Zheng Yucheng told Ma Fengshan and Cheng from time to time about his thoughts and discussing the black hand against McDonnell Douglas on the way to the 742 factory.

"Will the above agree with us doing this?" Cheng looked at the two with some worry from time to time.

"Why should the above agree? As long as the workers are willing to follow us." Zheng Yucheng said triumphantly.

No one knows that the cooperation of the Institute of Technology in this area is deceptive.

"However, we still have to leave some technicians to learn from their experience. In the final assembly here, they always have to give some technical information." Xie Kai said, "After all, we have to test flight international aircraft and how to obtain international airworthiness permits. I'm not very familiar with it."

McDonnell Douglas came in, just assembling, the spare parts are all shipped from abroad, no technology, there are places worth learning from China's big aircraft.

The staff of the research institute stayed here to work for McDonnell Douglas for free, which is not suitable, but they still have to leave some to participate in the assembly of their aircraft.

Assembling the technical data of the digestive tract, the technicians in the 708 Institute are more suitable than those in the 5703 factory.

McDonnell Douglas came in to grab the tenth market. As the chief designer, Ma Fengshan, it is strange that McDonnell Douglas can enjoy.

If you can pit McDonald, you will naturally not refuse.

"When will the technicians be transferred?" Cheng asked from time to time.

"Let’s talk about cooperation with Qin Fei first. It’s more appropriate for you to discuss this matter. Anyway, everyone is engaged in big airplanes, and the supporting manufacturers are almost the same..." Zheng Yucheng has always been a leader, "We are listening.

The two expressed their understanding, and they didn't say that there was no money to refuel. At this level, there is no way to be scammed.

Unexpectedly, before the evening, Zheng Yucheng received a call from Li Mingshan in Ma Fengshan's office.

Li Mingshan made a lot of phone calls, and finally found Zheng Yucheng at the 708 Institute. After scolding Zheng Yucheng, he informed them that the Pakistani team and some special guests will enter the 404 base tomorrow night, so that Zheng Yucheng will be ready for reception.

"So soon?" Xie Kai heard that the Pakistanis would be here tomorrow, especially with special guests in the team. He became excited. At the moment, he didn't care about planning to destroy the 742 factory and then buy it. "Fat sheep sends money to the door. Here comes. Old Zheng, quickly get two target drones! Let's go back to slaughter the sheep!"

"What do you want a drone for? Are you going to sell them?" Zheng Yucheng was curious, why Xie Kai was so excited. "We don't produce, how do we make money? They want it, don't we know to talk to the manufacturer?"

"Did you forget that anti-aircraft missile? The one who came with the Pakistanis was either the Iraqi or the Iranian. These two countries are at war!" In the guest house, there were only two of them. Xie Kai did not hide it. "Last time I was there. On the other side of Xiangjiang, people from Pakistan are waiting for someone."

"Are you sure?" Zheng Yucheng also beamed his eyes.

It's all money!

"What the Pakistanis said, are you sure? The Pakistanis are here, obviously for the tank project, and they haven't talked to us for so long. Could it be that they purchase weapons by themselves?" Xie Kai asked Zheng Yucheng with a look of contempt. "The Iran-Iraq War has been fought for four years, and the aircraft and tanks are almost consumed. Whether it is aircraft or air defense missiles, they are in urgent need now."

Pakistan is not helping Iraq purchase weapons and equipment this time, it is Iran.

Iraq is more likely.

Although both Pakistan and Iraq were Sunni in power, the Iran-Iraq War broke out soon after the overthrow of the Pahlavi dynasty of Iran.

Although the two factions are different, who can ensure that they must be enemies?

There are only eternal interests between countries. As long as money can be made from the middle, Pakistan cannot stop doing it.

Xie Kai also hopes to come to Iraq.

Iran is too poor and the international embargo has reduced its oil production to a terrible level, and no one has supported it yet.

Iraq’s oil production was also reduced to a terrible level due to the war and Iran’s continuous attacks on their freighters and oil tankers, but Saddam was backed by a lot of local tyrants in the Middle East, and someone lent him money.

Therefore, selling weapons to Iraq is in line with Xie Kai's ideas and the current status of base 404.

"Yes? Iraq has always used Soviet tanks. Before the war, advanced tanks like the T72 were introduced. Will there be no anti-aircraft missiles?" Zheng Yucheng was not as excited as Xie Kai. "Besides, how much money can anti-aircraft missiles make?"(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"After Khomeini came to power, the Americans were driven away. Iran began to import Soviet weapons, while Iraq hooked up with the United States." Xie Kai knew Zheng Yucheng's thoughts, "Iraq now has American-style equipment, which is expensive. ! Both sides have no money to play, and the equipment cannot be less. It is cheap in our country so that it does not require complicated maintenance."

"It's a pity that our 359 hasn't come out yet, or else we can get a big vote." Zheng Yucheng was a little sorry. "We don't have much to sell to them, but it's a pity this opportunity."

