Rebirth of Journey to the West

Volume 1: The Wind Rises and Journeys to the West Chapter 82: Hundreds of Thousand Mountains Block L

When Lingji Bodhisattva arrived at Lingshan, he didn't know that things had changed. He saw the Buddha and other Buddhas and said: "I Buddha, the pig demon in Xiniuhezhou is causing trouble. At this moment, it has surrounded the country of Tianzhu with hundreds of thousands of mountains, and there is no leakage. Please ask Buddha Given the decree, how to deal with it."

The Tathagata Buddha and all gods and Buddhas have already seen it clearly and said with a smile: "If you practice unrighteousness, you will die. There is no need to bother Lingji."

Lingji Bodhisattva said: "That pig demon is full of evil. God will not punish him, so let's ask Buddha to punish him." The gods of heaven and the pig demon vented their breath from the same nostril, and even the earth and mountain gods were ordered not to stop the Jingwei from moving mountains, so Lingji Bodhisattva, the Taoist God, would not punish him, but asked Tathagata Buddha to take action.

I Buddha Tathagata smiled and said: "The pig demon must have received the instruction from the Tongtian Sect Ancestor to act so boldly. If I take action, the Tongtian Religion Ancestor will definitely take action too. If the Ancient Buddha of Burning Deng and the Ancient Buddha of Detention Sun take action, Kong Xuan and Duobao They will definitely take action. I, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in Lingshan, will take action, and so will the gods in heaven. In this way, we will fall into the trap of the pig demon, and our thousand-year plan to travel to the west will be ruined."

Lingji Bodhisattva said anxiously: "My Buddha, if the pig monster drives all the monsters in Xiniu Hezhou to the border of Tianzhu, if Monk Tang goes west, only the disaster at the border of Tianzhu will be left. By then, a hundred thousand monsters will gather in the west, Even if Sun Wukong has great abilities, he may not be able to resist him! Wouldn’t it be a waste of all the efforts made by the Buddha and the Taoist to set a difficult rule?

The Buddha smiled and said nothing, the Buddhas who lit the lanterns and detained the descendants also smiled and said nothing, and the second generation Buddhas such as Maitreya and Huanxi held flowers and smiled, and chanted the boundless Dharma in unison. Lingji Bodhisattva was still waiting for persuasion when he suddenly saw auspicious clouds forming in the distance and several Bodhisattvas coming, namely Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and Voidgarbha Bodhisattva.

The four Bodhisattvas came to Lingshan Mountain, lowered their lotus thrones, and chanted in unison: "Prostrate and worship the Tathagata Buddha, our master, Sakyamuni Namo!"

The Buddha smiled and said: "When all Bodhisattvas gather together, we can exert great magic power and let the Eastern Taoists know the magic of my Lingshan Mountain."

Guanyin Bodhisattva smiled and said: "My disciple has King Horsehead, who is the protector of Luojia Mountain. He can subjugate and eliminate demons." After saying that, the sky rippled, and a King Ming walked out, with three heads and four arms, each holding a magical weapon, and the middle one was a magic weapon. Horse head.

Samantabhadra Bodhisattva smiled and said: "Disciple, step by step, throw the Ming King, as the protector of Emei Golden Summit." After saying that, the sky rippled, and a Ming King walked out, with three eyes on his forehead, holding a clan cap in his right hand, and a vajra pestle in his left hand, and filled the void all over his body. Color, setting off flames.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva said: "Is there any disciple who can defeat the Ming King? I will be the protector of the six realms of reincarnation." After saying this, the sky rippled and a Ming King walked out, with three heads and six arms, holding a steel ring, a blood python, and a wish-fulfilling pearl.

Void Treasure Bodhisattva said: "My disciple is King Jungui Liming, who protects the Dharma of the Whispering Land." After saying that, a King Ming walked out from beside him, with two heads and four arms, holding a steel ring, a Buddha statue, a gold cymbal, and a Mani Pearl.

These four Ming Kings each have their own origins. They are all great sages of the demon clan. They were subjugated by the Bodhisattvas and were regarded as the incarnations of the four Bodhisattvas' wrath. However, when there was robbery and robbery, the Bodhisattvas were unable to take action due to their status, so they gave way. The Ming kings went on a killing spree.

The four Bodhisattvas led out the four great kings, each standing aside. Lingji Bodhisattva suddenly realized this, and he also picked up the flowers and smiled. Maitreya Buddha also smiled and said: "I also have a Ming King." He stretched out his hand and patted it, and a Maharaja Ming King walked out beside him, holding an eight-spoke Vajra Wheel in his right hand and a single-stranded Vajra Pestle in his left hand.

The Buddha hurriedly stopped him and said: "All Bodhisattvas can ask King Ming to go out, but you can't. At present, the heaven is chaotic, and gods will inevitably rise again. As the leader of Buddhism for the next calamity, you must not mess with the cause and effect." He ordered him to take back the great power. King Lun Ming.

