Rebirth of Journey to the West

Volume 2: Reenacting the Great Desolation Chapter 260: The Compromise Situation: The Sage in the Clo

Emperor Tianqing Minghe came alone, carrying the Four Swords of Killing Immortals on his back, stepping on the sword formation diagram, pointing at Yun Zhongzi and laughing: "Sage Yun Zhong, you have calculated in every possible way, and finally achieved enlightenment. Even Emperor Taihao also fell. You fell into your scheme, and even your fellow teachers and brothers died one after another. Only Yang Jian and Nezha escaped. Today's Chanjiao can no longer be called a religion. You are just a lonely person! You even want to plot against your own brothers! Poor, poor!"

Yun Zhongzi's expression changed, and then he smiled and said: "Below the saints, there are all ants. If Qing Emperor leaves immediately and hides in the blood sea and river of Hades in the eighteenth level of hell, there is still a possibility of escaping. If he continues to stay, If you oppose me here, I'm afraid Dongtian Qingdi will have to change his position."

Ming He laughed loudly, and the sword formation diagram under his feet suddenly fell into the colorful clouds. Four Rashomon gates immediately rose up, and the four swords of Zhu Xian were hung, trapping Yun Zhongzi in them. The four swords vibrated together, and billions of sword energies crisscrossed the sky. The array is completely white. Yun Zhongzi immediately raised all his magic weapons and kept his sword energy away from him. When the sword energy disappeared, there were people guarding each of the four Rashomon Gates. Under the Zhuxian Sword were the leader of the Nirvana Sect and the Golden Emperor Ehuang Fairy. Under the Immortal Sword are Master Peng and Fairy Beiming, and under the Immortal Sword are Original Heavenly Lord and Lingbao Heavenly Lord.

Outside the formation, the Qing Emperor Minghe turned into a thousand-mile-long river, suppressing the southeast corner of the formation. The Duobao Tianzun turned into a multi-treasure tower, suppressing the southwest corner of the Zhuxian Sword Formation. Nuwa Empress turned into a demon god with a human head and a snake body, suppressing the northwest corner. . The three of them poured mana into the sword formation continuously, activating the maximum power of the sword formation. There were four corners in the sword formation, and four people should have joined forces to suppress it, so that it would be perfect. But at this moment, other experts gathered in the heaven. I can no longer pick a master.

The eight experts in the formation had already shaken the four immortal swords. The innate spiritual treasures above Yun Zhongzi's head were shattered one by one. The chaotic spiritual energy contained in them exploded and was absorbed by the sword formation diagram. Seeing that the situation was not going well, Yun Zhongzi quickly shouted, but when he saw lotus blossoms blooming above his head, they gathered in a group in a moment to protect the top door to prevent the four swords from damaging their roots.

Those ten thousand lotus flowers were chopped by four sword energies. Four flowers suddenly fell down and exploded with a bang.

Yun Zhongzi frowned. The lotus above his head was almost the same as the three corpse lotuses of others. Each one contained a Yuanhui mana. Thousands of golden lotuses. There will be 10,000 yuan of magic power. How can I withstand the Four Swords of Killing Immortals being cut like this?

The saint is said to be immortal because of their injuries. The injury will recover immediately. After the mana is damaged, it will be restored immediately. It can only damage the body, but cannot damage the soul. But under special circumstances, saints may also fall, and the Zhuxian Sword Formation is one of them. This Immortal Killing Sword Formation cuts off spiritual energy and swallows spiritual energy. There is no trace of life in the array. Even after the lotus on the saint's head falls, it can forcibly snatch away the spiritual energy.

Yun Zhongzi saw that the golden lotus turned into innate spiritual energy, and he only had time to absorb one-third of it. The remaining two-thirds were forcibly taken away by the Zhuxian Sword Formation. Knowing that this would definitely not be good, he immediately started to walk towards the Zhuxian Sword Gate. . At this moment, the fairy sword on the portal suddenly flew down automatically and fell into the hands of the leader of Annihilation. Fairy Ehuang flew into the fifteenth level of the Chaos Bell Tower, sat cross-legged under the bell, and sent out a thunderbolt from the palm of her hand. The green bell of chaos rang.

