Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 568 Staring into Deep Space


The leaders and professors of Harbin Institute of Technology bid farewell to Qin Yuanqing reluctantly.

If possible, they would like to keep Qin Yuanqing at Harbin Institute of Technology for a month, a year or even forever.

In just ten to twenty days, wherever Qin Yuanqing went, no matter what the subject, when he met Qin Yuanqing, he felt that there was a breakthrough, and even the development was completed, as if the problems of these subjects were not problems at all. Same.

For example, at the Ultra-Precision Machining Technology Research and Application Center, Qin Yuanqing only stayed for one day to achieve a major smearing of ultra-precision machining, from the extreme machining precision of 0.1nm to 0.01nm.

Before 2020, there is still a certain gap between China's ultra-precision machining level and that of foreign countries. In particular, there is still a big gap between China's ultra-precision machine tools and the international advanced level in terms of completeness, reliability and accuracy maintenance. Overall Compared with foreign countries, the gap is more than 15 years. There is a larger gap between domestic ultra-precision special processing and testing equipment and foreign countries.

After entering 2020, with the establishment and launch of the two major projects of 'Double Ring Space Station' and 'Controllable Nuclear Fusion', through several years of hard work, ultra-precision machining has made rapid progress under constant spending on gold, making China has reached the world's advanced level in ultra-precision machining, which is no worse than those powerful countries in ultra-precision machining.

After all, whether it is some special components for controllable nuclear fusion or mechanical processing in the aerospace field, the processing accuracy is very high, and the processing accuracy of 0.1nm is difficult to meet.

People see that China has mastered controllable nuclear fusion technology, but they don’t know that behind controllable nuclear fusion technology, there are thousands of technological breakthroughs involved, covering all aspects. Seeing the feat of the Chang'e spacecraft successfully reaching the moon and returning to the earth, I didn't know that it required very high processing precision to support it.

The command module and the lunar module fly away. After the lunar module lands on the moon, it returns to the lunar orbit to connect with the command module. This seems simple, but the technology involved is unimaginable. If the processing accuracy is less, it cannot be done. Perfect connection.

Not only ultra-precision machining, not just bionics technology, but also space technology, electric drive and electric propulsion fields.

It can be said that Qin Yuanqing’s time at Harbin Institute of Technology has benefited Harbin Institute of Technology a lot. There are several technologies that are indispensable for this year’s national awards.

Qin Yuanqing was sitting on the private plane, looking down from the window, and waved goodbye to a group of people from Harbin Institute of Technology.

After saying goodbye this time, I don’t know when it will be until I come back to Harbin Institute of Technology again.

This trip to Harbin Institute of Technology allowed Qin Yuanqing to see the heritage of Harbin Institute of Technology. They may not be as public as Shuimu and cover a wide range of fields, but they have expertise engraved in their bones and aim to cultivate great craftsmen.

Perhaps the disciplines and subdivisions that are not taken seriously in Shuimu University have been accomplished at Harbin Institute of Technology and made new achievements, such as welding technology. Maybe Shuimu University thinks that these are low-end workers and have little technical content, but Harbin Institute of Technology In this regard, it has developed to new heights such as precision welding and automatic welding.

In the field of aerospace, Harbin Institute of Technology is far ahead of Shuimu University in terms of microsystem and microstructure manufacturing, aerospace mechanism and control technology, deep space exploration landing and return control, etc.

No wonder, Harbin Institute of Technology has given birth to so many nationally renowned craftsmen!

After bidding farewell to Harbin Institute of Technology, the plane finally arrived in Beijing after several hours of flight. Looking at Beijing from a high altitude, the capital at night was full of lights and bustling. China's economy has continued to develop at a rapid pace in recent years, and the special city of Beijing is no exception. , has completed the transformation of mid-to-high-end manufacturing industry a few years ago. This city has already become an international metropolis, and its GDP has topped the GDP list of Chinese cities for several consecutive years.

In the past, Magic City was China's largest economic, financial, foreign trade, industrial, shipping, and aviation city. It played a decisive role in China's economic development. It has also topped the GDP list of Chinese cities for many years in a row. In particular, Magic City has become The Asian financial center has given the city wings to take off, with GDP reaching 6 trillion yuan in 2024.

But all this is still inferior to the capital. Even though the capital is not an economic or financial center, nor a foreign trade center, with the development of the Internet, big data, artificial intelligence, new materials and other fields, the industry has completed its transformation early, making the capital GDP surpassed that of Shanghai a few years ago.

After years of regulation and control, China has formed five economic clusters: the Pearl River Delta, the Yangtze River Delta, Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan, Northeast Industrial Base, and Changrong River. Like five engines, China's economy has always maintained rapid growth. There are no signs of slowing down now.

For example, the Northeast Industrial Base has been reborn, with heavy industry, automobile industry, agriculture, medicinal materials, precision processing, military industry, etc. as supporting industries. The GDP created every year is getting higher year by year, and the profits and taxes paid have also hit new highs.

