"There is nothing to say, just get to know as many people as possible in their scientific research field." Xie Kai doesn't know how to plan. Anyway, the old man has been in the Soviet Union before, and he knows how to approach Soviet officials.

Even if it’s not easy to get close, all his classmates at the beginning can still use it, right?

My mother followed to the Soviet Union, instead of going directly to Ukraine, probably because she was afraid that her father would rekindle the old relationship with the female classmates before, sparking sparks, and committing life style issues.

"Previously, the settlement with the Soviet Union did not use foreign exchange?" Xie Kai really didn't know.

In his imagination, all international transactions are settled in the international currency, but he did not think that the transactions with the Soviet Union were not settled in foreign exchange.

"No. Since the 1950s, the domestic import of technology and equipment from the Soviet Union has been done by bartering. Our country has always lacked foreign exchange...Of course, the Soviet Union and many countries are like this..." Xie Jianguo said, It made Xie Kai a little dumbfounded.

It is almost entering the 21st century, and the transactions between countries are still in the form of bartering.

"After the establishment of our country, regardless of whether it was gold or other valuable things, it was taken by Jiang Guangtou to Wanwan. The whole country was poor and white, and some were just the people and resources... Under such circumstances, it was necessary to obtain industry from the Soviet Union Equipment to build the country, similarly, the Soviet Union needs huge resources and agricultural and sideline products. Every year, the representatives of China and the Soviet Union will first talk about the things and plans of the two sides. Apples, pork, grains and even tungsten ore; prices are set according to the neutral Swiss franc, and they are provided according to the plan. Both parties keep accounts and sign a trade plan once a year..." Xie Jianguo introduced the status of the barter trade between China and the Soviet Union to Xie Kai After a while.

As a father, I really like what my son knows, but he understands.

This situation is not much.

"The trade between the two sides is also carried out in a planned way, not what do we need the other party to sell to us?" Xie Kai did not expect at all.

"No. The Soviet Union is the same as our country. The next year's production will be planned and distributed according to demand." Xie Jianguo nodded and said, "Now our country has less foreign exchange, and there are many places where foreign exchange is needed. Not a small amount. According to the higher authorities, the Ministry of Finance hopes that we will use all kinds of agricultural products and light industrial products needed by the Soviet Union to pay. This will have a lot of stimulus for those domestic systems..."

"If the barter is used, would the Soviets be happy?" Xie Kai said with a wry smile.

Although the Soviet Union is short of food and light industrial products, even last year, a nationwide prohibition was issued, but they are even more short of money.

Xie Kai also knows that the prohibition of alcohol in the Soviet Union was not only due to lack of food and high domestic bread prices, but because too many people lost hope for the future and began to drink heavily because of poor lives.

"Just can't." Xie Jianguo said with a wry smile, "So this time the military had to provide 200 million US dollars in foreign exchange, and the remaining 30 million let us figure out our own way..." Xie Jianguo said.

By signing a contract with Iraq, the military can reserve 240 million U.S. dollars in foreign exchange.

If it is all used by Xie Kai to purchase engines...

"With 30 million dollars left, just barter with them?" Xie Kai asked Dad.

It turned out that there was a report on the Internet that Mou Zhong used hundreds of wagons of light industrial products in exchange for 4 Tu-154s from the Soviet Union. Xie Kai believes that this was because of the shortage of domestic light industrial products when the Soviet Union collapsed.

But I never thought that the trade between the country and the Soviet Union was done through bartering.

"You have to talk about it before you know it." Xie Jianguo said, "It's only 30 million US dollars.

"This matter can be communicated with Karetovsky. He had the idea to sell various light industrial products with us. This thing is not profitable, but the Soviet market is big..." Xie Kai originally planned to start from Karetov. Ski hits on him.

That old guy is also a greedy guy.

If he is very honest, Xie Kai really can't start.

"He is just a deputy minister of the aviation department. Besides, he is not a good thing." Xie Jianguo didn't want to deal with Kaletovsky too much.

"Dad, are you worried about my mother?" Xie Kai glanced at the old lady who was reading a book. At this time, the old lady's eyes moved from the book to him, and her hair exploded.

murderous look!(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"If he is a good person and has a principled bottom line, let's not find him to cooperate! You have to know, this is for the talents and technology of the Soviet Union..." Xie Kai said righteously, "Personal honor or disgrace, compared to national interests, What's the matter? Besides, my mother was on the road. Back then, your classmates had to have a meal together and reminisce about the past."

Xie Jianguo stared at her son fiercely, Liu Xu was fine with other things, but he was jealous...

"Mom, I'm not kidding. If you want your clothes to enter the Soviet market, you definitely need an agent, don't you? Aunt Elena's husband is in a high position..." Xie Kai saw that the old lady was about to get angry, and even put down the book with one hand. He touched the feather duster on the coffee table and hurriedly explained. "If you want to quickly enter a market, relationships are needed, and at the same time agents with a network of relationships are needed."

