Rebirth of Journey to the West

Volume 2: Reenacting the Great Desolation, Chapter 266: Three Hundred Continents Gather in Zuzhou, T

There are not many changes among the gods in the next heaven. Except for Lord Dou Mu Yuan, only Ling Dong. Fairy Beiming is the Xuannv of the Nine Heavens, who directs all matters in the nine heavens. Fairy Yue'e is the Yao Ji, the master of the Moon Palace and the female fairy of the Yaochi. First of all, as for Wudang Holy Mother, this time she went to heaven to kill many immortals who died in her dragon and phoenix cutting, so there was no reward. At this point, the heaven has become the possession of Emperor Taihao. Yun Zhongzi and others want to put people in it, but the gods of Zhoutian can no longer consider it. Maybe they can use the immortals who have ascended from the lower world to do something.

If ascension becomes a common practice, then more and more immortals will serve as immortal officials in the heaven, and a huge force will gradually form. Only when the number of immortals far exceeds the number of gods can they gain power from the heaven again.

The second focus of this Peach Festival is that the spiritual energy consumption of Yuanyuan Continent has exceeded its ability to bear. There is only so much innate spiritual energy transformed in chaos, and every time it is used, it loses one point. In the past, when there were no saints, the innate spiritual energy was absorbed extravagantly, and not many people worried that it would be reduced to insufficient use. But at this time, there were three more saints on the continent, and they took away 30% of the spiritual energy in one go. After many wars, the innate spiritual energy was already exhausted. From time to time, one could see patches of innate spiritual energy collapsing and evolving into acquired spiritual energy. .

If things continue like this, I'm afraid that all the innate spiritual energy will be transformed. In the future, if you want to find holy places for cultivation, you can only go to those places with innate spiritual veins.

The six-eared macaque of Supervisor Tiansi further said: "Your Majesty, dear emperors, outside of the Yuanyuan Continent, there are originally 2,998 continents. The continents near the edge of the universe have been completely transformed into large and small galaxies, expanding the universe. The spiritual energy is very thin. Many other continents were destroyed in the war or turned into thirty-three days and eighteen layers of hell. At this moment, only 513 continents still exist.

Among them, there are about three hundred continents with extremely abundant innate spiritual energy, and they are often inhabited by the first generation of creatures, including spiritual beings such as phoenixes and strange beasts such as black tortoises. There are supernatural powers such as green dragon, white tiger, and red bird. As for other continents, they are either floating in the light and spiritual air, or falling in the heavy and turbid air. I think that if your Majesty wants to maintain the aura of Yuanyuan Continent, you can move the outer continent here. Pieced together to form the outer realm, each other's auras are connected to each other. "

The six-eared macaque is the eyes and ears of Emperor Taihao. His words must have come from Emperor Taihao's instructions, but they are also the best way to solve the current situation. The other five emperors and the Heavenly Lords, Five Elders, Sixth Si, Qiyuan, Baji, and Jiuyao all praised him for his good deeds and said: "Even if there are more people who have attained enlightenment and become saints, they will have no worries for the time being."

After the peach party is over. The leader of Nirvana, the Duobao Tianzun, the original Tianzun and the Five Emperors all stayed behind and said: "There are three hundred people in the Tianwai Continent, and most of them are barbaric remnants, which are difficult to manage. Even if your Majesty has strong soldiers and horses, you still can't take care of everything. Your Majesty, ministers are willing to do so. Share your Majesty’s worries.”

Emperor Taihao smiled. This is a request to divide the sphere of influence. He said: "Dear Heavenly Lords, Yuanyuan Continent is the foundation. As for other continents, they are all auxiliary. The ones who will achieve the highest achievements in the future are still born in Yuanyuan Continent, why bother to seek outsiders?"

Yun Zhongzi and others smiled and said nothing.

Emperor Taihao thought for a moment and said: "From now on, Yuanyuan Continent will be called Zuzhou, and its power will remain the same. As for the continent of Tianwaitian, after it is merged with Zuzhou, it will be divided into eight poles of heaven and earth. The east pole will be managed by Duobao Tianzun. , the East Antarctic is managed by the Qing Emperor, the Antarctic is managed by the Ziwei Emperor, the West Pole is managed by the Red Emperor, the West Pole is managed by the Lord of Annihilation and Buddhism, the Northwest Pole is managed by the Golden Emperor, and the North Pole is managed by the Original Heavenly Lord and Lingbao The Heavenly Lord will take care of it, and the Northeast will be taken care of by the Black Emperor. Thirty-three continents will be taken care of by the Heavenly God. What do you think?

The deities nodded and said, "Your Majesty is wise."

Emperor Taihao laughed and said: "If I don't give it to you, I won't be wise? Look at you, how can you look like a minister?"

All the Heavenly Lords laughed loudly and said: "In order to survive in the future, we have to do this. If your Majesty has no desires and desires, you can give us the thirty-three continents." Emperor Taihao also laughed loudly when he heard this. , all the Heavenly Lords laughed so hard that they leaned forward and backward, and said repeatedly: "Now we can have five hundred years of peace!" They all said goodbye and left.

After all the Heavenly Lords left, only Saint Red Emperor Zhenyuan remained in the Heavenly Court. He smiled bitterly at Emperor Taihao and said, "You know I don't like to preach everywhere, so why did you give me a share? They will definitely make trouble with me again in the future. Plan my territory."

