Rebirth of Journey to the West

Volume 2: Reenacting the Great Desolation Chapter 309: Green blood washes away the silver gun, the s

The empress was silent after hearing this. Except for Xie Wei, the rest of their group were all rebels who had rebelled. Before he started to cause trouble, King Jiao Demon felt a little displeased when he saw Empress E, thinking that she was a third party who ruined other people's happiness and looked down upon her. Later, Empress E was greedy for power and followed Lu Ya in rebellion. After the failure, King Jiao took the opportunity to destroy Empress E's power at sea and benefited a lot.

How could Emperor E go to him for treasure? He was just afraid that he would be beaten out by the old dragon when he reached the gate of the Demon King, so he didn't want to bring trouble on himself.

Seeing this, Qing Yi quickly smiled and said: "Master asked us to go down the mountain to preach, not to fight with others? A protective treasure is enough."

Qing Xiao was also very flexible and said with a smile: "Even if we fight, who are we afraid of? What's more, when the master and the others came out, they were not poor and had no magic weapon with them. They all started from scratch? What if I say , let’s find some things first, refine a few acquired magic weapons, and then use the acquired magic weapons to exchange or steal, and sooner or later we will be prosperous.”

Several girls nodded in agreement and discussed the robbery, which was embarrassing. Empress E asked Xie Wei, "Junior brother, what do you think?"

Xie Wei said: "Okay!" and said no more. Zhu Zhu was sitting on the shoulder of this big scorpion. Hearing this, he curled his lips and whispered: "They are all bad people..."

The four girls knew that she never said nice things, so they pretended not to hear anything and went to ask Lu Ya. Lu Ya was drunk and unconscious, and he just followed them with his head down.

"This guy is useless!" Qingbi said with a smile: "Where should we go to find things to refine treasures first?"

Emperor E thought for a moment and said: "I have a good idea. Back then, the master fought with the Yuqing Saint and used the Demonic Piano to cut off his jade serum flag. Half of the flag fell into the mortal world and turned into a piece of Bishan, which is shaped like a knife, is also called Bi Dao Peak. It is full of innate spiritual energy transformed from chaotic green light. The canyon cut by the flag is called Yi Dao Valley. We might as well go there and train Bi Dao Peak into a magic weapon. Then open a portal and spread the master’s teachings.”

The girls nodded repeatedly and said with a smile: "Sage Yuqing lost face and did not pick up the jade serum flag. Now it is easier for us." So Yufeng headed due south to meet the island.

When we arrived at Bidao Peak, we saw that the mountain was as steep as a cliff. There are many temples on the top of the mountain, and grand Sanskrit singing can be heard. A large blood cloud gathered on the top of the mountain. Flags were waving in the blood cloud and drums were beating. Countless red-armored demons were arrayed in formation in front of the blood cloud. A general was sitting in front of the Chinese army tent and yelling curses.

"Thief Bald. The three leaders of your family asked my blood sea ancestor to borrow the mountain. They agreed to only borrow it for one year. Why is it now a thousand years?"

At the temple on the top of the mountain, a group of yellow-robed monks were seen holding swords and murderous intent. In the middle was an Arhat with a fleshy face. Holding a piece of parchment, he pointed at the words on the paper. He sneered and said: "Fart! Jambudvipa, look at it with your dog eyes wide open. It is clearly written in black and white on the paper: This is the leader of the Western Sect, Taoist Bodhi, and in the thirty-third year of the Haotian Chronicle, Emperor Qinghua borrowed the mountain from the East for a thousand years. It’s only six hundred years since the two sides signed a contract. What’s the point of asking for it? Even if you go to the Lingxiao Palace to judge, it doesn’t make sense!”

Jambudvipa felt bitter and shouted angrily: "The contract clearly stated one year. One year later, when we came to ask for Bidao Peak, you added a vertical line to the word to make it ten years. Ten years later, I want to ask for Bidao Peak again, and those ten years will turn into thousands! It’s obviously your Bodhi leader who cheated on my ancestor’s illiteracy!”

The two sides yelled and cursed in front of the formation for a long time. Jambudvipa finally couldn't hold it anymore and shouted: "My sons, who will come forward with me to kill this bald donkey?" As soon as he finished speaking. I heard someone sternly shouting: "I'm coming!" Jambudvipa quickly opened his eyes and saw a strong man with fiery red hair coming out of the queue. There are four steel rings on the four arms, and blazing karma fire emerges from the chest.

Jambudvipa was overjoyed and said: "If Hui Hui'er goes into battle, he will definitely come back victorious!" That Hui Hui'er came to the battle in high spirits and shouted, "Who will meet your grandfather?"