"What anxious, the tanks will definitely have a chance in the future. First sell them a batch of air defense missiles to make our reputation. Iran has advanced F14, but Iraq does not; if it is sold to Iraq, our air defense missile will knock down the F14, you Do you think there will be fewer orders in the future?" Xie Kai doesn't think there is nothing to sell to Iraqis. "Electromagnetic bombs, individual cloud bombs, these can all be sold!"

"The key depends on whether they can buy it or not." Zheng Yucheng felt that Xie Kai's ideas were too naive.

What they can do in the short term is not too valuable.

The military looks down on the electromagnetic bomb and the single-soldier cloud explosive bomb.

Both Iraq and Iran turned out to be uniquely rich, and their weapons and equipment were all the most advanced in the world.

"Anti-aircraft missiles, if Iraqis don't want them, we will sell them to Iranians. As long as someone uses them, there will be no fewer orders!" Xie Kai looked evil. "Anyway, they have to find a way to sell. As long as they are in the circle, can they still be slaughtered?"

Knowing what the other person wants is easy.

In the afternoon, the group took Xu Mingsheng to Yunshi.

The cargo compartment of Yunshi allows the van to drive in, which makes Xu Mingsheng, a tubaozi who has never been on a plane before, even more excited about the domestically capable production of large planes.

Only then did I know that this aircraft project belonged to Zheng Yucheng's unit.

In this way, the cooperation between the two parties will be more positive and expected.

After getting on the plane, he patted his chest and promised that when he returned, he would let the factory director mobilize the most capable technical force and wait for Zheng Yucheng and the others to arrive.

Cooperating with the Taibai Radio Equipment Factory where Xu Mingsheng works to produce motherboards or something, you have to wait until you have dealt with the funders and put the money in their pockets into your pockets before talking.

Prior to this, 404 representative of Ma Fengshan from 708 contacted Qin Fei first.

In the past, Xu Mingsheng was dropped by the way and let him drive back by himself.

Yunshi sent the two to the military airport where Xie Kai came, but still no one told him what airport it was. Xie Kai didn't ask, the helicopters of the garrison regiment were full of fuel and waiting for a few people. As soon as they got on the plane, they rose from the ground and flew back towards the base.

Xie Kai, who rushed back to sharpen the knife and slaughter the fat sheep, didn't care about complaining about the shabbyness and leaks of the straight -5, and returned to the base. It was already dark.

Song Deming and others waited for Zheng Yucheng and Xie Kai in the technical conference room.

"Did the sample come out?" Zheng Yucheng asked as soon as they met.

Song Deming nodded, but his face was embarrassed.

"Is there a problem?" Xie Kai thought there was a problem with the drawing he gave.

Although the avant-garde individual air defense missiles are mature applications, some of the details of the design given by Xie Kai are not clear to him, but they are not complicated, except that the reliability cannot be guaranteed.

The model was not tested in a wind tunnel. Song Deming and others were required to produce samples directly according to the drawings. After the test shot, the parameters were obtained and then the design was modified.

This was originally not in line with the project process, Zheng Yucheng ordered, and the funds were not lacking for them, Song Deming and others directly approached the Hongqi Machinery Factory to coordinate and help trial production.

However, there are some points on the design drawings that they think are unreasonable. After discussion, demonstration and analysis, they have been revised, and samples of each have been trial-produced.

"It's been out for a while, we lack a drone!" Song Deming looked at Xie Kai, frowning. "After the production of air defense missiles, there were no suitable target drones and no test firings were carried out. According to the requirements on the drawings and computer simulation calculations, this type of individual air defense missiles are mainly targeted at helicopters and ground attack aircraft..."

"Can't Changkong-1 be used?" Xie Kai breathed a sigh of relief, as long as there were no problems with the sample.

"No! Changkong No. 1 is not flexible enough." Song Deming shook his head.

"Ask the relevant brothers." Zheng Yucheng is also a big head. "Our customers will come in tomorrow night. Whether they can make them pay depends on the effect of their shooting."

Xie Kai is a little worried. If technology develops in a few decades, there will be no shortage of drones.

Especially used to test the performance of individual air defense missiles.

Neither Target-5 nor Target-6 are suitable.

In particular, the Target-6, which itself is a triple sonic target aircraft modified from the Hongqi-2 air defense missile, was dismantled in the 1970s due to technical reasons and other reasons.

"What's this!" Zheng Yu said with difficulty, "They won't wait for us. They can be here for a day or two at most, or wait for them to come and break the locomotive again?"

"Don't do this thing, it's shameful." Wang Guilin reminded Zheng Yucheng, "Foreign delegations are different from ours in China."

Xie Kai rolled her eyes when she heard it.

"Isn't there a drone research institute at Jinling Aviation University? Have you contacted them?" Xie Kai asked Song Deming. "If it doesn't work, just use Sky One."

The drone technology of Jinling Aviation University is the best in China.

"I have contacted, they have two choices for us. Low-altitude target drones and large mobile drones." Song Deming's words made Xie Kai breathe a sigh of relief.

Jinling Aviation University has the drone they want.

"Since there is, let them get it right away. They need their large mobile drone! Or come one or two in the same way." Zheng Yucheng said decisively.

There is no need to hesitate with a suitable drone.

Just buy it directly.

It's not bad money, as long as the other party is interested, the money is not from the sheep.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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