The Zhuxian Sword portal immediately disappeared, leaving chaos everywhere.

Yun Zhongzi immediately turned around and walked towards the Absolute Immortal Sword Portal. The Sinking Immortal Sword also flew up and fell into the hands of Black Emperor Kunpeng. The Sinking Immortal Sword Portal also disappeared. Yun Zhongzi looked at the other portals, but saw that the Jue Immortal Sword fell into the hands of the Randen Ancient Buddha, and the Poke Immortal Sword fell into the hands of the Original Heavenly Lord. The two portals also disappeared without a trace. The entire sword formation was suddenly silent, as if it was trapped in a vacuum. .

Yun Zhongzi was silent. Minghe had not completely refined the Killing Immortal Sword and Immortal Trapping Sword, but at the moment, the two swords were in the hands of the two people with the highest cultivation level, and their power was no less powerful than the other two swords. Seeing the eight people getting closer and closer, Yun Zhongzi suddenly stretched out his sleeves, and there was a treasure in his hand. It was like jade and divided into nine petals. It was called Three Treasures Jade Ruyi. Yun Zhongzi grasped the three treasure jade Ruyi in his hand, and gradually it became more than one foot long. He sneered and said: "Forget it, I will break your Zhuxian Sword Formation and let you see the authentic sect of Chanjiao!"

The masters of the religions laughed again and again, and the Ancient Buddha of Burning Deng was the first to attack with his sword. Yun Zhongzi used Yu Ruyi to block it, and with a clang, the Ancient Buddha of Burning Deng was pushed back. The leader of Nirvana, the Black Emperor Kunpeng and the Primordial Heavenly Lord had already surrounded him, and the four swords were fighting each other. The Emperor Buddha, Beiming Fairy, Ehuang Fairy, and Lingbao Heavenly Lord sent out palm thunders one after another from time to time, shaking the four swords. Golden lotuses fall from time to time above Neutron's head, turning into spiritual energy and floating away.

The eight people circled Yun Zhongzi rapidly, their swords fell like rain, and thunder exploded in their palms, causing the inside to turn completely white, and only the light and shadow of Yu Ruyi could be seen. The number of golden lotuses on Yun Zhongzi's head decreased rapidly, and he was secretly anxious. If things continued like this, he might really be killed by them.

But the leader of Nirvana and the others are not having a hard time either. The jade Ruyi often touches the fairy sword in his hand.

Every time, they were shocked to the point where their energy and blood were floating, their souls were rippling, and they were extremely uncomfortable. They gradually weakened and could hardly activate the power of the Four Swords of Killing Immortals to the maximum.

I don’t know how long the formation lasted. Everyone in the formation was still fighting non-stop, but the three people in charge of the formation could no longer support it. Ancestor Minghe and Duobao Tianzun had high magical powers and could still maintain it, but after all, Empress Nuwa The practice time is still short, and his face has turned white, his hands are shaking, and the formation diagram in the northwest corner is shaking like tissue paper blown by the wind.

If the four formations lack one master to suppress them, I am afraid that this formation will not last long before it will be broken by the tyrannical attacks of everyone in the formation!

The Saint in the Cloud who was in the Zhuxian Sword Formation also immediately noticed the instability of the formation, and quickly pushed back everyone, shouting: "Hold on!"

The four people holding the swords felt extremely uncomfortable. They wanted to stop for a long time. They quickly dispersed and handed over the four swords of Zhuxian to the people around them. This time, it was Emperor Jin Di'e who was in charge of the Zhuxian Sword, Emperor Shitian King Buddha was in charge of the Juexian Sword, and Beiming was in charge of the Juexian Sword. The fairy is in charge of the trapping fairy sword, and Lingbao Tianzun is in charge of the poking fairy sword, and they still surround Yun Zhongzi.

When Yun Zhongzi saw this, he was shocked again. At this moment, the golden lotus above his head had been cut off by half of the Four Swords of Zhu Xian. If there was another wave, would it be okay?

"You guys should stop pushing each other hard, otherwise it will be a lose-lose situation for both sides. Why don't you sit down and talk?"

