"This is Colonel Ibrahim from the Ministry of Defense and Industry of Iraq, and this is Lieutenant Colonel Harry Mossan..." Li Mingshan pointed to the Iraqis to introduce them to base 404.

The contact specifications of the two sides are not low, Pakistanis did not participate in it, Luo Zhiyu and others did not participate either.

When Li Mingshan introduced Xie Kai, Ibrahim and others were very interested in Xie Kai and looked at the latter with a smile.

"Xie Kai, 404..." Li Mingshan just pointed at Xie Kai, but didn't know how to introduce Xie Kai's identity.

"Students of children's schools." "Senior consultant of the 404 Development Committee."

Xie Kai and Zheng Yucheng said in unison, and then both stared at each other with dissatisfaction.

When Xie Kai said he was a student, Ibrahim, Harry Mossan and others looked weird. Zheng Yucheng also said that he was a 404 development consultant, which made them even more surprised for a while.

Li Mingshan glared at the two of them, and then began to enter the topic, "Comrade Xie Kai is still in school due to his age; given his abilities, he also serves as a development consultant in the base. He has proposed many projects in this unit. Very constructive idea."

In order to increase the weight of Xie Kai, Li Mingshan introduced ambiguously.

"The tank project visited this morning is the assembly plan proposed by him, which effectively aggregates the research results of our base over the years. The missile tested was presided over by him personally..." Zheng Yucheng's introduction to Li Mingshan was extremely dissatisfied.

For people like Xie Kai, he can't wait to give up his position as director.

The higher the status, the more advantageous it will be in such negotiations.

"So?" Harry Mossang asked with a weird face. "We are very curious about how the consultants have done everything from armored vehicles to missiles, and even in materials and other fields? Visit your armored research institute in the morning, They also introduced that this was proposed by Consultant Xie..."

Obviously, Iraqis have doubts about Xie Kai's identity.

Perhaps it was because of his age.

"Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, it doesn't seem to have a direct relationship with our cooperation?" Zheng Yucheng interrupted Harry Mossand very unceremoniously.

How to explain this?

He still wants an explanation.

"It's related, we want to learn more about the projects we are interested in. Mr. Xie Kai is too young for us, whether it is tanks or missiles, this is the world's top technical equipment. Knowing him, we can be sure How feasible is your technology?" Ibrahim said calmly.

The face is calm, the words are not abnormal, but the meaning is obviously incomparable-not telling him the specific situation will affect the cooperation between the two parties.

Their rhetoric is not wrong.

Even a person who has been involved in technology projects for decades can hardly make achievements in multiple fields at the same time. Besides, Xie Kai is so young.

Don't let the Chinese cheat them when the time comes.

Zheng Yucheng looked at Ibrahim, then turned to look at Xie Kai, not knowing how to explain.

Li Mingshan also didn't know how to explain, Zheng Yucheng didn't have a few words of truth, and never told him the details of Xie Kai and what projects Xie Kai participated in.

It seems that the entire project that the 404 base is currently engaged in has the shadow of this kid. How does this explain? Also very curious.

Finally, Xie Kai stood up with a wry smile.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Everyone, you should pay more attention to the technical performance of our products, rather than how I participated in these projects." Xie Kai stood up and opened his mouth to speak fluent Russian.

This made everyone in the entire conference room look surprised. In the morning, Xie Kai spoke fluent English.

"Do you know Russian?" Ibrahim asked in surprise.

Xie Kai nodded: "Since I was young, when I was fine, I learned foreign languages. My father used to study abroad in Moscow, and then went to East Berlin for two years..."

"As for your doubts, I don't think it is necessary. A technological innovation lies in ideas. If it is specific technology, I can't even compare with any technician in our base. They are far better than me. Know how much..." Xie Kai's words are really not humble.

What he said is the fact that many of the 404 technicians are among the best in the country.

Hearing these words from him, no one else said anything, waiting for him to continue.

"My role is just like the tank you saw. I just put forward a lot of ideas that are completely unrealizable and let our technicians demonstrate it. If the demonstration is feasible, we will invest in this project for research..." Xie Kai There are no errors. "This is in our base. I am not doing this alone. There are many more."

His explanation was reasonable, except that Zheng Yucheng, who knew the inside story, felt that this kid's words were too nonsense.

