Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 728 Coexistence and the Grinding Stone

The lunar base is constantly expanding in scale, its ability to refine helium 3 is constantly improving, and the various materials and resources produced at the lunar base are also increasing.

Titanium, titanium alloys, graphene, hydrogen, and iron are continuously produced from the lunar base, made into finished products or structures, and transported to the earth through aerospace aircraft. With the strong production capacity, Chinese people feel that life is not too big. Variety.

The lunar natural glass is widely used in various fields.

With the addition of the 'Bell Ranch' spacecraft, the 'Konak' spacecraft, and the 'Midi' spacecraft to the Space Force, the Space Force's transportation capacity has greatly increased, and it has begun to increase and accelerate the construction of Mars bases. After all, these three Each spacecraft has a carrying capacity of 1,000 to 2,000 tons, which far exceeds that of China's aerospace aircraft.

A team of engineers such as geological engineers and meteorological engineers even left the earth and headed for Mars on a spacecraft.

Different from the regular expansion of the lunar base, the planning of the Mars base is decentralized, and the target is not titanium, rare earths, iron, etc., which are abundant in the moon's storage. After all, these lunar storage spacecraft are rich and the mining volume is also large. It is enough to meet China's current needs.

The Mars base is for scientific research in the early stage, to further explore the geological structure, weather, and element discovery of Mars. The small refining site is also used to research, refine, and create weapons and armor from collected meteorites. These are the urgent needs of China at present. It is necessary that the weapons made based on the meteorites mined for the first time are very sharp and can easily break through the bodies of lord-level monsters. This is undoubtedly China's weapon against monsters and a multiplier for warriors.

Qin Yuanqing was walking on the campus of Huaxia Aerospace University, a newly built university. As a brand-new university, Huaxia Aerospace University has the latest buildings, the best facilities, and the most beautiful campus.

Qin Yuanqing is the honorary president of China Aerospace University and China Speed ​​​​Car University. As for Shuimu, he only retains his status as a professor, but he has not set foot on Shuimu campus for several years.

As the only two aerospace science and technology universities in China, Huaxia Aerospace University and Beihang University are known as the two cradles of aerospace in China. Nearly a hundred astronauts graduate here every year, and a large number of engineers in the aerospace field are trained here.

In disciplines such as space topology and space geometry, Huaxia Aerospace University is the most top-notch, and adhering to Qin Yuanqing's philosophy, Huaxia Aerospace University has always been adhering to the characteristics of a science and engineering university and focusing on the aerospace field. At Huaxia Aerospace University, we pay attention to The aerospace element is the most unique of Huaxia Aerospace University, not only in terms of teaching content and disciplines, but also in the buildings and campus layout. There are oval flying saucer buildings, aerospace plane-shaped buildings, and double rings. There are buildings in the shape of a space station, and there are even regional buildings in the shape of the Big Dipper.

Huaxia Aerospace University recruits not many freshmen every year, 3,000 students a year, and even fewer graduate students, only 1,500. It implements elite education to cultivate elites in the aerospace field. All students who enter Huaxia Aerospace University can get the best educational resources.

Students at China Aerospace University are also different from students at other universities. They have access to a lot of information that is not available outside.

In the training room here, there is a gravity training room. The gravity training room can reduce the gravity to a state of complete weightlessness of 0, and can also be adjusted to a maximum of 20 times the gravity. Students have been receiving special training here every week since their freshman year. class.

Qin Yuanqing basically takes half a day a week to give a lecture at China Aerospace University whenever he has time. His courses are very extensive, including mathematics, physics, and materials. As he talks, Qin Yuanqing will even introduce students to space, the moon, Mars, the solar system and even outer galaxies.

In other universities, there has always been doubt as to whether extraterrestrial civilizations exist, but at China Aerospace University, professors, lecturers, and students all know that extraterrestrial civilizations exist, and there are relics of extraterrestrial civilizations on the earth. Civilization is not far away, it is right around you.

