Rebirth of Journey to the West

Volume 2: Reenactment of the Great Desolation Chapter 245: The Battle of Qin and Sword, the Appearan

Kong and the Bull Demon King quickly looked towards the sound, and saw a sudden tide of blood and a huge blood column rising spirally from the sea. On top of the blood column stood a skinny Taoist with three strands of beard on his lips, carrying two swords on his back, slightly He sneered and said: "People say that the Four Swords of Zhu Xian are so good, but the Four Swords of Zhu Xian are nothing more than this. They can't even close under my Ah Bi Yuan Tu Sword. Old Ming He knew that he was no match for me, so he gave up his position as Qing Emperor. Ming He knew that he was no match for me. He is as famous as Taihao. I think Emperor Taihao is just like that. How can He De occupy the position of Emperor of Heaven? I am about to take his place!"

Bodhitian, Luo Jianluo, Jambuti, Diliche, Daweide and Niliye quickly got rid of Sun Houhou and Yuan Hong and flew to the Taoist's side.

The Taoist caught a glimpse of the One Hundred and Eight Heavenly Gods beating the six-headed Turtle Dragon to death and cutting off the thousand heads. The Blood Sea Ancestor couldn't help but became furious. With a finger, Yuantu Abi's two swords turned into two ten-mile giant swords and aimed at the Hundred and Eighty-Eight Heavenly Gods. Lingba Zhengshen swept away. These righteous gods are also brave people, and they don't even hide. They sacrifice their magical weapons and throw them at Abi Yuantu!

I saw bright lights and loud noises, just like countless fireworks rising in the sky, dazzling and dazzling. Abiyuantu's second sword could not make any progress and returned without success. One hundred and eight Zhoutianxingdou magic weapons were unable to perform any work, and each returned to the star master.

When Wukong saw it, his eyes flashed and he said happily: "This guy is great, he can be considered my opponent!"

The Bull Demon King also smiled and said: "When I have all my magic power, I can still fight! My dear brother is better than me, so he can indeed be considered your opponent."

The Blood Sea Ancestor failed to kill the gods with one blow, and was surprised. He thought to himself: "These people can become gods, they are really good at it." He smiled proudly and said: "Can Taihao have such great power? Can he be so powerful? A magic weapon? Taoist Wukong and Bull Demon King, it’s hard for you two to achieve this. Please surrender to me quickly, otherwise your thousands of years of cultivation will be ruined, and it will be too late!”

Wukong and the Bull Demon King looked at each other, and the Bull Demon King smiled and said: "It's a pity that he is a fool because of his cultivation! I don't even think about it, how can your Majesty achieve enlightenment, and why can he command the five emperors, eight tribes, three hundred and sixty-five righteous gods and eighty thousand people?" Four thousand deputy gods, become the Supreme Emperor of Heaven!"

Wukong also laughed and said: "This guy thinks that Yuantu Abi is an innate immortal spiritual light! He also said that he wants to get rid of Qingdi Minghe. I'm afraid you won't be able to pass Qingdi's blood sea and Minghe formation!"

The gods laughed loudly. The blood sea ancestor's complexion gradually became ugly, and he also felt that something was wrong. He indeed had not seen the Styx Ancestor’s Blood Sea Styx Formation. However, judging from the overwhelming power of the Zhuxian Sword Formation, the Blood Sea Formation ranked below the Zhuxian Sword must be even more unbearable. But these people in front of them are not weak. They have obviously seen the Blood Sea Styx Formation and are extremely afraid of that formation, but they are not afraid of themselves at all. Could it be that they really fell into Styx's plan and became the gun in his hand? The gun used to test whether God Taihao is dead?

Wukong accepted Monkey King's incarnation and Yuan Hong's incarnation, picked up the magic wand and stepped forward, smiling: "Come on. Come on! I'll relax your muscles and bones with you!" Just as he was about to take action, six kinds of vibrations suddenly came from the sky and the ground in his heart. With six kinds of music and six colors rising in front of his eyes, Wukong couldn't help but be shocked and said: "Who has attained enlightenment?"

