Rebirth of Journey to the West

Volume 2: Reenacting the Great Desolation Chapter 329: The Final Battle (5)

Taoist Lotus quickly looked for the sound, and saw a huge three-legged standing suddenly rising in front of his eyes, with its wings hanging diagonally on the ground, and the boundless true fire of the sun burning brightly. There was an empress standing on the Golden Crow Dingmen, with a Donghuang bell above her head clanging, looking at the Taoist with a smile.

Taoist Qinglian chuckled and said: "It turns out to be Empress Xihe. The empress is the companion of the saint, why should she participate in the fight? Wouldn't it be better to go to the Taixuan Saint Realm of the Thirty-three Days to receive blessings? At this moment, she broke into the chaos for nothing. In the world of mortals, I’m afraid my life can’t be saved.”

Empress Xihe said angrily: "You are justified in killing my son? You are such a monster monk who has done many evil things. Today I want you to be put on the list of gods and serve my son from now on!"

Taoist Qinglian smiled and said: "God Haotian has been immoral and has committed three hundred years of sin. Today's attack on the sky is an act in compliance with the law of heaven. If the empress insists on obstructing it, I am afraid that the sky will be angry and her soul will be driven away!" Taoist Qinglian slowly said The silver plate of reincarnation was sacrificed. At this moment, a faint sound of the piano was heard. The silver plate of reincarnation beat a few times for no reason, and a few of the Taoist's eyelashes also fell for no reason.

Another huge swan and white phoenix rose from the realm of hatred. On the white phoenix's back, Chang'e gently stroked the harp, which made Taoist Qinglian shiver in his heart: "The attack of this celestial harp is only inferior to that of the sky-opening axe. It can kill people." It is invisible but more difficult to deal with than the divine axe. If the King Buddha doesn't come, I'm afraid the poor Taoist will be punched by the two empresses..."

Let's say that the Buddha, the Buddha, was fighting for a while with Wukong, Yang Jian, and the Five Confucian Confucians. Even though the Buddha, the Buddha, had reached the peak of human cultivation. He also felt that it was difficult to defeat him, so Yang Jian would be defeated. The Kaitian Divine Ax in Wukong's hand was indeed powerful, leaving Emperor Shakti and Buddha unable to attack. Instead, he spent most of his time dodging and the other half of his time in a defensive state.

Although Taoist Wukong's magic power has improved over the years, he still cannot completely control the Kaitian God Ax and swing the ax a few times. He couldn't help but stop and take a deep breath. Only saints can lift the weight with ease. But if you can use the God's Axe to perfection, I'm afraid saints don't have this ability either.

When the aura of lightness opened up the world, every saint almost died of exhaustion when using the Divine Ax to open up a small world. It can be seen that although the attack power of this magic weapon is powerful, its skill is not good. The consequences are also unbearable.

These seven people surrounded the Buddha, Shakti, and fought like windmills. King Buddha of the Sakyamuni secretly asked: "Is it possible that I also have to use the bottom of the box to cultivate?" Just as he was thinking about it, someone just heard someone laughing: "Wang Buddha is so interested that he was bullied into this by a group of juniors!"

Emperor Shi Tian Wang Buddha quickly took a peek and saw Shi Shiran, the three men from Hunyuan Sanqing, rushing towards them, followed by ten thousand immortal formations. Wukong and Yang Jian looked at each other. Suddenly a golden light flew up and went straight to Shihuang Xiaomangtian. Ji Zilu and others also quickly flew up. At this time, fighting against the Shakti King Buddha was definitely an egg against a rock, but Zilu and others were not stupid.

How could Emperor Sakyamuni be willing to let them go? Wukong and Yang Jian escaped very fast and could not catch up with them, but the five great scholars were not flying very fast. Wang Fo had already sacrificed the wishful jade plate and dropped it to the five great scholars. At that time, Ji Zilu saw that the Ruyi Jade Disc was coming very quickly, and all the senior brothers could not avoid it. He quickly shouted and raised the righteous sword. In an instant, countless knives were struck in succession, all of which hit the Ruyi Jade Disc. The jade disc crackled and had dense textures, and was almost completely chopped into pieces by the Zhengqi Sword's mighty energy.

King Shakti was furious, flew up, stretched out his big Vastu hand, reached down, and grabbed Ji Zilu in his hand.

Ji Zilu struggled to free himself, and suddenly shouted, with a surge of righteousness all over his body, he shouted angrily: "Rebellious ministers and traitors!" The body of the Yuan Shen exploded, only one arm of Emperor Shakti was blown to pieces, and Ji Zilu was really The spirit went straight to the list of gods.

The righteous sword lost its owner, and flew around in the air for a week. Suddenly, a bright light went straight to the Emperor Huang Zengtian. Emperor Sakyamuni was about to use his method to catch the righteous sword, but was turned back by the sword and almost missed it. He also cut off the remaining arm, knowing that it was Saint Kong who wanted to take back the treasure. The Emperor Buddha did not dare to go too far, and had no choice but to let the righteous sword go straight towards Yu Yutian. He repaired his arm in a hurry, glanced at Hunyuan Sanqing, and flew upward to the sky.

As soon as the righteous sword flew out of the mainland, Duobao Tianzun and the ten princes of the Zhu family were seen blocking the sky, smiling and reaching out to grab the sword. The righteous sword shined brightly, and was about to strike at Duobao Tianzun's head, but the tenth prince of the Zhu family grabbed the handle of the sword.

The Zhengqi Sword twisted around and couldn't get away. I heard a voice coming from the void: "Brother Duobao, what do you mean by this move?"

