Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 280 God? Immortal? (Additional update 9)

Chapter 281 God? Immortal?

In this official report, the news host introduced the establishment of the Nobel Prize, its international status, and China's experience in pursuing the Nobel Prize. For example, Yang Lao and Li Lao won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1957 for parity nonconservation. , for example, Ting Zhaozhong won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1976 for discovering the J particle.

But there is no one who has won the Nobel Prize as a member of the Chinese Republic. The more controversial one is Mr. Yang, who held the nationality of the Republic of China at that time.

But this time, Qin Yuanqing and Yang Lao won the Nobel Prize in Physics, but there is no doubt that they are both nationals of the Republic of China, especially Qin Yuanqing, who is an extremely upright Chinese person. The news host was introducing Yang Lao’s achievements in physics. achievements and historical status, as well as the reasons for winning the Nobel Prize in Physics this time.

The focus of the special topic was on Qin Yuanqing. The news host not only introduced Qin Yuanqing's life, introduced his glorious deeds, introduced the problems he solved, but also introduced his international honors.

Some of what Qin Yuanqing said was also reported.

It can be said that Qin Yuanqing relied on his knowledge to create a miracle that belonged to Chinese scholars and a miracle that belonged to the human mind.

Originally, yesterday's delayed news broadcast report had already made the whole of China aware of this matter, but now as the propaganda machine increases its efforts, it can be said that even if you are in the deep mountains and old forests, you can know this matter.

There is no doubt that Qin Yuanqing and Yang Lao won the Nobel Prize in Physics, and they are the only winners of the Nobel Prize in Physics. No amount of publicity can be exaggerated. This has greatly improved the people's self-confidence and confidence. National pride.

And a very important effect is that on the last day of the National Day holiday, the number of tourists in Qin Yuanqing's hometown increased by more than a hundred times. People came to Qinjia Village one after another, wanting to see what kind of Feng Shui nurtured such an outstanding genius as Qin Yuanqing.

Many parents took their children there, saying that their academic performance would be better if they were exposed to Wenquxing's talent. Now many people believe that Qin Yuanqing is Wenquxing who descended to earth, otherwise how could he be so defiant.

At the large statue of Qin Yuanqing in the scenic area, many people brought their children to kowtow and worship in front of the statue, as if Qin Yuanqing was a god.

Then many legends came out, such as when Qin Yuanqing was born, there was a strange phenomenon in the sky, and the Wenqu star shone brightly. Why Qin Yuanqing's mother often dreamed of Wenqu Xingjun when she was pregnant. Qin Yuanqing's mother went to worship Wenquxingjun and soon found out that she was pregnant. . . . .

There is also about Qin Yuanqing's childhood. He could walk at 5 months, talk at 7 months, and recite the multiplication formula at one year old. . . . . .

Qin Yuanqing was so irritable and panicked. Was I so good when I was a child? Why don’t I know?

You also kneel down and pray before your own statue. Isn’t this disrespectful to yourself? ? I'm still young and not dead yet!

Of course, there is another very exaggerated thing. The local tourism bureau and cultural relics bureau actually registered the tile-roofed house and flat-panel house where Qin Yuanqing lived when he was a child as a cultural relic, saying that it has historical significance.

Qin Yuanqing's hometown is much more lively than before. With the help of this news, its exposure has greatly increased and it has become a famous scenic spot with a radius of 200 kilometers.

Of course, Qin Yuanqing's high school alma mater benefited a lot. Qin Yuanqing had won national awards, Fields Medals, etc., and was rated as a provincial key. Now that I have won the Nobel Prize, the meaning is different. Not only did this add a new building to his high school alma mater, but the school's Qin Yuanqing Memorial Hall was designated as a provincial key protected cultural relic just a few years after its completion!

"Dad, if you don't stop me, what has become of this? I remember that I was very naughty and clumsy when I was a child. I wore my shoes backwards when I was 5 years old." When Qin Yuanqing called his father, he was speechless. .

In the scenic spot in my hometown, in order to gain fame, Qin Yuanqing was the most famous figure in the countryside, so three statues of Qin Yuanqing and two statues of Jingtian were built in the scenic spot.

As a result, it became a statue of a god instead of what it is now.

"What's the matter? The blind daters have watched too many Xiang dramas, so don't be offended!" Dad smiled and continued: "By the way, many leaders have come to the house during this time. The leaders and cultural leaders of the Tourism Bureau The leaders of the bureau have said that they will promote the Academician Garden in Qinjia Village to attract more tourists and apply for a 5A-level scenic spot. I heard that if the 5A-level scenic spot is approved, the villages near us will You can benefit a lot.”

It’s also a 5A-level scenic spot!

Qin Yuanqing was full of slander, why didn't he come to the United Nations historical and cultural heritage?

What are you thinking about?

"This year, four people in the village were admitted to the No. 1 Middle School, and three of them bought points. In the future, more and more talents will come out of the village. Next time you come back, you have to go to the school to thank the leaders." Dad said.

