Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 379 A gift spanning time and space

"If you need my light, I can just give you one."

Gai Ying's right palm covered the colored timer, and then he waved towards Hikali, and a beam of light fell into the knight's aura. Hikali raised his arm, took a look, shook his head and said.

"Not only this, there is something else I need to show you..."

Hikali hesitated for a moment, but still did not tell Gai Ying what it was. He just said: "Membius was silent for a long time after seeing it, and then he recovered a little as time passed."

Gai Ying had a bad premonition in his heart. He seemed to have guessed where the thing came from. He suddenly turned around and said, "Take me there now."

Hikali said no more, but turned around and stretched out his arms, flying in the direction of the Space Science and Technology Bureau. Gai Ying didn't care to say goodbye to Taylor, and quickly jumped into the air to catch up.

He chased the blue figure in front of him and finally landed in front of a huge empty room. Compared to the bustling scene of Ultra Arena with people coming and going, this place is much deserted.

Looking at the entire room, there were only two Ultra Warriors standing in front of the emerald green crystal. A Blue Ultra Warrior was carefully checking each locker. Next to him was an Ultra warrior with an Ultra antenna that looked somewhat similar to Taro.

"This is a place similar to a warehouse on Earth, storing cultural relics that are of extraordinary significance to the history of the Kingdom of Light."

Following Hikali's explanation, the Blue Ultra Warrior who was meticulously checking and sorting out also turned around and said gently.

"Director Hikali, and this Gai Ying?"

Hikali nodded and said: "Phyllis, that gift sent thousands of years ago..."

Phyllis glanced at the list in her hand, then took out a preservation capsule that fit in her hand and handed it over.

"It's for this."

Taiga beside him asked curiously: "What is stored in this capsule..."

Hikali stretched out a hand in front of Taiga and said seriously: "This is something very important to Gai Ying."

He knew that Gai Ying probably wouldn't mind letting Taiga know, but whether the other party would mind and whether Taiga had offended him were two different things.

"Taija?" Gai Ying was a little depressed, his eyes that emitted soft light never left the small storage capsule for a moment, but he still said, "If he wants to see it, it's okay."

It seems that nothing can be seen through the translucent material of the capsule. But it only takes a little concentration to spot the well-preserved gun in the capsule.

The size was completely disproportionate to the items used by the residents of the Kingdom of Light. Taiga stepped forward and stared at the capsule carefully, and asked doubtfully.

"What is this, a gun?"

"Tulaiga Gun..." Gai Ying's hand, which was extremely stable in battle, trembled slightly and took the preservation capsule.

Although he had guessed it, he was still a little sad when he actually saw the gun appear in front of him.

"Yes, thousands of years have passed, and all of you guys have already..."

He gently stroked the surface of the capsule, and the scenes of getting along with his friends in the guys flashed through his mind one by one.

Compared with the long and endless lifespan of Ultra Warriors, human beings' hundreds of years are just a blink of an eye. This extremely short moment in their lives is a human life.

He tried to steady his hands, opened the capsule and took out the gun. Although it is quite well preserved, due to material limitations, the gun body still looks a bit old.

"Although ideally, no matter where we are, our hearts are closely connected with our partners, the reality is always contrary to the ideal." Phyllis said softly.

In addition to his previous training, he also heard Mebius tell him about his experiences on Earth and those irreplaceable partners.

"Our partners on Earth used their meteor technology to travel across 3 million light-years and sent this gift. In order to preserve it well, it is better to put it in a capsule."

Gai Ying stood there without raising his head, just nodded blankly. Hikali sighed, controlled the power of ultra telekinesis to put the Tulaiga gun back into the capsule, and then clicked a few times on the controller equipped with the capsule.

The Tulaiga gun made the sound of a machine starting up. Under Shikari's operation, a staccato voice was amplified several times and sounded in the empty hall.

"Hey, can you hear me?"

"Hot-blooded idiot, this is not a real-time call!"

"When this gun... sizzle... the Kingdom of Light... us."

"Long time no see...Miss you..."

Although they were not complete words at all and were mixed with harsh noises, he could still recognize the voices of Ryuu, Marina, Teppei, Kizumi, and Captain Shimizu.

"Shuu... future... bond..."

The extremely strong and deep thoughts contained in those words were pinned on this little Tulaiga gun, which flew 3 million light-years in the universe.

By the time it arrived, the owner of the voice had already been dead for many years.

"Gai Ying..."

Hikali made a somewhat worried sound. Many years ago, when Membius first heard the sound left in Tulaiga's gun, he stood there blankly like this.

Even when he went on the mission to find the source of the alienated energy riot, Membius still seemed taciturn and less active than before. It wasn't until he saw Gai Ying that Mebius's always depressed mood improved.

"I'm fine, I just...miss them a little bit."

Gai Ying raised his head and spoke calmly, then took one last look at the capsule containing the Tulaiga Gun under the gazes of Shikari, Felice and Taiga, and then handed it back to Felice.

Although it is difficult to part with it, this is the most appropriate place to preserve this precious gift. It was impossible for him to carry the Tulaiga Gun with him all the time. Whether it was damaged in battle or lost maintenance and decayed over time, Gai Ying didn't want to see any of it.

"Let's go, Gai Ying, to meet Membius." Hikari looked at Phyllis who was storing the capsule again and Taiga who was following Phyllis, and said to Gai Ying.

Gai Ying still nodded silently. To him, only twenty years had passed, but thousands of years had passed in this universe.

Those friends who had not yet had a chance to meet again disappeared in the passage of time in just a blink of an eye.

The two figures walked out of the door, flew into the air again, and flew side by side towards the headquarters of the Space Guard. Gai Ying didn't even notice the scenery passing by on both sides, and just blindly followed Xikali's guidance and landed on the platform.

Four familiar Ultra warriors wearing red cloaks were standing there, and next to them was Mebius, whose appearance had hardly changed.

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