Let the old lady go to the Soviet Union to open up the market, on the one hand, the Soviet market is huge, and on the other hand, it is also to prepare for the delivery of technical personnel and technical materials from the Soviet Union to the country.

Especially Ukraine, that will be the focus of public relations.

Men conquer the world, women conquer men.

The most powerful wind in the world is the pillow wind.

"Don't you mean that the Soviets are very poor? How can they afford clothes without money? Just like in our country, even if there is a sufficient supply of fabrics in the past few years, it is not easy to make a set of clothes." Liu Xu Interest also came.

After thinking about it for a while, he pointed out the problem, "They definitely didn't have the funds in the early stage, and they paid for the goods in advance. If they can't get it back, the loss will be big."

"Let them exchange technical materials or equipment! For example, Aunt Elena, the women she knows around, can they be ordinary women? They really can't get technical materials, but what about their husband?" Xie Kai licked Said the lips.

Those women at the top of the Soviet Union were even more greedy than Soviet officials.

Many officials were dragged down by their own women.

Xie Jianguo was dumbfounded.

Is this kid Xie Kai still his son?

No matter how you look at it, there is no change, but Xie Jianguo feels unfamiliar.

"Once the plan is revealed, we will become the public enemy of the entire Soviet Union." Liu Xu also took a breath.

Xie Kai's plan is obviously to let her use this opportunity to win over the corrupt officials of the Soviet Union, and obtain Soviet technology at a very low price or even without paying.

When things leaked, Liu Xu couldn't bear the consequences.

Xie Kai shook his head, "Mom, that wouldn't be enough."

"Why not? If someone dares to attack our national technology, do you think the country will spare them?" Liu Xu's voice became louder.

"The Soviet Union no longer exists, who is looking for trouble?" Xie Kai said indifferently. "Furthermore, even if someone wants to make trouble, they have to have the ability, right? You went to the Soviet Union this time, just to get to know them and communicate with them. Then you look for an agent to do this...not only that, but even In the Soviet Union, let them use agents..."

The disintegration of the Soviet Union, the whole country is in chaos.

In the past, the domestic conditions were not good, coupled with the lack of understanding of the domestic situation in the Soviet Union, so that Western countries and the United States took the biggest advantage.

A large number of core technical personnel in the Soviet Union were taken away by Europe and the United States. Lao Maozi later eased up. Isn't there no way to do it?

In a word, if people want to leave, what can the government do?

Both Liu Xu and Xie Jianguo have experienced many things, and naturally know that things are not as simple as Xie Kai thinks.

But it is also clear that even if you only use the guise of doing business to get to know some senior Soviet technical personnel, it will be cost-effective to flicker to the country by then.

The family discussed together when the radio sounded in the morning, Xie Kai washed his face, went straight to the cafeteria for breakfast, and then went to bed in the classroom.

"Why do you go to bed as soon as you come?" Mo Qi has always been the first good student to arrive at school. I didn't expect Xie Kai to be earlier than her today.

It's just that I was sleeping on my desk.

Xie Kai was feeling sleepy, "I read a book last night, but I forgot the time. When I was about to sleep, the radio rang..."

Mo Qi didn't doubt, he read the book alone and let Xie Kai continue to sleep.

The Xie Jianguo couple did not rest after Xie Kai left. Instead, they were discussing whether Xie Kai's plan should be reported to their superiors.

"I think it should be reported, otherwise, if something goes wrong, we will be in trouble." Liu Xu looked serious.

"Fortunately, you are still a party member. Can this kind of thing be reported? I don't know the best above. Once you know it, do you approve or reject it?" Xie Jianguo did not dare to disclose the Soviet legacy plan to Liu Xu.

Liu Xu went there just for business.

Even the public identity is not even a business, just Xie Jianguo's assistant. After all, Xie Jianguo often meets with some former female classmates without a wife, which is not appropriate.

"I'm not doing it for personal honor or disgrace. Don't you think this kind of thing is too big?" Liu Xu raised his eyebrows, "You are a father, too. You don't show up on such a big thing, and you have to leave it at his mercy."

"I want to stand up! Even the entire base is at his mercy, what can I do? When I say Zheng Yu's accomplishment, I will shoot me to death." Xie Jianguo screamed in her heart, but did not show any expression on her face, facing her daughter-in-law. Er said, "If your garment factory wants to quickly open the Soviet market without relying on their help, can it work? Besides, it was originally a normal trade. Wouldn't it be better for them to have money to pay? In the European and American markets, your clothing can be imported. ?"

There are too many clothing companies across the country.

Domestic competition is fierce, and foreign countries can only rely on quantity rather than quality.

Liu Xu was helpless for a while.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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