Maitreya Buddha bowed and said yes, and took back Maharaja. The Buddha also summoned King Garuda Ming and Monkey King Hanuman, and said: "The six of you will go down the mountain immediately to find the yellow-browed boy, assist him in commanding the demons in Hezhou, Xiniu, and wait for an opportunity to kill Zhu Ganglie." The Buddha also did not know who Zhu Ganglie was. If there is a person who is in trouble, the only way is to beat him to death, and the crisis in Lingshan will be resolved. If you know this, you will definitely find another way.

As the saying goes, the thief pig was not the one to be robbed at all. If he was really killed, he would definitely not be able to be saved.

The six Ming King Dharma protectors received the decree and flew out of Lingshan Mountain to look for the old Buddha with yellow eyebrows.

Seeing that the situation was settled, Lingji Bodhisattva saluted Tathagata Buddha and said, "Disciples will go back to Mount Sumeru first." He said goodbye to the Buddhas and when he arrived at Mount Sumeru, he saw that all the Vajra Protectors guarding Mount Sumeru were in a state of disarray and stripped naked. Clothes were hung on the mountain gate. Lingji Bodhisattva hurriedly stretched out his hand, and a stream of pure air shot out from his fingertips. It circled around the bodies of the Vajras several times, and the ropes were disconnected one after another.

All the Vajras escaped from the trap and hurriedly looked for clothes to cover their bodies. Lingji Bodhisattva said: "What happened to make you so embarrassed?"

Those Vajra Masters said: "The Bodhisattva doesn't know that just now a hundred thousand monsters from Xiniu Hezhou swarmed in. They rushed up the mountain like bulls trampling them. Just as the disciples were about to stop them, they were beaten up, stripped naked and hung up."

Hearing this, Lingji Bodhisattva quickly flew up the mountain. Along the way, he saw that the temples and palaces that had taken thousands of years to be built were now in a state of disarray, with a stinky smell, and yellow and white things everywhere, turning the good-looking Pure Land Holy Land into a mess. The pigsty is average.

Lingji Bodhisattva was so angry that he was shaking all over, grabbed a vajra, and said sternly: "Who led them to cause trouble here?!"

The Vajra said tremblingly: "The leaders are Qingniu Si and Huanglong Old Demon and a group of demons. The yellow-browed boy whispered to the villain that it was Bodhisattva who did evil and framed them with the water of Zimu River and made one hundred thousand demons pregnant. He also brought the Fountain of Rebirth to Mount Sumeru and allowed the monsters to surrender to Buddhism, which aroused the public's anger. The monsters also said that they would break your bones and suck your marrow, peel off your skin and drink your blood..."

Lingji Bodhisattva was so angry that his face turned purple. He rushed to the top of the mountain and saw yellow and white things on the golden thrones of the Buddhas. The smell was unpleasant, but the monsters used the fetal spring water to disperse the fetal energy, and there was a cloud of bad energy in their belly. , must be excreted. These guys are lawless and defecate everywhere. How can they respect Buddha and ancestors? Looking down from the top of Mount Sumeru, we can see the huge Mount Sumeru. At this moment, the stench is like clouds and the bad luck is permeating the air.

The Bodhisattva held his breath, took out the flying dragon staff, became furious, and shouted sternly: "Where are those monsters? Catch them all and beat them to death!"

The Vajras reported: "When those monsters heard that Patriarch Zhu Ba held the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference, they all swarmed down the mountain and headed to the Hundred Thousand Mountains without knowing where they were going."

The Bodhisattva was extremely angry and cursed: "Trash, trash!" He stood on the top of the mountain, opened his wisdom eyes, condensed his divine light, and looked into the hundreds of thousands of mountains. He saw numerous mountains and overlapping portals, and suddenly appeared a The demonic energy soared into the sky, shaped like a mushroom cloud, soaring straight into the sky, climbing straight up to the Thirty-Three Heavens Realm of Lihen!

The Bodhisattva was so frightened that he fell down, quickly closed his eyes, and shouted: "So fierce, such a fierce evil spirit!" He cried and said: "Buddha, you are known as the vast world, you know everything, throughout the ages, you know everything. You know, those monsters have ruined the Thunder Sound Pagoda of the future Buddha Maitreya, and now they have gathered together, and they will harm many people!"

Exactly: if one move fails, everything will be lost. If in the past, Buddhas were the best at calculating, how could Mount Sumeru have suffered such a catastrophic disaster?

The Bodhisattva let out a long sigh and felt sad, thinking: "My Buddha does not allow Maitreya Buddha to get involved in Karma, lest he be tied to the list of gods and destroy the Buddhist heritage. At this moment, his ashram is destroyed, but he cannot be known. I need to wash it away as soon as possible. The filth of the mountains reappears in the bright green mountains.”

He thought for a moment and said to himself: "If you want to wash away the bad luck in the mountains, you can only use the water from Guanyin Bodhisattva's purification bottle. At this moment, Guanyin Bodhisattva should leave Lingshan and return to the South China Sea. I only need to wait for her on the road."

Thinking of this, Lingji Bodhisattva rode auspicious clouds to the place where Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva must pass, and waited here. After a while, I saw two auspicious clouds flying in front of me. They were Guanyin Bodhisattva and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva. .

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