Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 244 The deep diver who turns into darkness

There was a loud explosion, and black smoke billowed in, swallowing up all three alienated cosmonauts, and ignited a large area of ​​trees.

The crackling flames licked their bodies, leaving patches of scorched black. The three more completely alienated cosmic beings stood up again, as if they couldn't feel any pain.

Their original characteristics have become increasingly rare due to alienation, and their identities can only be distinguished by their body shape. But Albert didn't care what the three cosmic beings on the opposite side looked like. He only knew that they were enemies.

In the billowing smoke, four huge bodies moved and rushed toward each other. Every step they took caused the ground to tremble, shaking up countless dirt and gravel.

Abel bent down to avoid the oncoming punch, blocked the grabbing hand on the right with his left hand, raised his right leg and kicked the alienated Magma star in the abdomen.

The alienated Ikars star's punch missed, and before he could take it back, Abel's fist had already hit his chest.

Attacks containing huge light energy greatly enhance the power of fighting skills. Although most of his lights are similar to those of Gai Ying and Diga, Ai Bo is not very good at light.

To create the same effect through light, he needs to expend more energy than Gaiying and Diga. Therefore, his fighting methods are different. Able is better at using light energy-blessed fighting to achieve the power of killing.

Several consecutive punches caused some dents in Alienated Ikars's lower body, but he didn't feel any pain and still punched Albert.

Amber quickly retracted his legs, stood firm, and took a few steps back. His arms lit up with silver light, and he pulled the alienated Zarrab man in front of him.

The punch of the alienated Ikars star hit the chest of the alienated Zarrab star, causing large sparks to hit the scales. Attacks from two directions were instantly neutralized.

In the short time it took for the alienated Magma star to stabilize his body and rush forward again, a crescent-like red light blade extended from Abel's right forearm, and his body turned into an afterimage and disappeared.

While moving at high speed, silver shadows kept passing by the three alienated cosmonauts, followed by a wound that looked like a sharp blade cutting somewhere.

Even in his weak state, Ai Bo cannot be defeated by three cosmic beings who are not very strong among their own tribe.

The originally smooth movements suddenly deviated, and the light blade that was supposed to hit the alienated Ikars star's chest slightly deflected, leaving a half-cut wound on his arm.

Albert, who was moving at high speed, was also forced to stop and staggered to stand still. The jewel-like colored timer on his chest also changed from blue to flashing red at this time.

It's not that there's a lack of energy, or that he's been hurt in any way. Albert, who had just escaped from Ketruf's possession, was extremely weak, just like a human being recovering from a serious illness.

His body remained frozen in place for less than a second, then he resisted the feeling of weakness and turned around, crossed his arms forward, clenched his fists and retracted them to his waist, then raised them to both sides, forming an L shape.

The red linear light swept over the three alienated cosmonauts who were kneeling on the ground with scars. With a deafening sound, the fireball with a diameter of nearly a hundred meters rapidly expanded.

Albert didn't have any intention of looking back. He jumped up and stretched his arms out, and shot straight towards the sky. His condition was no longer enough to maintain Ultraman's posture, so he had no choice but to return to his human form as soon as possible.

Maki Zhong was holding a tree that was scorched by the high temperature, his face was a little pale and he bent over and panted violently. He was now like a person recovering from a serious illness who had just run a marathon and found it difficult to even stay standing.

But he still gritted his teeth and walked towards EPU's base. If there was a fleet invasion next, it would be difficult to cope with it alone.

The Crete stopped in the garage of the Japanese branch base with a harsh brake sound. Fujii Takihiko took a deep breath, opened the door and walked out.

He took off the communicator embedded in his helmet, took out the seal the director gave him, and connected with the communicator.

A new interface pops up automatically. Every instruction issued on this interface represents the director's decision, and he has almost absolute power in the Japanese branch.

But Fujii Takihiko also understands that the director is sitting in the office now. If he really issues any arbitrary orders, they will be revoked immediately.

He glanced at Tianming, who seemed to feel a lot more at ease with the presence of the Ultra Warriors, and then edited the order to capture the senior hawks on the interface.

This seemingly empty base was automatically blocked in an instant, and every road to the outside world was completely closed. The communicators of everyone on the order list lost all power at this moment.

Heavily armed guards were quickly dispatched to guard all possible escape entrances. The entire base entered a state of martial law in just ten seconds. Fujii Takihiko took the lead in opening the elevator with a communicator and pressed the button for the sixth floor.

On the way up, Fujii Takihiko suddenly turned his head and glanced at Nemoto Tianming and said, "Do you think you can catch them all this time?"

Ji Tianming shook his head without any hesitation: "It is already difficult to drive them out of the branch. If it were me, there would be countless ways to escape in this situation. It would not be difficult to even completely destroy the base."

The elevator opened, and Gen Tianming's eyes scanned the surrounding layout. Last time he was an infiltrator, but this time he walked in openly. He said half as a reminder and half as a guess.

"What if they summon monsters here, or become giant?"

Fujii Takihiko's face was a little gloomy. What Tianming said was completely true. Even if they were fighting outside, they lacked the ability to destroy huge creatures, let alone inside the base.

Unless they are willing to blow up the entire base at all costs and die together, the best result is that the entire army will be annihilated.

Gentian Tianming shrugged, and his mind spread towards the aura he noticed last time, but except for some residual energy, all the rooms were empty, and people had already left them.

"It looks like there's no need to search anymore. Everyone who needs to run away has already run away."

He gave up continuing to explore, and his tense body relaxed slightly. It was undoubtedly a good thing not to have to fight in the base anymore, but losing the whereabouts of the Deep Diver made him feel a little uneasy.

The scariest thing is always the unknown. The other party knows everything about epu, but they know very little about the other party. The gap caused by different information gaps is extremely huge.

Fujii Takihiko also breathed a sigh of relief, not sure whether he was happy or disappointed. Everything was as Nemoto Tianming said. There was no trace of a deep diver in the entire base, only some water stains and falling off blue-gray scales.


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