Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 240 Three-Party Reaction

The communicator left by Koichi Koshizaki suddenly automatically switched to the playback interface. An extremely strong signal source invaded the line and broadcast the conversation between Fujii Takihiko and the United Fleet to all mankind.

Watching the pictures flashing on the screen one by one, both Maki Naka and Nemoto Amaterasu fell silent. Played at three times the speed, the human research and dissection of aliens still looked extremely bloody.

Not to mention ordinary people, even many soldiers who have participated in the war find it difficult to accept such a scene. Not to mention that the other party has not committed any criminal acts at all. Even if the other party is really a soldier, at most he will die in battle.

Thinking about it from another perspective, who would want to come to another planet with the intention of peace, only to have endless experiments and research waiting for you?

Before the combined fleet stationed in space launched an attack, an uproar began within the human race. For a time, there was an overwhelming amount of comments on the Internet, pointing the finger at the defense force, asking EPU to take responsibility for this incident.

As one of the initiators of the incident, the senior hawks, Staff Officer Yingshan, sat quietly in the office with no intention of coming forward.

In the dark research institute, aliens were thrown into the reservoir one after another, sinking into the dark water and disappearing. The churning bubbles made the water surface more and more restless, as if something huge was about to break out of the water.

"The first experiment has begun. Vital signs are normal. Energy extraction is complete and the injection is in progress."

A mechanical electronic sound sounded, and a slender tube was connected to the body of the comatose Raichulan star.

The dark liquid was injected into the body along with the pipe. The strong stimulation made the originally unconscious Raichulan star tense up instantly, and the body bound by the alloy iron ring on the experimental table struggled crazily.

The researcher, whose entire face was covered with blue-gray fish scales, frowned and said to the fishman beside him: "Let him be quiet and don't affect the experimental data."

The two murlocs didn't answer, they just raised their fingers, stretched out their five fingers and turned into tentacles, binding the Lei Qiulan star tightly to the experimental table.

His body, which was considered weird for humans, was constantly shaking, as if he was suffering from extremely intense pain.

This injection only lasted for more than ten seconds, and the Lei Qiulan star stopped struggling and lay motionless on the experimental table. The researcher in front of the computer raised his head and said without any emotion in his words.

"The experiment failed and the target is dead."

The researcher standing in front of the experimental table waved his hand, and the two fishmen lifted up the body of the Raichulan star and threw it into the reservoir.

"Reduce the energy by half and try again. We overestimated the cosmic people's resistance to God's energy."


Even the researchers with the least alienated characteristics on their bodies have no fluctuations in such a torturous death method. Life is no longer a treasure worth cherishing for them.

"The second experiment begins, vital signs are normal, energy injection is reduced by half, and the injection is in progress."

The Badan star who was also in a coma was lifted out and placed on the experimental table. The tube was connected to the back of the head. The black liquid was drawn out of the reservoir and meandered towards the target this time.

The comatose Badan star seemed to have noticed something, and his body began to tremble subconsciously. The moment he came into contact with the black liquid, he struggled with all his strength as if he were touching lava.

Just when several murlocs and researchers were not too alert, the Badan man on the experimental table suddenly broke free from the alloy handcuffs and rushed towards the nearest researcher.

He had a good idea and held important researchers here hostage to force them to let him leave. But when he put his hand on the researcher's neck, what he felt was not a weak neck, but cold scales.

The eyes of the researcher, who was still maintaining a human posture, lit up red, and blue-gray fish scales grew rapidly until they spread all over his body.

The chief researcher said calmly: "The second experiment failed, let's get rid of him."

The "held" researcher nodded, grabbed the Badan star with his backhand, turned his head more than a hundred degrees, opened his mouth full of sharp teeth, and hit the badan star man's head with a blue-gray energy bomb.

After a brief tremor, he dragged the lifeless body and repeated the previous actions, throwing it into the reservoir that was mostly filled with dark liquid.

The chief researcher shook his head again, seeming a little regretful, but his face reflected a metallic luster without any expression.

"The second experiment failed. People in different universes have different tolerances for God's energy."

The fishman on the side shook his head and said: "We don't have many experimental subjects anymore. Early research consumed a large number of cosmic people, and there are almost no cosmic people of the same type as experimental subjects."

"Aren't there thousands of experimental subjects above us?" The chief researcher took out the communicator, and when the scales on his body faded away and he returned to his human form, he clicked on the information sent by the United Fleet.

"Can we deep divers also join in for revenge?" The fishman on the side looked like he was thinking, and the sound of the sharp teeth clashing between the opening and closing of his mouth was extremely frightening.

"Find a spaceship left behind by an alien that is not in the United Fleet, and partially modify its appearance."


"What did you say? You won't interfere?" Yuezaki said in disbelief. He could not imagine what kind of damage such a huge fleet would cause on the earth.

"But you... you are Ultra Warriors? How can you just sit back and watch?"

Nemoto Tianming shook his head and said: "As alien lifeforms, we will not interfere with the choices of native lifeforms. They are not here to invade, but to take revenge. Humans themselves must bear the consequences of what they do."

Maki Nakaya shrugged: "If every time their mistakes are solved by Ultra Warriors, who will care if they make mistakes? Even if you ask your brother, he will not choose to intervene."

Yue Qilang lowered his head and fell silent, speechless. This is indeed a bitter fruit planted by humans themselves, so how can they expect Ultraman to take responsibility for them?

But Tianming suddenly said again: "Unless..."

Yue Qilang raised his head sharply, as if he had grasped the last straw: "Unless what?"

"Unless you can prove that the cosmic beings attacking Earth are not out for revenge, but for aggression. Only in such a war can we possibly intervene."

Rō Koshizaki's face froze with excitement. He had no doubt that there were aliens in the United Fleet trying to take advantage of the troubled waters to attack the Earth. But if he said that all the people in the universe are trying to invade the earth, he is not sure at all.

Gen Tianming patted his shoulder: "I also want to help, but if it doesn't work, it just won't work. Ultra warriors can't act arbitrarily according to their own moods. The more powerful you are, the impact of your words and deeds will be limited." The bigger.”


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