Rebirth of Journey to the West

Volume 2: Reenactment of the Great Desolation Chapter 269: Blue Bird Protects the City; Emperor E&#0

The path to Zhongzhengdao cultivation is difficult, and if you are not careful, you will get lost in the dream. Demon King Nanda Mija is the product of the dream of God Taihao. Because of the distracting thoughts in my mind, I forget myself, and just take it for granted that if I kill all the people in the world and all the people, there will be only one me left in the world, and there is no need to know who I am.

If the sixteen good and evil corpse gods of Taihao were swallowed up by Demon King Nanda Micha, then Taihao would cease to exist. After waking up from the dream, Demon King Nanda Micha would be born, holding a great millstone with stars in his hand. Kill all the people.

It can be seen that the path to enlightenment in this dream is not a smooth one. However, it is much easier than killing three corpses, becoming a saint through nine turns, and becoming a saint through merit. What is needed is to read all the people. All hearts are my mind. My mind is not all minds. After observing everything, you can prove it. Get Hunyuan.

In the "Diamond Sutra", Amitabha Buddha said to Patriarch Subhuti: "Bodhisattvas and Mahasattvas should subdue their minds in this way. All living beings, whether born from an egg, a womb, moisture, transformation, or color , If there is no thought, if there is no thought, if there is no thought, it is not without thought. I will bring about the annihilation of countless living beings, and there will be no living beings."


"Subhuti, if a Bodhisattva has the appearance of myself, the appearance of a human being, the appearance of living beings, or the appearance of a person with a long life, then he is not a Bodhisattva."

The sign of no self, no one, no living beings, and no lifespan is the Mahayana of enlightenment in dreams.

Saint Zhenyuan smiled and said: "Your Majesty, when you look at these living beings in the sky, what you see with your eyes, what you think in your heart, and what you hear in your ears are just appearances. Only by entering the mortal world and traveling in person, and going deep into it, can you know what it is. Only sentient beings know how to attain enlightenment in dreams.”

Amitabha Buddha created the method of enlightenment in dreams and went through thousands of reincarnations. In the reincarnations, there are men and women, people, animals, plants and trees. There are mountains and rocks, there are fathers and sons, there are wives and daughters, there are enlightened masters who save the common people and save all things, there are demons who kill all the people in the world and their hands are full of blood, and so on. Only then did he perfect the method of enlightenment in dreams, and put it on a par with other methods such as the Three Corpses Enlightenment and the Enlightenment of Merit.

God Taihao thought for a moment and said with a smile: "It's okay, I won't be able to sit on the throne of the great emperor for long. In the future, when the throne is passed to the prince, I will start a sect and preach for a long time. It would be good to recruit a few disciples in the lower world this time." "

God Taihao didn't need to prepare. He just said something to the two empresses. The two empresses said: "Your Majesty is traveling to the lower world. It is naturally good. You are just not allowed to seduce Hu Meizi."

God Taihao laughed dryly twice and said: "How can this be reasonable? What you think of me is too unbearable! I deserve to be punished. I deserve to be punished!" After that, he threw the two ladies down. Suddenly there was boundless beautiful spring scenery. All the clouds and rain were over. Emperor Taihao left the clone of the emperor in heaven and collected the golden wheel of merit behind his head. When they were about to take Jian Tiansi's six-eared macaque down to the realm, Empress Xihe advised again: "Why should you take Jian Tiansi with you when your majesty is going on a trip? With Jian Tiansi here, he can listen to people all over the world. It doesn't matter whether you travel or not. "

God Taihao nodded in agreement, so he went down to the world alone. Empress Chang'e asked: "Sister, why don't you let your majesty wear six ears?"

Empress Xihe smiled and said: "With Liu'er by our side, we can just see what His Majesty is doing in the lower realm, lest he really cheat on us behind our backs."

God Taihao descended into the mortal world, and the place where he landed was the Divine Continent of Middle Earth. He first transformed into a beautiful young man, thought for a while, and then transformed into a middle-aged Taoist man, holding a fly whisk, and walked towards the Nuwa Kingdom. The original name of the Nuwa Kingdom was the Ehuang Kingdom, but the Jin Emperor Ehuang rebelled and attempted to assist Lu Ya in ascending the throne. She became the Queen Mother, but was killed by the Emperor of Heaven. The name of the Ehuang Kingdom was also changed and given to the Empress Nuwa.

When God Taihao arrived at the capital of the Nuwa Kingdom, he saw that the people in this country were all human with tiger teeth, leopard tails and shaggy heads. They were extremely tall and majestic, spoke with thunderous voices, and could tear apart tigers with their hands. The imperial city was built extremely luxuriously, and the palaces were tall and spectacular. Above the palace, there were three huge blue birds, standing on one foot on the glazed tiles of the palace. The three blue birds looked down at the imperial city with radiant eyes. But if someone rebelled and caused chaos, the bird's beak would spread out, and it would immediately peck the person in its mouth, flick its neck, and throw him far away from the city.

The three bluebirds had noticed God Taihao when he entered the city, but they could not see his depth. They only felt that this person was different, but if they were asked to tell them what the difference was, they couldn't explain it clearly. . The three blue birds looked at each other, and one of them suddenly spread its wings and flew up, turning into a girl in green clothes, landing in front of God Taihao, and asked, "Brother Tao, where did you come from?"

