Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 344 The power contained in human beings

As the shadow covered in energy and flames collided with Gaemog, terrifying light particles completely exploded. The huge explosion almost swallowed up most of Gaemog's body, and the spark prism gun was thrown out while spinning, and was inserted into the ground with a soft hiss.

Before the flames set off by the explosion dissipated, Gai Ying was the first to break through the smoke and fly out.

The moment he let go of the spark prism gun, he quickly crossed his arms in front of his chest. The blow was indeed blocked, but the terrifying force that he couldn't resist still made him fly hundreds of meters in mid-air before he stabilized. Come down.

At this time, the explosion caused by the skill modified from the Ultra Bomb gradually dissipated. The unharmed Gaemog appeared in front of Koshizaki Rō again, but Maki Shukaku was not surprised at all.

After confirming the opponent's identity, he regarded him as a powerful enemy at the Gatan level. After facing Gatan in person, he understood that this guy was by no means as weak as most people thought.

Maki Shuo once experienced the level of Galaxy Victory. If the ultimate form of the new generation is at this level, Gatan might even be able to penetrate six?

With such a disparity in strength, any resistance seems futile. The result of failure should have been doomed, but having witnessed the extremely warm light at the moment when the miracle bloomed, how could Shuo Maki give up?

"Lang, please release One Heart and One Body. If you continue like this, your body will not be able to bear it."

As the colored timer flashed faster and faster, Koshizaki felt a sharp pain in his arms, and then seemed to lose consciousness. He just tried to endure the severe pain in his chest without any intention of releasing the fusion.

"I can continue, I can continue, I can continue to fight."

No one encouraged him, no one supported him. No one may even know about the battle taking place in the realm, and his death will be silent and unknown to anyone.

Maybe after a few battles, someone will suddenly realize that the often-appearing shadow Ultraman is no longer standing in front of humans.

And people will only remember Gai Ying. Who would know that there is a Koshiro who disappears with Gai Ying?

All kinds of thoughts flashed through Yue Qilang's heart. The difference was that he no longer panicked and feared, but looked at everything calmly.

Recalling the timid and evasive version of himself when he first met Gai Ying, Koshizaki himself felt a little funny.

Facing the mountain-like evil god Gaemog, Koshizaki Rang actually laughed.

"Obviously it was only such a short time, but it seemed like a lifetime had passed."

"Now is not the time to lament. If we are not separated, your body will not be able to withstand such injuries..." Zhen Mu Shuo's urgent voice sounded.

"Gai Ying, you chose me and led me to a different life. But I will not always be the human body that needs you to be timid. I have the right to choose to fight with you."

Even though Gai Ying resisted a lot of power for him, and the injuries he suffered were far less than Gai Ying's own, as Yuesaki Lang opened his mouth, the smell of blood still spread in his mouth.

Maki Shukaku was silent for a moment. Although it was indeed the best choice in theory, he had indeed ignored Koshizaki Rō's feelings several times before.

"Once you are aware, there is no option to retreat."

In the space of consciousness, Maki Shuo's voice sounded again. Yuesaki Lang clenched his fists, and a brand new power burst out with the unprecedented synchronization of one person and one Ou.

The true power contained in Rō Koshizaki's body and the bond between them turned into firewood, igniting an incredible raging fire.

It is no longer a trick to imitate Ultra Bomb, but a brand new proof of friendship between humans and Ultra Warriors.

Flame-like red covered almost the entire body, and the silver lines formed a V shape on the abdomen. There was a silver line on each shoulder going down, and it was divided into two lines at the wrists, forming a prism-shaped red armor.

There are also two silver lines on the back, one on the left and one on the right, extending to the left and right sides of the calf, splitting into two lines, wrapping around the leg and meeting at the Achilles tendon.

Different from the power form, the shadow of this posture brings an overall improvement and greater physical exertion. In the case of a complete explosion of power, this posture has no fixed time limit.

As the power of thought covered it, the spark prism gun suddenly trembled, and after a few seconds it left the ground and automatically flew towards Gai Ying, where it was held by a silver palm.

In the center of the spear head, the energy core of the spark prism lights up, and golden lightning scatters around the energy core, just like the scene every time it transforms.

The golden stream of light rushed straight towards Gaemog along with the lightning. The huge energy fluctuation made Gaemog feel that he was about to be attacked before it hit.

A beam of light with an indescribable color was spit out from the mouth of the lizard-like head. The twisted and pure light collided in mid-air, and the ground that Gai Ying stepped on instantly shattered and sank.

Circles of energy ripples spread from where the light collides, and everything the ripples touch is shattered.

On the deserted, apocalyptic earth, the standing giant waved his spear at the evil god whose huge outline was vaguely visible in the air.

It was a scene worthy of a place in any mythology, but there was no third onlooker besides the two parties.

In the posture of bursting shadow, Maki Shuo can detect the abnormality more clearly. The "Gaemog" opposite was not what he thought it was, and it was not up to Gatan's level at all.

When the attack power is ten, it cannot break through the defense whether it is twenty or one hundred, but there is a huge difference between the two.

The Burst of Rosim Beam, accompanied by the explosion of light energy, suddenly overwhelmed the Chaos Beam, detonating the clone formed by Gaemog in his "body".

The terrifying beam carrying golden lightning penetrated the huge three-hundred-meter-long body of "Gaemog" and hit the edge of the field with continuous explosions.

The previous attack was like a slowly spreading ripple, but this time it was a clearly visible huge ripple, covering almost half of the earth within the domain space.

At the same time, ripples appeared out of thin air in the sky above Koshiro's residence, and Gaemog, the domain itself, appeared in people's eyes in that familiar posture.

Diga, who had tried several times to rescue Gai Ying, noticed the familiar breath of light at that moment, and released all the power in his body without hesitation.

A very faint golden light spread from the color timer and quickly spread all over the body, wrapping Diga's body in the shining golden light.

As his arms formed an L shape, the golden light accurately hit the location where the aura of light had just appeared.

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