Rebirth of Journey to the West

Volume 2: Reenacting the Great Desolation Chapter 317: Ten Thousand Immortals Ascend Under the Tower

Sage Yun Zhongzi of the Qing Dynasty felt the violent vibrations in the Qingling Qi, and then the two saints Taiqing and Taixuan were just one step away from fighting. They couldn't help but taunt each other. In fact, they wished they would turn against each other.

However, Xuandu and Taixuan gradually calmed down after hearing his words. Sage Xuandu first collected the eight-view palace lantern in Yujing, Xuandu, and said with a smile: "Sage Yuqing's accusation is justified. It's because we were reckless." What Xuandu was worried about was that if there was a big battle in the aura of lightness, it would definitely break. This world might even return to chaos.

Saint Taixuan did not have this worry, but he was relieved and looked at Xuandu nervously, with a look of pleading in his eyes. Saint Xuandu knew that he was afraid that he would tell other saints about the news that Xingdou Damo had produced a world-destroying weapon spirit. He sighed in his heart: "Why bother? Under the saints, they are all ants, just a daughter, who is lesser than the way of heaven. Heavy?"

Xuandu was about to inform Yun Zhongzi of the news when he suddenly saw the pleading eyes of Saint Taixuan. His heart moved and he said, "Sage Taixuan, you said you asked Teacher Hongjun from the Earthly Immortal Realm for advice? Can you handle it? road?"

Saint Taixuan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "There is indeed a way to deal with it."

Saint Xuandu was silent for a long time, and then suddenly laughed and said: "A saint cannot take action within ten thousand years. It has only been seven hundred years now, and it is still too early. We will wait for ten thousand years to discuss this matter. Fellow Taoist, you must be careful and don't cause any trouble." Otherwise, I will tell other saints." After that, the saint took away the Xuanhuang Pagoda of Heaven and Earth, summoned the green bull, and rode away.

Yun Zhongzi listened confusedly and thought to himself: "Could it be that Zhu Ba has something in the hands of Xuandu?" He couldn't help but be extremely curious in his heart, gossiped a bit, and said with a smile: "Why don't you two fight? ? I’m just talking!”

Taixuan Sage chuckled and said: "Fellow Taoist, if we continue to fight, I'm afraid your Yu Qingtian will also suffer disaster! Friend Taoist, you and I have not seen each other for nearly a hundred years, so why not find a place to talk in detail?" two?"

Yun Zhongzi's eyes flashed and he said with a smile: "That's what I meant. I think this place is very good." Where he waved, a pavilion with stone tables and chairs appeared out of thin air. Inviting Taixuan to sit down, he said, "I heard that many of Taixuan's disciples went to Zuzhou to preach?"

Sage Taixuan nodded and said, "It is true. I also heard that Yuqing's disciples also went to Zuzhou to preach Taoism."

Yun Zhongzi chuckled and said: "When we arrived at the Zuzhou and the Three Hundred Continents, my disciple discovered that Zhengnan Yingzhou had become a Taoist temple for Western religions at some point. Poor, pitiful. Now I have not waited for hundreds of years. There was not even a place to rest in the dojo. My disciples were all starved in the lower world. They finally found a place to rest and recuperate in the human race.

Saint Taixuan sighed: "Isn't it true? My disciples and daughters have even been forced to go to the sea to preach. Western religion is really deceiving people!"

Yun Zhongzi smiled and said: "I also heard that someone offered a beautiful woman to Haotian God. She was a nine-tailed fox. She was extremely beautiful. Haotian God will not go to court early now, and the world's major events will not be concerned. "

Saint Taixuan snorted angrily. Said: "What an unfilial son. I'm afraid that the Zhu family's empire will be defeated in his hands. If he doesn't go to court early, it's impossible to say that all the monsters in the world will cause chaos and harm the common people. Sooner or later, it will lead to soaring resentment among the people and the merits of heaven." All is lost. Beauty trap is always the simplest and most effective way."

"I heard again. There is chaos in heaven and the government is no longer in power. I wonder if this is the case?"

"I'm ashamed. I just learned about this. Those Qingliu can only make noises and attack each other, and can't do anything. Can Chao Gang not be in chaos?"