The three cities on the Yangtze River are distributed in a triangle, radiating to the entire central and western regions, developing military industry, aerospace industry, heavy industry, electronics industry, automobile industry, etc., especially the aerospace industry, which can be said to bring together the essence of China. .

But no matter what, the special city of Beijing always shines brightly and exudes unique charm.

Qin Yuanqing has been in the capital for so many years, and the capital has truly become his other home. When he returned to the capital, he felt at ease.

The plane landed at the airport, and Qin Yuanqing got off the plane under the escort of bodyguards and left the capital. As for the plane, there are naturally special departments for security measures. People who have not undergone strict inspections cannot get close to his private plane, even for inspection and maintenance. Yes, there are also special departments to carry out it.

After returning home, taking a shower and making love with his wife, Qin Yuanqing was also thinking about the next step.

Although it promotes the historic breakthrough of controllable nuclear fusion, allowing China to master controllable nuclear fusion technology, it can use inexhaustible new energy from now on, giving China's development a steady stream of power, and it will not Energy-constrained. Although the "Double Ring Space Station" project is advancing in an orderly manner, when the "Double Ring Space Station" is completed, it will definitely be a miracle in human history.

But Qin Yuanqing never felt satisfied or relaxed. Instead, he became more urgent and even felt a sense of crisis!

Yes, you heard and read it right!

Qin Yuanqing felt a sense of crisis!

This sense of crisis does not lie in the possible outbreak of war, but in space. He always feels the gaze from deep space from time to time, as if something is paying attention to the earth and observing the earth.

Sometimes Qin Yuanqing wonders whether the earth is a breeding ground or a testing ground for advanced alien civilizations, conducting experiments on observing the development of civilization. Otherwise, why is there no life planet except the earth in the entire solar system, and why is the earth so special? , a planet that is not that big has given birth to life, especially life with relatively high intelligence like humans.

There are also some archaeological results that have appeared in the archaeological field in recent years, which vaguely point to the fact that before human civilization, prehistoric humans were born, and these prehistoric humans possessed very high civilization and technology.

For example, the huge footprints in North America and the suspected prehistoric nuclear power plants in Africa are discovered one after another, which makes people have to doubt that the earth is not only the current human civilization, but also prehistoric civilization, and the prehistoric civilization may not be one generation, but many. generation.

Perhaps the truth of history as humans thought in the past is not like this, but that humans may experience cyclical extinction and development. When development reaches a certain level, humans will become extinct, and then be born again in a certain period of time, and the cycle begins again.

And behind all this, there may be an alien civilization manipulating it.

And what is the truth about this?

I don’t know, no one knows!

With the current technological level of the earth, it is simply difficult to detect the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. Scholars can only put forward hypotheses, doubt, and discover with this spirit of doubt.

Qin Yuanqing always felt the gaze from deep space from time to time. He felt that it was the observation eye of an advanced alien civilization, staring at the earth, or staring at - him!

Even though his various subjects have reached the pinnacle of the earth and are all at full level, Qin Yuanqing still looks so small in the face of the vast universe, just a drop in the ocean, insignificant.

In the vast universe, the earth is really too small!

This kind of gaze from deep space gave Qin Yuanqing a sense of urgency and crisis. He did not hope that the earth would face in the future, as appeared in the science fiction novel "The Three-Body Problem", facing the dimensionality reduction attack of the Trisolarans. Only tragic actions can be taken.

"System, system, when will you be promoted from the intermediate system to the advanced system!" Qin Yuanqing sighed secretly in a low voice, his consciousness immersed in the system:

Host: Qin Yuanqing

Age: 33 years old

Emotional Quotient: 150

IQ: 250

Physical fitness: Level 15

Skills: "Advanced Singing Skills", "Yan Zhenqing Font", "Guitar Proficiency", "Advanced Programming Proficiency", "Advanced Architecture Proficiency", "Advanced Computer Proficiency", "Instant Memory", "Invulnerable to All Poisons", "Firearm Proficiency" ", "Bajiquan Mastery", "Advanced Aircraft Mastery", "Traditional Chinese Medicine Mastery", "Western Medicine Mastery", "Tai Chi Mastery"

Honors obtained: Top scorer in the college entrance examination, CMO gold medalist, IMO gold medalist, 7 first prizes of the National Natural Science Award, 4 first prizes of the National Technology Invention Award, Ramanu Gold Medal, Wolf Prize in Mathematics, academician of the two academies , 2 Fields Medals, Chern Medal in Mathematics, Morningside Mathematics Prize, 7 National Science and Technology Progress Special Prizes, Nobel Prize in Physics, Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, and the highest national science award.

Professional attributes:

Mathematics: Level 15

Physics: Level 15

Chemistry: Level 15

Creature: Level 15

Learning coins in the upper right corner of the system: 170000

Looking at his current attributes in all aspects, Qin Yuanqing is a little helpless. He has done what he can. All subjects have reached full level 15, his body has also reached full level 15, and his EQ and IQ have also reached their limits. .

And he didn't know how to complete the upgrade of the intermediate system to an advanced system.

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