Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 573 Fusion Power Generation

Narcissus Nuclear Power Plant

As early as half a month ago, the surrounding area entered a first-level alert state, traffic was controlled, and passing vehicles were strictly inspected. In the sky, drones patrolled 24 hours a day, establishing a regional air patrol. The network monitors the situation on the ground. If anything abnormal occurs, it will be discovered immediately. On the roads, security monitoring and traffic monitoring have been turned on, and traffic police are on duty 24 hours a day on major traffic arteries.

A helicopter landed smoothly on a flat ground at the Narcissus Nuclear Power Plant.

Although I am very resistant to this kind of transportation, I have to admit that this is the fastest option.

Otherwise, it would take two and a half hours by car from Narcissus Airport to Narcissus Nuclear Power Plant. The helicopter arrived at the Narcissus Nuclear Power Plant from Narcissus Airport in less than an hour, saving nearly two hours.

After getting off the helicopter, Qin Yuanqing didn't stop at all. He carried the computer bag in his hand and strode to the project department under the escort of his bodyguards.

At the entrance of the project department, the construction unit, construction unit, supervision unit, design unit and expert team all personally greeted Qin Yuanqing's arrival at the door.

"No need for these false etiquette, let's get straight to work!" Qin Yuanqing waved his hand and said directly.

This time he came to Narcissus City for five days. The first two days were for meetings and the last inspection before the first fusion nuclear reactor and magnetic fluid generator unit were put into operation. The third day was for operation and power generation, and the fourth day was for operation and power generation. The first day and the fifth day are to observe the operation conditions, monitor the power generation, and carry out the acceptance of the first power generation.

In order to generate electricity for the first time, countless engineers have put in countless efforts for nearly a year. Some processes cannot be interrupted. The engineers did not take a break and directly carried out 24-hour or even 48-hour high-intensity construction.

Fortunately, the project has finally reached the first phase milestone!

Everyone held a meeting directly in the project team. The meeting was directly hosted by the Nuclear Power Group, and all participating units began to report in an orderly manner.

"During the construction process, all processes were carried out in accordance with the construction drawings, and no changes were made."

"Our unit monitors the entire construction process at all times and urges the construction unit to carry out construction in accordance with the construction drawings. So far, no abnormalities have been found. The inspection was completed two days ago. All inspection items met the requirements of the construction drawings and no problems were found."

"The design team is in the project department 24 hours a day, and the design team provides technical support at all times. Foundation treatment, earthworks, concrete engineering, metal engineering, etc. are all constructed in accordance with the design requirements."

"After receiving the order half a month ago, the security force launched a regional level of combat readiness. The radar was activated at full power, and drones and satellites were monitored at all times. No suspicious targets were found. The theater defense has been activated. Once a suspicious aerial target is found, It will be destroyed as soon as possible! The East China Sea Fleet and the South China Sea Fleet have carried out military exercises in the specified areas as planned." The guard group said very seriously.

"All local organizations have been mobilized. The traffic police are on duty 24 hours a day on the main traffic roads. The public security and border guards have already entered the state!" The leader of the Yunxiao County Government said in a deep voice. He was the one with the lowest rank here, but he did not dare to be careless at all. , because of the importance of Narcissus Nuclear Power Plant, the superiors have repeatedly explained it, and they are very clear about it.

Any work in the entire county or city can be put aside, but the smooth progress of the Narcissus Nuclear Power Plant must be ensured.

Qin Yuanqing led the expert group to review the project documents and asked questions about any doubtful areas, and the relevant construction units answered the questions.

The next day, Qin Yuanqing led a team of experts to inspect the nuclear fusion reactor, units, and transmission lines. Qin Yuanqing went to the control room and saw the staff working in an orderly manner.

Researchers from the original 'Jinwu Project' R\u0026D base are training the staff in the control room. After nearly a year of training, they have completed the ignition operation drill. As for the contents of the safety manual and operation guide, they I know them all by heart.

Qin Yuanqing checked some data in the control room and then performed mental calculations, and found no data abnormalities.

