Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 412 Returning Home

Three square metal boxes were thrown out of the air base, completely stretched out during the fall, and turned into three fighter planes, flying towards the direction where Uqbar appeared.

The small town in the sky also appeared on the screen of the air base. Commander Shishi put his hands on the table and stared at the paradise that seemed to be dug out of a fairy tale.

"Staff Chiba, do you think such a world can really exist?"

Staff Officer Chiba shook his head: "I don't know, maybe in the infinite unknown of human beings, there really is such a fantasy-like world."

Team Lightning's lasers kept falling on the guardian beast called Rook by Nagata's old man, but apart from splattering with sparks, they only left a small black mark.

Even though he was attacked, Luke had no intention of counterattack or destruction. He just moved slowly and approached Nagata.

"The crowd has been evacuated. Luke's target is not the people who escaped. Let the Lightning team suspend the attack and prioritize investigating the aerial town code-named Uqbar."

Wo Meng said firmly, he wanted to give trust to a creature that he had never seen before, and he didn't even know whether it really existed. What really made him make up his mind was Maki Shuo who was present.

If Rook starts to destroy, it will be difficult for the Lightning team to stop it regardless of whether it attacks or not, but Maki Shui is completely different. He represents the giant of light that surpasses Gaia and Agur.

It may be difficult for people to accept, but this is the fact. In the face of increasingly powerful enemies, human beings seem increasingly powerless to deal with them.

Commander Shishi looked at my dream deeply, turned his head to face the screen, and said calmly: "Team Lightning, stop attacking."

Staff Officer Chiba suddenly turned his head and said: "But once that monster suddenly attacks..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Commander Shishi: "We must trust the judgment of our comrades. If we can't even trust our friends who are fighting side by side, who else can."

Staff Officer Chiba was silent for a moment, as if he was weighing his thoughts over and over again, but finally nodded. I Meng quietly clenched his fists and stared at the screen.

It was he who made the judgment that Rook had no intention of attacking. The commander's words could not be more clear. He was willing to trust the Ultra warriors fighting alongside them. I never wanted to betray this trust.

Nagata had an innocent smile on his face, as if he had abandoned all burdens and worries and returned to the happiest childhood. The old body burst out with the endurance and agility of a young man, and climbed a circle of stairs to the high platform.

"Rook! Rook!"

He called hard, and Luke responded with a whistle-like sound. When he stepped on the last floor of the stairs, there was already a person standing there, looking quietly at the approaching Luke.

"Is that Uqbal?"

As if aware of Nagata's approach, Maki Shuo raised his head and looked at the small town suspended in the air, surrounded by clouds. ..

Sensing that Maki Shuo's emotion was just pure curiosity, Old Man Nagata breathed a sigh of relief and raised his hand to point at the illusory town.

"Yes, this is it, Uqbar, I am finally going back."

He danced excitedly, as if he couldn't think of how to express the joy in his heart, and stammered: "That house is facing the direction of the rising sun. You can see the golden sunshine shining on you in the early morning."

"And there's that river. You can always see fish swimming in the river. I'm right by that river, and I can sit there all day without feeling irritated..."

Maki Shuo listened quietly, and he could see that Nagata had a sincere smile on his face that most people have lost now.

As he narrated, the energy fluctuations emanating from his body gradually became stronger and connected to Uqbar. In Maki Shuo's telepathy, the entire Uqbal was slightly changed by Nagata's words.

There is an additional house on the east side of the street, and a few more fish appear in the semicircular water mass surrounding the floating island. They swing their tails to a limited extent, leaving ripples on the water.

“Is this what ‘The City of Illusion’ is really about?”

Maki Shuo murmured to himself, not only Nagata, there are people all over the world exuding fluctuations similar to telepathy connected to Uqbar, and hundreds of people provide power for Luke's actions.

It is not a special building that exists in a different space at all, but the fantasy and nostalgia for hometown that countless people keep in mind in the ups and downs of life.

This is a city of miracles born from the inner sustenance of countless people, and a beautiful dream that exists in the minds of countless people. It does exist, but it is by no means a real town within reach.

Bricks and bricks composed of people's thoughts jointly constructed this "miracle" displayed in front of us. Everyone who has an untouchable homeland in their heart can be called a Uqbal.

Nagata looked at the huge creature that was so close and had stopped. He did not show any fear or panic, but instead waved his arms vigorously and shouted loudly.

"Rook! Rook!"

The constantly rotating semicircle on Luke's face emits a colorful light that is invisible to the naked eye, like a dream. Light enveloped Nagata, and his body began to slowly merge into the colorful light from bottom to top and disappeared.

As Nagata disappeared, Luke, who was standing on the spot, almost simultaneously turned into a mist-like colorful light from his feet and gradually disappeared.

Zhen Mu Shuo looked up and saw that the city in the clouds was gradually blurring, as if something had wiped away the color and gradually disappeared.

He did not try to stop Nagata. Going to the "hometown" deep in his heart may be Nagata's lifelong pursuit. He will live the way he wants in that illusory city.

"The monster...disappeared?"

In the combat command room, I Meng breathed a sigh of relief, and the suppressed curiosity in my heart rose again. I quickly tapped the keyboard with both hands to detect the energy reaction in the place where Luke disappeared.

Just like when they appeared, there was only a slight abnormality in the magnetic field. Other than that, there was no reaction at all. It was as if all of them were standing there, having a daydream together.

Behind Maki Shui, the panting Shoji climbed up and said intermittently: "Nagata... Where is Mr. Nagata?"

Zhen Mu Shuo smiled, looked at the rainbow rising in the sky at an unknown time, and said softly: "He went back to Uqbar."

"Uqbal? really...a man from the universe..." Shoji tried to calm his breathing and said in disbelief, but Maki Shuo didn't explain any more and turned around and walked down the stairs.

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