Blessings lie where misfortunes lie, misfortunes lie where blessings depend!

Things always evolve in such a wonderful way. Just when you think it is a bad thing, maybe there will be a good thing behind it. Just when you think it's a good thing, something bad may happen.

This time it looked magical too!

A sudden explosion on the other side of the ocean caused a chain reaction. Various types of ballistic missiles launched by the mechanism developed from the "Mutual Assured Destruction Theory" had to be destroyed. This affected the strategy. This is a bad thing. After all, everyone does not love peace and development. , It’s great to make a small amount of money safely. The result is early de-missileization and denuclearization, and bad things turn into good things.

But because some warheads exploded and destroyed some areas, the environment in these areas was harsh. The biochemical laboratories that originally existed in these areas lost maintenance, and the virus escaped from the laboratory. In the harsh environment, a virus mutated and evolved into The most terrifying virus in history has caused all animals and humans to be infected by the virus. Some of the infected animals have genetic mutations and turned into powerful monsters. Humans not only face the threat of the virus but also the threat of monsters. . However, the emergence of this virus is another opportunity for human beings to break the genetic lock and break the ceiling placed on their heads. This is another opportunity for the evolution of human life, which is a great thing.

In fact, half of the biological laboratories are researchers over 60 years old. It stands to reason that except for a small number of them who can obtain the 'delayed aging' genetic medicine to extend their academic research careers, most of them will enter the retirement stage. But because they were in a laboratory, and the laboratory had sterile infections, they survived. Then they found a way to break the virus. Once infected, they were quickly relieved, and antibodies to the virus were produced in their bodies, achieving rapid changes in physical fitness. As a result, the effects were even better than the 'delayed aging' genetic medicine.

This group of biologists is extremely valuable to China, including the current research on the virus named ‘R’ and its antibodies, research on monster corpses, etc. are all being carried out in this laboratory.

The 'life-extending' genetic medicine is the latest result of laboratory research on monster corpses. The original life-span theory stated that life-span consists of two parts: body and soul. Now that the human body has evolved, the soul is also getting stronger, and the life-span limit is natural. It should also be extended, and they studied the corpses of monsters and researched a genetic medicine so that everyone's life span can reach the theoretical life span as much as possible, prolong youth as much as possible, and delay aging to 140 years old.

Vaccines including the R virus are also the result of laboratory research. Human newborns will be vaccinated with this vaccine as soon as they are born, making it easier for the next generation of humans to break the genetic lock.

"Yan Ning, you have to take the lead, go to the martial arts gym to practice boxing, and enhance your personal strength. Otherwise, it won't work if you encounter a monster!" Qin Yuanqing said.

With the substantial increase in human body quality, the once dying Chinese martial arts have taken on a different kind of vitality. Various martial arts gyms have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, including Tai Chi martial arts gym, Bajiquan martial arts gym, Xingyiquan martial arts gym, and Hongquan martial arts gym. Martial arts schools, Wing Chun martial arts schools, etc., it seems that Chinese martial arts has ushered in a new golden age in an instant.

Now facing the huge threat from monsters, the government has an encouraging attitude towards martial arts schools, and has even issued policies and provided financial support. The status of martial artists has also been greatly improved.

Researchers in the laboratory are generally weak. Even now, they can still be said to be the weakest group. There is no doubt that this is not good.

Strengthening one's own strength will not only protect oneself when facing monsters, but also ensure that one has more energy to devote to research.

Yan Ning and other scientists are not required to be able to defeat those more powerful monsters. At least they can still easily eliminate rats, cockroaches, flies and the like when they encounter them.

"Got it!" Yan Ning said.

After following Qin Yuanqing for more than 20 years, Yan Ning knew Qin Yuanqing very well and knew that Qin Yuanqing was for their own good.

Qin Yuanqing entered his office and called up the genetic maps of various monsters from the computer. Now he has completed the genetic maps of three monsters, namely ants, cockroaches, and mice. He was able to draw the genetic maps of these three monsters in such a short time. It's very fast. Next, biologists will draw more genetic maps of monsters.