Lingbao Tianzun laughed and said: "Is it possible that the saint in the clouds is afraid? I will definitely slaughter a saint today!" He only fired the thunder in his palm and did not use much vitality. Naturally, he did not know how many people were injured in the head-to-head fight between the immortal sword and Yun Zhongzi. Awesome, if those four people could stop fighting, they would have stopped fighting long ago! .

Yun Zhongzi sneered: "That's the case, let's do it again and talk about it before it's too late!" The leader of Nirvana, Black Emperor and others vomited blood after hearing this, and glared at Lingbao Tianzun, which made Tianzun quite puzzled. . At this time, the voice of Qing Emperor Minghe was heard from the space inside the formation, and he said with a smile: "Sage in the clouds, don't get angry. Since you want to talk, I will take it upon myself to talk to you for them. I am a poor Taoist." He is a scoundrel, no better than you, a hypocrite. He has said something ugly before, and the negotiations have not yet begun. However, the saint in the clouds must swear a poisonous oath not to bring harm to us or our disciples afterwards. Otherwise, even if most of the people present are killed or injured, Get rid of the saint!"

Yun Zhongzi knew that what he said was true. The Immortal Killing Sword Formation was extremely powerful. He was afraid that the old thief from Styx had completely refined the formation and indeed had the ability to kill him. After all, Yun Zhongzi had just attained enlightenment, and in his hand There is no treasure that can compete with the Zhuxian Sword Formation. If you can obtain treasures such as the Pangu Flag, you can easily break out of the formation even if you can't break it. How can you be so embarrassed?

"Qing Emperor, aren't you afraid that I will break my word after I escape?"

Ming He said with a smile: "So it is necessary for Saint Yunzhong to swear a poisonous oath to Saint Yuqing of the Earth Immortal Realm, then to Daoist Hongjun of the Earth Immortal Realm, and then to swear a poisonous oath to the Dao of Heaven in this world. After the three oaths, Let’s sit down in the Zhuxian Sword Formation and talk in detail.”

Yun Zhongzi had no choice but to swear the three poisonous oaths. Black Emperor Kunpeng and others all breathed a sigh of relief. As the saying goes, swearing to God may not be seen by mortals, but for ascetics, they have to pay great attention to it. , other people have gods three feet above their heads, but ascetics have the way of heaven three feet above their heads. The power of God is unpredictable, and saints are called saints because they are closest to the way of heaven. The three poisonous oaths that Styx asked Yun Zhongzi to make were very particular. One was to respect the master, one was to respect the Tao, and the other was to respect the heaven. If Yun Zhongzi broke the oath, he would inevitably fall in the future.

This time it was a draw, and all the forces negotiated with some confidence, but there were three general requirements. What Yun Zhongzi requested was that the vested interests of Chanjiao should not be lost, but the Black Emperor asked him to change it to Yun Zhongzi giving up the position of Emperor Ziwei and handing it over to Guangchengzi. The request of the leader of Nirvana and others is to support Lu Ya to ascend to the supreme position of the Heavenly Emperor on the one hand, share the interests of the Heavenly Court, and jointly take charge of the Demon Sealing List and the Demon Whip. The third requirement is that Yun Zhongzi opens up the human race, and within the scope of the nine continents, experts from all religions can preach and gain merit.

After the negotiation, all the religious experts were able to take it up and let it go, and they were all very satisfied with it. Although Yun Zhongzi's interests have been harmed, he is still a saint. As long as the Zhuxian Sword Formation is released, the masters of all religions will no longer be a whole. Who can compete with him?

Qingdi Minghe took away the Immortal Killing Sword Formation Diagram. Yun Zhongzi took a long breath. In an instant, there were thousands of golden lotuses above his head. The repairs were completed in a matter of seconds. Everyone's expressions changed dramatically: "Sage, it is indeed amazing!"

That Yun Zhongzi smiled and said: "What happened here, Emperor Taihao should also be robbed, and the heaven should be replaced by a great emperor!" After hearing this, Black Emperor Kunpeng was silent, Duobao Tianzun was a little sad, and Golden Emperor Ehuang's face changed slightly, No words were spoken. There wasn't much emotion between her and Zhu Ganglie. At most, they were just using each other. At this moment, the fall of Emperor Taihao was a foregone conclusion, and Emperor Jin'e couldn't care much about it. .

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