Rebirth of Journey to the West

Volume 1: The Wind Rises and Journeys to the West, Chapter 54: The Fury of Many Treasures, Abandonin

Among the billions of miles of dark clouds, there are countless red dragons flying, rolling in and out of the clouds, sometimes revealing their huge bodies and ferocious dragon heads. In the sky above the dark clouds, there were eighty-four thousand evil evil gods, crying loudly, and pillars of blood flowed from their eyes into the dark clouds.

Most of these 84,000 gods died in the Great Formation of Ten Thousand Immortals in the Battle of the Gods. They were all disciples of the Jie Cult. After the war, the 365 Gods who were canonized were the Three Hundred and Sixty-Five Pure Gods, and the others were named the Evil Evils of the Stars. Deputy God. More than 80,000 deputy gods raised their heads, letting the blood stay in their eyes, and shouted angrily: "Who killed my brother? This hatred is irreconcilable!" The sound continued for thirty-three days.

Eighty-four thousand gods stirred up the water of the four seas, pumping it into the clouds continuously, almost emptying the ocean! As a result, the Dragon Palace under the sea gradually emerged from the water, which frightened the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas and quickly flew to heaven to report the matter to the Jade Emperor.

The Jade Emperor has long known about the strange movements of the deputy gods in the sky, but the disciples of Jiejiao have always been unruly. At this moment, twelve righteous gods were killed, their souls were scattered, and aroused public anger. If he punished them now, he, the Jade Emperor, would not have to do it. .

Taibai Jinxing offered advice: "Your Majesty, one day in the sky and one year in the earth. If we let them cry for one day, I am afraid that all the mortals in the lower world will have died! We still need to invite Yuanshi Tianzun to come to suppress them."

The Jade Emperor suddenly realized and hurriedly sent someone to invite the Yuanshi Tianzun. At this moment, he heard a commotion outside the hall. The gods of thunder, plague, fire, Dou, and Taisui broke into the Lingxiao Palace and pushed the immortal officials around. , rushed to the side, with a fierce look, kicked away the oncoming Taibai Jinxing, and surrounded the Jade Emperor.

The Jade Emperor was so frightened that he almost collapsed on the dragon chair and said in a trembling voice: "My dear friends, what do you want? Could it be that you want to usurp the throne?"

All the righteous gods were silent. The Nine Heavens responded to the sound of thunder and the Universal Transformation Heavenly Lord pressed his sword and stepped forward, saying sternly: "Your Majesty! Twelve of my brothers fell into the list of gods. In response to the order of Master Yuanshi, they turned into twelve Yuan Chen. I have protected the four continents for hundreds of millions of miles! I have never done anything wrong in the past three thousand years. I was killed today and my soul is gone. I beg Your Majesty to seek justice!”

After saying that, he knelt down, and the other two hundred righteous gods also knelt down and shouted: "I beg your Majesty to uphold justice and arrest the demons and evildoers of Chan Cult!"

The Grand Marshal Li Jing had just received the news at this time, and before he could get the Jade Emperor's orders, he immediately led one hundred thousand heavenly troops to besiege the Lingxiao Palace, and laid a dragnet to completely surround the Heavenly Palace. Then Li Jing walked into the Lingxiao Palace proudly, holding the pagoda in his hand and shouted: "Wen Zhong, do you dare to deceive the emperor and commit a crime? Why don't you retreat!" Those immortals who had ascended from the lower world to the heaven were given officials by the Jade Emperor, and they also heard the news and drove them away. They came and scolded them for their treason.

Wen Zhong and others ignored them and only looked at the Jade Emperor, waiting for him to speak. The Jade Emperor was in a dilemma. If he agreed to them, would he still have the dignity of the Haotian God? If they don't respond, these lawless people might do something wrong to them immediately. When they were in trouble, an immortal official scolded: "If you don't retreat, I will capture you immediately and put you on the Immortal Killing Platform!"

The golden eyes on Wen Zhong's forehead suddenly opened, billions of rays of light shone out, huge pressure spread out, a hundred thousand purple hairs flew, and he shouted: "Shut up!"

The immortal official was almost crushed to pieces by the pressure. When Wen Zhongjin closed his eyes, he breathed a sigh of relief. He felt that his whole body was covered in cold sweat, his legs and feet were weak, and he sat down on the ground. All the immortals are inexplicably frightened. Who in the past took these gods who have been on the list of gods seriously? They all thought that their bodies had been destroyed and their magic power was nothing more than this. Today, after seeing the power of Universal Heavenly Lord, they couldn't even raise the heart to resist. Only then did they know the power of the ancient righteous gods.

"Emperor no more!" The Jade Emperor sighed, glanced at Li Jing, and saw that his legs were shaking because of Wen Zhong's fright. He was slightly disappointed, and said warmly: "You all get up, the righteous god of the Twelve Yuan Chen was brutally murdered, so I will naturally offer a reward. Three Realms, catch the real culprit.”

The gods stood up and Wen Zhong waved his hand and shouted: "Stop the rain!"

The eighty-four thousand evil stars heard this, and although a hundred of them were unwilling, they did not dare to disobey the Universal Heavenly Lord's order to drive away the evil dragons and return the water of the five lakes and seas, and they still cried bitterly.

"On the list of gods, although we die physically, our souls are immortal. Now the twelve brothers have also been killed with their souls. This hatred will never end!"

