"His Royal Highness, the technology of Yunbang bombs is not within the scope of our procurement. The president can't explain it..." After Xie Kai and the others left, Ibrahim said to Qusai sadly. "There is still a lot of room for negotiation on the offer of weapons from the Chinese."

Before, there was no such plan.

Isard didn't even speak.

So as not to upset the second son, let alone his direct leader in name?

In the Republican Guard, the highest commander is the president, and the deputy commander is the chief of staff and the second son. In fact, it is him, General Isad, who is really responsible.

"Uncle Ibrahim, you have personally experienced the use of this weapon. What do you think of the power of this weapon?" Qusai asked Ibrahim calmly.

The cloud burst bomb was reported by him after he knew it from Xie Kai.

"Very big! Seen from the air, it is almost the same as the mushroom cloud of a nuclear bomb..." It was Ibrahim's nightmare to visit the cloud explosion bomb in person. "Our air force base suffered heavy losses, many of which were also caused by explosions caused by the high temperature generated by this weapon..."

"What if we were to equip our Scud missiles or even Hussein missiles with such warheads and use them to attack the Persians?" Qusai continued to ask.

Both Isad and Ibrahim were stunned.

They only thought about purchasing missiles equipped with such warheads from the Chinese, but they never thought about installing missiles they produced themselves.

"The range of the Chinese missile is too close. With the help of the Germans, the Hussein missile can strike from the border to the Persian capital, but its power is too small unless we can install an atomic bomb." Still calm.

The ignorance and arrogance that he had shown before has long disappeared on his face.

It's wise.

"It's impossible for us to get a nuclear bomb. Even nuclear technology is hard to get. Neither Israel nor the Americans will allow it!" Ibrahim shook his head and sighed, "The French back then also cheated us. "

With the help of the French, Iraq almost possessed an atomic bomb.

In order to deal with the enemy of the entire Arab world-the Jews, Iraq has been persevering in pursuing its nuclear program for 20 years.

Especially in the 1970s, under the strong request of President Silly Omu, the French, the biggest customer of Iraq’s oil, signed a contract with Iraq. The content of the contract was that Iraq purchased some technology from France, so that Iraq had the ability to research weapon-grade plutonium, and it was in 81st Helped the Iraqis build a nuclear reactor worth US$275 million in Baghdad.

When Iraq started working with the Persians in 1981, the damn Jews attacked the nuclear reactor, turning Iraq’s decades of efforts into nothingness...

According to Iraq’s intelligence, not only the CIA of the United States provided intelligence to the Jews, but also the French who was forced by the president to use oil to help build a nuclear reactor in Iraq to provide detailed intelligence...

In 1981, not only did Iraq fail to destroy and occupy Persian territory as planned, but it also wiped out their nuclear program that they spent decades.

Since then, Iraqis have never been so close to the world's largest killer.

"The cloud explosive bomb is known as the most powerful conventional bomb under nuclear weapons. Since we cannot obtain nuclear weapons, we should obtain the most powerful conventional weapons." Cousse said, "This is the purpose of my coming here."

"What does the president mean?" Ibrahim asked cautiously.

Cousse nodded, "Invite them to Baghdad. I personally entertain the young man named Xie Kai."

Ibrahim nodded. Why did Qusay, who had never been involved in too many specific affairs, suddenly be so, finally let him get the answer.

"His Royal Highness, he did not accept the ten million dollar promissory note."

"Then find a way to give it to him! What kind of woman does he like, prepare in advance." Cousse didn't believe that people in this world have no weaknesses.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

After Xie Kai and Xie Jianguo came out, at the request of the old man, they explained in detail the function and principle of the cloud explosive bomb.

"What you said on the plane was not a joke?" Xie Jianguo always thought that what Xie Kai said before was a joke.

"Dad, the missiles used by the Persians are provided by us, and the scene of the cloud bomb when used is no different from that of a small atomic bomb. It was originally provided to the Persians to test the actual combat performance..." Xie Kai said with a wry smile. "The surging and stalling of the aircraft engine is because the oxygen in the air is evacuated when the combustion agent inside the cloud blast bomb is violently burned..."

"Is it agreed to export such advanced things?" Xie Jianguo didn't believe it, "You are too courageous."

"The reason why we provide it is that we already have a more advanced one. Although the power of the cloud explosive bomb is great, it is more powerful than the new generation thermobaric bomb made of boron, silicon, titanium, zirconium and other powder substances in the aluminum-magnesium fuel. Bigger." Xie Kai said.

The Yunbo bomb was tested in the presence of Long Yaohua and other leaders, but the effect was not good, and the previous electromagnetic bomb performance was too amazing, and the military did not even notice this kind of thing.

"Tested? It was tested on the same day as the electromagnetic bomb?" Xie Jianguo thought hard.