Comparing their previous genetic maps, Qin Yuanqing could easily see that a large section of the genetic map was the same before and after, but the genetic map near the gene lock began to change, and these changed genes showed the external appearance. The change.

After a long time, Qin Yuanqing tapped his fingers on the table, looking thoughtful.

It stands to reason that whether it is a monster or a human body, the evolution of this kind of life level requires a lot of energy. This can be seen from the fact that the 'delayed aging' genetic medicine needs to be carried out in the life cabin, and the cells are reactivated. It requires absorbing a large amount of energy. If such a large amount of energy is not absorbed, it will lead to the death of the individual.

But now, whether it is a monster or a human, the evolution of life levels is not in the life cabin. Qin Yuanqing couldn't help but think about the powerful soul and the power of the soul that he could release when he transformed last time. Qin Yuanqing couldn't help but guess that there is an energy in the body of life that is just locked up by genes. The gene locks are loose. These Does energy overflow provide the energy needed for the evolution of life levels?

Or is it that the earth has undergone some kind of change in recent years, adding a kind of energy that was not available before, which can be easily absorbed by life and satisfy the evolution of life?

All this is currently unknown, and there is still a lack of evidence!

After leaving the laboratory and returning home, Jingtian was doing Tai Chi in a precise manner. This was taught to her by Qin Yuanqing. The best boxer in the world was none other than Qin Yuanqing himself.

Qin Zheng and Qin Shiman left the earth again, one went to the space station and the other went to the moon base. They will take on corresponding roles, including injecting astronauts and engineers with R virus vaccines to complete the missions on the space station and the moon base. The life evolution of astronauts and engineers on the moon base.

"Back!" Jingtian stopped.

"Yeah!" Qin Yuanqing nodded, "I'm going to Chang'an tomorrow. If I can't come back, don't be sad."

Originally, Qin Yuanqing didn't plan to tell Jingtian, but later he thought about it, it was not good for a husband and wife to hide their feelings from her, so he still had to tell her.

Jingtian's expression changed: "Chang'an is dangerous?"

Jingtian had not heard that any powerful monster appeared in Chang'an, but listening to Qin Yuanqing's words, it was very dangerous.

"I'm going to explore Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum. There are many unknowns there." Qin Yuanqing hugged his wife's delicate body and said softly.

The system provided him with 10 relics of extraterrestrial civilizations on Earth, including one in Australia, one in North America, one in South America, one in Europe, one in Africa, one in the Middle East, one in the subcontinent, one in Antarctica, and one in China. There are two in the territory.

There are two relics of extraterrestrial civilizations in China, one is located in the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang in Chang'an, and the other is located in Kunlun Mountain.

The first goal of the Qin, Yuan and Qing Dynasties was the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin. The Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin was very mysterious and was discovered in 1974. The Terracotta Warriors and Horses that subsequently shocked the world shocked the whole world in a short period of time and were hailed as a miracle of the world. At first, archaeologists thought about excavating Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum, but in the end they found that it was too difficult. The protection of cultural relics was only one aspect, and the other was that there were unknown dangerous creatures and various unknown dangers in Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum. The blood queen had to give up.

Jingtian didn't want Qin Yuanqing to take risks, but he knew that since Qin Yuanqing had made up his mind, there was nothing he could do to stop him. She could only tell him gently in his ear that she was pregnant with her third child, and she had to return safely even for the sake of her unborn child.

When Qin Yuanqing heard this, he was greatly surprised. He didn't expect that this hard work would actually bear fruit and gain fruit again.

Qin Yuanqing's soul power radiated out, and he really felt that a new life was gestating in Jingtian's belly.

At this moment, Qin Yuanqing became even more determined. Even for the sake of his own children, he must destroy the monsters and lead the Chinese nation to the stars. He must become strong so that his children will not become the objects of pity for others.