As for the food at Huaxia Aerospace University, it is unique in China, because you can eat monster meat here without money, and anyone who can become an astronaut will definitely reach the realm of a warrior during the four years of university.

Even if you are engaged in research or engineering applications, you must insist on exercising and training every day. Since that catastrophe, having a strong body has become the consensus of the Chinese nation. Without a strong body, when a crisis comes, no matter whether you are a man with huge power or a super rich man with unparalleled wealth, you will only die.

Qin Yuanqing is happy to see the results. In the fierce social changes, many still need external forces to promote internal changes. Otherwise, people are inert. And after everyone experienced that catastrophe, there were monsters. In the coming survival crisis, everyone wants to become stronger, whether actively or passively. Even if a large number of people cannot become warriors due to limited talents, their bodies are still far stronger than before.

Constant self-improvement is always buried in the blood of the Chinese nation and in the soul of every Chinese person.

It was also a great flood. Noah's Ark was built in other places. A few people boarded Noah's Ark and most of them survived. However, in China, Dayu directly controlled the floods. Everyone united with Dayu to create mountains when encountering mountains. , kill the monsters and monsters when they encounter them, and finally lead the water into the sea. People in other places are slaves of gods. They tremble in front of gods and dare not go against the will of gods. However, in China, gods are granted by humans. King Wu granted the living to eight hundred princes, and Jiang Taigong granted the dead to three hundred six. Fifteen righteous gods. Facing the drought, the front leg still prepared generous sacrifices to pray to the Dragon King for rain. When the hind leg saw that it didn't rain, he dragged out the Dragon God statue and killed the dragon directly.

Under the great changes of the times, China's spirit of continuous self-improvement plays an important role. No one wants to escape, but to overcome difficulties. Even when faced with monsters, no one flinched.

Qin Yuanqing was walking when he suddenly stopped and saw a square not far away. A middle-aged professor was leading dozens of students to make rockets by hand, analyze the rocket manufacturing process and the principles involved, and then launch the rocket on site. Although it is not big, it completely simulates previous rocket launches.

Qin Yuanqing did not come forward to participate. He just smiled and continued walking. Although aerospace planes are now the mainstream of aerospace, it does not mean that rockets have withdrawn from the stage of history. On the contrary, rockets are still widely used in private aerospace companies, and private aerospace companies are still Rockets are used to launch satellites, and rockets can be used to launch ten or hundreds of satellites. Rockets are also used to launch space shuttles, because private aerospace companies do not have such a strong technical foundation and cannot master aerospace aircraft manufacturing technology.

After leaving China Aerospace University, Qin Yuanqing did not return to the capital, but went to Europe and came to a place in the Mediterranean. This is a plain, a once prosperous place, and the Olympic monuments are still there. From this, we can see the long history of ancient Greece. and splendid ancient civilization.

Qin Yuanqing entered the ruins of the Temple of Zeus and kept searching. Finally, it took him three days to enter the ruins of an alien civilization. It was different from the spaceships he had seen before. This spaceship was long in shape. With both wings open, the length of the spacecraft is about 150 meters, the width of the spacecraft is 20 meters, and the width of the two wings is 40 meters each.

"Looking at this spaceship, it is estimated that the civilization level is about the same as that of the Konak civilization, and not as good as the Bell Ranch civilization and the Mede civilization!" Qin Yuanqing was slightly disappointed. He also thought that this alien civilization might be able to give him something. Surprisingly, the results are similar to those of alien civilizations in the subcontinent.

What made Qin Yuanqing even more disappointed was that although the spacecraft looked good overall, many places were damaged, eroded by time, and the steel was rusty.

Entering the spacecraft, the interior was in a mess. It was not known whether the spacecraft was hit by a meteorite or attacked by high-energy weapons.

"Broken system, you are playing with me~~" Qin Yuanqing was speechless. This spaceship was seriously damaged. Even the energy hub was destroyed. It could not be used at all and had no repair value. And more importantly, inside the spacecraft, There are no valuable items. In the ruins of other alien civilizations, there are at least armors and weapons, but there is nothing here.