Emperor Taihao held his hand and said with a smile: "If there is no Saint Zhenyuan, how can it be enough to scare them? It is reasonable for the Saint to obtain many continents in the West Antarctic and find some talented disciples to unify the Earth Immortal lineage. It will be passed down through thousands of generations, tens of thousands of generations, and countless generations, and it will also let future generations know that there was a Zhenyuan Patriarch who attained Hunyuan when the universe was first created!"

"Whatever you say makes sense." He stretched out his hand again and said with a smile, "What's your answer?"

Emperor Taihao shook his head and said with a smile: "You are already a saint and invincible, what else do you need?"

"Nonsense!" Saint Zhenyuan said with a smile: "If saints are invincible, why is there still a saying in the immortal world that the twelve ancestral witches can fight against saints? But at the beginning of the saints' enlightenment, the twelve ancestral witches could indeed compete with saints. But if they live to this day, they will be far from their opponents. With their understanding of the way of heaven, the saint's cultivation level is getting higher and higher."

Emperor Taihao smiled and said: "I thought that after attaining enlightenment, a saint would be invincible and his cultivation level would not increase. That's fine. If we wait for tens of billions of years after attaining enlightenment, and suddenly someone of the younger generation attains enlightenment, he will be able to cultivate in the blink of an eye. But he feels a little uncomfortable when he is in the same group as me." He took out the treasures transformed from the three immortal spiritual lights and said, "Brother Tao, these three treasures of chaos, one is the Star Dou Great Mill, and the other is the God's Axe. , One is the Qiankun Baoding. Among the three, Xingdou Dasho is the most powerful, and it is best to leave it in the hands of a saint like Dao Brother. "

Saint Zhenyuan took the Xingdou Grinding Mill in his hand, looked at it carefully, then suddenly shook his hands and threw it out, panicking: "What is this? It's too evil, it's too evil! Fellow Taoist, destroy this thing quickly. , Otherwise it will definitely cause disaster!" He grabbed the Xingdou Damo and said, "I will set off immediately and send it to the immortal world. Keeping this immortal light will definitely be a disaster!"

Emperor Taihao stopped him quickly and said with a smile: "What's wrong? It's just the ability to restore spiritual energy to chaos. Is it worth making a fuss about even a saint? My list of demon gods also has this effect, but it's just a side product."

Saint Zhenyuan shook his head and said: "It's different. If all the restrictions on this thing are lifted and once it is sacrificed, I am afraid that the world will be reduced to chaos by it, and the saint will not be able to escape. Keeping it will be a disaster after all!"

Emperor Taihao smiled and said: "So if I leave it to you, will you destroy the world?"

Saint Zhenyuan blinked his eyes and said: "It's hard to say. I don't want this thing, and I don't dare to want it. If I sacrifice it completely and accidentally sacrifice it one day, the demon world will be over! Even if I don't sacrifice it completely, if If you sacrifice it and you can't get it back, I'm afraid the universe will be swallowed up by it. If you want to say it, it's better to throw it to the earthly immortal world and let the spiritual energy of the earthly immortal world corrode it, so as to avoid disaster in the future!"

"You can't stand and talk without pain in your back!" Emperor Taihao grabbed Xingdou Damo with his hands and cried bitterly: "You can become a saint just by squatting at home and meditating on the way of heaven. I have worked so hard, shot everywhere, and plotted in every possible way, that I can't do anything. He is a man of great merit, and he managed to steal three immortal auras. If I hadn't been clever, I would have died! Now you just throw one into the immortal world for me, and want my whole family to drink the northwest wind? is you!"

Saint Zhenyuan quickly smiled and said: "I only said that this is a possibility, and I did not say that the world will definitely be destroyed. Why should your Majesty be upset? Just give me the Qiankun Baoding. I don't dare to ask for the God's Axe. of."

Emperor Taihao hesitated for a moment. He originally wanted to hand the cauldron to Xi He, but said: "Forget it, I'll give it to you. But to refine the earth spirit pill, you have to give me 30%!"

Saint Zhenyuan smiled and said: "I can't do without you!" He put the Qiankun Baoding away and was about to leave when suddenly a guard came forward and said: "Your Majesty, Hunyuan Tianzun wants to see you?"

Emperor Taihao was slightly surprised and said: "Why did he come here when he wasn't listening to the teachings of Saint Xuandu at the edge of the universe?" He confessed to Saint Zhenyuan and went to greet him. When he arrived at the Yangxin Hall, he saw Hunyuan Tianzun carrying The Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth is sitting there numbly.

Emperor Taihao smiled and said: "How come Tianzun came to me when he is not enjoying his blessings at the border?"

The Hunyuan Saint laughed and said, "Your Majesty is joking." He handed the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda to the emperor and said, "There are two saints' auras in this tower. They are two Taoist friends from the Earth Immortal Realm who have proven the Tao. Bring it here. Please take it and use it to benefit all people. Only your Majesty's immortal aura can store so much spiritual energy."

Emperor Taihao couldn't help but said with great joy: "Okay, okay! It's really good news for me that the Heavenly Lord is here!" He quickly ordered people to ask Saint Zhenyuan to use his Qiankun Baoding to draw out the spiritual energy generated by the two saints when they attained enlightenment. He put it into the treasure cauldron of the universe and said with a smile: "Tianzun, how many years has it been since you went to the frontier of the universe?"

Hunyuan Tianzun said: "It has been forty years." After that, he stood up and left. Emperor Taihao sent him outside the Nantian Gate and smiled at Saint Zhenyuan beside him: "Tianzun Hunyuan is still counting the years, which shows that his state of mind has not yet reached the realm of a saint."

Saint Zhenyuan shook his head and said with a smile: "You are plotting against others again, which shows that your state of mind is not that of a saint!".

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