The appearance of the electromagnetic bomb changed everything, and he naturally remembered deeply.

"Well, at that time, liquid fuel was used to add some aluminum-magnesium powder in it. The bomb was also very small, only tens of kilograms, and the power that could be generated was two or three times greater than that of ordinary bombs. The effect was not obvious." Xie Kai nod.

If you let the military admire it at the beginning, don't want to export this kind of thing.

For things like electromagnetic bombs, the military would rather tighten their belts and live their lives rather than let the 404 exit.

Otherwise, there will be more things that can be sold this time.

"What now?"

"It is 2~3 times more powerful than ordinary TNT. A new generation of high-energy metal powder, tested under laboratory conditions, can reach about 5~7 times. That is, a 500 kg thermobaric bomb, the power produced It’s equivalent to a 2500~3500 kg super bomb." Xie Kai explained, "The thermobaric bomb is stronger than conventional bombs. Not only can its own fuel undergo anaerobic reaction like a bomb, it will burn violently in the initial stage. The process will ignite powdered substances such as aluminum-magnesium canopy and silicon, and absorb oxygen in the air to participate..."

In an instant, most things can be burned to thousands of degrees of high temperature of carbon, suffocation caused by oxygen consumption in a local area, shock waves generated during the rapid expansion of high temperature, etc., which are the characteristics of thermobaric bombs.

The thermobaric bomb is an advanced version of the cloud explosive bomb. This thing has the basic formula given by Xie Kai's opening and hanging, plus sufficient experimental funds, after more than a year, I can see such an effect, and I almost hang it here. The above is not unreasonable.

"Are the thermobaric bombs or cloud explosive bombs provided to the Persians?" Xie Jianguo asked.

"On the surface it is a cloud explosive bomb, but in fact it is a thermobaric bomb, and it is still something that has not undergone large-scale experiments. The specific power has now been verified." Xie Kai sighed.

He vowed that as long as the country where the weapon is sold is still in war, he will never go.

"Are you ready to sell the technology?" Xie Jianguo hesitated for a while before asking.

"The price is right, just sell it. If they really don't do too much entanglement on the price, it won't be a problem to sell them the technology that has fallen behind for us." Xie Kai looked at the old man and said.

The seriousness on Xie Jianguo's face became stronger.

Xie Kai knows what the old man is thinking.

Out of national interest considerations, such advanced weapons and equipment should not be sold to countries that are fighting; out of sympathy, the same should not be done.

"Dad, don't look like a pitiful person. When the two sides are evenly matched, once the scope of the war is expanded, and in the end no one can afford the result, the two sides can't fight on the contrary; or the balance of war is tilted toward one side. Just like in World War II, the Americans used atomic bombs on the little devil, and the war ended." Xie Kai didn't have the same thoughts as the old man.

Since World War II, the Middle East has never been truly peaceful.

With the support of the Americans, the Jews seized the land of the Arabs and established Israel, although the Jews once lived in this place; more importantly, the Americans supported the Jews and gave nuclear technology and everything, which made the region more chaotic.

Later, because these Arab countries living in the Middle East do not have strong power, they can shovel a few shovel of land under their feet, and oil can flow out...

Having the wealth that the world is jealous of, but without the corresponding strength, it is strange not to be bullied.

There was an era when the Soviet Union could compete with the United States, and the Middle East was not too chaotic. Everyone was afraid of getting angry, throwing mushroom bombs at each other and destroying the world.

But the Soviet Union is about to die.

Xie Kai sold these weapons to Iraq not to let them beat the Persians, but to let them cheat the Americans during the Gulf War.

The result cannot be changed, and the process can be more exciting.

Once beaten by a silly big wood, the American emperor might not be so arrogant.

By the way, I have to sell something to Yugoslavia.

"The Soviets are probably not here." Xie Kai thought of the Yugoslavia, and thought of the purpose of their trip.

"Impossible! If the Soviets weren't here, what would they let us do here? Do they know the Persian plan of action to specifically let us be bombed by their own missiles?" Although there are too many coincidences, Xie Jianguo does I feel that this is something that the Iraqis can arrange.

Can't find a reason.

Can't figure it out at all.

"This is also something I don't understand. Maybe the Soviets were here before, but they are definitely not here anymore." Xie Kai shook his head and said, "Now it seems that the Iraqis hope to obtain our cloud bomb technology to make up for their presence. Loss after the nuclear program was terminated."

With the manufacturing technology of cloud explosive bombs, the attack power can also be improved a lot.

"Using cloud bombs instead of nuclear bombs?" Xie Jianguo's eyes widened, "Is it possible?"

"I can't continue to engage in nuclear weapons. What's not to do with the most powerful cloud bomb under nuclear weapons?" Xie Kai asked his father.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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