After confirming that the spacecraft contained nothing of value, Qin Yuanqing left and headed for Africa. Within ten minutes, Qin Yuanqing crossed the Mediterranean and arrived at the Giza Pyramids on the Giza Plateau outside Cairo.

They are the Pyramid of Khufu, the Pyramid of Khafre and the Pyramid of Menkaure!

Qin Yuanqing saw the famous Sphinx under the pyramid!

There have always been various speculations about the Egyptian pyramids, such as 'built by ancient aliens', 'energy receiving tower', 'dividing the circumference by twice the height to get pi' and so on.

Of course, some experts claim that this was a Western forgery in the 19th century.

In fact, these speculations are wrong except that these pyramids were made by aliens. It is not an energy receiving tower, but a cemetery, a cemetery for aliens.

Qin Yuanqing came to the middle of the pyramid, and then entered 100 meters underground, entering an underground palace. There was a spaceship in the underground palace. This spaceship was also relatively shabby, and the damage was still on top of the Greek spaceship. Fortunately, Qin Yuanqing obtained ten sets of Black God suits and ten weapons in the spaceship, which was considered a gain.

"It's a pity that after the spacecraft was damaged, these aliens could not be repaired and could no longer leave the earth, and eventually died of old age on the earth!" Qin Yuanqing secretly lamented that this alien civilization relic is the only one where the system has more data.

Qin Yuanqing flew directly into the sky, arrived in South America, and came to the Andes Mountains. According to the alien civilization relics provided by the system, Qin Yuanqing found a huge cave. There was a spaceship parked in the cave. Just because of the humid environment, this aircraft The spaceship is covered in rust.

However, when Qin Yuanqing opened the door of the spacecraft, he found that the interior of the spacecraft was still quite complete and there was no damage. He checked the energy hub and found that it was still intact. Qin Yuanqing took some helium 3 and added it to activate the energy hub. The lights came on.

The artificial intelligence system started automatically, but Qin Yuanqing couldn't understand half of the language. He could only check the artificial intelligence program to understand the program structure, and then grafted the 'Nuwa's' artificial intelligence into it.

"I don't want the appearance to be rusty, but the spaceship is in good condition and can automatically remove rust!" Qin Yuanqing was quite surprised. He originally thought that the spacecraft had become like this and could no longer be used, but it turned out that it was still intact. spaceship.

After the spacecraft was automatically derusted, when Qin Yuanqing went outside to look, he found that all the rust on the surface of the spacecraft had disappeared and turned into a silvery white color, full of science fiction colors. The overall appearance of the spacecraft was very beautiful.

Appearance equals fighting power!

This spaceship completely explains this sentence!

"This Inca civilization is indeed unique. The artificial intelligence is average, but the mechanical processing is no weaker than that of Bell Ranch!" Qin Yuanqing quickly had a general understanding of the Inca civilization.

The artificial intelligence of this 'Inca' spacecraft is not even as good as the 'Nuwa's' artificial intelligence, but its mechanical processing is commendable. At the same time, the cruising speed of this 'Inca' spacecraft reaches Mach 1,000.

Controlling the anti-gravity of the 'Inca' spacecraft, the spacecraft was one meter above the ground, and then slowly flew out of the cave. After leaving the cave, the spacecraft rose rapidly, and then headed towards China like a bolt of lightning.

"This Inca civilization is interesting. It has developed for a hundred thousand years and has become a secondary civilization in the universe!" Qin Yuanqing pondered for a moment, and learned about the Inca civilization through artificial intelligence Qin Yuanqing. Qin Yuanqing couldn't help but show interest in this civilization.

In one hundred thousand years, it will develop into the second level civilization in the universe!

It seems very slow, but in fact it is not slow. It is already quite rapid, because the development of civilization is very difficult. First, there must be an industrial revolution, and then after experiencing industrial revolutions again and again, it is possible to reach the first level civilization of the universe. This The process requires luck, because if there is not enough luck, an industrial revolution will stall for a hundred, two hundred or even a thousand years.

