After much deliberation, he couldn't find a reasonable answer. Maki Shuo could only blame it on this being a real world where any accident is possible.

Think about it, since it exists, how can it develop according to the script?

He suddenly became curious about the earth in this world. The more reason was that he had nowhere to go. He couldn't let Mebius send him to the Kingdom of Light.

"Mebius, take me to Earth with you."

Hibino Mirai agreed without hesitation, and did not even question why Maki Shuki, as a senior, did not transform himself.

This child... is simply heart-wrenching.

The aura of Mebius on Hibino Mirai's raised arm bloomed with light, turning into a red and silver giant more than fifty meters tall.

But at this time, Mebius was still weak, and the red light kept flashing.

Then a more intense golden light was revealed, and Mebius turned his body into a ball of pure light energy, wrapped Maki Shuo inside, and broke through the planet's atmosphere at extremely high speed and flew towards the earth.

After entering the universe, he could absorb light energy without any hindrance, and the sound of the red light slowed down a little.

The rest of the journey was extremely smooth without any accidents. When the blue planet appeared in the field of vision, Maki Shuo felt a little upset.

Although this is not his hometown, it is still the earth, and there are still his compatriots on it.

The light energy transformed by Mebius carried Maki Shuki and fell towards the ground at a very fast speed, condensing Hibino Mirai's figure on the ground.

He held the red balloon he caught in mid-air, and with a sunny smile he bent down to look at the little girl who had lost the balloon.

"for you!"

The little girl ran towards the future with an innocent smile on her face and politely thanked her.

"Thank you."

Hibino Mirai stood up straight and repeated in a low voice.


However, Shui Maki was not optimistic. He was familiar with the plot and knew that the iron-slaying monster Emperor Nozolu was about to come to the city, and the guys' attacking troops would be completely annihilated.

And that innocent and kind little girl may lose her life in this crisis.

Looking at the busy crowds around, Zhen Mu Shuo's heart felt heavy, but he couldn't do anything.

Even if he could feel light particles for unknown reasons, which seemed to strengthen his body, he could only fight some of the weakest small space beings at his own expense, and was powerless against monsters tens of meters tall.

He looked at the future next to him and apologized secretly in his heart.

Sorry, in the future, I can only interrupt your fateful encounter with the dragon.

But then he frowned again. He remembered that Hibino Mirai was fighting Bogaru's human form when Dinozoru came to Earth, so he did not join the battle immediately.

If he persuades Hibino to face Dinozoru in the future, Bogaru will have to rely on himself to hold him back.

He wanted to take a step forward and ask Mebius to stop Dinozoru from the earth, but his body refused to obey him.

He was trembling. The previous scene of facing the monster overlapped with the fact that it was about to happen, and fear enveloped his entire body.

He didn't dare to face Dinozoru, nor did he dare to face Bogaru.

No matter how hard he convinced himself in his heart, he used the Ultra Warrior as an example to warn himself that the greater the ability to keep repeating, the greater the responsibility.

But the fear of the more powerful life instinct still made him tremble. Membius had protected him before, but Membius was about to be dragged down by Dinozoru.

This time, no one could save him.

Warm light appeared next to him, tapping his shoulder, and Hibino Mirai's voice reached his ears, and he turned his head.

"Senior, what's wrong?"

Perhaps due to unknown energy transformation, he could see Hibino's future body in his eyes, a human-sized Mebius.

The light particles silently soothed his panicked and frightened heart, gradually calming down Zhen Mu Shuo.

He pointed to the sky and tried to make his voice firmer.

"Mebius, the monster named Dinozoru is flying towards the earth. We cannot let him cause destruction on the earth and intercept him in the universe!"...

Mirai's eyes narrowed, and Ultra's vision in the human body was greatly weakened, but he still captured Dinozoru, who was attacking the earth.

He raised his left hand, Mambim's aura appeared on his forearm, and answered loudly.


His right hand traced Menbeam's breath, and the light particles filled his body and instantly turned him into a ray of light and flew towards the universe.

Maki Shuo tried his best to calm down his mood, make himself appear firmer, and murmured like a self-hypnosis.

"I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid at all."

As if these words really gave him some confidence, he ran hard towards the place where Mirai and Long met for the first time in the original work.

If he remembered correctly, that was where Bhagaru first appeared.

Perhaps due to the previous delay, Maki Shuo did not see the dragon when he arrived, but the figure in white in the forest was instantly captured by his superhuman sight.


Every cell in his body told him that he was in extreme danger, but thinking about Mebius who was fighting a desperate battle with a monster in the universe, he gritted his teeth and looked directly at the opponent.

This is a real world, and accidents may occur at any time. Mebius is just a novice, and it is entirely possible that he will lose to Dinozoru.

If Bogaru is allowed to free up his hands to grow to a huge size, the first episode of Membius will probably be over.

Bogaru stuck out his sticky tongue, licked it around his lips, and stared at Maki Shuo with undisguised greed.

Maki Shuo, who contains unknown energy, is far more "delicious" than the people on Earth, and should be on his diet.

But at this time, another feast was gradually approaching. Bogaru dodged and turned into an afterimage and moved away from here at high speed.

Zhen Mu Shuo stared at the retreating figure and ran away. But after all, he is just an enhanced human being who can only hang far behind.

As if he was tired of the bugs chasing after him, Bogaru finally stopped his high-speed movement and gave Maki Shuo a weird smile.

The invisible power of thought spread, and more than a dozen fist-sized rocks floated, attacking Maki Shuo at a speed invisible to the human eye.

But Maki Shuo had already made an evasive action the moment the stone floated. More than a dozen rocks instantly sank into the boulders behind him, and the stone as tall as a person suddenly shattered.

It's even more exaggerated than the original work.

Maki Shuo subconsciously imagined the plot of the TV show and compared it with the current scene.

Both his speed and strength were superior to those in the show, which inevitably made him feel a sense of urgency.

Bogaru also seemed surprised that Maki Shuo dodged his attack, and finally paid more attention to the side dish in front of him, ready to attack.


Along with the loud noise of falling, the ground shook violently. Zhen Mu Shuo stood firm and looked forward. Bogaru had disappeared.

Maki Shuo, who was surviving the disaster, relaxed and took a deep breath. He looked back at the source of the shock. The huge silver-red figure fell to the ground, clutching his chest in pain and unable to get up.

In the battle in space, Menbius actually came up short. Being dissatisfied with his energy, it was indeed difficult for him to face Dinozolu, but Membius still faced the difficulty without hesitation.

Dinozoru then landed on the ground, and the tongue-like blue filaments struck at Mebius with terrifying cutting power.

Membius reluctantly got up and rolled to hide behind the building. The aftermath of the attack cut the reinforced concrete building into pieces.

After the smoke dispersed, Mebius stood up again. The colored timer on his chest changed from blue to red, and the rapid beeping gave everyone a sense of urgency and uneasiness.

Zhen Mu Shuo quietly clenched her fists and stared at the battlefield.

"There's no time, Mebius."

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