Rebirth of Journey to the West

Volume 2: Reenacting the Great Desolation Chapter 251: Keeping the light hidden, the dragon and the

Emperor Taihao returned to the Heavenly Court and summoned his former brothers one by one. He gave some instructions, saying: "If there is a war in the lower realms, you must not participate. If there is a fight for power among the gods, just turn a blind eye." Close one eye and pretend that you don't see it. Don't fight with others on weekdays. If you are in doubt, you can ask Zhenyuan Daxian and Kumu Taoist. If someone rebels and attacks Tianting, don't go to war. The Demon Master's Palace and Wuzhuang Temple are hiding from trouble."

Bull Demon King, Wukong and others were puzzled, but His Majesty said nothing and asked them to retreat. The Bull Demon King, the Peng Demon King and others soon understood what Emperor Taihao said. Shortly after the Ascension Conference, Emperor Ziwei, Jin Emperor Doumu Yuanjun, Black Emperor Master, Nirvana Leader, Hunyuan Er Tianzun (without Hunyuan Tianzun), Nuwa Empress, and Duobao Tianzun jointly submitted a letter to remonstrate. : The immortals in the lower world are free and loose, disobeying the rule of heaven, and refusing to ascend. This has threatened the people's livelihood in the mainland. It is appropriate to send troops to attack them to ensure the majesty of heaven.

Emperor Taihao made the announcement and left the matter to the Heavenly Lords to take care of themselves, saying: "Although the immortals in the lower world are not convinced, I think it is because of my lack of virtue. Dear Heavenly Lords, I am willing to abdicate the position of the Supreme Being."

The gods finally forced him into this position, making it difficult for him to use his hands and feet. How could he escape and return home? One after another, they said: "The Taihao God is so powerful that he has great merits and virtues. His merits are immeasurable and unparalleled. Don't ever give in."

Ziwei Emperor Yun Zhongzi also advised: "Your Majesty, the sky is prosperous, with the Ziwei Emperor Star shining, the Black Emperor Gouchen Emperor Star assisting, the Eastern Qing Emperor controlling all things, the Antarctic Emperor Star granting longevity, and the Western Venus Presiding over the war will ensure that His Majesty will remain in power for eternity."

Yun Zhongzi described the other four emperors as assisting God Taihao. To say that Ziwei Emperor Star shines on God implies that Emperor Ziwei is still above God Taihao. This statement goes beyond the scope of a minister. It's just that Guangchengzi, a subordinate of Chanjiao, is in charge of the three departments of Tianjian, and Chijie is in charge of Nantianmen. Most of the people on the list of Chanjiao's disciples hold important positions and have prominent official positions. In addition to His Majesty's power in the Heavenly Court, he is the most powerful. Although the gods who are loyal to His Majesty are secretly angry, they dare not speak out to accuse him.

The other Heavenly Lords also heard what Emperor Ziwei meant, and felt unhappy in their hearts. However, they tried their best to disband Floating Dragon Island. Push Zhu Ganglie to the position of Supreme Emperor of Heaven, which is both loved and hated, and disperse the originally huge power. He must not be allowed to escape and re-establish Fulong Island. Otherwise, the situation will be dominated by one family again. For Yun Zhongzi, No objection was expressed.

Emperor Taihao did not insist anymore and said: "You and your family are wholeheartedly assisting you. But if you have any intention of replacing me, just make it clear that I will definitely be waiting for you." After retreating from the court, Xu Chaofu, two senior officials, secretly contacted those who were loyal to the emperor. The scholar secretly wrote a letter and cried: "Yunzhong Jun has a disobedient heart and wants to commit treason. I am willing to share your worries and eliminate the traitors and thieves!"

Emperor Taihao called the two of them to him. Give him a scolding. Burn the memorial. Hanguang Hall was beaten with random sticks. The two old ministers returned to the mansion to recover from their injuries, hugged each other and cried, "Your Majesty has been deceived by treacherous ministers. Now you can't even listen to the treacherous words." Just as they were talking, Chi Jing and Qingxu Daodezhen came to pay their respects. After some sarcastic remarks, the two of them were so angry that they vomited blood and walked away.