It is very difficult to reach the second level civilization of the universe. It requires great luck. Without great luck, it is impossible for you to reach the second level civilization of the universe.

Therefore, it is not easy to reach the second level civilization of the universe in just one hundred thousand years.

Unlike Bell Ranch, there are not many planet-level experts in the Inca civilization, only ten. Of course, this is on the surface. As for whether there are any secretly, no one knows.

Like the Median spacecraft, the Inca spacecraft also exceeded the scope of exploration and was lost in the universe. It flew for three hundred years to reach the earth and landed on the earth. Unfortunately, at that time, the productivity of the earth's people was low, and there was no industry at all, so there was no The fuel for the spaceship, and the life of the people in the spaceship was not long, so they stayed on the earth, and that cave was specially opened to place the spaceship.

Return to a space force base in Beijing and hand over the Inca spacecraft to the space force. With Qin Yuanqing's authorization, the space force will be refueled by the Inca spacecraft and undergo the most comprehensive inspection.

As for Qin Yuanqing, he took twenty pieces of Black God suits and weapons to Chang'an Street and delivered them to the leaders. These Black God suits and weapons were very precious. They were not given to the Chinese martial arts school, but were under the personal control of the dean. Someone bought them. , approval will be given after review.

"Academician Qin, you have found another alien civilization relic. It seems that our earth still has many alien civilization relics." The dean said happily.

"Luck, luck!" Qin Yuanqing said: "It's a pity that the civilization development level of the alien civilization relics we found is not as good as that of Bell Ranch. It has some flaws!"

Although the Inca spaceship is not bad, to be honest, its role is limited, because China already has the Bell Ranch spaceship, the Konak spaceship and the Midi spaceship, and adding an Inca spaceship is nothing more than He obtained the Black God suit and weapons, as well as a spaceship to use, but as for the development of science and technology, there was no such thing.

Even its spaceship is inferior to the 'Nuwa's' artificial intelligence.

"It's already very good!" He said with a smile. He is now full of confidence in China's future. There are so many spaceships, whether they are used for research or for interstellar navigation, they are of great use and can continue to flow. Transport the resources of the moon and Mars back to the earth and strengthen China.

Although the current population is still not what it used to be, and it is also facing the threat of monsters, China's comprehensive national strength has now reached a higher level. More and more laser cannons and electromagnetic guns are being produced, and more and more robots are being produced and put into society, engaged in low-end production and services, and the overall quality of people has risen to a higher level.

Now he feels that it won't take long to destroy the monster.

"Academician Qin, how long do you think it will take to eliminate the monsters?" He looked solemn when he mentioned this topic.

Warriors are killed every day fighting monsters, and the threat of monsters to China still exists.

Qin Yuanqing looked thoughtful. With the power of China today, if it takes several years of war at all costs, the threat of monsters can still be eliminated. However, it is impossible to completely eliminate the monsters because there are too many monsters. Especially the number of monsters in the sea is unknown.

"It is too difficult to completely eliminate monsters. Even if our strength increases ten times, it will be difficult to eliminate monsters." Qin Yuanqing said slowly, "In fact, it may be that in the end, we and monsters will coexist, just like humans and other animals in the past. It’s normal to coexist, except that we are in an absolute dominant position!”

The dean looked thoughtful. After a while, he had to admit that this was the most likely scenario. Because of the existence of the R virus, animals are infected as soon as they are born. As long as the R virus is not completely eradicated, "Poison, as long as life on the entire earth is not completely wiped out, then the R virus cannot be eliminated."

This means that monsters cannot be truly destroyed at all.

In Qin Yuanqing's positioning, the monsters on the earth will be the whetstone for warriors, allowing warriors to continue to grow. They only need to prevent monsters from appearing that are particularly powerful and can truly destroy everyone.