Immediately, a long-faced monk jumped out of the formation, and without saying a word, he attacked with his sword. Before the long-faced monk could rush forward, the sword in his hand had turned into a length of more than a hundred feet, and he slashed with the sword!

Hui Hui'er was unafraid. He grabbed four steel rings with his four arms and rushed forward. With a loud bang, he bounced up the sword and then rushed towards the long-faced monk, waving the four steel rings and hitting him. The monk quickly transformed into a hundred-foot golden body and stepped towards Hui Huier.

When the foot came down, it only fell halfway, and then the foot was lifted higher and higher. Hui Huier was holding the long-faced monk's big foot with his four arms. His body gradually expanded and grew to about a hundred feet. The long-faced monk quickly retracted his foot and landed a knife on Hui Hui'er's forehead, splitting his head open.

That time Hui'er was not dead. The two halves of the head shook and turned into two heads. They waved four arms and steel rings fell like rain. The long-faced monk was holding on to the left and right, and gradually he couldn't hold on any longer.

Seeing that their own people had the upper hand, the Asura clan couldn't help but beat their war drums louder and howled again and again. The long-faced monk was exhausted from fighting for a long time, so he drew his sword and turned around to leave. Hui Huier quickly chased after the monk and came behind him. Just as he was about to kill him, he suddenly saw two black things flying towards him and hitting him in the face, knocking two of his eyeballs out.

Hui Huier screamed in pain and hurriedly turned to look at the other side. He saw the long-faced monk transforming into a green donkey with a height of 100 feet. It screamed loudly, jumped up and stepped on his head. The green donkey danced happily, and in the blink of an eye it trampled Hui Hui'er into a puddle of mud.

The Western monks cheered loudly and their morale was high. The ferocious-faced bearded Arhat even laughed and said: "What a trick, but the donkey's skills are poor! The mountain monk has good tricks!"

"The Arhat with the Hundred-footed Golden Body is a prize." The Qianshan monk's voice was like a donkey's neighing. He plundered all the magic weapons on Hui Huier's body and was about to return to the battle. Suddenly, he heard a man from the Asura clan shouting: "Bald donkey, go slow! Eat!" I'll take a shot!"

Monk Qianshan hurriedly raised his sword and slashed it backwards, but it was all in vain. He turned around and saw a green-faced general rushing out from the opposite formation, holding a steel gun, and running towards this side with great effort. It's just that the guy's speed was too slow. After running a hundred or ten meters in a long time, he was already out of breath from exhaustion.

The monks from the Western Church laughed loudly. Jambudvipa's face was dark and ugly, and he said to the five Asura guards around him: "Go and carry General Bodag over!" The five Asura guards hurriedly ran to Bodag. He struggled to lift him up and threw him to the center of the battlefield. boda

He breathed heavily and said, "Thank you all for your help, brothers. Otherwise, I would have wanted a husband again."

The five Asura guards turned back to the formation with dark faces. The mountain monk sneered and said to himself: "Just with your speed, you can die seven or eight hundred times in front of me! I'm so lucky today. I killed two generals in a row and made a great contribution. Maybe I can also be crowned an Arhat." !" Seeing General Bodag slowly raising his head to stab him, Monk Shan stepped forward behind Bodag without fear or resistance. A knife sliced ​​off his head.

Before the sword was carried out, suddenly an evil dragon was seen rushing towards him. The evil dragon's body was densely covered with human eyeballs. It was extremely disgusting and exuded a suffocating stench. In the blink of an eye, it was in front of the monk Qianshan. This evil dragon grew out of Bodag's belly, which was quite strange.

Monk Qianshan dares to continue fighting. He quickly turned into a green donkey, turned around and ran away. Before he could take two steps, several evil dragons sprouted out of Bodag's belly. They attacked from both sides and the four dragons bit the hundred-foot-long green donkey. With a strong tear, the Qianshan monk was torn into pieces. The four evil dragons opened their mouths and swallowed the monk.

The Western monks were so frightened that they asked the centipede golden Arhat: "Master, what kind of monster is that guy?"

The hundred-legged golden Arhat was about to answer when suddenly he saw Bodag roaring loudly and turned into a black turtle as big as a mountain. More than a thousand stinking evil dragons poked out from the turtle shell, dancing like crazy snakes. , one by one, the dragon heads poked into the formation of the Western Sect, and swallowed up nearly ten thousand monks in one fell swoop. Those dragon heads rise and fall one after another. A mass killing was carried out, and the monks were so frightened and crying that they couldn't stop crying.

The Arhat with a hundred-legged golden body was furious and shouted: "Eighteen Arhats, kill this Naga Turtle Dragon for me to subdue the demons!" Immediately, the Eighteen Arhats came out of the formation, offered their magic weapons one after another, and with colorful lights, chopped off the Naga Turtle Dragon's thousand heads.