As soon as Chi Jing and Qingxu Daode Zhenjun left, the six-eared macaque of the Supervisor Tiansi arrived on the back, gave the wound medicine, comforted him with gentle words, and said: "The two doctors are loyal, how can your majesty not know? But these two adults You should also consider your majesty's painstaking efforts, so as not to fall into someone else's trap without knowing it." Before leaving, he smiled and asked: "You two adults should know where your majesty will be summoned."

Only then did Xu Youchao's father wake up and said: "Your Majesty usually summons his ministers in Yangxin Hall, but just now he changed it to Hanguang Hall. Is it to persuade us to conceal our light?" The two old ministers were overjoyed and said: "Your Majesty has a bright chest. Cheng Xiu, we can't cause any more trouble to His Majesty." So he kept to himself and kept his position secret.

In the general's mansion on the Tianchuan Xingdou, Yun Zhongzi smiled at Guangchengzi and said: "I still admire God Taihao very much. He started from scratch with an ordinary body, and now he has become such a huge force and has such a high position of power. , it must be said that he is an anomaly. We all know the history of the Earthly Immortal Realm, but it is really shameful that he can climb to such a high position. "

Guangchengzi shook his head and said with a smile: "Otherwise. Although God Taihao has some tricks, isn't he rolling in the palm of the senior brother and never being able to jump out? Between junior brothers, the senior brother is still better!"

Yun Zhongzi smiled and said: "Junior brother underestimated him. If you were the owner of Fulong Island, what would you do if this happened?"

When Guangchengzi heard that his senior brother wanted to test him, he thought for a moment and said: "I will definitely join the Taoist sect to fight against the Hunyuan Sanqing, and then secretly join the Hunyuan Sanqing to fight against the Taoist sect, in order to feel balanced."

Yun Zhongzi smiled and said: "This is the difference between you and him. God Taihao doesn't take refuge in anyone. He supports himself with his own strength. No one can support him."

If we don't object, let us start the chaos ourselves and fight for the merits of creating human beings. If one party is chosen, he will inevitably become a puppet of one party and become a meek character like the Jade Emperor. The other forces will still point their fingers at him. He would not take refuge in anyone, and he would keep his power secret. Instead, he would point the finger at each other among the various religions. The various churches gradually ignored the fact that there was an emperor in heaven who ruled over all the heavens. He can also take advantage of it. When we are at a fierce fight, he will take advantage of the situation and rise up. I am afraid that other forces will look at him and say something. "

Guangchengzi pondered for a while and said with a smile: "What the senior brother said is true. If you take refuge in this or that, the power of your sect will only become weaker and weaker. On the contrary, only by being impartial and keeping a low profile can you be safe. However, this situation only occurs before the saint comes out. Under such circumstances, if a saint appears, this situation will be broken immediately. Under the saints, there are all ants that can be wiped out with a wave of hands. Therefore, Emperor Taihao is keeping a low profile at this time. It is better to choose the person who is most likely to realize the Tao first. On the contrary, there is a possibility of saving his life. If he continues like this, he will not only lose his own life, but also the lives of his former brothers, and even the lives of his wife and children will most likely be reduced to ashes!"

Yun Zhongzi stroked his palms and smiled and said: "There must be advantages and disadvantages. Junior brother's knowledge has increased a little, which is gratifying! If I achieve enlightenment through merit and virtue, junior brother's status can also be moved up. My merits as general of the three armies of the battleship will be great for junior brother. It’s a bit smaller.”

Among the three generals of Tianting Lei, Zhan, and Fighting Ships, there is only the position of Liu Yu. Yun Zhongzi's intention is to give Guang Chengzi a great merit. No matter which one of the Six Yus dies, this merit will be replaced by his replacement. inherit. .

Guangchengzi was surprised and happy, and said: "Senior brother is only one step away from becoming a saint. If senior brother becomes a saint, no one can compete with him, and my foolish brother can be saved!"

