Samak returned to Saudi Arabia soon.

The Kuwaiti royal family, King Jaber, established the Kuwaiti government in exile in Saudi Arabia, and various organizations and functional departments were quickly established.

Before the war broke out, most government officials had left Kuwait and sought refuge in Saudi Arabia.

The new Minister of Defense Samakho purchased weapons and equipment from China, and the government-in-exile formed the Kuwaiti Army in Saudi Arabia, waiting for the equipment to be in place.

The army will play an important role in the counterattack against the Iraqi army occupying the territory of Kuwait, and it will also become the main defense force of Kuwait in the future.

"Your Majesty, this is what I think about the construction of the future national defense force... To establish two mixed brigades, a total of 4 tank battalions and 4 armored composite battalions, a total of 192 tanks and 192 armored vehicles are needed. As long as the equipment is in place, Our troops will soon be fully armed. At the same time, two more ground-hongqi tactical missile support battalions with a range of 230 kilometers will be established, each with 18 missile launch vehicles, which are the kind of organization borrowed from Saudi Arabia. I ordered 500 missiles. Apart from the need to return to the Saudi government, there are about 400 remaining...In this way, our troops will be much smaller than before, but our combat effectiveness will be much stronger..."

Samako reported to His Majesty the King the plan negotiated with Xie Kai in China.

King Jabir didn't pay much attention to this, no matter how equipped, there can be no such large army as the Iraqis.

Asked Samak directly: "Samako, you are the Minister of Defense appointed by Prince Fahd. You are responsible for how to build the domestic army. Do you think that such an army will have a much smaller number of combat capabilities. How much to enhance?"

"Your Majesty, building an army in this way will be more than ten times stronger than the former National Defense Force, whether it is in combat capability or rapid response capability!"

Samak was determined.

"ten times!"

The king didn't believe it at all.

With fewer numbers, the combat effectiveness will increase several times, is it possible?

"Yes, at least ten times! China has a unit that specializes in advanced weapons and equipment combat experiments. I have visited the daily training of this unit this time. The methods of combat are completely different from what we know, or even with the entire world. The same...Before the start of the war, first use tactical missiles to assist the air force to strike at key targets behind the enemy. The air force launches an air attack to cooperate with the ground forces. After the ground forces are dispatched, armed helicopters will also be used to strengthen the attack on the enemy's armored clusters... …"

Everyone present was shocked.

They never thought that the war could be fought like this.

Samako ignored the shock of everyone, but continued to explain, "The armored soldiers in the armored vehicles carry individual anti-tank missiles, individual anti-aircraft missiles and other weapons for close support. Each armored vehicle carries a combat team. Used to accompany armored forces in battle..."

"How is this possible? China has always been recognized as a country with poor technology and backward strength in the world. How can it have such an advanced combat concept?"

A member of the royal family said incredulously.

"Yes, China's weapons and equipment have always been poor, and the combat philosophy and combat methods are all learned from the Soviet Union. How could it be possible..."

Almost all members of the Kuwaiti royal family thought it impossible.

Is China still that backward China?

Samakko naturally knows what other people think.

Looking at them calmly: "Before this, I also viewed China in the same way. When I had never seen the actual combat effects of super-7A fighters, avant-garde air defense missiles, and Tianjian anti-tank missiles, I also doubted the performance of Chinese weapons Too bad, not suitable for our use... At the time, His Royal Highness Prince Fahd thought that Chinese weapons and equipment are suitable for Kuwait’s national defense development. When faced with the invasion of Iraq, I was urgently sent to China to purchase a batch of weapons and equipment. What is the final effect, everyone? I have seen it with my own eyes... What is more beneficial to us is that these Chinese weapons can produce great results without too long training...

On the front line, almost untrained officers and soldiers can destroy Iraqi fighters and tanks by following the instructions directly.

Such a weapon is absolutely the most suitable for the Kuwaiti army, which has never liked training.

The members of the royal family in front of them ran faster than rabbits when fighting, and they only heard that these weapons were advanced in performance.

They had already left Kuwait when the king had not yet left the country.

These bigwigs have always believed that only weapons and equipment purchased from the United States and Western countries are more advanced and more powerful.

It is also more in line with the needs of the Kuwaiti army and the development of national defense.(Read more @

"Samako, are the same types of equipment in the United States, Britain, and France more advanced than China? We can purchase more advanced weapons to enhance the combat capability of the Nationalist Army..."

The king asked worriedly.

Now that China is so strong, will it be more effective to purchase more advanced weapons from Western countries?

In order to regain his country, the king didn't care about money at all.

Isn't it more expensive in the West? Isn't it more powerful?

Samako denied the king's view.