Yun Zhongzi cursed in his heart: "You all know the news I know, and I can only believe you three points in a word." He clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist, but I thought that whether it was the Qingliu chaos or the Nine-Tails If the fox messes up the harem, or if the Jade Emperor doesn't come to court early, someone is behind it!"

Saint Taixuan was shocked and said in surprise: "There is a conspiracy? Is there really someone who dares to overthrow my Zhu family?"

Yun Zhongzi laughed and said: "There are people who instigate the Nine-tailed Fox, and there are also people who instigate the chaos in Qingliu. However, the wise God Haotian has gradually become dim, and the powerful war machine of heaven is now helpless, so there may not be no one instigating it. There are people. They are eager to use a war to overthrow the dictatorship of Heaven and establish a new Heaven, but there are also people who are eager to use this war to destroy potential opponents. Fellow Taoist, do you think I am right?"

Sage Taixuan also clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist is really a wonderful person. Is there anyone who is afraid that his son's empire will not be strong enough to forcefully create a few enemies for him?"

Yun Zhongzi laughed and said: "Maybe there really is such a person, and maybe this person is a saint! But -" Yun Zhongzi changed the subject and said seriously: "Heaven is going to face four supreme beings. People, as well as three thousand Buddhas and countless lotus incarnations, even though there are powerful heavenly war machines, there is nothing they can do. "

Sage Taixuan smiled and said: "Sage Yuqing must have a clever plan."

Yun Zhongzi did not answer directly, but said lightly: "Fellow Taoist, in my opinion, it is better to re-establish the list of demon gods. Guang Chengzi and others fell on the list, and they are already elders of two dynasties. The gods on this list, It’s time for a change. If you agree, I, Yu Qingtian, will give my full support, and that heaven will still be your Zhu family’s heaven.”

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Master Yuding led the immortals of Chanjiao to gain a foothold in the human kingdom, widely promoted the Taoism of Chanjiao, and looked for disciples with good qualifications. However, the Taoism of Chanjiao has extremely high requirements for Taoism. After decades, It's just that one person accepted a disciple. Although these disciples are not many, they are already rare and valuable.

If the Xuandu lineage of the Renjiao could pick out a disciple from the entire prehistoric era, the Xuandu saint would have been extremely happy. As for the current occupation of the Dahuang Mountains, there are quite a lot of disciples under his sect. Duobao Tianzun and Lingbao Tianzun also go down the mountain from time to time to look for good disciples.

The Jiejiao Sect has also been extremely prosperous in recent years, and has managed Zhengdong Yangzhou like an iron barrel. Even the Western Sect has found it difficult to penetrate into it.

Master Yuding is assisted by the Antarctic Immortal and others. The mortal sect is well organized, but the power of the Western sect among the human race is also extremely alarming. People from the Buddhist sect often come to provoke them. Under the arrangement of the mortal king, the two sects debate Taoism. Each criticizes the other's Taoism.

The monks who explain the teachings are all people who cultivate their minds. How can their skills in speaking and speaking compare to those of Western believers? The more we go, the more we fail. Western followers are wise enough to not argue with their subordinates about the true teachings. Instead, they fight over words, causing the prestige of the teaching to plummet, and some countries even exalt Buddhism and destroy Taoism. All the Taoist temples across the country were demolished. .

Master Yuding and the Antarctic Immortal ordered the disciples of the Chan Sect not to interact with mortals and to be patient at all times. However, the Western Sect advanced at every turn and only argued but did not start a war. This made the immortals of the Chan Sect extremely angry. At this time, another scholar came from the east, with a total of seventy-two people. He stayed at the Dharma altars of various countries for three years, debating with Western monks, and without losing a single victory for three years. He became so famous that he was called the Seventy-Two Great Confucians.

These seventy-two great scholars were invited to the seventy-two prehistoric countries. He held the position of a great official, edited and compiled books, passed down the Spring and Autumn Annals, and governed the country with the Analects of Confucius. It was said that half of the Analects of Confucius could bring peace to the world.

Confucianism not only suppresses Buddhism, but also suppresses Taoism.

Chanjiao was also suppressed, but it was a bit better than before. It is the Western teaching of massage

He took the lead in challenging those Confucians and set up an arena in Huichang State. There were ten Bodhisattvas and one hundred Vajra Protectors. He threatened to fight with the Confucians here and decide who would win or lose.

