages in battles, even to compete for sea hegemony in the deep sea.

At this time, the Styx lineage also developed many spells and magic weapons aimed at the soul. The Wu clan used their powerful natural perception to develop a series of soul attack techniques and magic weapons. The Asura clan used these magic weapons and magic weapons in Buddhism. Take it to the extreme in a fight. Asura in the Blood River Chariot integrates offense and defense. After almost killing all the Buddhist orthodoxy in the mortal world and annihilating all the countries in the South China Sea in one fell swoop, Boya King Chen Bing Fengqi Mountain forced the troops of all countries into the mountains.

Dingguang Huanxi Buddha led the demon king Bo Xun and the three great desirous women Trishna, Loti and Luojia to fight. The demon king Bo Xun summoned countless poisonous insects, monsters and beauties, but they were all smashed to pieces by the blood river chariot. Dingguang Huanxi Buddha had no choice but to give the three lustful girls to the lustful King Boya, so that he would not be interested in military affairs. Taking the opportunity to counterattack, they forced King Boya's army out of Fengqi Seven Kingdoms.

The Asura envoy Mo held the emperor's sword of Emperor Rahu, went directly into King Boya's tent, killed three lustful girls, and read out the emperor's will. King Boya was ashamed and ashamed, so he took charge of the war again and beat Dingguang Huanxi Buddha to the ground and fled.

Buddhism could no longer hold it in any longer. Send a powerful character to Du Erluohan. Led the main army of Fengqi Seven Kingdoms. Lay out a vast array of Arhats. These Arhats cultivate their golden bodies and do not abstain from killing. Without fighting, a Buddhist scripture in one hand and a steel knife in the other are like a huge meat grinder, driving out the Asura army. The tyrannical body of the Wu clan and the ability of the Shura clan to resurrect are of no use in the Arhat formation. The Duer Arhat is even more It was to capture King Boya alive and press him up to Lingshan Mountain.

In the Thirty-three-day Shura Realm, Emperor Luohu was shocked and angry when he heard about this. He immediately went to the Sea of ​​Blood to ask for the will of Ancestor Minghe.

Ancestor Styx has now completed the repair of the twelve ancestral witches, and used the Asura secret method to make them even more powerful. He sent three of the ancestral witches to run for millions of miles, forcefully breaking into the enemy camp and killing tens of thousands of enemies. Capture Du Erluohan alive.

Afterwards, the two sides exchanged prisoners in front of the battle, exchanged Du Erluohan for King Boya, and signed a non-aggression treaty, stipulating that the Buddhists should give up the territory of the South China Sea.

Within the scope of their power, the Asura army withdrew from the Fengqi Seven Kingdoms. This war finally came to an end - of course, no one on either side of the treaty took it to heart.

At this point, Buddhism finally realized the power of the Blood River Chariot, and had to invite the puppet emperor, the Blessing True Monarch Xuantian God, to supervise the construction of the warships of the future heaven. Emperor Zhenwu finally wrested some power from Buddhism, abandoned the flashy warships of later generations of Heavenly Court, and adopted ancient methods to try to make the warships more powerful. Although it was not comparable to the Demon Clan Heavenly Court's ground battleships, it was still quite impressive.

After this kind of Xuanwu battleship was built, Emperor Zhenwu was once again ignored by Buddhism and became a loner again. Although Emperor Zhenwu was angry, he did not dare to turn his face and just planned secretly.

"When my hidden power comes to light, it will be enough to surprise you bald donkeys!"

Buddhism obtained Xuanwu warships that could compete with the Blood River Chariot. In the subsequent fiercer battle with the Asura tribe, they had completely abandoned their mortal power and mobilized millions of monks, most of whom were natives of the wilderness, to destroy The power is strong enough, and the Yuanyuan Continent is already showing signs of collapse and division. In many places, the ground, water, wind, and fire are surging.

The Great Master Xuandu appeared again, forging the Nine Cauldrons and burying them deep underground to protect the spiritual veins of the earth and prevent Yuanyuan Continent from falling apart. After receiving some enviable merits, the Archmage returned to Yunguang Cave and continued to watch this great chaos.

The emergence of the Nine Cauldrons of Merit and Virtue has allowed those powerful monks who were still wary of destroying the continent to participate in the war one after another. Although the spiritual energy between heaven and earth is still dominated by innate spiritual energy, as the number of masters participating in the battle increases, more and more masters are participating in the war. The more they were, the more they were forcibly broken up into acquired auras, and now acquired spiritual energy has taken up a certain proportion.

In this war game, many weak races were exterminated, and many powerful races sadly withdrew from the battlefield and were on the verge of extinction. If these races were placed in the long evolutionary history of the Earthly Immortal Realm, each race would be able to rule the universe. After a long period of time, they would be destroyed by the great catastrophe of heaven and earth. The remaining races would be protected by the Three Purities and sent to the land of alienation. .

However, in this world, the arrival of monks from the Earthly Immortal World has greatly accelerated this process. The races that were supposed to have a glorious and splendid civilization have come to a sad end, migrating out of Yuanyuan Continent and recuperating in other continents.

In less than a hundred years, Yuanyuan Continent has experienced tremendous changes that took billions of years to evolve in the immortal world. Some people pushed the wheel of history and ran over these ancient races over and over again until they were crushed to pieces. , and then gradually stopped.

To borrow a sentence from Hunyuan Tianzun: "This is a conspiracy, a conspiracy against the prehistoric race!" The reason why it is said to be a conspiracy is because although there are many dead, the six sects still retain complete strength. These strengths are in the war. There was almost no loss in it, and the ones who were damaged were all the indigenous cultivators from the ancient times! Therefore, it cannot but be said that this was done deliberately by the Six Religions, for fear that when the Six Religions went to war, these prehistoric monks would take their place.

However, when things have developed to this point, all the sects can no longer maintain their strength. A battle must be fought to decide the winner and loser. Who can become the true co-master of the three realms, and whose family will the merits of heaven be spent?

Everything must be judged based on the true strength of each religion!

All the wars stopped at this very delicate moment. All the countries in the wild were licking their wounds and enjoying the rare tranquility. However, the sky was covered with thick clouds, and there seemed to be a prelude to the coming rain.

At this time, Mr. Lu Ya Dao went to Fulong Island again in person. He had come and gone from Fulong Island to the East Palace countless times, but every time he could not see the ancestor Zhu Ba. Come and return disappointed.

This time, he didn't have much hope, but what made him overjoyed was that Patriarch Zhu Ba was released from seclusion!

"This bastard, he goes into seclusion when he says so. Does he really think that I don't dare to take refuge with Ran Deng and others?"

Although Daojun Lu Ya was angry, he had nothing to do. In his mind, Ran Deng and the others were much more difficult to deal with than Ancestor Zhu Ba. After all, there was the example of Emperor Zhenwu before them.

Ancestor Zhu Ba did not entertain Taoist Lu Ya in Hanguang Hall, but chose a pavilion on the top of the mountain with beautiful scenery and cool breeze. Accompanying him were Zhenyuan Immortal, Kunpeng Demon Master, Kumu Taoist, Wukong, and Yue. Fairy E, Fairy Ehuang and Fairy Xihe.

Daojun Lu Ya looked at these eight people carefully and couldn't help but have an illusion: at this moment, he is already the Supreme Emperor of Heaven! .

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