At ten o'clock that evening, Qin Yuanqing signed his name on the document approving the power generation of the first unit, formally agreeing to the first operation of Shuixian Nuclear Power Plant's first fusion nuclear reactor and unit to generate electricity.

On the third day, Qin Yuanqing and others did not go to the control room, but were in the command hall. The video in the hall was connected to various modules, and the video here was connected to the capital through the network, where leaders of relevant departments were paying attention to this incident. Generate electricity.

"Superconducting magnet inspection completed! Liquid helium is being admitted"

"The liquid helium has been settled in, confirmed that the temperature has reached the critical value, and started powering on!"

"Current reaches critical value."

"Magnetic field position adjustment completed."

"Inject fuel!"

"Turn on the ICRF heated antenna!"

"It was monitored that the temperature in the reaction chamber continued to rise, reaching 100 million degrees!"


As the temperature of the fusion reactor exceeded 100 million degrees, the light that was more dazzling than the stars was instantly lit up.

Endless energy gushes out like a tide and is liberated from the tiny atomic nucleus.

"The magnetic fluid generator set starts and starts generating electricity!"

"1 # unit is running at full power!"

"2 # units are running at full power!"

"3 # units are running at full power!"

“4 # units are running at full power!”

"Power grid monitoring, the power generation and transmission of the unit are normal!"

"Report the situation of the circulating water cooling system!" Qin Yuanqing said into the intercom.

The maximum power of a standard 'Golden Crow Device' can enable 15 magnetic fluid generators to generate electricity at full power. Even if it is not the maximum power when it is started for the first time, it can still enable 10 magnetic fluid generators to generate electricity at full power.

But now there are only 4 units generating electricity at full power, which means that these 4 units cannot fully utilize the heat generated by fusion. Even with the current amount of fuel injection, most of the heat will be discharged into the sea.

"The circulating water cooling system is discharging hot water! No abnormality is shown." The monitoring status of the circulating water cooling system was reported immediately.

After the entire fusion nuclear reactor had been running for two hours, Qin Yuanqing issued the order to shut down. The heat accumulated in the reactor was immediately introduced into the sea by the circulating water cooling system. As the fusion reaction terminated, the temperature of the gas molecules in the core increased rapidly. It dropped from 100 million to 10 million.

After an hour, it will start again and then run to generate electricity for two hours.

By tomorrow, it will be four hours of power generation and one hour of pause. On the last day, we will continue to generate electricity 24 hours a day. In this process, we will collect data and monitor the status of each module.

Although the relevant experiments have been carried out at the scientific research base, the 'Golden Crow Device' and this 'Golden Crow Device' are not the same one. Moreover, the weather and climate environment are different, and the operators are also different. No one knows. Will there be any different situation?

However, nuclear fusion reactors are different from nuclear fission reactors. The safety factor of nuclear fusion reactors is much higher. There is no fear of nuclear leakage, because once an abnormality is detected, it can be eliminated immediately. The worst case scenario is to shut down the reaction device. Stop the nuclear fusion reaction.

Qin Yuanqing has been at Shuixian Nuclear Power Plant, always paying attention to the situation of all parties. However, it is obvious that the operation and power generation this time went very smoothly, and there were no abnormalities. So when it came to the acceptance meeting, all parties reported the operation status, and there was always an enthusiastic response. The applause is used to vent the excitement in the heart.

When Qin Yuanqing spoke on behalf of the expert group and agreed to pass the acceptance of the first fusion nuclear reactor and magnetic fluid generator to generate electricity, the entire conference room burst into warm applause that lasted for three minutes.

There is no doubt that this is the greatest affirmation of the hard work of all parties in the past year, and it also means that the first milestone has been officially reached. The milestone has not become a milestone!

The representative of the Yunxiao County Government also looked excited. The power generated throughout the day had exceeded the power generated by the original four AP1000 generating units of the nuclear fission reactor.

According to the preferential policy, the price of electricity in Yunxiao County will be reduced to 10 cents per kilowatt hour, and whether it is residential electricity, industrial and commercial electricity, or agricultural electricity, the price will be unified to 10 cents per kilowatt hour.