And when the Chinese civilization really develops to the second level civilization of the universe, the monsters will not be able to endanger the Chinese civilization, because then various weapons will be enough to kill a lot of monsters, even if they wipe out most of the monsters on the land, there will be no problem.

This is why Qin Yuanqing rarely participates in wars with monsters now, because although monsters pose a threat to China, the actual threat is just that, and they cannot bring a real fatal threat to China. With the help of various advanced weapons, China There is no big problem in guarding the border.

Under the threat of monsters, batches of warriors emerged in China. Everyone in China was full of a sense of threat and urgency, and constantly improved their abilities in all aspects. From this aspect, it was still beneficial.

"Now that the Mars base has begun to be constructed, in ten more years, the monsters will not be able to really pose any big threat, and even the first-level beast tide will not cause much trouble." Qin Yuanqing said: "By then we will even There is still room for tens of thousands of people to live in lunar bases and Mars bases!"

"The problem now is that the population is too small!" Qin Yuanqing said: "There must be at least 10 billion people to support the second-level civilization of the universe!"

Population, once upon a time, was a topic that made people frown when it was mentioned. It was not because the population was too small but because it was too large. There were as many as 7 to 8 billion people. As a result, more than 700 million people suffered from hunger and had no food to eat. They starved to death. People are what happens every day. But now population is also a topic that makes people frown when it is mentioned, not because there are too many people but because there are too few.

Even if the birth population exceeds 20 million in the past three years, it will take thirty years to recover to the level before the catastrophe, even if the net population increase is 20 million per year!

To grow to a population of 10 billion is a headache for people to think about, because everyone knows that this is a very difficult thing.

Qin Yuanqing was also quite emotional. A secondary civilization in the universe does not just rely on robots. No matter how powerful the robots or artificial intelligence are, there is still a gap between them and life. What is truly admirable about life is its creativity and intelligence. , these are things that machines and programs cannot achieve.

No matter how smart it is, in the final analysis it is a program, not a life.

This can be seen from the secondary civilizations in the universe such as Bell Ranch.

Ten billion people may seem like a lot, but this is only relative to the earth. However, you must know that the secondary civilizations in the universe are spread throughout the entire star system. They have the resources of the entire star system for their own use, and can even transform planets to suit their needs. It is a planet inhabited by life, so the population of tens of billions is not large at all, but relatively small.

If you leave the solar system and go to the neighboring star system, you will get more resources, and even cross-star system immigration will be no problem.

However, Qin Yuanqing also knew that to have such a large population, apart from taking active population encouragement, he could only wait for time. Time is sometimes so wonderful, and many things can only be solved by time, and there is no way to solve it overnight.

Of course, the transformation of the knowledge system also takes time, which includes cultivating talents for the new era, building an ideological system for the new era, and building the world view, values, and outlook on life for the new era.

After all, China is the only human species left in the world. The situation in the world is that humans and monsters are independent, or China is independent from monsters. On the one hand, it faces the threat of monsters on the earth, and on the other hand, China is advancing in the aerospace field. . This is a brand new world and a brand new situation. The previous world outlook, values, and outlook on life are no longer suitable. The previous ideological system is also falling apart and is being rebuilt.

The reconstruction of the ideological field, or the philosophical field, is more difficult and requires more time than the breakthrough of a certain technology. It is necessary to take the essence and discard the dross, achieve a new breakthrough on the basis of the original Chinese culture, and radiate. New vitality, this is a great test for philosophers.

Qin Yuanqing now has a long life and has plenty of time to wait for China's step-by-step development. He is also full of confidence in China's future, because compared with known alien civilizations, Chinese civilization is particularly excellent and unique.