Qin Yuanqing knew that the school was selling its own face, otherwise No. 1 Middle School, as a provincial key middle school, would not be so easy to get into.

Thinking about it, I haven't been back to my high school alma mater for a while. If I go home for the Spring Festival this year, I have to go to my alma mater and visit my teachers.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Yuanqing was filled with emotions.

Although the Nobel Prize is not the ultimate goal of scientific research, it is a postcard and a proof recognized by the world.

Although Qin Yuanqing was already famous all over the world before, with the addition of the Nobel Prize, his fame became even greater.

Of course, the happiest person about Qin Yuanqing's award must be Qin Yuanqing's alma mater, Shuimu University. On the day when the winners were announced, during the National Day holiday, a banner was pulled up right above the school gate overnight with a grand headline - Warmly congratulate Vice President Qin Yuanqing of our school for winning this year's Nobel Prize in Physics!

Of course, there is also a banner with the title - Warmly celebrate our school’s honorary professor Yang Lao for winning this year’s Nobel Prize in Physics!

In fact, not only Shuimu University, but also Beihang University and Guizhou University, where Qin Yuanqing was a visiting professor and honorary professor, also held up banners to celebrate.

However, the most solemn one was definitely Shuimu University. Shuimu University organized a performance to celebrate, and the celebration ceremony was very grand. After all, a university that can cultivate a Nobel Prize scholar is indeed prestigious enough.

Especially now, the Nobel laureates from Yan University can't even be seen, which makes Mizuki even more angry.

When the schools were split, Shuimu University was stronger than the engineering university, while Yanda was stronger than the liberal arts university. With the development of the times, Shuimu University has also begun to slowly restore the majors that were demolished in the past. However, due to problems with its background, it is still far behind Yan University.

But now, Shuimu dared to pat his chest and say that he was number one in science! If you don’t agree with Yan University, why not cultivate a Nobel Prize winner!

Of course, the happiest things among Mizuki are the Institute for Advanced Study, the Automotive Research Institute, and the Aerospace Engine Institute. The Institute for Advanced Study was founded by Mr. Yang. He personally served as the honorary director and personally donated 4 million US dollars. He also used his influence to attract large donations and talents. Now Mr. Yang has won the Nobel Prize in Physics for the second time in his life. The Institute for Advanced Study is naturally proud of the award.

The Automotive Research Institute and the Aero Engine Research Institute are direct descendants of Qin Yuanqing. More than a thousand researchers and professors from the two institutes are devoted to Qin Yuanqing. Now that Qin Yuanqing has won the Nobel Prize in Physics, they can no longer be happy.

After all, under Qin Yuanqing, they had a good working environment, good salaries, and smooth job evaluations. Every time Qin Yuanqing lectures to them, they feel as if they have returned to their student days and listened to the teacher's lectures. The joy of gaining knowledge cannot be overstated. Many people like them can only slowly explore on their own without anyone to teach them.

"Congratulations, boss, the throne has been achieved!"

"Congratulations, boss, for flying into the sky and becoming an immortal!"


As soon as Qin Yuanqing arrived at the institute, Yang Jing and others sprayed Qin Yuanqing with salute ribbons and congratulated Qin Yuanqing happily.

only. . . . .

Why do you feel so weird?

What makes you a god? I'm not dead yet!

"Boss, how do you feel about winning the Nobel Prize?" Yang Jing used the empty salute as a microphone and approached with a smile.

"It's okay!" Qin Yuanqing said calmly.


The smiles on everyone else's faces froze!

Is this human language?

Is the Nobel Prize okay?

Damn it, how many people dreamed of the Nobel Prize, and then it turned out to be okay in Qin Yuanqing's mouth?

Then I have to sigh, the boss is really a boss and regards the Nobel Prize as nothing. No wonder people on the Internet are saying that it is not that Qin Yuanqing is honored to win the Nobel Prize, but that the Nobel Prize is honored because Qin Yuanqing won the prize. This is really not unreasonable.

Qin Yuanqing came to his office. As soon as the office opened, someone took the initiative to help clean and water the flowers. Qin Yuanqing felt secretly happy.

Give yourself a pat on the back for silently pretending to be B.

In Qin Yuanqing's heart, the Nobel Prize in Physics is more important than the Fields Medal, because he has always believed that his main career is physics, he is a physicist, and mathematics is just his hobby.

In the past, he kept winning awards in his hobby, so that people had a fixed impression of him as a mathematician, but forgot that he was a physicist. Now that he has won the Nobel Prize in Physics, this is his main job. In the future, others will not only think of him as a mathematician, but will also say that he is a physics prize winner.

Qin Yuanqing felt silently happy, but next he was preparing to attend the Nobel Prize award ceremony and the legendary grand dinner.

Qin Yuanqing was thoughtful, thinking about the guests who followed him, his father, mother, wife, father-in-law and mother-in-law. . . . . .

Qin Yuanqing counted on his fingers and wrote down names one by one on the scratch paper.

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