Hong Ruzilu went there alone, and saw a red light lingering in the mid-air for three days and three nights in the seventy-two prehistoric countries. After three days and three nights, Zilu returned alone. On the battlefield of the martial arts fight, there were corpses everywhere, not a single living thing.

The awe-inspiring righteousness of Confucianism has become famous since then. The awe-inspiring righteousness, firmness and unbreakableness can be described as stunning. Na Zilu mastered the word "brave" and was much better than Lu Ya. After a battle, no one could defeat him. Confucianism's momentum among the human race increased greatly. In addition, Confucianism's teachings were indeed suitable for the rulers' rule. Therefore, they gradually gained popularity in the prehistoric times. Zhongdaxing.

After hearing about the disastrous defeat of Western religion among the human race, Emperor Shakti was obsessed with it and stood up to break the fate of Confucianism. When he arrived at the seventy-two kingdoms of the human race, he saw five Confucian magic weapons in mid-air. The rays of light penetrated directly into the sky. He couldn't help but stop his steps and said to himself: "Confucianism is prospering at the moment, and even Western religions are far behind. I'm afraid that when they go to heaven to become officials, their luck will be at its peak. In other places, their luck will be at its peak. With such great luck, it’s not easy for me to defeat him, so let’s go and listen to his teachings first.”

The Buddha, the Heavenly King, transformed into an ordinary young man and came to one of the human royal cities. It happened that Zisi, a great Confucian scholar, was opening a sutra banquet and preaching Confucian doctrines. The Buddha, the Heavenly King, knelt down and listened to the lecture.

Zisi talked for a whole day and night, and the Lord Buddha listened to it all day and night. He was fascinated and said to himself: "This teaching, benevolence, wisdom, courage, righteousness and faith complement each other and are connected without any flaws. It can indeed be called a great virtue." It is not easy for a sect to break his luck.”

Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly heard Na Zisi say: "...the people are the most important, the country is the second most important thing, and the king is the least important. Therefore, the people of Qiu become the emperor, the emperor becomes the princes, and the emperor becomes the princes. The princes are great officials. If the princes threaten the country, they will be replaced."

When Emperor Sakyamuni Buddha heard this, he immediately became elated and left the royal city. Then he laughed loudly and said: "When Confucians go to heaven to serve as officials, that is when their luck is at its peak. It is also when their luck declines. At that time, they have the most On the same level as Western religions, the people are the most important, the country is the second, and the king is the least. This is in conflict with the Zhu family's royal family in the heaven, whether it is the king's land, and whether the land is the king's ministers. At that time, it will be precisely Confucius and Taixuan. Infighting among saints!"

Confucianism dominated the court, and even the common people respected Confucianism. As a result, the power of Buddhism and Taoism among human races gradually shrunk. Master Yuding and other immortals had no choice but to move to the mountains and forests to teach disciples. On this day, suddenly, from A red-crowned crane, thousands of miles long, flew down from the sky and flew over the Chanjiao Taoist Temple. It turned into a handsome and enchanting Taoist boy with white hair and red forehead and upside-down pupils. It was extremely strange, but there was a bit of Taoist immortality. It fell into the Taoist temple. , but it is Xianhe Tongzi, Yun Zhongzi's disciple.

Master Yuding and the Antarctic Immortal came out to greet him and said with a smile: "How come Junior Brother came out of the mountain?"

The Crane Boy smiled and said, "I am here on the orders of the Master, and I have brought a letter. The Master has given instructions for the brothers to act in accordance with what is said in the letter."

Master Yuding, the Antarctic Immortal, and others opened the envelope, took out the letter, read it, and said with a smile: "Becoming an official in heaven? This matter is a bit weird."

The crane boy said with a smile: "My master told me not to fight against the Taixuan Sect this time, but to support them. The senior brothers who will serve as officials in the heaven in the future can escape the bad luck on the list of gods and achieve immortality."

Master Yuding was overjoyed and asked: "Junior brother, do you know whose disciples are the disciples who have succeeded all the brothers in attaining the divine way?"

The Crane Boy smiled and said: "The Master Headmaster said that the way of the world is the way of checks and balances, the balance of yin and yang. Whichever family has the most luck and the most disciples at this moment will be on the list."