"Before His Majesty the Prince was martyred, he arranged for me to go to China to urgently purchase weapons and equipment, instead of procuring equipment from Western countries. Perhaps the Saudis knew better than us. They had already purchased a lot of red flag tactics from China before. Missiles and Flying Shield-359, and plans to purchase a batch of Super-7A fighters...Although the prices of the Chinese are cheap, the performance is absolutely not bad. At the same time, their weapons are simple to operate and more suitable for our less-trained troops... "

Samako's words made the king unable to answer.

Saudi Arabia has purchased weapons from China!

You must know that Saudi Arabia has always only purchased the most advanced and expensive weapons in the world, although the Saudi army's combat capabilities are not very good.

Moreover, the king was a little embarrassed about the low level of military training.

In the army, most of them are the children of the royal family. Other royal family members live comfortably every day, and those royal family members who defend the country endure hardships every day.

"The Chinese side not only sells weapons and equipment, but is also responsible for helping us build troops and train combat capabilities. Until we have independent combat capabilities, we will not end cooperation with us... They provide a full set of national defense construction solutions, and they are also for our country. Tailor-made..."

Samak said this to tell the king that he only chooses Chinese weapons and equipment.

China's is not the best, but it is most suitable for Kuwait.

Or, just according to his request.

Or, he is not the Minister of Defense.

King Jabir looked around and saw that no other royal family members were talking about Western weapons and equipment. He raised an objection and said to Samak, "Samako, you are the Minister of Defense. It's up to you to decide this matter!" "

The king felt that it was most appropriate to entrust professional matters to professional people.

Samako didn't stop there.

"Your Majesty, in the Chinese national defense construction solution, it is recommended that we build a small-scale navy equipped with only two guided missile frigates, which can further enhance our national defense capabilities. Not only has a strong maritime defense capability, but also has a strong defense on the frigates. Ground-supported missiles, when a country is attacked from land, can launch missiles from the sea to support land forces' operations, and they will not be hit..."

The king was stunned.

Saudi Arabia is so small that it is necessary to build a navy?

Immediately he asked his defense minister doubtfully: "Samako, do you think it is necessary for Kuwait to establish a navy? The entire Persian Gulf does not have a strong navy, and Saudi Arabia has only four more than 2,000-ton frigates bought from China..."

Saudi Arabia is now the country with the strongest maritime military power in the Persian Gulf.

4 guided missile frigates and 2 conventionally powered submarines.

"Your Majesty, Bahrain is smaller than us! They both purchase two guided-missile frigates from China. In order to maintain our national defense security, it is absolutely necessary to establish a navy. Two guided-missile frigates are enough. They can not only guard our territorial waters, but also support them. On land, when we encounter the previous ship attack, our navy is capable of escorting our huge fleet without asking for help..."

Samako was not tempted by Xie Kai.

But even a small country like Bahrain has two frigates, but Kuwait does not.

Bahrain often trains and exercises with the Saudi Navy.

Kuwait can only watch this matter. Without warships, Saudi Arabia will not take them to play at all.

Otherwise, they were beaten by the Iraqis this time, and Saudi Arabia did nothing to help except for receiving a few missiles...

With the navy, once a combined fleet is formed, it will be impossible for Saudi Arabia to help.

Didn't Qatar dare to beat Bahrain if I didn't see it?

The price of the 053H3 guided-missile frigate is not high, and two can be purchased to strengthen Kuwait’s defense capabilities.

With the addition of their two, the Persian Gulf region has 6 large frigates with a tonnage of more than 2,000 tons. The Persians want to do things at sea and are fully capable of annihilating the opposing navy.

Someone wanted to raise an objection, but when the king didn't say a word, he gave up in the end.

There is no need to offend the young Secretary of Defense, isn't it?

Anyway, the frigate is not expensive, and they don’t want to pay for it.

King Jaber could not refute Samak's remarks.

His younger brother, Prince Fahd, died in battle for the country. Before Prince Fahd was martyred, he asked his men to tell the king that no matter how much the price was paid, Kuwait’s national defense must be strengthened.

If Kuwait had a strong national defense force, Iraq would not dare to do it lightly.

The defense strength is not strong enough to protect Kuwait's huge wealth.

"Samako, you are solely responsible for the construction of national defense. It is up to you to decide what troops to build and what equipment to purchase. Prince Fahd previously approved you 5 billion US dollars in funding. If it is not enough, I will add more to you. US$5 billion is used for national defense construction. We must take back our country from Iraq! In the future, everyone will not dare to invade us, just like Israel!"

The king told Samak very seriously that the money was not enough and he continued to increase it.

The last thing Kuwait lacks is money.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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