Rebirth of Journey to the West

Volume 1 The Wind Rises and Journeys to the West Chapter 47 The Origin of Ten Thousand Buddhas Ances

In the territory of Western Tianzhu, near Wangshe City, there is a magnificent mountain called Lingjiu Mountain, also known as Lingshan Mountain and Qijue Mountain. It is where all the Buddhas are located. The original owner of Lingshan Mountain was a famous Taoist master, Ran Deng Taoist, whose seniority was second only to Sanqing and the Second Sage of the West. Later, he gave up Taoism and entered the Western religion, becoming the Ran Deng Buddha, also known as Dingguang Tathagata.

When Zhunti Taoist Nirvana was reincarnated, the Buddha Ran Deng found the reincarnated soul boy, received his inscription for him, and said to Sakyamuni: "You will become a Buddha in the virtuous kalpa after ninety-one kalpas." The so-called virtuous kalpa refers to It was through the five-color divine light of Kong Xuan that he killed three corpses and became enlightened (Confucius was called King Kong Xuan in history, so this calamity was called the Xian Calamity. If you are interested, you can search it on Baidu). Later, Sakyamuni became the Tathagata Buddha, and the Ancient Buddha of Randeng gave up the Lingshan Mountain to the Tathagata and lived in seclusion in the mountain.

For this reason, the ancient Buddha of Ran Deng has an extremely high status in Lingshan Mountain and is called the Buddha of the past. Tathagata Buddha gave him the title of "Origin of Ten Thousand Buddhas".

This burning lamp Buddha has great magic power. He was sitting in the Yuanjue Cave that day. Suddenly he spread his palms and a thirty-three-story exquisite pagoda fell into his palms. He smiled and said: "Great Sun Tathagata, you are a good disciple!"

In exchange for a monk, Ran Deng Buddha asked him to give the Linglong Pagoda to Li Jing, but he got up and walked towards Futu Mountain. He found the fragrant cypress tree and saw a Zen master lying on his back in the crow's nest in front of the tree, with his hands on his back. On the pillow, his legs were crossed, his mouth was slightly open, and strings of sparks came out from his mouth from time to time. It turned out that he was asleep.

"Good old bird!" Buddha Ran Deng stamped his feet, "Get up quickly! Your disciple has snatched the exquisite pagoda from the poor monk. The poor monk can't catch him, but you can't run away!"

The Zen master in Wuchao yawned, narrowed his slender eyes, and said with a smile: "Randeng, you also know me. How have I ever accepted a disciple? Let alone snatching your magic weapon. Your magic weapon is very good. "?" The Zen master sat up, holding a purple gourd in his hand, and looked at him with a smile.

Randen Ancient Buddha felt bitter in his heart. No matter how magical the Linglong Pagoda was, it could not compare to the Immortal Killing Gourd of Lord Lu Ya. He sneered and said: "I know your treasure is powerful and you won't look at me. But that day Someone broke into the heaven and stole the Linglong Pagoda. Many people saw that person escape with a Lihuo Changhong. This Lihuo Changhong is your special skill. Even a saint is not as good as that! If I’m not your disciple, who is his disciple? If you don’t believe it, we can go to heaven to confront him!”

Zen Master Wuchao thought deeply: "You are right. My Lihuo Changhong is unique in the Three Realms and has not been taught to others. Even if the true secret of Lihuo taught by the saint, there is no cultivation method of Lihuo Changhong. Could it be that... " He thought of the theft of the Lihuo True Secret more than four hundred years ago, and his heart moved, and he immediately denied: "It is impossible that he is still alive. Could it be that Zhu Gangxi taught the True Secret to others before he died? "

Nowadays, the heavens are in chaos, and these people with great supernatural powers cannot know anything in advance and can only rely on their own guesses. Zen Master Wuchao did not express his thoughts and said with a smile: "Don't worry about the old Buddha Ran Deng. How much power does that person have? Can he still take the Linglong Pagoda from your hands? Don't have any grudges. , if I want your exquisite pagoda, why don’t I teach an apprentice to grab it? Wouldn’t it be more convenient to go directly to your lair and ask for it from you?”

The Ancient Buddha of Ran Deng was still a little doubtful and said: "That day Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva also suffered a loss in Hezhou, Xiniu. Someone used the Immortal Killing Flying Dagger to take over the incarnation of the soul, and lost half of his cultivation. You are also the Immortal Killing Flying Dagger. Lu Ya’s only one, and you still said you didn’t accept any disciples?”

Zen Master Wuchao was shocked, grabbed his hand, and said, "Is it really the Flying Sword that kills immortals?"

The Buddha Ran Deng was a little hesitant: "This is what the Great Power said, and even the poor monk didn't know it. Now that the Great Power has lost its power, the good disciples who complained about your teaching were demoted to the eighteenth level of hell by Tathagata Buddha and helped Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to suppress it. Blood Sea and Styx, if you want to know the details, ask him."

Zen Master Wuchao thought for a moment and said: "This matter is of great importance and cannot be ignored. Fellow Taoist Randeng, please go back to Lingshan, and I will go to the sea of ​​blood to ask about the general situation!" He stood up and was about to leave, but suddenly remembered something and chopped off He put the fairy gourd on his body and waved his hand to put a strong ban on Wuchao, and then a golden light disappeared.