In the Lingxiao Palace, the Jade Emperor was still pondering. The situation is unclear at the moment. The gods of Jiejiao are brave and loyal. If they just nod their heads, they will immediately kill the gods of Chanjiao. Then I am afraid that Yuanshi Tianzun will not look good on him. When I was feeling sad, I suddenly heard the news: "Venerable Muzha, Venerable Jinzha, Tufu Xingjun, and Wuguxingjun are here!"

"Bing Linggong, Tai Sui, Jun Tai Sui, and Tai Sui Jiazi lead the gods on duty to arrive!"

"Emperor Rensheng, Emperor Zhaosheng, Emperor Chongsheng, Emperor Xuansheng, and Emperor Shunsheng are here!"

"Qingyuan Miao Dao Zhenjun and Santan Haihui Master are here!"

"Master Zhang, Master Ge, Master Xu, and Master Sa are here!"

"The eight immortals Han Zhongli, Zhang Guolao, Han Xiangzi, Tieguaili, Lu Dongbin, He Xiangu, Lan Caihe, and Cao Guojiu have arrived!"


These immortals who came here are all from the royalist faction. Most of them are disciples of the Taiqing Holy Realm and the Yuqing Holy Realm. They have always been at odds with the Shangqing Holy Realm. The Jade Emperor was relieved when he saw it. Most of the magic weapons used to intercept the gods were taken back by Yuanshi Tianzun, and there was not much magic power left. When the gods of Jiejiao saw it, they smiled slightly and dismissed it. A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Even if they only have a few percent cultivation left, they are far beyond what these people can compare to!

At this time, another official on duty reported: "The Emperor Gouchen Shanggong, the North Pole Emperor Zhongtian Ziwei, the East Pole Qinghua Emperor Taiyi Zhuku Tianzun, the Antarctic Immortal Emperor Changsheng, Yuding Zhenren, Guangchengzi, Ling Master Bao, Dao Xing Tianzun and Qingxu Daode Tianzun are here!”

Wen Zhong and others were horrified and moved at this, while Jade Emperor, Li Jing and others were happy and calm in their hearts. Guangchengzi and others came to the Lingxiao Palace and saw the Jade Emperor. They did not say anything, but stood quietly aside, watching and caring, and they actually fell into concentration.

"The Immortal Goddess Yunxiao, Qiongxiao, and Bixiao are here!"

"Zhengyi Longhuxuantan Zhao Zhenjun has arrived!"

"The King of Growth, the King of Wide Eyes, the King of Duowen, and the King of Controllers have arrived!"


As this series of slogans continued, the Jade Emperor's expression changed again. The visitors are the second generation disciples of Jie Jiao, all of them are very powerful. Although they have been on the list of gods and their skills have been greatly reduced, no one dares to underestimate them. But I saw that Empress Sanxiao was accompanied by a female fairy, holding a piglet in her arms, but this female fairy did not recognize anyone. However, when the gods of Jiejiao saw it, they all nodded to the female fairy.

The Jade Emperor looked at this scene and felt really embarrassed. There was a deep hatred between Chan Jiao and Jie Jiao. If they took action, not to mention that the Lingxiao Palace would be reduced to ashes, and even he would be hard-pressed to survive! .

The murderous intent in the Heavenly Palace is getting stronger and stronger, and every god has a bad look on his face. The Jiejiao gods believe that this must be the fault of Chanjiao, who has always been arrogant and disdains to argue. As long as the two sides are at odds and the gods start a war, I'm afraid it will be lucky if even one of the four continents can survive!

Let’s talk about the majestic mountains and rivers of Lingshan Mountain in the west, with numerous gods and Buddhas. There is also a mountain peak opposite Lingshan Mountain, and the scenery is not inferior to Lingshan Mountain. This mountain is called Xiaoling Mountain, and it is the place where the Buddha Many Treasures Tathagata taught his sutras and teachings. There are seventy-one Dharma Protector Ming Kings in the mountain, who meditate and practice every day. After a year and a half, the Seven Treasures Pagoda emerges from the ground and stands in the sky. In the pagoda, the Many Treasures Buddha appears and preaches. All the seventy Dharma Protector Ming Kings call him their teacher.

On this day, it rained blood from the sky, and all the wise kings were surprised. Suddenly they saw colorful rays of light pouring out from the ground, and the Seven Treasures Pagoda stood in the sky, shining brightly. Among them came the lamentation of the Buddha Many Treasures: "Whether it is a Buddha or a demon! Twelve of my disciples have been killed by poisonous hands. This revenge must be avenged!"

The Seven Treasures Pagoda suddenly cracked open, and a Buddha emerged from it with a miserable and angry face. The Seven Treasures Pagoda suddenly shrunk and landed on the top of the Buddha's head, turning into a towering bun. He actually changed from a Buddha to a Taoist. Taoist Duobao looked at the Seventy-One Ming King and said: "Twelve of my former disciples were poisoned by others, and they must be avenged. Today, my teacher wants to betray Buddhism and return to the Eastern Land. Who among you is willing to follow?" Should I go with you? If you don't want to go, you can go to Lingshan."

Among the seventy-one guardian kings, King Garuda immediately spread his wings and flew away, the monkey king Hanuman left, and the Rakshasa Queen, Sakyamuni, and Prince Maha left. The remaining guardian gods looked resolute and said in unison: "I am willing to follow my master!"

Taoist Duobao rolled up his sleeves and flew to heaven with all the protectors. .

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