Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 347: The Pigeon of the Smiler Planet (2)

Aura also did not make any promises as a representative of the Smiler planet. It seemed that the guests and hosts were enjoying themselves, but the progress was minimal.

Seeing Aura politely decline the invitation to stay and return to the spaceship under the beam, Fujii Takihiko breathed a sigh of relief. Although the other party claims to come with peaceful intentions, necessary vigilance is still required.

Thinking back on his meeting with Nemoto Amaterasu, it was hard not to be surprised even now.

Ultra warriors will also live on the earth as humans. Although they have the ability to easily obtain everything on the earth, they still choose to restrain their behavior.

If the Earth has any goals worthy of such a disguise, Fujii Takihiko may still be suspicious, but now the Earth can hardly give the other party any help.

No matter how unbelievable it was, he had to admit it. Ultraman really didn't ask for anything in return, he only chose to protect the earth based on his own will.

White pigeons flapped their wings in the sky and flew by. Yue Qilang held a bamboo sword in his hand and repeatedly performed vertical and horizontal slashes.

He was still too new to the use of the Spark Prism Sword, and it would take a long time to practice well if he wanted to use the weapon sent by Hikali.

Nemoto Tianming was leaning against the tree with his arms folded and watching. As the first person to use the modified spark prism, even though it was only a semi-finished product, his swordsmanship was still far superior to Sakiro.

"Is this practice really useful?" Koshizaki gasped and paused for a moment. For some reason, he vaguely felt that his body that evolved under the influence of light energy seemed to have failed.

Originally, this level of training was not too harsh, and he had a weightless bamboo sword in his hand, so he shouldn't have been so physically exhausted.

He vaguely guessed the reason, but did not ask Zhen Mu Shuo. In the face of successive battles, his body was like a balloon that was constantly inflating and deflating. As more and more holes appeared, the strengthening and repairing of light particles began to fail to keep up.

"What you need now is to be thoroughly familiar with these movements so that you can react subconsciously during battle. Only after you are familiar with the use of the sword can you start practicing more difficult sword skills."

Koshizaki nodded, rubbing the bamboo sword repeatedly in his palms as he swung it, causing his extraordinary body surface to turn red.

"I really hope peace comes soon." Nemoto Tianming sighed, looking at Koshizaki who continued to train, and recalled the answer given by the determined young man not long ago.

He also knew that Rō Koshizaki's health might not be as optimistic as it seemed, and he even planned to share the workload between him and Nakata Maki for the next battle.

But Koshizaki just told him with a smile: "We can't always rely on the power of the Ultra Warriors. After our predecessors leave the earth, the earth will eventually have to be protected by our own hands."

Since ordinary people with nothing special can get on a fighter plane and risk death to fight monsters, why can't he?

Tianming didn't respond to that sentence at all. He respected Koshizaki Rō's own choice. Didn't Maki Shuki force Koshizaki Rō to do anything again?

A swarm of white doves flapped their wings and landed, pecking at the crumbs scattered on the ground. Except for the sound of the gentle breeze blowing the leaves, the surroundings were quiet.

Rather than fighting desperately with the expectations and responsibilities of countless people, having such a quiet and stable life every day in the future is the life that Yuesakiro wants.

Just like people in school always dream about entering society in the future and living peacefully every day in their favorite positions, but society always tells them that such things only exist in dreams.

The same was true for Rō Koshizaki. He had also longed for that kind of power. When he looked up at the starry sky, he also had the fantasy of soaring into the sky to see what the stars looked like.

But the facts told him that unless he could be ruthless enough to watch his homeland and his kind being slaughtered by monsters or cosmic beings, this power would never be as glorious as he thought.

The red sunset surrounded the central sun. Koshizaki put down the bamboo sword in his hand. The place where he rubbed it repeatedly still hurt, but it was much worse than the pain in the battle.

Nemoto Tianming clapped his hands and said, "That's it for today's training. I'm afraid enemies will appear more frequently, so be prepared."

Koshizaki nodded, then inserted the bamboo sword into the ground diagonally, and the two of them stepped out of the woods one after another.

This is the forest where Koshizakiro hid when he first left home with Nemoto Amaterasu. It was also a very important place where he truly began to transform into an Ultra Warrior.

A few hours passed by in a blink of an eye, and it was already the morning of the next day. Harada Hiroki, who had been working the night shift, yawned and rubbed his eyes. Although he was a little sleepy, he still did not leave.

Today is the second meeting between Planet Smiler and the people on Earth. The Storm team, which is short of players, cannot spare any rest time for anyone.

The door to the combat command room opened automatically, and Fujii Takihiko walked in first. It was just dawn, which was his usual working time.

"team leader."

Harada Hiroki said hello, feeling sleepy and couldn't help but yawned again. Fujii Takihiko sighed and wanted to let him rest, but no one could fill the vacancy.

Jingzi Jingyuan entered the combat command room only ten seconds late, and the three of them fell into silence. A few seconds later, Fujii Takihiko spoke first.

"Go and see the meeting arranged by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The vice-captain should already be there."

Harada Hiroki and Imoto Kyoko both nodded, and the combat command room that had just become lively quickly returned to silence.

Bright lights illuminated the entire room. Symbolic pastries and tea were placed on the rectangular table, and there was a white dove holding an olive branch in its mouth on the wall directly in front.

In the myth of Noah's Ark, it was a white dove that flew back to Noah's Ark with an olive branch in its mouth, allowing Noah to confirm that the flood had receded. .

Since then, the image of a white dove holding an olive branch has become a symbol of peace. But Imoto Kyoko didn't think so, and turned to Harada Hiroki.

"Do you think the Smilers really understand the symbol of peace on Earth? That is another civilization with completely different development."

Harada Hiroki was silent for a moment and then said with a smile: "It doesn't matter. Although the civilizations are different, the feelings will definitely be conveyed."

Iwata Eikei, who was looking at the venue layout, seemed to have heard their conversation, turned his head and strode to Takihiko Fujii. For some reason, he always had a hint of worry, but he still put aside his distracting thoughts.

"Captain, everything is normal at the scene, there is nothing abnormal. The only thing uncertain now is the Smiler planet."

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