In the days that followed, Qin Yuanqing went to North America, Australia, the North Pole, and the Antarctic to excavate the remains of alien civilizations, and obtained four spaceships and a large number of Black God suits and weapons. Especially the remains of the alien civilization in Antarctica were a The second-level civilization in the universe, which is more powerful than the Bell Ranch civilization, is at the pinnacle of the second-level civilization in the universe. It is estimated that it is not far from the third-level civilization in the universe. Its artificial intelligence is advanced artificial intelligence, and its spaceship is as advanced as Qin Yuanqing's. The most advanced spacecraft obtained is a special-shaped spacecraft with a diameter of about 100 meters. The entire spacecraft is completely black. It has been in Antarctica for who knows how many years, but the corrosion of the spacecraft's fuselage is very small. On the black spaceship hull, there is also a double-winged dragon pattern printed on it.

Qin Yuanqing was amazed by the appearance and flowing lines of the spacecraft. It not only upgraded the fashion and texture to a higher level, but also reduced the resistance in moving forward. The entire spacecraft has 6 engines, and its flight speed in space reaches Mach 2,000. Full of fuel, it is enough to allow the spacecraft to fly a distance of 0.3 light-years.

It was also in this Antarctic spaceship that Qin Yuanqing obtained 20 Black God suits, 20 weapons, and 5 Wood Bud Crystals.

As for why the Antarctic spaceship came to Earth, Qin Yuan searched through the entire artificial intelligence, but could not find the answer, which was the most puzzling to Qin Yuanqing. Qin Yuanqing is full of admiration for that secondary civilization in the universe, because it has fully utilized the energy of the entire star system and has set its sights on outer star systems to explore more. For example, the star map of the spacecraft is the largest range of star maps he has obtained. , has a map of 100 star systems around it, with maps of each star system, the positions of stars and planets, etc. marked on it.

As for the aliens lying in the dormant cabin of the spaceship, Qin Yuanqing didn't know whether they were alive or dead. Even if they were alive, Qin Yuanqing did not wake them up, but dismembered them because he didn't know how big they were. With great strength, if they were just dormant instead of dead, waking them up would be a disaster for China.

This is also the only spacecraft where Qin Yuanqing encountered alien civilizations among the ten relics of alien civilizations. Of course, aliens are very different from Chinese people. Although they look like humans, they are very burly, like They were like giants and reached 5 meters in height. It was precisely because of their unfamiliarity that Qin Yuanqing did not dare to try to awaken the aliens.

On this day, Qin Yuanqing drove the Antarctic spacecraft into the sky, flew into the atmosphere, and soon left the earth.

"'Nuwa', turn on the exterior simulation!" Qin Yuanqing said.

Because the metal of the spacecraft hull is thick and cannot be seen directly with the naked eye, the spacecraft of the second-level civilization in the universe either uses transparent metal as the window side, or uses exterior simulation technology, which is similar to the three-dimensional projection of the earth, but the effect is better than the three-dimensional projection. Much stronger.


The original consoles, seats, and floor of the entire control room disappeared.

Of course, it doesn't mean that they all really disappear. It's just that in order to enhance the visual effect, their vision is extremely weakened so that people can't see them with the naked eye.

Although I had seen this scene constantly from the Internet and TV as early as 30 years ago, when I actually left the earth in a spaceship and saw it with my own eyes, the shock simply touched my soul.

The blue planet is constantly shrinking!

"It's so beautiful, so shocking!" Qin Yuanqing let the spacecraft stay in the 1,000-kilometer orbit of the earth. Looking at the earth, the shock was so shocking that his soul was throbbing.

Looking at the vast starry sky, looking at the starry sky from space, and looking at the starry sky from the surface of the earth are completely different things.

The vast and deep starry sky always fills people with yearning and fear!

"The original energy of the universe in space is much richer than on the ground!" Qin Yuanqing felt it and clearly felt the existence of the original energy of the universe. He even saw various rays from the universe.

"Sure enough, the universe is the place that life truly yearns for. It is vast and boundless, and there are more truths. Once you enter the universe, a lot of physical knowledge will be overturned. It is not because the physical phenomena are unscientific, but because people's existing physical knowledge system is difficult to Go explain it! On the earth, like a frog at the bottom of a well, how much can you see?" Qin Yuanqing secretly sighed.