There was also a vague sigh from the depths of the blood sea. The Asura clan and the gods all knelt down to the east involuntarily. , Ni Liye and others also knelt down and worshiped on the ground. The Bull Demon King, Wukong and the Blood Sea Ancestor suppressed the desire to kneel down in their hearts and supported them with all their strength.

As for the seventeen levels of hell above, all the fighting stopped, and both ghosts and immortals put down their butcher knives. They all knelt down and worshiped on the ground. Only a few powerful people supported themselves, and the hell fell into silence again. ——This is the situation when Master Xuandu attained enlightenment.

After the pressure of the saint passed. Wukong immediately flew forward, came to the head of the Blood Sea Ancestor, and hit him with a stick!

The Blood Sea Ancestor hurriedly raised his two swords to stop him, but Wukong put away his stick and walked away, shaking his head and saying: "No, no, this guy has no fighting experience. It will be uncomfortable to fight." As he said this. Suddenly the sea of ​​blood burst into anger. Blood clouds rolled up one after another from the sea, forming a sea of ​​blood in the sky. The six Asuras who were originally watching the battle flew into the sea of ​​​​blood, automatically combined the six Asuras, and surrounded Wukong and the gods in the formation.

When the Blood Sea Ancestor saw it, he was surprised and suspicious, and shouted: "What kind of formation is this?" But when he saw the Asura Tribe General Mo driving the Blood River Chariot from the center of the Blood Sea, he said respectfully: "Go back. Qing Emperor, this is the Blood Sea Styx Formation. The reason why Styx was defeated by Qing Emperor in the previous battle was because of his own lack of strength. The ancestor of Styx was upright and unwilling to use the Blood Sea Styx Formation to deal with Qing Emperor. Therefore. Your Majesty has never seen it.”

The ancestor of the Blood Sea praised: "This formation is really powerful, much more powerful than the flashy Zhuxian Sword Formation!" Six people flew into the formation, looking for Wukong and others to fight. About two days later, many gods lost their lives. Their souls returned to the demon sealing list and jumped out of the list. They were about to go to hell to fight again, but were stopped by the generals of Nantianmen.

Neutron instructs the red sperm, Taoist Duobao instructs the Spirit Tooth Fairy Qiu Shou Xian to guard the gods and make the chaos in hell worse. The masters sent by the two men collect the souls in the hell openly. When Xuandu became enlightened, the two of them also noticed it and became even more anxious. They were already using any means at this moment. Even Wu Gang, one of the four heavenly kings, was sent to Guanghan Palace to cut down trees.

While the Nantianmen was making a noise, suddenly Young Master Fu Xing and San Gongxing led the imperial army to rush towards the Nantianmen. Chi Jingzheng was about to stop him, but Xu Youchao and his father joined forces and knocked him over. A group of people started making noises. Go straight to the Kingdom of Emperor Jun.

At the same time, thunderclouds suddenly burst over the Yin Mountain, and a whirlpool with a radius of several hundred miles appeared. From the whirlpool, a fifty-stringed guqin hung down. The dragnet set up by King Yu and Princess Iron Fan was blown away by the hurricane blowing from the thundercloud!

Immediately afterwards, the guqin fell straight from the gate of hell, breaking through layers of continents all the way, reaching as deep as the 18th floor. When the detained Sun, Nuwa, Ehuang and others saw it, they were frightened and hurriedly led everyone under the disciples in a panic. After leaving, King Yu and others could not stop him, so they could only chase and kill some small things along the way.

The guqin fell directly into the Saw Hell, suspended above the blood sea and the Styx formation. The guqin was hundreds of miles wide and silent. Admiral Capricorn looked at it and was so frightened that he quickly dived into the sea of ​​blood with a chirp and dived down quickly. From the hole opened in the Eighteenth Level of Hell, another snow-white and clean hand came out, as if without a trace of fireworks, it gently landed on the strings, and its fingers suddenly trembled! .

