Rebirth of Journey to the West

Volume 1 The Wind Rises and Journeys to the West Chapter 26 All Saints Dragon Palace Nine-Headed Dem

Zhu Ganglie knew that he had provoked a powerful enemy, so he only refined the person's soul clone without taking a closer look at the treasure vase. He quickly escaped from the Xiantian Tianling Cauldron, returned to his physical body, and shouted: "Xian'er, someone wants to bring bad luck to me. You hide first!"

Xing Xian'er was playing in the water beside Bibotan. Hearing this, she giggled and said, "Dad, is the person you are talking about the bull's head?"

Zhu Ganglie looked up and saw a burly man standing next to him, wearing splendid golden armor, curly-pointed suede boots with powder soles, a polished silver wrought iron helmet on his head, and holding a wind and fire stick in his hand. , riding a water-avoiding golden-eyed beast on his crotch, with a sarcastic smile on his face, chatting with Xing Xian'er.

"You're such a bull demon, you actually molested my fairy!"

When the Bull Demon King heard Xing Xian'er's words, he was startled and confused. When he heard the little golden pig in the girl's arms say this, his old face turned red with embarrassment, and he rolled his eyes and said, "Who are you? Do you recognize my name?"

Zhu Ganglie jumped out of his warm and fragrant arms and returned to his true self as a member of the Communist Party of China. He held the Xiantian Tianling Cauldron in his hand and said with a smile: "Old Niu, look who I am!"

The Bull Demon King was horrified and spat: "It turns out it's you, pig-headed, bad luck, bad luck!" He rolled his eyes and smiled: "Brother Zhu Baxian, I haven't seen you in fifty years and you haven't come to me. I thought you were wandering." Shahe was so happy that he forgot about the master's instructions. I didn't expect you to hide and marry a wife and give birth to a beautiful young lady like a flower! "

Zhu Ganglie laughed and said with an embarrassed smile: "This is not my daughter, but my maid." Xing Xian'er did not allow Xing Xian'er to object and casually took her into the cauldron. Xing Xian'er came to the world in the cauldron and was very curious. She rode the clouds around to browse the scenery. Suddenly she saw a shining treasure vase on the ground, so she flew down and picked it up.

"This bottle is really interesting. Dad throws it everywhere. I guess it's not a treasure. I happen to have no magic weapon, so why not refine it and go find the Eighteenth Gong and the others to play with."


The Bull Demon King said displeased: "You are talking nonsense again, I clearly heard her calling you daddy!"

"Ahem, our nickname is daddy. If you don't mind, Lao Niu, you can also call me by your nickname. Is it okay for my sister-in-law to be alone at home? Are you lonely? We do have some free time at home, and we haven't visited my sister-in-law yet."

"Bah!" the Bull Demon King said angrily: "A sister-in-law is like a mother, so don't make bad ideas. Let me ask you, have you ever done what I asked you to do?"

Zhu Ganglie smiled and said: "There is no rush, there is still some time before the journey to the west, and several senior brothers have not yet descended to earth. We will talk about it in a few days. Lao Niu, I was traveling in the West a few days ago, and I heard that Lingshan was going to deal with you, so I came here to report. "

But the Niu Demon King was not stupid, and sneered: "I don't believe a word of your words. I think I, Niu Kui, have been roaming the West Niu Hezhou for more than three thousand years, and those stinky monks in Lingshan have not turned a blind eye. What's more, You have a notorious reputation. If you really wanted to report to me, why didn't you go to Cuiyun Mountain to look for me instead? It shows that you are lying!"

Zhu Ganglie wanted to drag him into the water, and feigned anger: "I know people, but I don't know their hearts. I rescued you with good intentions. I originally planned to go to Bibotanla as a helper for the nine-headed worm king, but you falsely accused me! That's it, that's it, I'll go back to my Liusha River. Go and deal with the bald donkey in Lingshan alone!"

The Bull Demon King quickly stopped him and said with an apologetic smile: "Brother Zhu Ba, I'm just joking, why should I get angry in shame? Tell me, why does Lingshan want to deal with me?"

Zhu Ganglie sneered and said: "Your Cuiyun Mountain is not far from Lingshan. You have never obeyed the discipline of the Buddhas, and they have long disliked you. Cuiyun Mountain blocks the road to Lingshan from the west, and you, an old cow, have some tricks, so Sun Dasheng wants to protect you." When people go to Lingshan, they must pass through your territory. Although Sun Dasheng is the great sage of the demon clan, he is not as good as you in terms of martial arts, so Lingshan decided to deal with you, the old cow, first to clear the way!"

The Bull Demon King thought about it carefully and found that this was indeed true. He was arrogant and unwilling to apologize to Zhu Ganglie, and said: "Brother, there are some loopholes in your words. I think Sun Wukong and I are acquaintances for eight worships. We have burned incense, kowtowed to the head, and drank too much." We had a good time together after drinking together. If he wanted to go to Cuiyun Mountain, would I stop him?"

"Old Niu, Old Niu, you don't care! People have taken a fancy to your family. There is a good-wealth dragon girl next to Guanyin Bodhisattva, but there is a good-wealth boy. Your Niu Shengying is suitable to be a boy. My sister-in-law is Rakshasa girl, the eight heavenly dragons of Lingshan also lack a Rakshasa, and they have already made an internal decision. As for Brother Niu, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas said: Lingshan is a vast area and cannot be left idle. It is not bad to use Kui Niu to plow the fields, and it can be used for a year. Put down some food to satisfy your hunger.”

The Bull Demon King was dumbfounded when he heard this, and after a while he said: "Seventh brother will definitely not harm my wife and children!"

