Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 148 The Brave of Flame

"How could you fall like this? We still have to protect the earth together. Did you hear that? In the future, stand up!"

But the miracle didn't seem to happen. Mebius was still lying there, like a huge lifelike statue.

Star Renfret strode forward and kicked Mebius over, and the prismatic colored timer suddenly went out without a trace of light. He became proud again, raised the Phoenix in front of him and smiled.

"In this case, you guys are useless. I will take your lives at any time."

Although they said they were going to let them go, the Revelite dropped it casually. The Phoenix, which had lost its power, fell to the ground before it could even be controlled. Fires soaring into the sky accompanied by black smoke rose up.

In the cockpit under the fire, Marina was stuck in place and said to Sadaharu who was trying to rescue her: "Leave me alone, go and save the future!"

Mirai, who was almost unconscious, only felt that his body was falling continuously in the darkness, and his five senses gradually disappeared. The calls in my ears and the explosions of missiles gradually weakened and disappeared.

"Am I... going to die? It's like Brother Leo said, I'm not a qualified Ultra Warrior..."

When there is no perception of anything around you, it seems like there is only nothingness left in the whole world. It is extremely empty, and the feeling of being alive is constantly fading.

"It's such a pity that I will never see you guys again. Senior Guying will continue to protect the earth."

"Future, have you forgotten what I said? Fight with all your strength in order to smile and meet your friends again. Your friends are in danger, are you going to give up on them like this?"

A sound that was so weak that it was almost inaudible sounded in his consciousness, but it was like a thunderous explosion, making the gradually drowsy Future suddenly regain his consciousness.

Ryu, Sadaharu and the others were still fighting, how could I... just fall down like this? Seniors will definitely be disappointed in me for being so cowardly.

A blazing energy burst out from the body, and the extinguished colored timer and eyes lit up again. The surrounding air was gradually distorted, and blazing flames adhered to the body surface, forming a flame symbol on the chest.

Mebius - the Hero of Fire!

The Revelite alien who had just turned around to leave immediately noticed the huge energy fluctuations behind him. He turned around in a hurry, only to see the approaching spinning kick.

Caught off guard, the Refleite star was instantly hit by a drill-like flying kick that penetrated his body. He staggered and fell to the ground. All the energy in his body exploded at this moment.

Membius didn't care about anything else and returned to his normal form with his hands together. A stream of water suppressed most of the raging fire. Sadaharu and Mariina finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Maki Shuo let out a long breath, and his heart that had been hanging was relieved. As expected, the Flame Brave was the potential contained in Mebius himself. Although it was much later, it was finally stimulated.

Feng Yuan also looked back and sighed: "Sure enough, although he is young, the potential in his body is not low. In that posture, he already has power close to ours."

Zhen Mu Shuo nodded slightly and said, "You still have to go see him. I won't be with you. There will always be a chance to see him again."

Feng Yuan nodded without holding back. Watching Maki Shuo's back disappear into the jungle, he also turned around and turned into light particles and flew towards the position where Mebius released his transformation.

Zhen Mu Shuo also turned into light particles, and a ray of light streaked across the sky, landed on the stage outside the Phoenix Nest, and walked towards the combat command room. Masui Shingo was sitting in the command room grinding coffee beans, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Maki Shuu.

"Welcome back."

Zhen Mu Shuo nodded and said: "The next ones will probably be the Four Dark Kings, and even the Ampera people may come to the earth in the end."

Shingo Shimizu's face also became heavy, and with the gleam of light from Zufi, he could vaguely detect the words of the Ampera star. The title of the Great Emperor of the Dark Universe alone is enough to prove the opponent's strength.

"Shuo, do you know the news about the Ampera people?"

Maki Shuo recalled the deeds of the Ampera people, knocked on the table and thought for a moment before replying: "That is a terrifying enemy that once invaded the Kingdom of Light, and even injured the father of Ultra and has not been able to recover to this day."

Qishui's face turned even uglier. The earth protected by only one Ultra Warrior could still survive to this day surrounded by many powerful enemies, which was enough to illustrate the power of the Ultra Warriors.

But the Ampera people were able to invade the hometown of the Ultra warriors, and even seriously injured the father of Ultra. Such power was completely different from the enemies that had appeared so far.

Thinking of the father of Ultra whom he had seen in the Kingdom of Light, and the overwhelming energy aura, Maki Shuo subconsciously felt a little frightened.

Unless it was the kind of idealistic outburst when facing the Five Emperors before, Maki Shuo couldn't think of any way to fight the Ampera Stars head-on. For most creatures in the universe, being able to escape from a strong person of this level is something worth bragging about.

Recalling the time when he faced the Five Emperors, he frowned slightly, and suddenly thought that he might be able to get Ultraman from other worlds to help. But after thinking about it for a moment, I think it’s unreliable. They all have their own worlds that need to be protected.

The two enemies of Ampera and Gatanje almost made him think hard and couldn't think of how to defeat him. It was obviously unrealistic to combine Tyro with Super Taro. Ampera and Dark Armor were by no means an enemy that could be defeated in a short time. .

But Super Tyro is different. Super Tyro consumes a lot of energy on the Ultra Brothers. Not to mention losing the Ultra Brothers on the battlefield, the low-end combat power of the Kingdom of Light will probably suffer heavy losses.

The final bosses in these two TV shows were like two mountains pressing on him, making him unable to breathe. Even though he was completely different from when he first traveled through time, he was still powerless.

Qishui patted him on the shoulder and said softly: "Don't put too much pressure, there will definitely be hope. If you can't resist in the end, you and the future can leave and go to the Kingdom of Light."

Maki Shuo shook his head and did not answer. Faced with the reset light of Giga Endora, he did not abandon the earth and run for his life. He was asked to run away to save his own life, which he could not do.

However, everything gradually got better. Mebius still gained a new form, and his somewhat soft character became stronger under Leo's guidance.

Even he had to sigh at the power generated by that bond. Mebius, who had clearly exhausted his energy, spontaneously surged with no source of energy at that moment.

Just when he was still deep in thought, the door of the combat command room opened, and a hand silently patted his shoulder. Maki Shuo subconsciously wanted to knock him to the ground, but he stopped and turned his head. The smiling face of the future appeared in front of me.


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