This means that resident enterprises in Yunxiao County will receive huge benefits.

However, it is unable to attract more companies to settle in Yunxiao, because as the location of Shuixian Nuclear Power Plant, the future development of Yunxiao will be concentrated in the county and beyond, and the development within 20 miles around the nuclear power plant will be regulated.

According to the previous agreement, Yunxiao will be the first to benefit when the unit generates electricity for the first time. A year later, Narcissus City benefited, and the electricity price was adjusted to 10 cents per kWh. In two years, the nuclear power plant will supply the entire province with electricity, and the electricity price will be reduced by half. In three years, the electricity price in the entire Fujian Province will be unified.

In the fourth and fifth years, the excess electricity generated will be supplied to Guangdong Province.

It can be said that even if the price of electricity drops to 10 cents per kilowatt-hour in the future, Guodian's annual income will still be hundreds of billions of yuan a year just relying on such a nuclear power plant. Although the original electricity price was relatively high and the income was higher, it could not withstand the loss of electricity and production costs, and the profit would be much less than that of a fusion nuclear power plant.

More importantly, the power supply from fusion nuclear power plants will ensure that there is no shortage of electricity and the price of electricity will be reduced, which will greatly promote the development of industry and commerce.

Although China has continued to build hydropower stations and nuclear power plants over the years, and has continued to encourage the improvement of solar power generation and tidal power generation, with the rapid development of the entire society, the amount of electricity is actually becoming increasingly insufficient, and some rural areas will experience power outages from time to time to supply cities.

Power cuts appear in the media from time to time.

Once Fujian Province takes the lead in completing the construction of fusion nuclear power plants, the energy constraints of the entire society will be lifted, and the manufacturing costs of enterprises will be greatly reduced.

Don't look at the reduction of industrial electricity consumption from 0.5 to 0.7 yuan to 0.1 yuan. The reduction is not large, but it cannot withstand the large volume, and this is a unified price without various superpositions. The province's electricity bills are saved by hundreds of billions of yuan a year.

It can be said that in the entire Fujian Province, the changes in the Shuixian Nuclear Power Plant can be most intuitively felt. In addition to Yunxiao, which is near the water, it can be said that the entire Golden Triangle of southern Fujian will feel it starting next year.

The Southern Fujian Golden Triangle has been constantly mentioned in articles by economists and others after the GDPs of Narcissus, Ludao and Licheng exceeded one trillion. It has become the most important sector of the Fujian economy. The industry here has completed its transformation. Transformation of mid- to high-end industries.

New energy batteries, new energy vehicles, ports, shipbuilding, graphene industry, artificial intelligence and other supporting industries have made the economic growth of the Southern Fujian Golden Triangle more than 10%. The integration of the three cities is constantly moving closer. Once the integration is completed, it will It will be another very meaningful urban agglomeration.

The power generated by fusion nuclear power plants can be said to be a blessing from heaven for those manufacturing owners in the Golden Triangle of southern Fujian.

Especially for large power-consuming industries such as the shipbuilding industry, automobile manufacturing industry, and semiconductor industry, production costs have dropped at an almost visible rate.

In the current global economic downturn, fusion nuclear power plants are simply a shot in the arm and a booster for Fujian's manufacturing industry.

On the surface, the decline in energy costs only makes electricity costs lower for factory owners and entrepreneurs, but in fact it changes the future of the entire city and even everyone in this urban agglomeration.

Only when production costs fall and companies have money can they have the confidence to update production technology and the capital to develop automation, electrification and intelligence. As the cost of electricity becomes cheaper, industrial institutions in the entire city and even the province will become more competitive.

It can be said that the Narcissus Nuclear Power Plant will enable Fujian Province to take the lead in competition across the country and the world. It will have at least three years of advantages over other provinces. Even if it is only three years, huge changes can occur in three years.

After Qin Yuanqing left Shuixian Nuclear Power Plant, the other remaining magnetic fluid generator units equipped with the first standard "Golden Crow Device" were successively used to generate electricity. After all, each standard "Golden Crow Device" is equipped with 15 magnetic fluid generator sets, 13 of which are normal. To generate electricity, 2 units are standby.