People have always been full of beautiful fantasies about extraterrestrial civilizations. They believe that extraterrestrial civilizations are technologically advanced and peace-loving. They will develop with the earth and are eager to make contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. Various probes were launched for this purpose, with various languages ​​​​about the earth. In fact, I don’t know that this kind of behavior is very dangerous, because the universe is a naked dark forest law, the strong is respected, it is extremely cruel and bloody, if it is discovered, then the earth will be easily sold, and humans on earth They will all become slaves, not even slaves, but experimental subjects and breeding farms. Human beings are not superior beings, but just meat for alien civilizations.

Qin Yuanqing himself was wary of alien civilizations. He knew that if an alien civilization arrived in the solar system, there would be no doubt that China would not even be able to resist it. Facing an alien civilization that could travel between star systems, civilization would The level is a whole level higher than the current level of China's civilization. This level may not seem big, but in fact there is a huge gap in power, just like the current China fighting humans 10,000 years ago. This is a dimensionality reduction blow. .

After accompanying his wife for a day, Qin Yuanqing took a space plane to Chang'an early the next morning. Now because of the bird monsters, it is unsafe to fly. Only taking an aerospace plane is the safest.

Taking the aerospace plane, it took less than half an hour to reach the sky above Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum in Chang'an City from the capital. The aerospace plane directly used anti-gravity engines to take off and land vertically. After Qin Yuanqing got off the aerospace plane, the aerospace plane took off and left.

Through artificial intelligence, Qin Yuanqing reviewed the detection data of Qin Shi Huang's Mausoleum. Although the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang was not excavated, the country's detection of Qin Shi Huang's Mausoleum has never stopped, using various technologies for detection. Basically, Qin Shi Huang's Mausoleum The outlines are available.

After pondering for a long time, he kept analyzing Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum in his mind. Then Qin Yuanqing held a sword in his hand and moved forward according to his analysis. When encountering obstacles, Qin Yuanqing used his sword to dig. This sword was extremely sharp and very hard, let alone Both earth and steel will be cut off by it.


Along the way, he cut through thorns and thorns and killed countless pythons. This kind of python is different from the pythons seen normally. There is no genetic mutation, but it is equivalent to a beast-level monster. It can be imagined that once they mutate, they will How powerful they should have been, but it was a pity that they were all killed by Qin Yuanqing.

Finally, he arrived in front of a huge stone door. The stone door was very thick and very big. Qin Yuanqing directly pushed the stone door open with his own body power.

After the stone door was opened, a very large underground palace appeared. The underground palace was made of thick stones. In the middle of the underground palace, there was an oval-shaped spaceship. This oval-shaped spaceship was very large, larger than 500 tons. The first-class aerospace plane is even bigger, and its appearance is full of the beauty of lines, giving it a proper sci-fi feel.

In the center of the underground palace, there is a fist-sized luminous pearl, emitting a soft light. It wasn't very bright, but it was enough for Qin Yuanqing to see the alien spacecraft clearly.

"Judging from the materials of this spacecraft, its cosmic civilization level should have reached level 2, which is much more advanced than the aerospace plane, but not to a very exaggerated level. According to this material, the speed of the spacecraft should be able to reach 1,000 There is no problem with Mach." Qin Yuanqing checked the appearance and layout, and soon came up with a rough estimate in his mind.

Mach 1000 is equivalent to 340.3 kilometers/second. At this speed, it only takes 1116.7 seconds to travel from the earth to the moon, which is 18.6 minutes. The current maximum speed of China's aerospace aircraft is Mach 15, and it can only do so for a very short time. A slightly longer time will cause irreversible speed to the aerospace aircraft. The gap between this can be imagined.

We can also see from this the gap between the first-level cosmic civilization and the second-level cosmic civilization. The speed of this spacecraft can reach Mach 1000. For example, the diameter of the solar system is 30.10AU, which is 30.10 astronomical units. 1AU is the average distance from the earth to the sun, which is about 150 million kilometers, which means that the diameter of the solar system is about 45.15 kilometers. At a spacecraft speed of Mach 1,000, it only takes 153 days to fly from the easternmost point of the solar system to the westernmost point of the solar system.