Seeing the opponent's impulsive stance, Yan Futi waved his hand quickly, causing the Asura soldiers to scream. Wielding the steel fork, he rushed towards the opposite side like a tidal wave. The troops from both sides soon encountered each other and immediately started a brutal fight.

Jambudvipa is still in charge of the central army. Not moving at all, there were three hundred weird men covered in gray robes beside him, standing silently, with a ferocious skeleton embroidered with white silk on his chest. Under the skull was a pure white lotus. This is the symbol of Shura Cult.

Seeing that Jambudvipa could not lift him, the Arhat with a hundred-legged golden body also endured the immobility. Five hundred strange men in white robes appeared behind him, and a firebird with spread wings was painted on his chest.

Upon seeing this, Yan Futi sneered in his heart: "The people from the Nirvana Sect have also come to join in the fun. Sure enough, these two major sects are working together! However, I have ambushed a group of masters and want to eradicate them. It will be easy! However, if things get serious , It doesn’t end well, our Shura Sect is still weaker than their two sects.”

Under the Bidao Peak, Ehuang Qingyi and others looked up at the fighting on the mountain. Large areas of corpses fell from the top of the mountain, and a layer gradually piled up in the canyon. Several girls exclaimed: "Many people died!"

Qingbi sneered: "These guys are mortal masters? Too inferior? I can kill them all by myself!"

The little girl sitting on Xie Wei's shoulder said weakly: "They are all bad people..." Qingbi was so angry that she snatched her from Xie Wei's shoulder, held her in her arms, and kissed her on the face. After a moment, he smiled and said: "Is it still bad?"

Zhu Zhu blushed and stammered: "Bad guy, bad guy..."

Qingbi kissed her a few more times, and the little girl blushed like red cloth, hid her head on Qingbi's chest, and stopped talking. Qingbi was extremely proud and said with a smile: "I finally found your weakness, can I still control you?"

The fighting on the top of the mountain became more and more fierce. Several young women were discussing how to move the Bidao Peak. However, the boy Lu Ya almost fell asleep standing up, making a snoring sound, while Xie Wei simply sat down. Go down to meditate and practice. When the four girls saw it, they shook their heads helplessly and had to come up with their own ideas.

Qingyi said: "It seems that this mountain is the property of the Blood Sea Ancestor of Dongtian Qing Emperor. He was deceived by Taoist Bodhi and used as a training place for his disciples. We are not reasonable, so it is not good to reach out and grab it."

Qingbi smiled and said: "Sister, since they are all going to be robbed, why are you trying to reason with them? If you ask me, we three sisters can just turn into our own bodies, grab this mountain and run away. How can these guys catch up with us? ?”

Qing Xiao clapped his hands and said with a smile: "That's true. When I robbed other people's treasures in the early years, I didn't notify the victim! We are the disciples of the master. If we want to reason with them, other sects will laugh at our change of style! "

A drop of cold sweat flowed from Empress E's forehead, and she murmured in her heart: "Qingbi and Qingxiao were still good children when they followed me. How come they have become so cunning after studying with the master for several years?" She asked, "Qingbi , Qingxiao, who have you two been practicing Taoism with over the years?”

Qingbi smiled and said, "My teacher is Taoist Cihang."

Qingxiao smiled and said, "My teacher is Patriarch Zhu Ba."

Empress E wiped the cold sweat from her forehead and said with a smile: "No wonder. However, when we travel to the lower world, there is no master to protect us. Due to the agreement between the saints, the master cannot take action for ten thousand years. We should be less ostentatious and take advantage of it first. "

Qing Yi wondered: "This Bidao Peak is not our Taixuan Tian's thing, how can it occupy Li Zi?"

Empress Ehuang said with a smile: "Aren't the things taught by Shura belong to our master? Come with me!" After that, she took the lead and flew towards Jambudvipa. The three sisters in Qingyi quickly followed, but Zhu Zhu was still shy in Qingbi's arms and refused to come out. Lu Ya snored and followed him in a daze, while Xie Wei got up and followed behind him. The seven people rushed straight into the front of Asura's central army tent. The three hundred Asura believers immediately felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy. They offered up their magic weapons, and a deep chill hit their faces.

Empress Ehuang stopped and shouted: "Jambuddha, come out and see me!"

Yan Fu had taken the seven people under his eyes in advance, and just when he was feeling kind, he couldn't help but shudder when he heard the voice. He quickly ran out of the big tent, knelt down and said, "It turns out it was my master's aunt who arrived, and my nephew didn't come to greet me. I'm sorry, I'm sorry." ! "Sage Taixuan is the leader of Shura along with Minghe, and Patriarch of Blood Sea is also a disciple of Saint Taixuan. It is reasonable for Jambudvipa to call Empress E the Master's Sister.


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