"As long as you help me take all the merits of creating human beings, I will give you the supreme position of Emperor of Heaven." Yun Zhongzi wrote a paragraph on the table and said with a smile: "Junior brother, be careful."

Guangchengzi brushed off the writing and said with a smile, "It's easy." The two of them said goodbye.

The Heavenly Court did not carry out a large-scale massacre of the immortals in the lower world, but only used thunderbolt means to move their immortal mountains overseas in ten years. They also moved several continents from the universe and merged them with the Yuanyuan Continent to allow those who had no place to practice. Immortals lived there, so as not to interfere with the plans of the masters of the religions to create human beings out of clay.

Of course, the killing of those who resisted was indispensable. Although the monks who took action were in the name of Heaven, they were not gods of Heaven, but mostly members of the sect. They did evil under the guise of the Supreme Emperor of Heaven. For a time, the reputation of the Emperor of Heaven dropped to the extreme. .

Xu You and others became anxious again and wrote a letter: "If things continue like this, I'm afraid someone with bad intentions will attack the sky." Emperor Taihao still ignored him and let the people in the sect continue to do whatever they wanted.

During this period, the six-eared macaque of Jiantiansi suddenly disappeared, and some local gods suspected that it was the work of the Buddha, because shortly after the six-eared macaque disappeared, the Buddha immediately wrote a letter saying: "Jiantiansi must not be left alone. The minister recommended Di Ting to take charge." Emperor Taihao made the announcement, and Di Ting took on the responsibility of supervising the Tiansi, replacing the six-eared macaque. As for Wukong, the commander of the fighting department, the Bull Demon King of the Yulin Army, the general of the three armies of Beiluo Division, King Yu, the chariot and cavalry general, the lion and camel king, the tiger and ben general, the macaque king, and the commander of the three flags, the demon king of Peng, all lost their will because of the disappearance of the six-eared macaque. Depressed, he spent all day drinking and getting drunk, and his influence was gradually emptied out by the four religions, two islands and one holy place.

Chanjiao rose up at this time and gradually controlled half of the troops in Heaven. Lingzhu was often brought to Yuxu Palace as a guest. Yun Zhongzi said to him: "You are His Majesty's eldest son, but His Majesty treats you differently from the other six sons. I only appoint you to be in charge of the Divine Whip. I’m afraid the one who will succeed you is not you but Prince Zhaoming. I’ve watched you grow up and I can’t let you suffer!”

Lingzhuzi thought for a moment and said with a smile: "Lingzhuzi's current status is all given by his father. As for whether he can succeed to the throne, it all depends on his father's will. The ministers should not interfere with this matter." Yun Zhongzi had no choice but to give up. Nezha came out to persuade him, but Lingzhuzi just smiled and had no intention of fighting for the eldest son.

Let's talk about the Emperor Taihao standing up in the Yangxin Hall of the Imperial Palace and saying with a smile: "In this case, I will be able to help my fellow Taoist." Opposite the Emperor, another Taihao sat impressively. He also stood up and said with a smile: "A real man should be like a dragon or a snake, able to stretch and bend. When the song is straight, the light is obscured and the color is invisible; when it is stretched, the thunderbolt leaps and the dragon roars in the sky. If my Taoist friends want to do great things, I will do what the song means, and there will be no hindrance."

The two Taihao Emperors laughed, and one of them quietly left the heaven and arrived in the cosmic space outside Yuanyuan Continent. A six-eared macaque sat on the back of Ananda Dragon King and waited, saying: "Your Majesty, I have been traveling with the black dragon for ten years. , I have walked through this universe and found several doubtful points, which must be the place where Bodhi and Qinglian cultivated in secret!"

Emperor Taihao smiled and said: "After leaving the Heavenly Court, I am no longer the Great Emperor, my dear brother, I will just call you as I used to."

The six-eared macaque scratched his head and said with a smile: "Your Majesty has been able to speak smoothly all day long." He jumped onto Zhu Ganglie's shoulder and said with a smile: "Young master, come with me!".

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