The daily power generated by 13 magnetic fluid generator units is enough to meet the total electricity consumption of Narcissus City for a day.

With the success of power generation, Qin Yuanqing approved the documents that could be released to the outside world. During the news at 7 o'clock that evening, an edited and processed news video was officially played. It was only three minutes long and there was no special report.

But the three-minute seven o'clock news was already sensational enough. No one thought that the time it took for China to master controllable nuclear fusion and then use it for commercial power generation was so short. Normally, if a technology is mastered, For commercial applications, the calculation is based on ten years.

But now, as if in an instant, China has applied it.

"As expected, he is the infrastructure madman. He is still wearing the title of infrastructure madman of China. He has not taken it off. I am so excited. I am so excited!"


"Who said that even if a nuclear fusion power plant is built, electricity prices will not drop in a short period of time, because the construction cost of a nuclear fusion power plant is very high and it will take a long time to recover the cost~~ Such nonsense, I I actually believe it, you think I’m stupid or not!”

"Old fellows, buy the stocks of companies in the Golden Triangle of Fujian Province and wait for them to take off!"

"Old fellows, I am going to do business in the Golden Triangle of Fujian Province. There will be gold everywhere. When I get rich, I will take you to take off."

"Don't forget each other even if you are rich or noble!"


There is no doubt that when the global economy has just begun to emerge from the trough and enter the recovery period, the operation of the fusion reactor of the Narcissus Nuclear Power Plant to generate electricity has given China Industry a booster and a tranquilizer.

In recent years, with the rapid development of China's economy, labor costs have also been rising rapidly. The rise in labor costs has made the profit margins of enterprises smaller and smaller, and many companies have even had to move to the central and western regions where labor costs are lower. The place.

This is because in the past few years, only China has been able to liberalize production. Otherwise, many companies would be migrating to Southeast Asia.

This kind of consideration is not limited to international capital. Domestic capital is also making the same consideration.

After all, compared with the labor costs in China, the labor costs in Southeast Asia are only one-third, which has a huge advantage.

Capital, on the other hand, is all about profit.

It can be seen from the transfer of international industrial chains that areas with high labor costs always move to areas with low labor costs. This principle is a bit like water flowing from high places to low places.

Now, with the practical application of controllable nuclear fusion, factories and companies have seen room for profit. This space is the space for energy. With this profit space, factories and companies can be guaranteed to be profitable for at least ten years.

Another power of this news is that the oil, natural gas and other energy sectors have ushered in a red downward curve, which has obviously been hit hard.

When Qin Yuanqing returned to the capital, he began to prepare a work report. Three days later, he will attend a high-level meeting. On the first day of the meeting, he will report on the power generation situation of the Narcissus nuclear fusion construction, so that superior leaders can have a clearer understanding of the real situation.

Although the Internet is now developed, online videos can be connected to Beijing as soon as possible, and video conferences can be held while sitting in the Beijing office, but there is still a big difference between sitting in the office and reporting in person.

In addition to reporting on the construction and power generation situation, this day's meeting will also formally make arrangements for the construction of the next fusion nuclear power plant. Where to build the fusion nuclear power plant first, a timetable will be given.

There is no doubt that this will be a fierce battle. After all, whichever region launches the fusion nuclear power plant first will be the first to have an advantage. Even if it is only an advantage for one or two years, the benefits it represents are extremely amazing.

Now, the first batch, that is, the pilot projects, are only the Shuixian Nuclear Power Plant and the Long Provincial Nuclear Power Plant. These two are pilot nuclear power plants promoted by Qin Yuanqing. The Shuixian Nuclear Power Plant is located in Shuixian City, Qin Yuanqing's hometown, with a superior geographical location. The construction of the Long Province Nuclear Power Plant is based on the "Jinwu Device" in the previous "Jinwu Project" research and development base. The construction will also officially generate electricity around the Spring Festival. This is equivalent to taking care of Long Province and originally doing the work for the "Jinwu Project" Compensation for sacrifices and contributions.

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