The corner of the Ran Deng Ancient Buddha's mouth moved, and he was slightly angry: "This old bird, is he still worried that the poor monk will covet his treasure?"

This was a misunderstanding of Zen Master Wuchao. Since the last time the Wuchao was stolen, the old Zen master has been much more cautious, lest the passing monster take advantage of it and take away his treasure, instead of guarding against burning lanterns.

When Zen Master Wuchao went down to the Netherworld, the judges of the King of Hell did not dare to stop him, and he went all the way to the eighteen levels of hell. There are more than eighteen levels of hell. There is also a sea of ​​blood and the River Styx under the Saw Hell, where the Shura clan is located. This sea of ​​blood was formed by the blood of the Styx ancestors from the Great Witch and the Demon Saint during the Lich War, giving birth to the Asura tribe.

The Asura clan inherited all the shortcomings of the great witches and the ancient demon saints. They were cruel, easy to kill, and brave in fighting. The Tathagata Buddha wanted to accept this clan as the eight heavenly dragons and serve as Buddhist protectors. Therefore, he sent Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to guard the sea of ​​blood and try to Influence with Buddhism.

The Ancestor of Styx lives in the depths of the Sea of ​​Blood. He was originally the one who should be catastrophized in the Lich Catastrophe. Because there is a precedent of Emperor Wa destroying dinosaurs and creating humans and becoming a saint through meritorious deeds, he also wants to create a new race and take advantage of this opportunity. Sanctify. I just didn't expect that the Asura tribe created would inherit the hostility of heaven and earth and be extremely vicious. Instead of having no merit, it would actually add to the sin.

Ancestor Minghe did not give up on his thoughts of becoming a saint. He relied on the two swords of Abi and Yuantu to kill the two corpses, and his magic power was unparalleled. Apart from the six saints, there are only a few who can surpass him in cultivation. Logically speaking, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is by no means a match for Ancestor Minghe. The reason why he can survive until now is because Ancestor Minghe concentrates on enlightenment and does not bother to compete with her, nor does he want to offend Lingshan.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva knew how powerful the Ancestor Styx was, and did not provoke him. He only guarded the Netherworld Blood Sea every day, trying to save the Asura clan and prevent them from coming to the mortal world.

This sea of ​​​​netherworld and blood is the Shura path in the six paths of reincarnation. There are stubborn ghosts, so Yama of the Ten Palaces has no choice but to throw himself into the sea of ​​blood and let him turn into Shura. The bad guys in the world are gone, so the Asura clan is becoming more and more powerful, far surpassing the other five reincarnations.

The Asura Path is controlled by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and the other five reincarnations are controlled by the three empresses, Qiongxiao, Bixiao and Yunxiao. These three empresses were also disciples of Jie Jiao during their lifetimes, and had an sworn enemy with Taoist Lord Lu Ya. At this moment, Lord Lu Ya had become the Great Sun Tathagata and Zen Master Wuchao of Lingshan, but he did not dare to disturb the three empresses, so he walked around and went straight to the sea of ​​blood. .

But seeing this vast ocean, the waves of blood were surging into the sky, the smell was extremely fishy, ​​and the roaring waves crashing on the shore were deafening. In that blood wave, there were countless dark and slippery bodies swimming around, and they were those of the Asura clan. Above the blood sea, there is also the flying Asura clan, with six wings, like a giant mosquito, buzzing and flying non-stop, sucking the blood in the blood sea to increase its magic power.

Deep in the sea of ​​blood, there is a golden Bodhisattva sitting in the air, with a three-grade white lotus under it, auspicious light and auspiciousness. Under the white lotus is a ferocious beast, shaped like a lion, but with big eyes, long ears, and jagged canine teeth. It has an auspicious cloud under its feet and is carrying a third-grade white lotus.

Zen Master Wuchao was about to fly over to talk to the Bodhisattva when he heard a loud crackling sound on the sea surface. The sea surged, the waves parted, and a King Asura emerged from the water. He had nine heads, each with a thousand eyes. Nine hundred and ninety hands, eight legs, spitting fire from his mouth, his name is King Bhimachitara;

There was another loud noise, and an Asura King emerged from the sea of ​​blood. His name was Rahu, and he claimed that his giant hands could cover the light of the sun and the moon;

There was another loud noise, and King Boya, the bravest among the Asura kings, also emerged from the water;

There was another loud noise, and King Luo Qituo controlled the huge waves of the blood sea and stood on the top of the waves. These four Asura kings are disciples of the ancestor of Styx, and they worship the ancestor as their father. They have magical powers and have fought with Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva for a long time, but they can't help each other.

The four Asura kings surrounded the four directions. King Boya was the commander-in-chief of the three armies of the Asura tribe. He held an Asura halberd and pointed at Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and said: "You woman, I kindly proposed marriage to you the day before yesterday. Instead of paying attention, you actually What's the point of hurting me? If you don't respond to me today, I will snatch you away with my brothers!"

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