Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 156 The bond of connection

The successive heavy blows on his body had made Mebius' consciousness begin to blur. At this time, he seemed unable to raise his hand. Compared to the physical pain, the pain of being hurt by a loved one was even more difficult for him to accept.

Hiruchuan shrank back again and said matter-of-factly: "What Ultra Warrior is no match for me at all."

Jinguji Aya turned his head and said loudly with anger towards Hiruchuan and distress for the future in his eyes: "I told you, his body has already reached its limit!"

She stared closely at the struggling Membius, clenching her fists and loosening them weakly. Faced with a battle like this between gods, what can she do?

The Yapo man seemed to feel that it was not enough. He raised his hand and charged the gun on the ground with energy, and said to Hiruchuan: "I will give you a second chance. Raise the gun and shoot at Mebius, and I will allow you to do so." Live."

Hirukawa rushed forward without any hesitation, pushed Aya Jinguji away, grabbed the gun on the ground, and pulled the trigger one after another at Membius.

Continuous rays of light hit Mebius's chest, and the damage caused was almost negligible, but Mirai only felt a tearing pain in his heart, and for a moment he lost his will to fight.

"You see, Mebius, this is the inferior life you are trying your best to protect. Are you disappointed? If you are disappointed, just say it. No one here will blame you."

Membius did not answer, but his bright eyes seemed to dim a lot. Aboren's words and Hiruchuan's choice stung his heart severely. The Yabo people didn't give him any more time to think, and stepped on it hard.

Membius's consciousness fell silent, his body no longer resisted, and his eyes were extinguished as if he had died. The light in the consciousness space disappeared, and he only felt that he was falling in endless darkness.

The Phoenix Nest chasing the moon was disturbed by the strong magnetic field. Most of the machines stopped working and had to make an emergency landing on the earth.

Just when everyone was helpless, a strange voice sounded in Jinna's consciousness: "The weakness of the stone pillar is the red bump on the right side. If you destroy it, the magnetic field will disappear."...

Marina was stunned, then turned to look at Shisui and said: "Captain, I heard a voice just now. He told me that the magnetic field generator of the stone pillar is in the raised red part on the right side. As long as it is destroyed..."

Aihara Ryu looked around, and the team members around him looked confused. He hesitated: "Are you sure it's not an auditory hallucination? We didn't hear that sound."

Zhenna was silent for a moment, then nodded firmly and said: "I believe that is our partner."

Sadaharu also said hesitantly: "But what if it is a trap..."

Qishui stood up and patted Sadaharu on the shoulder, and said gently: "We have no other way now, right? Just act according to what Jina heard."

Everyone looked at each other and saw the desperate determination in each other's eyes, and responded in unison: "Gig!"

The three Speedsters flew away from the Phoenix Nest and flew towards the stone pillar not far away. Marina's finger has stopped on the launch button, and she will destroy it immediately as soon as she confirms the target.

The ground of the moon suddenly trembled violently, and a huge super beast with scarlet eyes emerged from the ground and let out a silent roar.

Zheping in the Phoenix Nest blurted out in surprise: "Lunaticus! This is the super beast that destroyed the lunar civilization!"

No matter how much Aya Jinguji called, Membius still did not stand up again. It seemed that he had completely lost his light and the miracle would never happen again.

The sarcasm of Abo continued, he knew how strong Ultraman's vitality was, and the current Membius was definitely not completely dead.

"Look, Mebius, you can't even fight without guys. Compared to your brothers, you are just an incompetent Ultra warrior."

"Yeah, I... can't even fight..." Such a voice echoed in the space of consciousness, and endless fatigue overwhelmed him like a tide, as if he was about to sink to the bottom of the water.

A familiar voice suddenly sounded in his conscious space: "Mebius, you are not alone!"

After falling into silence, Membius regained consciousness for a moment, struggled to stay awake, and called out in surprise: "Brother Ace!"

Beidou Xingsi nodded and continued: "Even if you are not around, you should be able to feel that the hot hearts of our partners who are fighting hard for victory will never be blocked by distance."

He put his hand on his heart and said sincerely: "Even if we can't fight side by side, her will will always be in my heart. We will always be together and fight for the common goal."

Membius recalled the guys' friends and seemed to really see them fighting hard. Everything in the past emerged in my heart, and the warm light dispelled the darkness again.

Mebius, who fell to the ground without making a sound, suddenly lit up his eyes, and his strong will allowed him to stand up again despite his seriously injured body. The blazing flame ignited all the light particles, erupting with terrifying energy.

The Yabo man raised his hand in disbelief: "How could it be? Your strength has obviously been almost exhausted. How can you still stand up again?"

The red light on Membius's chest was still flashing, but he said to Yabo with great determination: "You are wrong, Yabo. I am not fighting alone, my heart is always connected with my friends!"

The power burning in his body made him exceed the strength he had ever possessed at this moment. The series of punches made the Yabo man retreat continuously, and then he punched two sideways punches together, knocking the Yabo man back dozens of meters.

While fighting the Gaiying killer, Gaiying was distracted and relied on his telekinesis to break through the obstacles in different dimensions. He finally breathed a sigh of relief, and his originally eager fighting style became calm again.

"Come on, no matter how similar the imitation is, it will still be a fake after all."

The prismatic green part of the Shadow Killer's chest suddenly flashed a few times, switching to red light, and his green eyes also turned red.

The Gaiying killer, who was originally on par with Gaiying, suddenly experienced a surge in energy at this moment. A huge burst of dark energy blew up Gaiying, who was flying forward. He rolled several times in space before stabilizing.

"So it turns out that the monster that relied on Abel's dark aura captured my data?"

Gai Ying felt a little bored in his heart. The darkness in Albert's body was really looking for trouble for him endlessly. This perseverance was as if Gai Ying had once wiped out his entire clan.

He spread his arms and flew to the left. The Shadow Killer actually took the lead in teleporting and appeared in front of him, kicking him back to his original position.

Gai Ying, who was always on guard, crossed his arms to block the kick. His arms were slightly numb, and he immediately concluded in his heart that the opponent's strength was nearly one-third greater.

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