Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 275 The monster that swallows everything

"How can you be sure that the inherent impression I gave you in battle is my true fighting ability?"

Zhen Mu Shuo had no intention of continuing to attack, but backed away again, saying helplessly.

"Don't just limit your attention to one battle. Just like a few times before, I left you with the impression that I like to use feints to test, so you naturally thought that this time was also a feint."

Koshizaki was silent for a moment, Maki Shuo was absolutely right. He did regard feinting as Maki Shuo's most commonly used method, so he still subconsciously thought that this punch was also a feint.

But this punch broke through his defense so easily and hit him. If it was a real battle, maybe he would be dead by now.

Just when he was hit hard in the abdomen and couldn't stay flexible, Maki Shuo had countless opportunities to easily kill him.

There are so many enemies like you.

He silently complained in his mind that even though he had the motivation to do it and had to do it, he still felt a little tired, like a student facing vacation homework.

Your parents tell you to take you out to play after you finish writing, and your teacher tells you that you will be punished if you fail to hand it in at the beginning of school. But you don’t want to write or you don’t want to write, there’s no way to change that.

"Most of the people you face now are just monsters. If they were spacemen who were good at fighting, would you still be able to fight so easily?"

Maki Shuo said seriously, on the battlefield, you can never fight with the idea of ​​luck. Placing hope on the enemy's mistakes is tantamount to making a bet with one's own life with no chance of winning.

Koshizakiro nodded, his expression more serious. Maki Shuo didn't say anything more. The two of them raised their hands in exactly the same starting position.

In the distant space, a huge meteorite is rapidly approaching the earth. EPU has noticed the trajectory of this meteorite very early, and the attack satellite in outer space is slowly turning its muzzle.

Several red beams were launched from different directions, hitting the flying meteorite one after another. The attack, which was enough to destroy a small island, only caused a circle of ripples on the surface of the meteorite and then disappeared.

"Interception failed, interception failed."

A hurried male voice sounded, and the captain of the space defense team said quickly: "Predict the crash location and contact the local EPU branch. There is something wrong with this meteorite!"


There has been no abnormal situation for a long time, and the Storm team also has some leisure time after a long absence. Harada Hiroki is calling his family, and Iwata Eikei is still meticulously checking the energy display of the entire Japan.

Jingzi Jingyuan pressed the earphones, and a strange voice sounded inside.

"Japanese branch, Japanese branch, please reply when you receive it. This is the Space Defense Force. A strange meteorite broke through our blockade and fell towards the K3 area."

When the second sentence sounded, Imoto Kyoko had already turned her voice to the outside.

Harada Hiroki said a few words in a hurry and hung up the phone, while Fujii Takihiko said: "Bring up the information."

Jingyuan Jingzi nodded quickly and said: "Understood!"

On the screen, the video interface was called up by Jingzi Jingyuan and quickly enlarged to occupy the entire screen. All eyes were on the video, which showed a meteorite falling rapidly from space.

"The attack satellite's attack had no effect at all. It neither penetrated nor exploded. It was like the energy disappeared out of thin air."

Harada Hiroki said in disbelief. Originally, even if their attacks could hardly threaten the monsters, they would still produce small explosions or sparks. But this meteorite seemed to "swallow" the penetrating cannon, leaving only a ripple that quickly subsided.

"This meteorite...has a life response!"

Jingzi Jingyuan raised her head in disbelief and looked at the huge meteorite that was nearly 100 meters tall. Its shape is like the number 8 with two balls stacked on top of each other, without the irregular shape of meteorites.

"Is it a space monster?"

Fujii Takihiko turned his head and received a positive reply from Imoto Kyoko.

"It's a huge life reaction, definitely not a spaceship."

Iwata Eikei looked at the test results and said in disbelief: "How is this possible!"

Fujii Takihiko frowned. With Iwata Eikei's character, he would never lose his temper easily, but he still said calmly: "What's wrong?"

"Such an energy reaction...if it exploded on the earth, it would be enough to engulf the entire Japan...or even more!"

Fujii Takihiko took a deep breath to calm down his fear, but still managed to maintain his calmness and said: "Team Storm, move out. Try to intercept it in mid-air as much as possible, and never let it explode on the earth."

Several people stood at attention and saluted at the same time: "Understood."

The door of the combat command room opened automatically, and the three of them ran to the hangar one after another. Iwata Eikei said: "You two are driving the modified No. 1 unit, and I am driving the No. 2 unit."

Harada Hiroki and Imoto Kyoko nodded at the same time, followed the passage to the cockpit, and the lid above their heads slowly closed. The surrounding staff quickly moved away, and the fighter jet slowly pushed towards the launch track.

Nemoto Tianming, Maki Naka and Maki Shuo noticed the huge energy approaching rapidly at the same time, and looked up at the sky.

Koshizaki suddenly opened his eyes, turned to look at Kazuya Akutagawa, who was still in the hospital bed, and thought of the huge energy that he could sense with the help of Shuki Maki's mind. He hesitated for a moment, but still chose to push the door open and go out.

Cyclone 1 and Cyclone 2 crossed the sky one after another, rising rapidly and flying towards the space monster that was about to fall.

"Target is within range."

In Iwata Eikei's helmet, Kyoko Imoto's report sounded. He tightened his grip on the joystick in his hand and stared at the huge black monster that was gradually approaching.

"Launch it, and try to detonate it in mid-air."

While giving the order, the thumb of his right hand also pressed heavily on the launch button. Under the fighter plane, two red lasers were fired, and two blue lasers were also fired from the edge of the wings.

Kyoko Imoto and Eikei Iwata pressed the launch button almost at the same time, and eight lasers hit the black sphere in front of them.

The space rippled again, like an invisible mouth that swallowed up all the attacks without leaving any trace.

"The energy in that guy's body is still growing?"

Iwata Eikei looked at the energy detection on the screen. Although the increase was extremely small, after their attacks disappeared, the opponent's energy did increase a bit.

"Don't use lasers, pure energy attacks will be absorbed, try missiles."

The belly of the machine was opened, the launcher extended outwards, and the four missiles left a winding trajectory in mid-air and hit the black sphere in four directions.

The circle of ripples appeared again, there was no explosion, and the opponent was not injured. The missile just disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

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