Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 159 Storm of Public Opinion (Third Update)

Chapter 159: Storm of Public Opinion (Third Update)


"What did you say!?"

When Qin Yuanqing was gathering with his classmates, he received a call from Jing Tian. He was completely shocked. He did not expect that his speech at Yanda would cause a storm of public opinion, and all major online forums and Weibo would explode. When it opened, supporters from all sides were yelling at each other.

And because Qin Yuanqing has gained a lot of popularity in the past two years and has an absolute upper hand on the Internet and Weibo, those who support Ms. Long have been suppressed.

Then came the control of comments and traffic restrictions on Weibo, which suddenly added fuel to the fire and caused the network to explode.

Qin Yuanqing secretly sighed, this Weibo really means that if you don't seek death, you will not die. He has heard before that Weibo often controls comments, limits traffic, and guides topics on some topics, but one day it happened to him.

Qin Yuanqing knew it well and asked Jingtian not to speak casually, and then said goodbye to his classmates. After returning home, Qin Yuanqing immediately wrote code. Since some people seek death, let them pay a heavy price.

In China, this is the world of the people, not the world of capital. Capital is not so powerful that it can cover the sky with one hand.

I really thought that the Internet was a place outside the law, and I really thought that I could act daringly.

This kind of Weibo program is very simple, much simpler than the operating system. Qin Yuanqing typed in lines of code with frightening efficiency.

In less than two days, an optimized WeChat Weibo was born in the hands of Qin Yuanqing. If it weren’t for the 4G era, Qin Yuanqing would have wanted to create Douyin directly and use it as an artifact for Weibo to sweep away the garbage heap of history. .

Qin Yuanqing logged on to the Internet, and then saw that after more than a day of fermentation, the matter had become more and more serious. All the major public figures came online one after another. During the program, Qin Yuanqing was bombarded with narrow nationalism. , and then advocated the dignity of small people, saying that although countries such as Switzerland are small, their people live with dignity.

There was also a public intellectual who directly labeled Qin Yuanqing as being rude, not knowing how to treat ladies, and destroying peace. Qin Yuanqing sneered in his heart, these public officials are really seeking death.

Qin Yuanqing operated Weibo, and then wanted to update Weibo. He found that his Weibo could not be updated. Qin Yuanqing sneered in his heart, OK, very good! It’s time for this gang of evil-minded capital to try the iron fist of the people.

Qin Yuanqing kept all the evidence, and then went to the WeChat company and asked Chen Zhiyuan to find a team of people to run Weibo.

"Director Qin, this... it will take a month or two to develop a Weibo." Chen Zhiyuan said with some embarrassment.

With the reorganization of the WeChat company and the formation of the group, Qin Yuanqing's title was also changed to director, while Jingtian was the chairman. However, both of them were hands-off bosses, and the company's operations were still controlled by Chen Zhiyuan, the general manager.

"I have already developed Weibo, you don't have to worry about this!" Qin Yuanqing said.

"Okay!" When Chen Zhiyuan heard this, there was no problem immediately. He knew that Qin Yuanqing was very good at computers. He was a complete computer expert. WeChat has been running without any problems so far.

At the same time, I was also gloating in my heart. This Sina is seeking death. Whoever it offends will only offend Qin Yuanqing. Now it’s good. Sina, which just announced that Weibo users have reached 200 million and its market value is rising, is going to fall into trouble this time.

Yes, Weibo users are growing very rapidly and have now reached 200 million users. Sina is also using Weibo to perform very well, and Weibo will also conduct a second round of financing and plans to land in the United States in two years. Nasdaq.

Now, with such a big thing happening, whether Weibo can still exist is a question.

WeChat held a press conference to announce the official release of WeChat Weibo. You only need to register a WeChat account to log in to WeChat Weibo.

At the same time, Qin Yuanqing also logged into WeChat Weibo, explained the situation that he was restricted from using Sina Weibo, and presented evidence.

Jingtian also immediately updated Sina Weibo and announced that he would no longer use Sina Weibo and would instead use WeChat Weibo.

Suddenly, the entire network exploded even more. No one thought that Weibo would do such a thing. Even Qin Yuanqing dared to restrict its use. Although Weibo has appeared many times in the past year or so, they are all just a few users and have no influence at all. Far inferior to Qin Yuanqing, not to mention that Jingtian is a blogger with millions of people.

“Junk Weibo, discard it from now on!”

“Who gave Weibo the courage to restrict the number one person in the Chinese mathematics community and academicians of the two Chinese academies?”

“Abandon Weibo and use WeChat Weibo instead!”

. . . . . .

After receiving a lot of infamy on the Internet, many people switched to WeChat Weibo. As a result, just 24 hours after logging in to WeChat Weibo, the number of WeChat Weibo users reached 20 million.