Duobao Tianzun chuckled and said: "You ruined my luck in intercepting the teachings, and I came to take away your luck in Confucianism."

So simple! "

The voice was silent, then suddenly sighed and said: "You and I are of different origins and don't conspire with each other. How can you ruin your luck in intercepting religion? What's more, if you want to ruin my luck in Confucianism, why bother with Saint Taixuan?" Young son?"

Duobao Tianzun sneered and said: "Kong Xuan, the foundation of your Confucian teachings is the legal principles of my Jie Jiao. How can you deny it? The moral principles of Saint Taixuan are also based on my Jie Jiao. We are both his sons. It's common sense. Taixuan Sage won't blame you! What's more, the word "brave" in your Confucian teachings will anger the heavens sooner or later. Aren't you inciting the immortals to rebel against heaven and earth? If you give me the Zhengqi Sword now, you can avoid future conflicts with Taixuan, so why not?"

The voice was silent for a while, and suddenly laughed and said: "Brother Taoist wants to take the most precious treasure of my Confucian religion, but the tenth prince must be proficient in my Confucian teachings. I teach five great Confucians and will have a debate with the tenth prince. If he can't Even if you have defeated my five disciples, this Zhengqi Sword is still the treasure of my teaching!" Just as he finished speaking, Zeng Youruo flew from the sky, and the remaining four Hongru in the battle of heaven were involuntarily killed by Chun Qiu Ce and others! Taking the magic weapon with him, he flew out for thirty-three days and came to the vast wilderness of the universe. Five great scholars sat face to face with the ten princes of the Zhu family.

Five Confucian scholars were the first to attack. Zeng Youruo said sternly: "Master, what is the kindness and righteousness of seizing a person's magic weapon to suppress people's teachings?"

The Tenth Prince smiled slightly, and the righteous sword in his hand suddenly turned into a red divine light, rising into the sky. Suddenly, a Yuanyang Merit Ruler appeared in the red divine light. He frantically absorbed the red divine light and turned it into a ruler. In the palm of the prince's hand. This is to change the day and night, and gently replace the Confucian sword of courage with a ruler of merit. He stretched out his hand and struck a ruler on Zeng Youruo's palm, and said with a smile: "Studying things and reasoning, returning to simplicity and truth, is benevolence and righteousness. Confucian teachings have deviated from the right path. , I corrected it, it is benevolence and righteousness.”

Once upon a time, Ruo Ruo was so angry after eating a piece of his ruler that he was about to explode when Zisi smiled and said, "Master is a heretic, do you know my Confucian teachings?"

The prince smiled and said: "Confucian teachings are nothing more than five sentences. In my opinion, they are: father and son are related, monarch and ministers are righteous, husband and wife are distinguished, elders and young are orderly, and friends are trustworthy. As the so-called benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom and trust, you masters think so. No? Ritual refers to Li. Li is Tao, Tao is Tai Chi, and Tai Chi transforms all things. If Li is not lost, then Haoran’s righteousness is not lost. Therefore, I believe that Confucianism is the most important thing. Doctrine should be based on the word "principle". Only by preserving heaven's principles and eliminating human desires can we achieve the truth! "

The masters were shocked and angry when they saw that he had easily tampered with Confucian teachings. They immediately gathered together to find loopholes in his language and attack his incomplete teachings. The tenth prince refused to give in at all and argued with each other based on the reasons. The scholars quarreled and argued with each other, but they could never distinguish the tenth prince.

But it was extremely difficult for Prince Zhu Shi to win.

Seeing this, Taoist Duobao smiled slightly and thought to himself: "Confucianism is based on the moral principles of my Jie Jiao. How could I not know? Fortunately, I have already passed on all the Jie Jiao teachings to the prince, otherwise this debate would have been impossible to start. "

Let’s talk about those thirty-three days when the Buddha, the King of Heaven, broke through all the way. When he came to the Shihuang Xiaomang Heaven, he saw Wukong and others together with the Empress E. The Buddha, the King of Heaven, was about to start a fight and kill the Original Heavenly Lord and others. After helping them to seize the treasure, they suddenly saw the Nuwa Empress flying over with a jade gourd, and saw Lu Ya and other Taixuan sect disciples pouring into Shihuang Xiaomangtian. After a while, the Yuqing sect also came one after another, Niu Demon King, Yu Wang and others also entered Shihuang Xiaomangtian, and the Great God Lei Ze also jumped onto the Chaos Green Bell carrying six halberds.

The Emperor Buddha was startled and hurriedly left from Shihuang Xiaomangtian and went straight to Thirty-Two Tianpingyu Jia Yitian, thinking: "Hunyuan and Sanqing only care about picking up bargains, so let them get this big bargain." , I will go and fight to the Lihen Realm, except for the Haotian couple!"

When those people saw him leaving, they did not stop him. They just immediately set up their formations to prepare for the arrival of Hunyuan Sanqing and others.

When the Hunyuan Sanqing came to Shihuang Xiaomangtian, they were shocked when they saw such a grand occasion. The original Tianzun muttered: "Is it true that Taixuan Saint is really not afraid that the Western religion will kill his wife and son, so he actually sent half of his troops Will it be divided among us?" Little did they know that Saint Taixuan's original arrangement was indeed centered on his two wives and Haotian couple, which was enough to protect Empress Xihe and others, but Demon Master Kunpeng was the one who put interests first. The saint's arrangement was changed. He did not care about the gains and losses of the Lihen Realm, but chose to start a war between the two places, gather strong strength, and eliminate one side first.

Although Demon Master Peng's arrangement can eliminate powerful enemies, it puts the Lihen Realm in a dangerous place, which is inconsistent with the original intention of Saint Taixuan. .

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