Rebirth of Journey to the West

Volume 2: Reenacting the Great Desolation, Chapter 242: The heroes are making a fuss in the underwor

When Beiluo Shimen received news of the rebellion in Hell and Huangquan, the generals of the division mobilized the three armies of Tianlu City, Barrier Formation, and Huya Camp, preparing to go to support them. However, they were killed by the leader of the Four Heavenly Kings of Nantianmen at Nantianmen. The red sperm stopped him and insisted on your Majesty's handwriting. Where does King Yu have the handwriting of Emperor Taihao?

Lingya Immortal and Qiu Shou Immortal also didn't know what medicine they had taken wrongly. They also helped to ask for His Majesty's handwriting and led the Juntianmen army to prevent Beiluo Shimen's three armies from descending. After quarreling for a long time, Wukong led Dobu 1000 Zhengshen to pass by, without even looking at the four heavenly kings, and went straight to the lower realm. The four heavenly kings of Nantianmen couldn't afford to offend Wukong's Doubi, but they didn't like Beiluo Shimen and only blocked King Yu.

In the midst of the commotion, a star official suddenly came forward and read out the decree of the Queen of the Two Palaces, saying: "There is chaos in hell. Beiluo Shimen immediately goes to quell the chaos. The four red kings cannot stop it! At this time, it is the beginning of chaos. In autumn, there are those who have ulterior motives and those who have different intentions are ready to act. You should be loyal to the Heavenly Court and your Majesty, otherwise you will be rewarded and punished by Secretary Lingzhu!"

The three kings of Chi Jing had a cold war, and then said: "I respectfully honor the imperial concubine's order." Then they gave way, and King Yu immediately led the three armies and went straight to Yinshan Mountain. The Spirit Tooth Fairy asked Chi Jingjing: "Even after being forced to this point, Your Majesty still didn't come forward. Is it true..."

Chi Jingjie shook his head and said: "No one saw the battle between His Majesty and Lord Lu Ya. We only know that His Majesty came back once afterward, and no one saw Him again after that. I guess he was in seclusion to recuperate, so he wouldn't die."

The Immortal Qiu Shou said: "Several sect leaders are anxious, fearing that something will happen to His Majesty - without his handwriting, who can go to hell to extract souls? The great merit of making human beings from clay cannot be achieved without a large number of souls. With a foolish general I see that this hell rebellion was planned by those leaders."

Chi Jing shook his head and smiled: "Everyone wants to obtain the merits that are enough to become a saint, but in today's prehistoric world, even if humans are created, they will all die within three days. Other races in the prehistoric world are not vegetarians."

In the harem. The two empresses in the East Palace and the West Palace frowned. Queen Mother Xihe looked at Guanghan Yuanjun and said: "Sister, Your Majesty has been away for thirty years, and the thirty-year period agreed upon is now coming soon. Previously, we could still treat each other The officials said that His Majesty was recovering from his injuries, but how could there be any reason for him not to show up? The day before yesterday, Tianchuan Xingdou Zhengshen Guangchengzi wrote to ask: If Your Majesty dies, who will succeed you? This guy is so bold that I gave him a scolding. But the officials were talking a lot, and the young master and the third prince were also secretly asking about it. "\u003c:. Emperor Ziwei Yun Zhongzi wants to force his majesty to show up. In order to obtain the will, or to go to hell to extract souls and create humans. He waited thirty years. I'm afraid I can't wait any longer. Yun Zhongzi can't wait any longer for his cultivation, and I'm afraid that others will be even more intolerable. This time there is chaos in hell, and I don’t know how many giants are secretly planning it. "

"Heaven cannot live without a king for a day. Now that Your Majesty has been away for thirty years, he must have traveled all over the world. It's all the fault of the old man in Xuandu who doesn't cultivate when he has nothing to do. He has to take Your Majesty to travel around the mountains and rivers!" said the Queen Mother Xihe. When people went to invite Jian Tiansi, the six-eared macaque hurriedly came to the harem and was about to bow to the two emperors and empresses. The two women quickly stopped him and said: "Uncle, you are His Majesty's brother, how dare you be such a big gift?" He quickly offered a seat.

The six-eared macaque sat down and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, what's wrong?" \u003c:. He caught up with Hu Meizi. I specially asked my uncle to check it out. "

The six-eared macaque smiled and said: "It is a lie to check Hu Meizi, but it is true to be forced to death. Going back to the two ladies, Your Majesty and the two old men have traveled all over Yuanyuan. They have arrived at the Kingdom of Emperor Jun now. In a few days, they will meet Under the Hongmeng Purple Qi Tongtian Pillar, thirty years of travel are coming to an end. "

The two empresses breathed a sigh of relief and said, "This ascetic life has finally come to an end." Empress Xihe said in surprise: "Two old men?"

The six-eared macaque said: "Aren't there two old men? Sometimes there are four or five old men. They all ride on a cow and walk forward slowly. It takes a long time to say a sentence, which is really difficult for people to understand." \u003c:.

"One is Xuandu, the other is Kong Xuan. Sometimes the old guy Yi Xi shows up, sometimes it's Nanhua Zhenren, and occasionally King Kong Xuan jumps out, and there's a majestic peacock. Usually it's Xuandu. , Kong Xuan and Your Majesty, others don’t often come out, only when they can’t distinguish Your Majesty, they jump out to help. His Majesty also has someone to help him, named Huizi, who is also an old man.”

Empress Xihe asked strangely: "Are Kong Xuan and King Kong Xuan two people?"