"Integrating resources and technology, this is also what the people of the base management committee are doing. What I put forward is just ideas that I don't know whether they are feasible, childlike ideas." Xie Kai felt a bit cold in her heart, her own psychology Over forty years old, in order to fool the Iraqi fat sheep, he had to pretend to be stunned.

Age is a flaw, even if he is thirty years old, the other party would not be so suspicious.

The avant-garde air defense missiles performed wonderfully. They weren't deliberately arranged in this way. The result became their arrangement. The target aircraft issued instructions for remote control through ground remote control, and even the actual shooting process became controllable.

The Iraqis are doubting the authenticity of the missile's performance.

Zheng Yucheng's bragging words made them suspect that the missile was deliberately arranged, rather than the actual performance.

"Originally, I just made some random suggestions for each project, and I never thought about whether it could be realized. Who knew that our technicians were so powerful, and many ideas made them combine existing technologies into equipment projects..." Xie Kai Shamelessly exaggerated the technical strength of the base.

"In other words, including the tank project, didn't your base have been researching it many years ago?" Harry Mossan asked extremely tricky questions.

Zheng Yucheng stood up suddenly and said to Harry Mossan dissatisfied, "How is it possible? Without long-term research and accumulation, we can reach the current height?"

The Iraqis ignored Zheng Yucheng, but continued to stare at Xie Kai.

They need Xie Kai's answer.

Xie Kai gave them a reasonable answer, which determines that they are willing to cooperate with the 404 base.

"Director Zheng is right. Our base has been conducting research." Looking at Zheng Yucheng's eagerness, Xie Kai cursed the shameless old guy in his heart. He didn't brag before. Where could this happen? "It's just that, before, all of our technologies did not integrate a project to integrate research, but were scattered for research..."

When Xie Kai said this, everyone understood.

Before the base, each team researched separately. They researched their own fields. They had no goals, only to be more advanced in technology, and to research for progress.

Whether it is research funding or research progress, it is naturally much slower.

"Naturally, we have their research, so when I came up with this idea, we had technical support. A military equipment project has a huge impact on the situation of the entire scientific research system. After all, any weapon equipment is required. Supporting multiple fields and even the entire industrial system..." Xie Kai racked his brains in order to fool the Iraqis.

Everyone knows these things.

But not many people say it in combination with the facts.

The Iraqis have to attack his age and identity first, and Xie Kai will naturally not let them succeed. Saying a lot of things, leaving them in the cloud, in fact, there is no truth, the only thing is to tell the other party that our technical force is very strong.

Strong enough to support my wild ideas.

"Many countries rely on some huge projects to promote the progress of the entire national industrial system. The more advanced the technology, the stronger the technical foundation required. You should be aware of this. Our national defense strategy has changed, but many The key projects of Xie Kai are still developing... Our base is not a professional tank research unit, so we have invested our own funds to research slowly before..." Xie Kai's words were a little messy, he did it on purpose.

Since the other party said he was a child, let them be even more confused.

"It has nothing to do with what we are going to talk about?" Ibrahim also felt that Xie Kai was right, but it didn't seem to have anything to do with what they wanted to know. "Let's talk about your role in these projects. "

"Mr. Colonel, I have already said it very clearly. It is integration. Before that, I understood the technical basis of the base and conceived some advanced and powerful weapons and equipment, and handed it over to our technical team for demonstration. When the demonstration, they will go. Consider whether our existing technology is suitable... If there is no technology, we will consider whether it can be achieved on the existing basis, if not, we will modify the project plan; if we can, we will tackle this technology to ensure the results Able to meet project requirements..."

"Like the chief designer of a large-scale project, what the overall design needs is overall planning and integrated technology. Who can fully understand all the technologies?"

Xie Kai's words, although it clarified what he did, still did not explain the doubts in the hearts of Iraqis.

"What about your missile program?" Ibrahim asked.

"When we first conceived our tank, we considered that the defense of the tank was not a big problem against armored clusters, and could not deal with aerial attacks. Only heavy machine guns did not pose much threat to the aircraft in the sky." Xie Kai saw that the other party finally prepared. Entering the topic, he breathed a sigh of relief.

I didn't say this in vain.

Bragging is also a skill.

Talent is also needed to fool people.

"We don't believe that the performance of your air defense missiles is really like this. All of this can be arranged. Convince us that you will get a substantial order." Ibrahim said seriously to Xie Kai.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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