Zhu Ganglie sneered and said: "Is that monkey a person who values ​​love and justice? How could you not know that you have been with him for such a long time? Niu Kui, it's still too late to act now, otherwise the whole family will be slaves, and the whole family will be slaves. As a maid, even you will end up in ruins. It’s too late to regret it!”

The Bull Demon King's face was uncertain, and he suddenly shouted: "If someone really comes from Lingshan, I will overthrow him!"

Zhu Ganglie breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "I heard that the man from Lingshan has great magic power. I am afraid that you and I are no match, so I specially invited the Nine-Headed King to help me. I am an acquaintance of eight worshippers with his cousin Xionghu Patriarch, and we are Shuiyue. The third ancestor of Dongtian, I think the nine-headed insect should be able to show off his face. "

The Bull Demon King said gratefully: "We are still brothers. Thank you, thank you! The Nine-Headed Insect King and I are also close friends. I originally planned to congratulate him on the birth of his son today, but with the help of his power, we can have a fight with the people from Lingshan!" He shouted: "Nine-headed Prince Consort, the Great Sage Pingtian of Cuiyun Mountain wants to see you!"

After a while, the water of Three Hundred Miles Bibotan was surging, and a group of demon soldiers came up from the water. The leader was a young man with a clear wind and calm appearance. He laughed from a distance and said: "Brother, you are so rare." It’s a great honor to be able to come to my son’s full moon wedding banquet and make my Bibo Tan Wansheng Dragon Palace shine!”

The Nine-Headed Insect led the crowd to ride on the waves and came to the shore. He glanced at Zhu Ganglie and said doubtfully: "This guy is very shy. Dare you ask me his name?"

The Bull Demon King smiled and said: "I have learned that the good prince-in-law is the commander of millions of demon soldiers in the Liusha River's ten thousand miles of water, the cave master of Shuiyue Cave, and the ancestor Zhuba! He and your cousin the ancestor Xionghui We are close friends, so you can be considered brothers!"

The Nine-Headed Insect quickly raised his hands and bowed: "It turns out that you are a good brother. I have heard about your reputation for a long time! My useless cousin has been taking care of me for a long time. Not long ago, he wrote to me and told me about your benefits. When I saw you today, you are indeed worthy of your reputation!" .

Zhu Ganglie returned the courtesy and said, "Brother, you're welcome. You and I can be considered relatives, but it's a pity that we are separated by a river and the two families have never traveled together. I came here today to bother you, but I want to ask for a wedding drink."

The Nine-Headed Insect laughed and said: "You are indeed a cheerful person! Please!" Then he left Bibo and went straight down to the Dragon Palace. The three of them walked side by side, and the Bull Demon King said: "Prince-in-law, today I am here to congratulate you on your birth, and secondly to ask for your help. To be honest, brother and I are in great danger!" After that, he forged Zhu Ganglie's The message was detailed.

The Nine-Headed Insect is a hero. Hearing this, he immediately said: "Brother, don't worry. If Lingshan dares to send people to bring bad luck to our brothers, come and do it for one, and do it for two! Even if we kill Lingshan, Tathagata The Buddha did not dare to do anything to me. My mother, Empress Jiufeng, was waiting at the side of Emperor Wa. When the time came, she would seek permission from Emperor Wa to slaughter his mountain of bald donkeys!"

The Bull Demon King laughed and said, "Exactly! Brothers, with swords and guns, knocked down Tathagata and snatched his Thunder Sound Pagoda!"

Zhu Ganglie shook his head secretly after hearing this. There were two saints in Western Buddhism who suppressed luck. Even if the two saints Nuwa and Tongtian took action, they would never be able to destroy Lingshan. The only thing that can be certain is that the two saints of the Western Sect will not take action easily, but the magic power of those immortals, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas is also very important and should not be underestimated.

The four of them came to the All Saints Dragon Palace. The Nine-Headed Insect ordered the little demon to go to the shore to inquire about the news and be wary of people coming from Lingshan Mountain, while chatting and laughing with everyone. Princess Wan Sheng and the wet nurse came over, bowed to everyone, and said with a smile: "Uncles, my son hasn't been named yet, please help me come up with one."

The nanny shuttled among the people holding the little nine-headed insect. Everyone looked down at the child, but they saw that he was born in the form of a human baby. His skin was covered with fine dragon scales, and there were three phoenix feathers on the back of his head. He was biting his nails. Looking at everyone, he was not afraid of life at all. I don’t know what Princess Wan Sheng gave him. When he was born, he suppressed the demonic energy all over his body and already had the body of a fairy.

Everyone is a discerning person, and they can tell at a glance that this baby is extraordinary. He has inherited the blood of the Nine Phoenix and Dragon clans, and his future achievements will be limitless.

Zhu Ganglie clapped his hands and said with a smile: "What a dragon and phoenix Xianghe, he is worthy of being the son of dragon and phoenix, a wonderful thing in the world! I didn't prepare any good gifts when we met for the first time. I have a purple ribbon fairy clothes here. Although it is not genuine, its defense is good enough to protect Lin. May your son live long and live forever!”

After saying that, he took out a piece of steaming purple clothing and gently put it on the baby. Suddenly the auspicious light rose and enveloped the baby. Everyone was amazed when they saw it. Although Zhu Ganglie clearly said that this purple ribbon fairy clothes was a fake, everyone was still quite jealous. There are very few defensive magic weapons, and some monsters may not be able to see one in their lifetime. I didn't expect that Zhu Ba Ancestor could calmly come up with one.

Zhu Ganglie got the weapon refining guide. Can't he just refine as many magic weapons as he wants? In the eyes of others, the defensive magic weapon is a piece of cake, but in the eyes of Zhu Yuanwai, it is nothing more than that.

The Nine-Headed Insect smiled and said: "How dare you deserve such a gift from your wise brother? Princess, thank you uncle quickly!".

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