Once upon a time, humans swore that dark matter existed, and black holes existed. Black holes would swallow everything, and even light entering a black hole would have difficulty escaping from the black hole. However, in fact, no black hole has ever been found even in the secondary civilizations of the universe. They even went to comets and used small celestial bodies as mines for mining, but they have never proven the existence of black holes. Their speculation about black holes has always existed for thousands or tens of thousands of years.

Qin Yuanqing looked at the mysterious but boundless starry sky in the distance. There was sometimes a planet in the distance, or even some asteroids and some starry sky dust.

"The universe is really vast and infinite. Even if the planetary level is considered powerful on a planet, it is still nothing in the universe." Qin Yuanqing was amazed. Even if the planetary level stepped out of the spacecraft without wearing a spacesuit or other protective measures, In fact, cosmic rays can't kill planetary bodies, so there's nothing they can do about it.

But it does not mean that the planetary level is really powerful. On the contrary, it is just a starting point, just insignificant. For example, in this space, Qin Yuanqing's speed can reach Mach 10, which is very fast. He can fly 12.25 times an hour. kilometers, but the moon is 380,000 kilometers away from the earth. It would take more than three years to go to the moon alone.

But you must know that the planetary level can absorb the original energy of the universe to supplement its own consumption, but the planetary level also has a life limit.

At this time, Qin Yuanqing saw in the distance a huge ice cube flying around gas. This was the comet named on the earth.

Comet is a very strange thing. The earth has begun to record and observe comets very early. After entering the second industrial revolution, humans have used sounding rockets, artificial satellites and spacecraft to detect comets at close range. In the understanding of comets, comets are composed of comet nuclei, coma and comet clouds. The comet nucleus is the most central, essential and important part of the comet. It is generally considered to be a solid, consisting of rocks, iron, dust, ammonia, methane, and ice. The diameter of the comet nucleus is very small, ranging from several kilometers to more than ten kilometers, and the smallest one is only a few hundred meters. The coma is a star-shaped mist composed of gas and dust around the comet nucleus. Its radius can reach hundreds of thousands of kilometers, and its average density is less than one billionth of the density of the Earth's atmosphere. Comet clouds are clouds composed of hydrogen atoms outside the coma, also known as hydrogen clouds, with a diameter of up to 1 million to 10 million kilometers. Of course, not all comets have comet clouds.

"These comets are always mysterious!" Qin Yuanqing looked at the comets and muttered to himself.

Comets are celestial bodies that orbit the sun. Thanks to the continuous development of astronomical observation facilities, more than 3,600 comets have been discovered, and the most famous of them is Halley's Comet.

Because comets are relatively small objects in the solar system, it is not very easy to observe them. Astronomers are curious about comets because there is a view on the origin of life. They believe that comets brought life to the earth, including water, bacteria, etc. It was brought by a comet.

At present, the origin of life on earth is still an unsolved mystery, and there is no way to give a conclusion.

Where does life come from?

This proposition has been puzzling mankind since its birth. Human beings have tried to solve its mystery, put forward various hypotheses, and created various existing explanations. In fact, they are just hypotheses, not facts.

After staying in space for more than an hour, Qin Yuanqing returned the Antarctic spacecraft to Earth and handed it over to the space force again.

It will play a huge role in the space force, especially in the construction of Mars bases and the detection of other planets in the solar system. Although landing on a planet can only bring 100 cosmic coins to Qin Yuanqing, the huge role of the cosmic coins still makes Qin Yuanqing jealous. Now, if Qin Yuanqing can earn 10 Universe Coins, he will not only earn 1 Universe Coin.

Because in the universe, a planet like Mars is sold for not even 100 cosmic coins.

With the Antarctic spacecraft, it will be very convenient for the earth to travel to Mars. Even if it is a distance of 200 million kilometers, it will only take less than 4 days. This does not matter whether it is transporting equipment to Mars or transporting supplies from Mars. It is very convenient to return to the moon base or the earth.

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