God Taihao looked at the woman and said with a smile: "I...she is so beautiful!"

The girl in green had an angry look on her face and snorted coldly. Just as she was about to capture him, two more girls in green came flying over and quickly advised her, "Sister, don't be angry."

God Taihao pricked up his ears and heard three girls arguing in low voices.

"Sister, why don't you let me kill that pervert Taoist?"

"People praise you for being so beautiful, are you still angry?" The older woman teased the girl and said with a smile, "I think this man has a different temperament. At first glance, I just thought he was an ordinary person, but after a closer look Looking at him, he seems to be in a superior position. The more he looks at him, the more frightened he becomes. Even His Majesty is not far behind him! If you really make a move, you will suffer a loss! Besides, he has not done anything bad at the moment, so why bother with him? Wait until he commits a crime and then teach him a lesson!”

After hearing this, the girl stuck out her tongue, looked back at God Taihao, and whispered: "Why can't I see that he is a powerful old pervert?"

God Taihao smiled bitterly in his heart. Someone's suggestion of a wolf spirit seducing his sister-in-law might have been spread throughout the world as an allusion, and the word pervert was born because of this, adding a graceful touch to the world.

The three girls turned into blue birds again, landed on the palace, and continued to perform their duties. God Taihao looked up at them and said to himself: "These three people have pretty good qualifications, especially the older one, who has excellent eyesight. Well, he can be chosen as a disciple."

Along the way, God Taihao saw many temples, some of which were Nuwa Empress Temple, and some Ehuang Empress Temple. Neither of the two temples were very prosperous. After all, Empress Nuwa's qualifications are still relatively young. She has just established a foothold here, and it is already considered good to be as popular as she is now. But there is still such incense in the Empress Ehuang Temple, which makes God Taihao somewhat angry.

"Rebellious officials and traitors are worthy of being worshiped?"

God Taihao walked into a temple of the Ehuang Empress, and saw that there was a golden body of the Ehuang Fairy, accompanied by three blue birds. Under the base, the fairy's historical merits and achievements were engraved. Born in the Wuwu Immortal Mountain in the Endless Sea, the innate spirit assisted God Taihao in ascending the throne, which was a great contribution. During his tenure as the Jin Emperor, the world was at peace, he controlled the scattered immortals overseas, and brought blessings to the world, which was a great contribution; he helped the enemy to rebel. , trying to stand on one's own feet, there have been times. .

The man who forged the golden body sarcastically said in a historian's style: "Hey, a thousand efforts are not worth a single mistake. Emperor E was born at the wrong time and had no ambitions. He assisted an inhumane twice, which resulted in the country being renamed and bringing disaster to his descendants. It is so sad and pitiful that we will live in hell forever and never see the sky again!"

God Taihao was furious. The humane assistant who forged the golden statue was clearly a mockery of Ehuang who was also inhuman when he assisted him!

"This guy is so brave! He didn't even notice that Emperor E was bullying me at that time. Damn it! If I hadn't thought about her meritorious service, I would have driven her to pieces!"

In the temple, there was an old woman who bowed to the golden body of Emperor E and murmured something, praying for the safety of her family and good harvests all year round. She looked pious. God Taihao said angrily: "This woman, a traitor and a traitor, is worthy of being worshiped?"

The old woman raised her head, glanced at him, and said with a smile: "The Taoist must also be an expert. We in the mortal world don't care about the disputes in heaven, but Empress E Huang has indeed made great contributions to the world. Since she has merit and kindness, how can we not worship her?"

God Taihao was no longer angry. He sat on the ground and said with a smile: "Old man, Heaven governs all people. Although there were rebellions before, the world has been peaceful in these years. There is no war or suffering. The world is peaceful and there is no hunger everywhere. The Heavenly Emperor and the Earth are indispensable." On the other hand, when Emperor E was the Emperor of Jin, there were constant wars, so why did you worship her instead? "

The old woman grinned and said: "Seeing as you are also a well-educated person, how can you be ignorant of the truth? Empress E was born in troubled times, and the world was uncertain. However, during her reign, there were very few wars in our country. Compared with other countries, I don’t know how much better it is! Even the three Blue Bird Empresses around Empress E were sent down to maintain the stability of the imperial city. On the other hand, Empress Nuwa only came to our country once and didn’t regard us as hers. People, foreign monks often come to make riots, and the Empress Nuwa ignores them. We ordinary people don't care who wins or loses power, and we worship whoever is good to us."

Taihao God was aggrieved and argued: "Ehuang rebelled and caused chaos. He wanted to harm the emperor and the prince of heaven and disrupt the order of heaven and earth. His crime is unpardonable. How can he be a bad person?"

The old woman placed the fruits, lit the incense and candles, and said: "You must have come from heaven, and you are full of righteousness. The cats in heaven are not just fighting for power and killing, who is righteous and evil? Wolf eats it." Sheep, you can't say that the wolf is evil. If it doesn't eat, it will starve to death. How can the sheep eat grass? It's just the law of the jungle."

God Taihao was speechless and said with a smile: "The one who wins the world will not win the hearts of the people, but the one who loses the world will gain the people's connections. You have learned a lesson!" Instead, he bowed his head to the old woman and left. .

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