Qin Yuanqing judged that the civilization level of this spaceship was the second-level civilization of the universe. This was also based on this judgment. If it were a third-level civilization, the speed of the spacecraft would definitely be faster if it wanted to travel between stars.

Judging from this spacecraft, although the technology is much ahead of the earth, it is not impossible to catch up, and the gap is not desperate.

Looking at the spacecraft again, Qin Yuanqing discovered that the engine used electric propulsion technology, but it was damaged at this time. Qin Yuanqing checked it. It was also a plasma engine, but it would be much more advanced. The layout, air flow, and materials were all improved. It is much higher than China's plasma engine.

Qin Yuanqing is an expert in this area. Qin Yuanqing is already assessing whether the damaged parts of the spacecraft's appearance and engine can be repaired.

After some evaluation, Qin Yuanqing was confident that it would take seven or eight years to repair these damaged areas.

After checking the appearance, Qin Yuanqing began to arrive at the hatch. The hatch was similar to that of an aerospace plane. It was also ultra-high-precision, but the ultra-precision of this spacecraft was obviously one or even two generations ahead.

At least Huaxia's ultra-high precision processing is far from being able to produce such a product, even if it is a laboratory product.

Qin Yuanqing thought for a long time, kept typing in a special place, and tried more than a hundred times, and finally the hatch opened automatically.

"Didi didi~~~"

Qin Yuanqing walked into the spacecraft, but the alarm sounded, and the voice of artificial intelligence kept ringing. It seems that the voice of artificial intelligence is an alien language, which is very different from the language of the earth, and Qin Yuanqing does not understand it at all.

But as long as it is artificial intelligence, it is fine. In the final analysis, it is a program. Qin Yuanqing groped in secret and finally figured out what the programs meant. Qin Yuanqing mobilized these programs and input a series of similar program languages, and then imported the 'Nuwa Artificial Intelligence ' to connect them.

"Nuwa, check the condition of the spaceship!" Qin Yuanqing saw that the 'Nuwa Artificial Intelligence' had established contact with the artificial intelligence of the spacecraft and was already in control. Qin Yuanqing began to ask the Nuwa Artificial Intelligence to check the condition of the spacecraft.

Although the spacecraft's artificial intelligence is higher than the 'Nuwa's artificial intelligence', it stands to reason that high-level artificial intelligence will crush low-level artificial intelligence, but Qin Yuanqing gave the Nuwa's artificial intelligence the dominance through the program level.

"The inspection procedure has been started. The inspection time will take one hour!" Nuwa's voice sounded, and then the inspection progress bar and the inspection parts appeared on the screen of the spacecraft.

Qin Yuanqing also began to explore the interior of the spacecraft at this time. In addition to the cockpit, there was an oval hall and several small rooms.

In the oval hall, Qin Yuanqing found several skeletons, which were very different from humans. They seemed to be aliens. Unfortunately, he didn't know how long they had been dead, and only the skeletons were left.

Arriving on a half-foot high platform in the center of the oval hall, I scanned the surroundings. The outer metal of the spacecraft was opaque, but now the entire hall was as bright as day.

Unfortunately, it can be seen that the spacecraft did not know what it hit, so in addition to the impact damage on the outside, there were also many damaged places inside.

Qin Yuanqing frowned slightly. He thought of a question, how could this spaceship be in Qin Shihuang's mausoleum? Could it be that Qin Shihuang discovered this spaceship and then chose this place as the location of his imperial mausoleum? Or is it that the aliens were still alive and helped Qin Shihuang unify the six countries, and then the condition was to build a mausoleum?

Everything seemed to be shrouded in fog. After such a long time, Qin Yuanqing didn't know what happened or what story happened.

Every room was searched and some items were moved to the hall. Many of them had corroded over the years, but some were still left.

For example, seven sets of armor, seven weapons, and a box made of special materials.

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