Sina Weibo was dumbfounded, what was going on? . . . . . It's not like I haven't done it before, but this time it stirred up a hornet's nest, canceling 20 million people in 24 hours.

Sina Weibo quickly spoke. First, it said that there was a buff in the program, which caused this phenomenon. It apologized to Qin Yuanqing and expressed its determination that Sina Weibo would invest more technical power to ensure the smooth operation of Weibo and ensure the user experience.

Unfortunately it's too late.

Because there is already a lot of criticism against Sina Weibo on the Internet, and then many people dig out old accounts of Sina Weibo, and the trolls hired by Sina Weibo are directly overwhelmed by netizens.

And the official media also officially spoke out.

The latest issue of "Daily" reported on the causes and consequences of the incident, and gave a positive answer to the question of the rise of a great power or the dignity of small people. China went through a hundred years of humiliation before the birth of the Republic. The Republic was forged with the blood of countless martyrs. The mission It has always been to realize the great rejuvenation of China, and this original intention remains unchanged. Then he answered Baodao's question and emphasized again that unity is the bottom line and no one or any force can stop it.

As for some extreme words in Qin Yuanqing's words, the "Daily" avoided talking about them.

"Youth Daily" also reported on it. As the first publicly published youth newspaper after the founding of the Republic, it was originally approved by the designer and inscribed by the great man himself. It has always been a very special existence in the Chinese media. It has always insisted on focusing on youth groups, and Qin Yuanqing has appeared in the "Youth Daily" many times since 2008. So far, he has never shown any bad behavior. He has correct views and has made great achievements many times. He has become a The youngest academician of China has won a world-class mathematics award for China.

Therefore, in this report, the focus of "Youth Daily" turned to the group of college students. Regarding remarks such as "I don't care about the rise of great powers, I only care about the dignity of small people", it analyzed the impressions produced by students' thoughts and put forward warnings. The laxity of ideological education in colleges and universities raises a warning. He expressed that he must resolutely prevent young people from becoming the target of some people with ulterior motives.

Similarly, the editor-in-chief of the "Environmental News", which has always had a good relationship with Qin, Yuan and Qing, wrote an article himself, reporting with the title "Without the rise of a great country, how can the dignity of small people be achieved", reporting in detail the before and after events, and then citing the humiliation of China over the past century. , the difficulties faced after the founding of the Republic, combined with the continuous war in the Middle East, clearly erecting the rise of a great power is the value of the times, and we must resolutely put an end to the poison of some weird rumors on Chinese youth. Then she introduced Ms. Long’s The remarks made by Baodao and Xiangjiang reveal that there is something wrong with this person’s political stance. This is used to criticize Yanda for failing to maintain a good stance and raise concerns about Yanda's looseness and performance in recent years.

Others focused on Weibo's practices and reported that "freedom of speech is the right of citizens". They criticized Weibo's practices, and also went through Weibo's old accounts, saying that relevant departments should intervene. investigation.

For a time, Sina was in turmoil and everyone was trembling in the whirlpool of public opinion. They continued to publicly apologize and make various guarantees in an attempt to change the public opinion environment.

It's a pity that the effect is very limited.

At this moment, I finally realized what the iron fist of the people is. The number of users continued to decline, the stock market also fell, and the attitude from above made Sina even more frightened.

It is said that the Internet is a place outside the law, and the law does not punish everyone, but that is a place where the country has not paid attention to it and has not yet taken action. Once it takes action, you will not be able to resist.

Sina and Sina Weibo are not because of how good their technology is, but because they are standing in the context of the rapid development of the country and are pigs standing at the forefront. As Lei Jun said, as long as you stand at the forefront, pigs will Can take off.

Sure enough, the regulatory authorities interviewed Sina and Sina Weibo, then issued a fine of 260 million yuan and required rectification.

Sina and Sina Weibo obediently paid the fine, and then there was a big earthquake in the management of Sina and Sina Weibo. Each manager was kicked out of the Sina team. Founder Wang Zhidong returned to Sina and staged a drama like the return of the king. .

Unfortunately, none of this can stop WeChat and Weibo from registering 70 million users in one week, making it the third largest Weibo user after Sina Weibo and Tencent Weibo.

WeChat Weibo has also had a great promotion effect on WeChat. The number of WeChat users has soared to 70 million. If WeChat had not been rich and continued to purchase more servers during this period, the network would really have collapsed.

The official media's exit completely ended the public opinion. In the storm of public opinion, Qin Yuanqing was like a normal person, interviewing graduate students and doctoral students. Although there were other professors interviewing, Qin Yuanqing had absolute autonomy.

After all, Qin Yuanqing chose graduate students and doctoral students, not other professors.

And those who were able to pass the preliminary round and enter the interview stage were all top academics and were extraordinary beings in their respective schools.

It's just that during the interview with Qin Yuanqing, none of them had their own arrogance. In fact, they couldn't be arrogant in front of Qin Yuanqing.

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