The sound of the piano exploded.

The Blood Sea and Styx Formation immediately fell apart and evaporated completely on the spot. Countless Asuras' flesh, flesh and bones were turned into flying smoke in the sound of the piano, and even the souls of those with low cultivation levels were not left behind. The Blood Sea Patriarch, Bodhitian, Luo Jianluo, Jambudvipa, Diliche, Daweide, and Niliye are besieging Wukong Bull Demon King and the remaining generals. The Blood Sea Styx formation is indeed powerful. It goes on and on. A group of righteous gods and Yulin troops are trapped in the formation, and no one can escape!

Unexpectedly, the formation of the Blood Sea and the River Styx suddenly broke. Bodhitian, Luo Jianluo, Jambudvipa, Dili Che, Da Weide, and Mu Liye were shaken by the sound of the piano, and blood kept pouring out of their mouths, blocking the capital. Unable to block it, the Blood Sea Ancestor was also shocked to the point of vomiting blood, but he was much better than the other six. He raised his Abi and Yuantu swords and slashed at the giant hand.

Before he reached the giant hand, he heard the sound of feathers, and the two swords fell to the ground with a clang as if they had been hit hard. The big hand pressed down on the sixteenth string of the piano and plucked it gently. The Blood Sea Ancestor couldn't help but despaired of all thoughts and shouted: "Who are you? Are you a saint who has just become enlightened?"

When the sound of the piano sounded, a pattern of four swords suddenly flew out from the depths of the Blood Sea. The Patriarch of the Blood Sea and the six Bodhi Heavens were drawn into the picture. The four swords were raised up in a formation.

Styx still couldn't bear to see him die, so he finally took action.

The white and pure hands freely strummed the guqin, and the Zhuxian Sword Formation rumbled loudly. The sound of the zither forced them to retreat continuously, and finally they were forced above the sea of ​​blood. It seemed that the formation could break at any time.

Ancestor Styx suddenly appeared in the sky above the sword formation. Looking at the giant hand and piano, he suddenly transformed into three heads and four arms. He held the Four Swords of Zhu Xian in his hand, stepped on the sword formation diagram, and kicked the Blood Sea Ancestor and others away. , fell into the sea, and sneered: "Your Majesty, that's enough. You have already killed millions of soldiers of our Asura clan, why bother to kill them all again?"

The giant hand still kept playing. The four swords in Ancestor Minghe's hand swayed. Countless sword energies composed of innate Qi met the bursts of sound waves. Qing Emperor Minghe walked towards the giant hand of the guqin with his sword and said with a smile: "It's okay, I haven't seen you for more than thirty years, and I thought your majesty was dead! Now that I see your majesty safe and sound, I feel relieved, and I want to see if your majesty has made progress!"

When he reached the opposite side of the guqin, about ten steps away, the giant hand suddenly stopped playing and pressed his middle finger on the seventeenth string. The Qing Emperor's pupils narrowed sharply, and he raised the Stab Immortal Sword and the Absolute Immortal Sword. Only these two swords he had opened all the restrictions and had the greatest power. Now seeing the giant hand pressing the seventeenth string that had never been used before, the Qing Emperor was also a little uneasy. .

At this time, suddenly a deep voice came from the sword hell, and said with a smile: "Qing Emperor, I am not dead yet, why do you pretend to be dead, and now you have shown up again? Don't test me again!" After that, the giant hand and the guqin came one after another. Disappear from the hole. Wukong, Bull Demon King and others also took the opportunity to leave.

Qing Emperor smiled and said: "Stingy." He stretched out his hand to catch the Blood Sea Ancestor and said with a smile: "You are still useful, let me go to heaven to meet the Emperor of Heaven." After hearing this, the Blood Sea Ancestor rolled his eyes and fainted.


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