He asked about rituals and created Confucian teachings. "

In the imperial country, the sun sets over the desert.

The Sunset Desert is the largest desert in Yuanyuan Continent. The center of the desert is full of blazing real fire. Even the three-legged winged people of Dijun Kingdom dare not enter easily. It is said that this desert was formed by the blood of Emperor Taihao and the East Prince of the East Palace during a battle thirty years ago. The blood has been burning for decades and has not been extinguished. There is no sign of life.

On this day, three yak slowly walked out of the scorching desert, with an old man on their backs. These three old men are really old and decrepit. The old man in front has dull and hollow eyes, looking forward. The two old men who came later were sitting sideways on the back of the cow, with their heads lowered and dozing off, as if they might fall off the back of the cow at any time.

"Masters, you fell asleep again."

The green bull under the old man heard the master's words and secretly raised his head and looked back. Sure enough, he saw the two masters snoring slightly, and there were even small bubbles coming out of one nostril. One of the old men was riding a red bull, and the other old man was riding a white bull.

The old man riding the red bull stretched on the back of the bull and said with a smile: "Who will wake up first to the big dream? I know it in my life. I did a good job in this dream. I dreamed that there was a bohemian Zhuang Zhou, and this Zhuang Zhou was also there. Dreaming that he became a butterfly. The butterfly was also dreaming. He dreamed that he became Zhuang Zhou. Zhuang Zhou didn’t know if he dreamed of becoming a butterfly, or if a butterfly dreamed of becoming Zhuang Zhou. I don’t know if he dreamed of becoming Zhuang Zhou. Becoming Zhuang Zhou, Zhuang Zhou dreamed of becoming Hui Zi, so he was troubled in his dream. Now he woke up and found that his troubles were gone. "

The old gentleman riding the green ox smiled and said: "Good. Zhuang Zhou may not be Huizi, and Huizi may not be Zhuang Zhou. But when Master wakes up, he may not be in someone else's dream. I heard that Western teachings have enlightenment in dreams, but you can wake up After achieving great enlightenment, did Huizi study it thoroughly?"

Huizi didn't answer, but smiled and asked the old man riding the white bull, "What did Confucius dream about again?"

Confucius, who was riding a white bull, laughed and said, "I dreamed that three people were riding together, calling each other teacher. Although there was a tiger in front of us, the three masters were still riding together."

Shi Huizi and Zhuangzi laughed in unison and said, "Good. When three people are walking, there must be my teacher. Knowing clearly that there are tigers in the mountains, they prefer to go to the tiger mountains."

The three of them talked for a while and no longer felt sleepy. On the contrary, the cow under the seat could not understand and became sleepy. He kowtowed and took a nap, and moved forward unhurriedly. Zhuang Zhou laughed and said, "O cow, cow, what are you dreaming about again?"

The green cow woke up, quickly stuck out its tongue, and said with a loud sound: "I dreamed of a field of green grass with many cows." The three people laughed and said: "Good. Humanity is the way."

Red Bull sat down under Keiko and said with a smile: "I dreamed that I went to Diamond Mountain again and became the king of the mountain. My father and mother were here and I paid filial piety every day."

The three of them laughed again and said: "Good. Filial piety is the way."

Bai Niu, who was sitting under Confucius, mustered up his courage and said: "I dreamed... I got married. My husband was handsome and brave, and he was also very kind to me. Is this Tao?"

The three old men clapped their hands and laughed and said, "It's also the Tao!" White Bull was overjoyed when he heard this, but Red Bull laughed and said, "They're trying to mess with us! If this is also the Tao, wouldn't everything be the Tao?"

Keiko smiled and said: "Everything is Tao, it depends on whether you know it or not."

Confucius shook his head and said: "All things are Tao. Knowing means not knowing, and not knowing means knowing."

Zhuangzi smiled and said: "Both Masters are right, but neither of them is right. You must know that you are also the Tao. Only by knowing that you are the Tao can you realize the Tao. Only by forgetting that you are the Tao can you be in harmony with the Tao."

Confucius asked: "Master, have you forgotten?"

Zhuangzi was startled for a moment, and was speechless for a long time. Suddenly his body changed, turning into Yixi, and then into Xuandu. Three thousand miles of purple air rushed out from his head. Xuandu, Zhuangzi, and Yixi all stood in the purple air. There is another Xuandu under the anger. Suddenly there were six kinds of vibrations, six kinds of music, and six kinds of colors in the ancient world, all of which surged out from the sky, the earth, and the heart. Countless creatures, whether gods, deities or mortals, all fell down in worship, with tears streaming down their faces. They didn't know why they were moved, or why they cried.

In the autumn of the 40th year of the Great Taihao Period, on the 18th day of the seventh month, a saint came out, accompanied by Master Kong Xuan and Emperor Taihao to help him achieve enlightenment. They all had merit. Emperor Taihao looked at the saint in the sky and suddenly burst into tears. The sage asked: "Why is Taihao crying?"

The emperor said sadly: "Xuandu has forgotten his love and enlightenment, and has forgotten himself. Now I have lost a Taoist friend."

Master Kong Xuan also laughed. The saint asked again: "Why is King Xuan laughing?"

The real man said happily: "Now I have a good teacher!"

The saint of Xuandu sighed and said: "Forgetfulness is not heartlessness. You will also realize the Tao in the future. You will know when the time comes." He then landed on the back of the green ox and walked forward slowly, saying: "Go and get the Xuanhuang exquisite treasure of heaven and earth." Tower."

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