Master Yuding looked at each other and the Antarctic Immortal Old Man and others, rang the copper bell, and ordered the disciples living in seclusion in the fairy mountains to come. After three or five days, the immortals who explained the teachings gathered together, and Master Yuding said: "Learn the arts of culture and martial arts , selling goods to the emperor's family. At present, the world is still conquering, and there are many Taoist sects. It is not a good place for cultivation. Disciples, follow me to the Tower of Tongtian in Central Continent to participate in the century-old ascension conference. After the tribulation, ascend and go to heaven to become an official. Keeping the shrine clean will protect the order of the world.”

Although the disciples were doubtful, they had to obey the orders and follow the Immortals to the Middle Earth Divine Continent. When they arrived under the Tower of Heaven in the Middle Earth Divine Continent, they saw a huge mountain peak, like a pillar of heaven, reaching straight into the sky, reaching up to thirty-three days. A bunch of idle clouds hang halfway up the mountain. Above the clouds is the place where thunder clouds and storms are located. The strong wind is so fierce that even the capable monks dare not go there easily.

There were crowds of people at the foot of the mountain, and there were all kinds of weird monks. Not to mention those from Shura Sect, Jie Sect, Western Sect, Demon Sect, etc., there were also quite a few casual cultivators.

However, this year's Ascension Conference obviously had many times more people than in previous years. There were ten species of humans, gods, ghosts, scales, feathers, feathers, and insects in the world, as well as weird species that were not among these ten species.

Master Yuding saw many familiar faces, and was secretly surprised: "Why are they here?" He quietly pointed it to the Antarctic Immortal, and saw that those people were the reincarnations of thousands of Buddhas from the past solemn kalpas, and now they have turned into Taoists. , with a demonic look on their face, and there are thousands of Buddhas who have been reincarnated in the current sage kalpa, and have turned into casual cultivators, who also have evil faces, and there are also thousands of Buddhas in the future star kalpa who have been reincarnated, and they have turned into monsters, all dressed like monkeys, and they look sanctimonious.

Although these nine thousand Western sect members died in the catastrophe in previous years, their souls are still there. After reincarnation now, they all belong to the Western sect. Although their strength is not as strong as before, it is still a huge and terrifying force.

"Why don't they go to the Western Paradise to receive blessings, but come to the Ascension Conference? Could it be that these guys also want to be officials in heaven?"

The faces of Master Yuding and the Antarctic Immortal Master gradually became serious. They both felt that the trip to heaven was not as peaceful as imagined, and they were afraid that chaos had already appeared. .

"The Western religion alone we know of has nine thousand members. Those whose names we don't know may be even more. There are also the Nirvana sect who are in cahoots with the Western religion. Taken together, this number can already be reached. Comparable to the officials of Heaven!"

The Antarctic Immortal is an honest man and has not had any ideas yet, but Master Yuding has taught a smart disciple like Yang Jian, and he is not an honest guy either. He keeps scanning the crowd with his eyes, suddenly his eyes light up, and he uses He poked the Antarctic Immortal with his elbow and pressed his mouth. The Antarctic Immortal looked in the direction and saw Samantabhadra and Manjusri together with Hong Hai'er and others, chatting and laughing in a low voice.

"Did you see that? We are not fighting alone. There are also experts from Taixuan Sect."

After a while, Master Yuding found Yang Jian and Lingzhuzi again. The two guys were doing nothing, climbed up the tree and squatted down, and a thin dog also squatted on the tree. The disciples brought out by these two men also looked carefree. They were all squatting on the trees, some were talking and laughing, and some were dozing off.

"This guy doesn't even say hello when he sees me!" Master Yuding got sulky and thought to himself: "Now that I am his equal, I have to call him Taoist friend at least!"

Master Yuding gradually found more and more people from the Taixuan Sect, and he was determined in his heart. After a while, he saw only the surging purple air in the east, but also saw the surging gas in the air, forming five strange auspicious clouds such as Daobi Chunqiu Ce and so on. After a while, they saw seventy-two Confucian sages coming together and also came to the foot of Tongtian Tower.

The surprise in the eyes of Master Yuding became more and more powerful, and he said in surprise: "This Ascension Conference is getting more and more interesting!".

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