Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 150 A Difficult Future

"No, light is never judged by strength." Although Gai Ying did not have the upper hand, he managed to maintain an evenly matched situation with his rich experience and skillful skills.

Hikali on the side has already gained the upper hand in the battle, and it is difficult for the Babar Stars to cause harm to him who is wearing the armor of a brave man.

Gai Ying didn't care to pay attention to Hikari. He turned his body backwards and his forehead crystal flashed, and the red lines took up most of it, giving him a strong sense of power.

Som said with some surprise: "It's Herao's power. I didn't expect that the fighting body he left behind would give you light. This gesture reminds me of Tiga..."

Before he finished speaking, Gai Ying rushed forward and punched him, and Somu also punched him without fear. The red and dark red fists collided, and the energy ripples spread out several times in size.

Buildings and streets shattered in the areas affected by the red ripples, causing huge explosions. Gai Ying had put all his strength into this punch, but Somu retracted his fist lightly, but Gai Ying only felt pain in his right hand as if it was about to split.

The strength used by both sides is not much different, but the physical strength and defense are completely different. After all, relying on external light to change the form is not as good as a warrior who specializes in tempering his body. This is not surprising to Ge Ying.

But he didn't intend to defeat Somu with strength, but just to buy enough time to wait for Shikali to defeat the Babar star.

Gai Ying held his hands in front of him, and the red energy in his palms gathered into a ring of flames, which then turned violently. The flame ring rotated rapidly with the movement, and a whirlpool of flames rushed straight towards Som.

Som still waved his fists up and down, and the flame fangs drew an arc in mid-air and gathered in the center, colliding with the flame vortex.

For a moment, the terrifying high temperature seemed to dry out the moisture in the air, and the refracted light was distorted. Seeing that the light remained evenly matched, Gai Ying suddenly increased the infusion of light energy.

The flame vortex expanded layer by layer, forcibly pushing back the two rays of light, one above and one below. Som, who was not good at light, watched helplessly as the flame vortex enveloped his entire body, and the heat seemed to penetrate the surface of the body and burn the inside.

Gai Ying was a little tired, and such a long period of energy output was a burden for him. Just as he was staring at the flame vortex with vigilance, a dark red figure suddenly broke through the flames and shot straight into the sky.

Before Shikari could defeat the Babars, Som chose to retreat. It was obvious that although he was not very clever, he was not stupid either. He concluded that it would be difficult to gain an advantage if he continued to stay.

Gai Ying turned to look at the Babar star, who immediately sensed something was wrong. His strength is inferior to that of Hikali, not to mention that there is a Geying who is ready to take action at any time.

Without any hesitation, he turned around and was about to fly into the sky. Gai Ying closed his fist with his left hand and punched out. The silver light fixed the Babar star's body that had just left the ground in place.

Shikari raised his left hand with understanding. As the thunder flashed, the knight's ray hit the Babar star's body impartially, completely blowing it to pieces.

Gai Ying stepped forward, and Hikali stretched out his hand to hold it. The two stood facing each other, and at the same time they turned into a ball of light and flew into space.

In the subspace filled with colorful lights, Hikali said with some worry: "A more terrifying darkness is approaching the earth, and Babar is probably just the beginning. Geying, you must be prepared."

Gai Ying nodded slightly: "I expected the attack of the Ampera aliens, but Abel is also approaching the earth rapidly. Even if the father of Ultra comes, I'm afraid it will be difficult to win."

Hikari said worriedly: "I heard the captain talk about the dark giant from another universe. Although I don't know how powerful he is, the evil and pure darkness is by no means inferior to the Ampera people."

"This is what I'm most worried about. If the two of them choose to cooperate, the Earth may be in danger. I'm afraid the Kingdom of Light won't be able to mobilize combat power to support the Earth, right?"

"Yes, there are ten Impelezas on the frontal battlefield. If it weren't for the Ultra Warriors' extremely fast energy recovery in the universe, I'm afraid the Ultra Brothers wouldn't be able to withstand such a high-intensity battle."

What Hikali said is indeed true. The war between the two major forces cannot be a small fight between a few aliens and Ultraman. The Ultra Brothers can take time to help Mebius only in the dark. When the Four Heavenly Kings leave the battlefield.

Gai Ying raised his hand and injected part of his light into Shikari's knightly aura and said: "The combination of the power of Ultra Warriors can often create miraculous effects. This light can also allow you to contact me telepathically at all times. .”

Hikari raised his hand and looked at the knight's aura for a day, and he could indeed feel a ball of extremely pure light energy: "I will report the situation on the earth to the captain, but I'm afraid I won't be able to obtain any more information."

Gai Ying nodded again: "No need, it's too dangerous to get information in this situation. You should return to the Kingdom of Light as soon as possible."

Hikali said no more and turned into a blue ball of light and left the alien space. Gai Ying's figure also gradually dissipated, and the alien space that lost its source of power soon shattered and disappeared.

In the combat command room, Maki Shuo sat next to Qishui, watching the chat between Mirai and Zheping. Even after so long, Zheping's interest in the Kingdom of Light has not weakened at all.

It can even be said that seeing the Kingdom of Light with his own eyes is one of his biggest wishes.

Maki Shuo took the cup of coffee handed over by Qi Shui, and drank half the cup in one breath, regardless of whether it was hot or not, before taking a breath and leaning on the chair.

Recently, his physical training has not decreased but increased, but it is not something that can be achieved overnight to really improve the physical fitness in Ultraman state.

It is very likely that both the Ampera and Abel have already arrived on Earth, and his level of strength is still pitifully small.

Once the combat effectiveness reaches the level of the Ultra Brothers, it will be very difficult to improve through training. If you do not count the blessings of power fusion and bonding hope, many Ultraman plots will be no more than the Ultra Brothers in the finale. level.

Zhen Mu Shuo's combat effectiveness at this time is definitely not bad, but it is still inferior to that of a truly strong person. Whether it's fighting, light skills or energy, he has reached the pinnacle of what he can currently achieve.

This battle has made him realize that it is difficult for the two forms to gain an advantage when encountering an enemy that specializes in one aspect, but...

If the light of Achilles and Hero are completely fused, can the basic combat power be raised to a level close to that of the Ampera aliens?

Qishui saw him thinking, so he didn't bother him. He just looked at the noisy combat command room quietly with a smile.

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